From moure at Mon Mar 4 00:48:53 1996 From: moure at (moure at Date: 04 Mar 1996 00:48:53 Subject: accion antimilitarista del dia 1 de Message-ID: ?Hola! Os mando la informacion de la accion que se hizo el dia 1 delante de la carcel de carabanchel. El dia 1 de marzo tuvo lugar una concentracion , a las 17:30, con el lema: carceles, centros de exterminio. Asistieron unas 200 personas. Se hizo una pintada en un muro que hay enfrente de la entrada de la prision. La pintada era una cara saliendo de entre unas rejas y debajo un mensaje, el lema de la concentracion. Durante la concentracion se leyo un comunicado que yo creo que esta expuesto ya. De todos modos, y por si no es asi, os lo mando. Es como sigue: ?La inmensa mayoria de la poblacion reclusa espa?ola pertenece a las clases sociales mas desfavorecidas social y economicamente. Mas de 12.000 personas han sido condenadas a muerte en las carceles al haber sido contagiadas de SIDA. El articulo 60 del reglamento pernitenciaio que les permitiria salir en libertad se deniega en la inmensa mayoria de los casos. Los malos tratos (torturas, palizas, vejaciones...) continuan siendo practica habitual, llegando incluso a asesinar a los presos: se han denunciado SEIS muertes en los dos ultimos a?os. Posiblemente hay muchas mas sin denunciar. Los jueces y fiscales son complices de esta siuacion por entorpecer las investigaciones. Actualemtne hay diligencias abiertas contra las carceles de Picassent (Valencia), Jaen, Almeria, Sevilla, Valladolid, Jerez, Daroca (Zaragoza). Las carceles tambien utilizan para la represion politica: en la actualidad hay mas de 300 insumisos presos. Todo esto demuestra que las carceles espa?olas son centros de exterminio para la poblacion ?prescindible?. Cuando se naos habla de defensa nacional esta claro que solo se refiere a la defensa de los privilegiados. A los excluidos no los defienden ni el ejercito ni el estado. Por ello, los/as antimilitaristas, frente a la defensa nacional, ejercemos la DEFENSA SOCIAL: la INSUMISION a los ej?rcitos, causantes de muerte, destruccion y dilapidacion economica, y la LUCHA por los derecho de los mas desfavorecidos.? Se aprovecho la ocasion para que cuatro insumisos en busca y captura se presentaran publ ?Hola! Os mando la informacion de la accion que se hizo el dia 1 delante de la carcel de carabanchel. El dia 1 de marzo tuvo lugar una concentracion , a las 17:30, con el lema: carceles, centros de exterminio. Asistieron unas 200 personas. Se hizo una pintada en un muro que hay enfrente de la entrada de la prision. La pintada era una cara saliendo de entre unas rejas y debajo un mensaje, el lema de la concentracion. Durante la concentracion se leyo un comunicado que yo creo que esta expuesto ya. De todos modos, y por si no es asi, os lo mando. Es como sigue: ?La inmensa mayoria de la poblacion reclusa espa?ola pertenece a las clases sociales mas desfavorecidas social y economicamente. Mas de 12.000 personas han sido condenadas a muerte en las carceles al haber sido contagiadas de SIDA. El articulo 60 del reglamento pernitenciaio que les permitiria salir en libertad se deniega en la inmensa mayoria de los casos. Los malos tratos (torturas, palizas, vejaciones...) continuan siendo practica habitual, llegando incluso a asesinar a los presos: se han denunciado SEIS muertes en los dos ultimos a?os. Posiblemente hay muchas mas sin denunciar. Los jueces y fiscales son complices de esta siuacion por entorpecer las investigaciones. Actualemtne hay diligencias abiertas contra las carceles de Picassent (Valencia), Jaen, Almeria, Sevilla, Valladolid, Jerez, Daroca (Zaragoza). Las carceles tambien utilizan para la represion politica: en la actualidad hay mas de 300 insumisos presos. Todo esto demuestra que las carceles espa?olas son centros de exterminio para la poblacion ?prescindible?. Cuando se naos habla de defensa nacional esta claro que solo se refiere a la defensa de los privilegiados. A los excluidos no los defienden ni el ejercito ni el estado. Por ello, los/as antimilitaristas, frente a la defensa nacional, ejercemos la DEFENSA SOCIAL: la INSUMISION a los ej?rcitos, causantes de muerte, destruccion y dilapidacion economica, y la LUCHA por los derecho de los mas desfavorecidos.? Se aprovecho la ocasion para que cuatro insumisos en busca y captura se presentaran publicamente en la carcel. ?Admitieron? a tres de ellos: Jose Manuel Lopez Blanco, Carlos Herrera Canencia y Victor Manuel Arias Nuevo. Tienen condenas de 6 meses, 1 a?o y 2 a?os, cuatro meses y un d?a, respectivamente. Posteriormente hemos sabido que hay preso tambien un desertor llamado Manuel Jose. Si quereis escribirles os mando la direccion: Carcel de Carabanchel -Avda. de los Poblados s/n - 28045 Madrid Nada mas. Besos ?Salud y antimilitarismo! From moure at Mon Mar 4 00:48:55 1996 From: moure at (moure at Date: 04 Mar 1996 00:48:55 Subject: accion antimilitarista del dia 1 de Message-ID: ?Hola! Os mando la informacion de la accion que se hizo el dia 1 delante de la carcel de carabanchel. El dia 1 de marzo tuvo lugar una concentracion , a las 17:30, con el lema: carceles, centros de exterminio. Asistieron unas 200 personas. Se hizo una pintada en un muro que hay enfrente de la entrada de la prision. La pintada era una cara saliendo de entre unas rejas y debajo un mensaje, el lema de la concentracion. Durante la concentracion se leyo un comunicado que yo creo que esta expuesto ya. De todos modos, y por si no es asi, os lo mando. Es como sigue: ?La inmensa mayoria de la poblacion reclusa espa?ola pertenece a las clases sociales mas desfavorecidas social y economicamente. Mas de 12.000 personas han sido condenadas a muerte en las carceles al haber sido contagiadas de SIDA. El articulo 60 del reglamento pernitenciaio que les permitiria salir en libertad se deniega en la inmensa mayoria de los casos. Los malos tratos (torturas, palizas, vejaciones...) continuan siendo practica habitual, llegando incluso a asesinar a los presos: se han denunciado SEIS muertes en los dos ultimos a?os. Posiblemente hay muchas mas sin denunciar. Los jueces y fiscales son complices de esta siuacion por entorpecer las investigaciones. Actualemtne hay diligencias abiertas contra las carceles de Picassent (Valencia), Jaen, Almeria, Sevilla, Valladolid, Jerez, Daroca (Zaragoza). Las carceles tambien utilizan para la represion politica: en la actualidad hay mas de 300 insumisos presos. Todo esto demuestra que las carceles espa?olas son centros de exterminio para la poblacion ?prescindible?. Cuando se naos habla de defensa nacional esta claro que solo se refiere a la defensa de los privilegiados. A los excluidos no los defienden ni el ejercito ni el estado. Por ello, los/as antimilitaristas, frente a la defensa nacional, ejercemos la DEFENSA SOCIAL: la INSUMISION a los ej?rcitos, causantes de muerte, destruccion y dilapidacion economica, y la LUCHA por los derecho de los mas desfavorecidos.? Se aprovecho la ocasion para que cuatro insumisos en busca y captura se presentaran publicamente en la carcel. ?Admitieron? a tres de ellos: Jose Manuel Lopez Blanco, Carlos Herrera Canencia y Victor Manuel Arias Nuevo. Tienen condenas de 6 meses, 1 a?o y 2 a?os, cuatro meses y un d?a, respectivamente. Posteriormente hemos sabido que hay preso tambien un desertor llamado Manuel Jose. Si quereis escribirles os mando la direccion: Carcel de Carabanchel -Avda. de los Poblados s/n - 28045 Madrid Nada mas. Besos ?Salud y antimilitarismo! From RADIO at 3LANDBOX.BAWUE.CL.SUB.DE Sun Mar 3 17:27:00 1996 From: RADIO at 3LANDBOX.BAWUE.CL.SUB.DE (RADIO at 3LANDBOX.BAWUE.CL.SUB.DE) Date: 03 Mar 1996 17:27:00 Subject: Wie kriegt die Tuerkei ihre Informa Message-ID: <> Forwarded message / Nachgesendete Nachricht ------------------------------------------- Reference : /CL/FLUECHTLINGE/AKTIONEN Message-Id: <63hUV_kVCPB at> Subject : Wie kriegt die T?rkei ihre Informationen aus Westeuropa? Date : 28.02.96 11:01 Author : RADIO at ------------------------------------------- Zusammenarbeit europ?ischer Polizei- und Geheimdienste mit den t?rkischen Folterstellen oder: "Informationen" ?ber t?rkische und kurdische Fl?chtlinge gelangen an t?rkische Beh?rden. Immer wieder wird diese These mit Beispielen belegt - genauso penetrant dementieren europ?ische Beh?rden diese Zusammenarbeit. Dabei ist es nicht weltfremd, sondern diese Informationen k?nnen auf unterschiedliche Weise an t?rkische Folterbeh?rden gelangen: - die Dolmetscher in Asylverfahren arbeiten f?r die t?rkische Seite... - die Informationen in den Asylverfahren werden von deutschen Beh?rden, z.B. auch dem BND, im Rahmen ihrer Kooperation an die T?rkei weitergeleitet.. - die milit?rische Zusammenarbeit funktioniert auch bestens ?ber die NATO... - die t?rkischen Geheimdienste haben ihre eigenen Spitzelsysteme in Westeuropa... - die deutschen Strafverfolgungsbeh?rden geben -ganz legal im Rahmen von Akteneinsicht- die Erkenntnisse an die Anw?lte der t?rkischen Beh?rden (z.B. Konsulate oder andere Vertretungen) weiter... Das folgende Beispiel einer Person aus der Schweiz hat sich vor wenigen Wochen ereignet. Wir geben es hiermit f?r Interessierte weiter, Name und Adresse des Betroffenen ist bei u.g. Adresse abzufragen. -------------------schnipp---------------- Bericht: Ich, M.F., geb. am 10.11.1972, heimatberechtigt in Trub i.E., weilte seit dem 8.12.95 in der T?rkei und wollte am 25.12.95 in der Fr?he nach Z?rich zur?ckfliegen. Im Flughafen von Istanbul verabschiedete ich mich von meinen Freunden und ging durch die Passkontrolle. Kurze Zeit sp?ter wurde ich von der t?rkischen Polizei verhaftet. Dank meinem Natel gelang es mir, vor der Durchsuchung ein kurzes Telefon an meine Mutter und einen mir bekannten Anwalt in Istanbul durchzugeben. Man durchsuchte mich und warf mir vor, f?r die PKK Kurierdienste zu machen. Da man nichts Belastendes fand, brachte man mich auf die Antiterrorabteilung. Dort hatten sie schon ein Papier vorbereitet mit meiner angeblichen Aussage, da? ich f?r die PKK Kurierdienste mache. Man verlangte von mir, diese angeblichen Aussagen zu unterschreiben. Ich verweigerte diese Unterschrift. Daraufhin verband man mir die Augen und unterwarf mich w?hrend drei Stunden der pal?stinensischen Folter, d.h. man band mir die H?nde auf den R?cken und h?ngte mich an diesen auf den R?cken gefesselten H?nden auf. In dieser Stellung wird man bald ohnm?chtig. Dann tauchte man mich in eiskaltes Wasser, um mich zur Besinnung zu bringen, wickelte mich in Decken und schlug mich, bis ich reagierte. Dann h?ngte man mich wieder an den auf den R?cken gefesselten H?nden auf, usw. W?hrend dieser Behandlung befragte man mich ?ber meine Beziehungen zur PKK, aber ich schwieg konsequent. Aus der Befragung ergab sich, da? die t?rkischen Beh?rden detaillierte Kenntnisse besitzen ?ber das, was in Europa vorgeht. So wu?ten sie ?ber meine Kontakte zur PKK Bescheid, obwohl sich das alles vor einigen Jahren in der Schweiz abgespielt hatte. Nach drei Stunden h?rten sie mit der Folter auf, und am Abend des 25.12. wurde ich auf die Bem?hungen des Schweizer Konsulats und des Anwalts hin entlassen. Dem Schweizer Konsulat gegen?ber versicherten die t?rkischen Beh?rden zuerst, es gebe keinen M. F. in Haft. Sp?ter sagten sie, es sich um eine Unklarheit in meinen Papiere gehandelt. Am 26.12. konnte ich unbehelligt zur?ckfliegen. Unterschrift M.F. ----------------- weitergeleitet von: S?dbadisches Aktionsb?ndnis gegen Abschiebungen (SAGA) c/o ADW, Postfach 5328, D - 79020 Freiburg, Treff: Freitags 20.00 Tel. (0049) 0761 - 74003 - Fax (0049)0761 - 709866## CrossPoint v3.02 ## From moure at Tue Mar 5 00:50:40 1996 From: moure at (moure at Date: 05 Mar 1996 00:50:40 Subject: ACCION ANTIMILITARISTA DEL DIA 1 DE Message-ID: Accion dia 1 de marzo El dia 1 de marzo, a las 5:30 tuvo lugar una concentracion delante de la prision de Carabanchel. El lema de dicha concentracion era: carceles, centros de exterminio. El fin de la susodicha concentracion era denunciar las condiciones pesimas de las carceles, asi como su verdadera funcion social: ser centros de exterminio de la poblacion mas pobre y marginada de nuestra sociedad. Se hizo una pintada en el muro que hay enfrente de la puerta principal de la carcel, en la Avenida de los poblados. La pintada consistia en una cara saliendo de entre unos barrotes y debajo la frase del lema al que he hecho referencia. Asistieron unas 200 personas a la concentracion. Se leyo un comunicado que creo que conoceis. De todas maneras, por si no es asi, lo escribo a continuacion: ?La inmensa mayoria de la poblacion reclusa espa?ola pertenece a las clases sociales mas desfavorecidas social y economicamente. Mas de 12.000 personas han sido condenadas a muerte en las carceles al haber sido contagiadas de SIDA. El articulo 60 del reglamento penitenciario que las permitiria salir en libertad se deniega en la inmensa mayoria de los casos. Los malos tratos (palizas, torturas, vejaciones...) continuan siendo practica habitual, llegando incluso a asesinar a los presos: se han denunciado SEIS muertes en los dos ultimos a?os. Posiblemente hay muchas mas sin denunciar. Los jueces y fiscales son complices de esta situacion por entorpecer las investigaciones. Actualmente hay diligencias abiertas contra las carceles de Picassent (Valencia), Jaen, Almeria, Sevilla, Valladolid, Jerez, Daroca (Zaragoza). Las carceles tambien se utilizan par la represion politica: en la actualidad hay mas de 300 insumisos presos. Todo esto demuestra que las carceles espa?olas son centros de exterminio para la poblacion ?prescindible?. Cuando se nos habla de defensa ?nacional? esta claro que solo se refiere a la defensa de los privilegiados. A los excluidos no los defienden ni el ejercito ni el estado. Por ello, los/as antimilitaristas, frente a la defensa ?nacional? , ejercemos la DEFENSA SOCIAL: la INSUMISION a los ejercitos, causante de muerte, destruccion y dilapidacion economica, y la LUCHA por los derechos de los mas desfavorecidos.? Se aprovecho el momento para hacer una presentacion publica de 4 insumisos que estaban en busca y captura: Jose Manuel Lopez Blanco, Carlos Herrera Canencia , Victor Manuel Arias Nuevo y Fernando Hernandez. Encarcelaron a los tres primeros. Tienen condenas de 6 meses, 2-4-1 y 1 a?o respectivamente. Posteriormente hemos sabido que en Carabanchel hay preso , tambien, un desertor, Manuel Jose, en espera de su traslado a la carcel militar de Alcala. Si quereis escribirles ahi os mando la direccion completa. Jose Manuel Lopez Blanco Victor Manuel Arias Nuevo Carlos Herrera Canencia Manuel Jose Carcel de Carabanchel - Modulo de ingresos (c1) - Avda. de los Poblados s/n.- 28045 Madrid Nada mas. Ya os informaremos de mas cosas que vayan sucediendo. Besos. From stk at Mon Mar 4 00:44:00 1996 From: stk at (stk at Date: 04 Mar 1996 00:44:00 Subject: Kurdistan Parliament In Exile Meets Message-ID: <> ------------------------------ forwarded message ----------------------------- Arm The Spirit writes: Kurdistan Parliament In Exile Holds Third Session In Moscow The Kurdistan Parliament in Exile opened its third general assembly meeting on October 30, 1995 in Moscow. The results of the three-day meeting were made public during a news conference on November 3, 1995. On the first day of the assembly, swearing in ceremonies were held for new members of the Parliament. During the Parliament's inaugural meeting in The Hague in April 1995, it was announced that the body's membership could grow to accommodate new representatives. This opportunity was utilized by Kazim Baba, representative of the organization Hevgirtin, Ali Ozer, a member of Nistimani, and by Okkes Kolusari of the Communist Party of Kurdistan. After these members took their oath of office and were assigned to committees, the political session began. The second day of the assembly was held behind closed doors, away from the media. On this day, the Executive Council analyzed the work of the Parliament. On the final day, the body concentrated on planning future projects and discussed a division of labor. In addition to this, decisions of the Executive Committee and the General Secretary were once again discussed. The role of the General Secretary and the approach to martyrs and those wounded in battle were formulated into law. Also on the final day, separate from the planned agenda, there was a discussion of Turkey's planned acceptance into the European Customs Union. Prof. Serif Vanly, a member of the Executive Council, called for a statement to be drafted with respect to Turkey's membership in the Customs Union and the rights of the Kurds. Among others, the United States government criticized Russia for allowing the meeting to take place. Following the U.S. critique, Mr. Ustinov, head of the Geopolitical Committee in the Russian parliament, stated that the assembly meeting of the Kurdistan Parliament in Exile in Moscow was a fine measure of democratic standards in Russia. Ustinov stated: "Those people who are angered by the fact that this meeting was allowed to take place in Russia seem to think that only they are allowed to have an opinion on international affairs. Instead of aiding the oppressed peoples of the world, they wish to destroy them. In response to this, we would like to state that the Kurdish people should have their rights and they should strive to have an independent state." Turkish Government Reaction After it was announced that the Kurdistan Parliament in Exile was to hold a general assembly meeting in Moscow, talks were held between Turkish and Russian government officials. When the Russian side refused to ban the meeting, Omer Akbal, spokesman for the Turkish foreign ministry, stated the following at a press conference: "It is a disappointment for Turkey that we did not receive the understanding and commitment which we had expected from Russia." Akbal went on to state that Russia's conduct was not conducive to healthy Turko-Russian relations. Akbal said: "Russia's explanation of this event is not satisfying to Turkey. It is up to Russia to remedy the effects which this will have on Turko-Russian relations. If not, then it is only natural that Turkey will draw certain consequences from this." When asked if Turkey would withdraw its embassy staff from Russia, Akbal replied that all aspects of the relationship between the two countries would have to be reconsidered. But Turkey would not take such a step just yet, he said. Message From Abdullah Ocalan In a statement of greetings to the general assembly meeting of the Kurdistan Parliament in Exile, Abdullah Ocalan, chairman of the PKK, stated that the body could make a significant impact at the diplomatic level. Ocalan reasserted the need for a Kurdish parliament: "This meeting of the Kurdistan Parliament in Exile will lay the groundwork for important future projects. All previous meetings were held under great diplomatic pressure from Turkey, but still they were successful. The fact that your third general assembly meeting is being held in the East is very significant to the Kurdish people." Ocalan went on to say that Russia, more so now than in "Soviet" times, was coming much closer to the Kurdish liberation struggle. Ocalan said: "The Turkish leadership has become much more aggressive than in the 19th century. That's why the nations of the East, the Caucasus, the Balkans, and the Middle East are seeking closer ties to the Kurdish liberation struggle, in order to stop this danger." The positive reactions of many people to the assembly meeting were proof of an important step forward in international politics, Ocalan said. Ocalan also stated that he was pleased that the Parliament now contained a representative of the Christian Assyrian minority, as well as one representing Armenians who live in Kurdistan. (Translated from Kurdistan Report #11/12 - 1995) +++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++== Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit +++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++== ----------------------------- end forwarded message -------------------------- ********************************************************** Solidaritygroup Turkey-Kurdistan Memberorganisation of Foundation Initiativegroup Kurdistan P.O. Box 85306 3508 AH Utrecht The Netherlands stk at ********************************************************** From stk at Mon Mar 4 00:44:00 1996 From: stk at (stk at Date: 04 Mar 1996 00:44:00 Subject: Who Committed The Gucloukonak Massa Message-ID: <> ------------------------------ forwarded message ----------------------------- M.MERLIN at (Maurice Merlin) writes: ## Nachricht zur Information/Dokumentation weitergeleitet ## Ersteller: akin at (American Kurdish Information Network (AK) Who Committed The Guclukonak Massacre? by Bernice Rubens The dire sufferings of the Kurdish people are largely unknown in this country. In Turkey, a country not overly concerned with human rights, their plight is appalling. The war between the Turks and the Kurds is now entering its twelfth year, with over 20,000 countable casualties. This figure does not take into account those thousands who are permanently maimed and traumatized by torture. And in that quarter, the Turkish security forces need no lessons. Recently I went to Kurdistan as part of a delegation sent to investigate the brutal murder of eleven Kurdish villagers in the district of Guclukonak on the 15th January. That was over a month ago, and the evidence is still there. The rusting burnt-out minibus on a bleak incline of the mountain pass. Who did it? And how did it happen? The Turkish authorities would have us believe that the massacre was the work of the PKK. Thus the precarious declaration of the cease-fire had been broken. But there was striking evidence, and moreover, inviolable logic, that the killings were the work of the government security forces. We'd heard arguments from both sides, but the sight of that sad little bus on the bleak hillside was our first piece of concrete evidence. Or what was left of it. Its rusted frame was polka-dotted with bullet holes. On close investigation, we deduced that the shots, probably from machine-guns, had been fired from the front end and had pierced the back. What bewildered us were the bullet holes on the roof of the vehicle and automatically we looked skyward at the flat-topped mountain overlooking the road. The interior of the bus was totally burned out. Only the iron skeletons of seats had withstood the fire. On the floor of the bus was a charred foot, and on a bench-rail another wad of one-time flesh that might have been the hand of a villager who had tended his sheep. The horror of it silenced us all, and we re-boarded our bus, shivering. Along the long route the mountains, we had passed by several villages that had been evacuated by the government forces, suspicious that they housed and sheltered PKK guerrillas. Ghost villages, clothed in a mouthful sigh. Some villages had been put to the torch and who knows whether they had first been evacuated. Across the Tigris, we saw where the refugees had been housed, temporarily, they had been told, though there was no sign that their cold and tented lodgings would be short-lived. In time we reached a village, one that was nearest to the minibus attack. Though at great risk to their lives, the villagers were prepared to tell us their story, ''we have lost our husbands, our sons'' they said. ''What more is there to lose?'' They spoke quietly, soft-pedalling the rage. We listened to the silences and space between their words, and to the sub-text of their sighs. Inconsolable. We spoke to the widow of the bus driver and to the father of one of the village guards who had been on that fatal journey. A village guard is recruited by government forces. Whether they like it or not. Many are reluctant to fill such a post, despite the steady pay that is offered, for the job involves surveillance and possible betrayal. Many of them are closest members of the PKK, so the post is even more ambiguous. From the stories that they told us, it seemed that four of the village guards and a driver were summoned to arrange a van, and to collect six suspects who had been taken from neighboring villages. Their job was to take them to their homes. The decision had been made to release them. The driver's widow told us that they had been ordered to the nearest station, a two-hour peasant walkway. Later they saw a helicopter flying over the village in the direction of the spot where the bus was found. And a little later, they heard a series of shots. For us, the mention of the helicopter clarified the bullet holes on the roof of the bus. The PKK have arms in plenty, but nothing as serious as a helicopter. There were other stories too. There were eyewitnesses. A group of village militia across the river, saw the minibus was stopped on the mountain road. They saw fit report the incident by radio to the nearest military station and they were summarily told to ignore it. Another group of witnesses was on the spot. The passed the stationary minibus, and stopped to see what was wrong. Inside the bus they saw a group of blindfolded men guarded by security forces. They were told to be on their way. Which they were, and quickly too, in fear of implication. Whatever. The charred bodies of the victims were brought to Kocyurdu for identification, all of them burnt beyond recognition. Except for one. That of the driver, who had attempted escape into the river, and whose body was riddled with shot. The government forces insist on blaming the PKK while all the evidence cries out against that accusation. Apart from the question of doubtful strategy, why should the PKK wish to murder their own sympathizers? There is also a rumor abroad that the killings were ordered neither by the PKK nor the security forces, but by a special commando group in the Turkish army that owed no explanation to anybody. The Guclukonak massacre was one of many acts of inhumanity that is staged on the stifles and screaming terrain of Kurdistan. For that sorry land is the setting for a quiet genocide, quiet because we on the outside are not listening. And even if we are aware of it, we turn a deaf ear. Over fifty years ago, the word holocaust acquired a new and appalling meaning. We were silent then. And although what is happening today in Kurdistan is in no way comparable with the abject horror of those years, our silence today is equally obscene. For the sake of our own children and of those of the Kurds we can no longer turn a blind eye or a deaf ear. Attention must be paid. Indifference in the face of other people's torment is, in itself, a violation of human rights. February 18, 1996 (Bernice Rubens is a writer and Vice-President of the English Center of International PEN.) ---- American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) 2309 Calvert Street NW, Suite #3 Washington, DC 20008-2603 Tel: (202) 483-6444 Fax: (202) 483-6476 E-mail: akin at Web: ---- The American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) provides a public service to foster Kurdish-American understanding and friendship. ----------------------------- end forwarded message -------------------------- ********************************************************** Solidaritygroup Turkey-Kurdistan Memberorganisation of Foundation Initiativegroup Kurdistan P.O. Box 85306 3508 AH Utrecht The Netherlands stk at ********************************************************** From stk at Mon Mar 4 00:44:00 1996 From: stk at (stk at Date: 04 Mar 1996 00:44:00 Subject: Massacre by Turkish security forces Message-ID: <> ------------------------------ forwarded message ----------------------------- M.MERLIN at (Maurice Merlin) writes: ## Nachricht zur Information/Dokumentation weitergeleitet ## Ursprung : /SOC/CULTURE/KURDISH ## Ersteller: dkurd at (Nexus User) TURKISH DELEGATION CONFIRMS THE FOLLOWING STORY REPORTED BY DEM NEWSAGENCY A delegation of Turkish peace activists headed by Mr Sanar Yurdatapan managed to visit the area and talk to eyewitnesses, relatives of the victims and other Kurdish villagers. Their stark conclusion is that the crime was committed by Turkish security forces. They have called on the Turkish authorities to find the perpetrators. No one should hold his/her breath for a proper investigation! Mr Yurdatapan is a son of a retired two-star general and can be contacted by phone or fax. He has a good command of the American English. Turkish Human Rights Association ISTANBUL Tel: +90-212-251-0085 Fax: +90-212-244-4423 Turkish Human Rights Association ANKARA Tel: +90-212-432-0957 Fax:+90-312-425-9547 When such atrocities are being perpetrated IN THIS DAY AND AGE by Kemalist Turks against their "Muslim brothers" and fellow citizens, some apparently young and presumably patriotic [sic!] Turks' vehement denials of the Armenian genocide and countless massacres of the Kurds are testaments to the belief that their minds have been molded to something akin to WORM disks/chips - Write Once Read Many times! Once Kemalists dogmas & downright lies are indelibly emblazoned on their minds, it seems that no amount of further education, reason, logic, evidence, facts or figures can be written over them! Or is it that you can't impart to "old dogs" new knowledge? How sad! What a tragic waste of minds! "Minds, like parachutes, work best when they are open." Ajda Yurdakul Assistant to Mr E Bawermend, MP Parliament of Kurdistan in exile DEM NEWS AGENCY Address: Eigelstein 103-113/50668 Cologne/Germany English Tel: +49-221-120-062 Fax:+49-221-120-060 German Tel: +49-221-120-063 ------MASSACRE IN GUCLUKONAK VILLAGE------ 12 villagers were burned alive by Turkish Armed Forces. The Turkish state accused them of harbouring guerillas and voting for People's Democracy Party. SIRNAK 16 January (DEM)-- 12 villagers, some of whom were former village guards paid by the government, accused of having voted for the People's Democracy Party and harbouring guerillas of the People's Liberation Army of Kurdistan, PKK's military wing, were tied inside a minibus which was then set on fire burning them alive. According to information reaching our office, Turkish Armed Forces have carried out intensive operations in the village of Basa (renamed Guclukonak by the Turkish government) in the province of Sirnak recently and many people have been taken into custody. In the course of these operations, Mr Ali Nas (a former village guard) and a relation named Ramazan Nas from Cevrimli village, Beytullah Ilhan and Abdullah Ilhan from Gumusyazi village, Nurettin Haykara (a former village guard), Halit Kaya, Ahmet Kaya (a former village guard) from Yatagankaya village, Mehmet Oner and two more unidentified persons from Kocyandi village were taken into custody. They were taken to the village of Taskonak near Guclukonak which had been evacuated by Turkish forces in the autumn of 1995. Following their interrogations by Turkish gendarmes the villagers were placed on a minibus owned by a man called Besir. The minibus was stopped on its way to Guclukonak where the residents claim that the villagers were tied inside the minibus which was then set on fire. All of them were thus burned alive. The tragedy was witnessed by another minibus owner also called Besir who travelled to village of Bezina and raised the alarm. When the residents went to military station and asked for their relatives' whereabouts they were told "This was done by the PKK guerillas who had blocked the road." WHY THIS MASSACRE? Well informed Kurdish circles have revealed that the pictures, in The European weekly newspaper, of the four PKK guerillas who had been decapitated by the Turkish Armed Forces had had a big impact around the world. The Turkish state carried out this massacre in order to smear the PKK guerillas and claim it was done to provoke the Turkish state with the aim of changing the agenda or moving the subject matter out of the public agenda altogether. Such tragic incidents have been engineered on previous occasions when developments favourable to the Kurdish nation were noted. ----------------------------- end forwarded message -------------------------- ********************************************************** Solidaritygroup Turkey-Kurdistan Memberorganisation of Foundation Initiativegroup Kurdistan P.O. Box 85306 3508 AH Utrecht The Netherlands stk at ********************************************************** From kurd-l at Tue Mar 12 06:14:28 1996 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 12 Mar 1996 06:14:28 Subject: The end of KURD-L Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit The End Of KURD-L Ever since 1991, Arm The Spirit has translated, collected, and distributed news and articles on thenational liberation struggle in Kurdistan. With the helpof listservers such as "kurd-l", we were able to reach several hundred e-mail subscribers all across the world. Now that several Kurdish organizations have access to the Internet, our services as a solidarity group in cyberspace are no longer needed. We have been asked by representatives of the Kurdish movement to cease the operation of our listserv "kurd-l". From now on, Kurdish groups themselves will make their news and views available on the Net and the Web when and how they see fit. We will continue to operate our main listserv called "ats-l", which carries news on a variety of liberation struggles from around the world, including Kurdistan. But for those kurd-l subscribers who only want to receive news about the Kurds, we recommend that they contact the American Kurdish Information Network at akin at to receive occasional updates. In struggle, ATS, March 8/96 ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ +++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++== Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit +++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++== From stk at Fri Mar 8 14:34:00 1996 From: stk at (stk at Date: 08 Mar 1996 14:34:00 Subject: AI/NWS: TURKEY Leyla Zana Correctio Message-ID: <> ------------------------------ forwarded message ----------------------------- Amnesty_International at writes: This News Service is posted by the International Secretariat of Amnesty International, 1 Easton Street, London WC1X 8DJ (Tel +44-71-413-5500, Fax +44-71-956-1157) ******************** News Service 30/96 AI INDEX: EUR 44/28 /96 19 FEBRUARY 1996 TURKEY: CORRECTION TO PUBLIC MISREPRESENTATION OF AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL~S POSITION ON LEYLA ZANA, IMPRISONED KURDISH FORMER PARLIAMENTARY DEPUTY A misunderstanding seems to have given rise to a misrepresentation of Amnesty International~s position on the imprisonment of Leyla Zana, Kurdish former parliamentary deputy, in an article by Ahmet Sever which appeared in the Turkish daily Milliyet (Nationhood) on 16 February 1996. Amnesty International has never stated that Leyla Zana ~is not a prisoner of conscience~. The human rights organization has not published or otherwise announced any such conclusion. The article refers to replies given by Amnesty International representatives to the British member of parliament Richard Balfe, and to the Danish newspaper Information. In both replies it was made clear that Amnesty International has not yet completed its investigation of the proceedings brought against her and her fellow imprisoned deputies. ENDS\ ********** You may re-post this message onto other sources but if you do then please tell us at AINS at GN.APC.ORG so that we can keep track of what is happening to these items. If you want more information concerning this item then please contact the Amnesty International section office in your own country. You may also send email to amnesty-info at, an automatic reply service. A list of section contact details is posted on the APC conference. If there is not a section of Amnesty International in your country then you should contact the International Secretariat in London.END ********** , ----------------------------- end forwarded message -------------------------- ********************************************************** Solidaritygroup Turkey-Kurdistan Memberorganisation of Foundation Initiativegroup Kurdistan P.O. Box 85306 3508 AH Utrecht The Netherlands stk at ********************************************************** From sot at Mon Mar 25 19:06:57 1996 From: sot at (sot at Date: 25 Mar 1996 19:06:57 Subject: Info on Turkey 3 Message-ID: INFORMATION ON TURKEY, NO. 3 Published by 'Stop the war in Turkey' (`Stop de oorlog in Turkije') Postbus 94802, 1090 GV Amsterdam, Netherlands. march 1996. Tel. +31 20 6680999, fax +31 20 6652422. E-mail: sot at Contents: - Turkish Conscripts in the Netherlands in Trouble - Background on U.S. Arms and Military Aid to Turkey * TURKISH CONSCRIPTS IN THE NETHERLANDS IN TROUBLE Turkish conscripts having the dutch nationality will get in trouble after the Netherlands adjourned conscription on janua- ry 29. They will now have to do their military service in Tur- key. Until recently they could have gotten freedom of military service in Turkey, by doing their service in the dutch army. On the first of april the dutch army was supposed to call up the last draft of conscripts. Due to the fact that con- scription was adjourned sooner as planned, 115 turkish men, who volunteered for the last 2 drafts, will now have to do their military service in Turkey. The total number of con- scripts in the last 2 dutch drafts would have been around 1000. These figures show that Turkish men have a special reason to do their military service in the Netherlands. One of the reasons that turkish men volunteered is that there is a war going on in Turkey. There is a big chance that soldiers will be sent to Turkish Kurdistan to be used in the struggle against the kurdish guerrilla of the PKK. Almost half of the turkish army is (220.000 men) is quartered in the southeast of Turkey. Turkey doesn't recognize the right to conscientious objection. At this moment there are over 250.000 turkish people in the Netherlands, 88.500 of them having the dutch nationality. Ever since it is possible to have two nationalities, more and more turkish people in the Netherlands choose this option. In 1994 there were 22.000 of them; in 1995 there were 36.000. The problem concerning conscripts with a double nationality will grow. The turkish Dutchmen are now facing the same problems as the turkish men without the dutch nationality. Military servi- ce in Turkey will often lead to the loss of their job in the Netherlands, which can seriously endanger their right to stay in Holland. The turkish army is a stern authoritarian insti- tution. For turkish men who were raised in the Netherlands it must be a completely different world. Most turkish men choose to redeem their military service. This is possible for a sum equal to 10.000 german marks. When they redeem it, they still face 1 month of military service in special barracks, to undergo strong nationalist propaganda by the state. The turkish secret service recruits informants there. The sum for redeeming service flows directly to the turkish military. Considering that at least 5000 turkish men in Europe make use of this option means an income of about 40 million dollars in foreign currency a year for the turkish army. Turkish men are forced to make unacceptable choices: pay a huge amount of money to redeem military service; join in an unjust war or give up their turkish nationality. The dutch government should be concerned about the gro- wing group of turkish Dutchmen and - together with Germany, the country with the most Turks in Europe - come to an agree- ment with Turkey. They should make an arrangement which safe- guards turkish men with a double nationality against conscrip- tion in Turkey. In expectation of such an arrangement the dutch army should give them a permit which shows they are on leave until a call-up for war. The problem, however, is that the turkish law only recognizes military service when con- scripts have actually been called up. Voluntary service as a professional soldier isn't accepted by Turkish law as a reason not to be called up for military service in Turkey. Moreover, the turkish law doesn't recognize the right to conscientious objection. Conscientious objections don't count and people who refuse their military service can be punished by sending them to prison for 6 months to 3 year. That's why it should be demanded that Turkey recognizes the internationally accepted right to conscientious objection. * BACKGROUND ON U.S. ARMS AND MILITARY AID TO TURKEY In fiscal year 1994, the Pentagon signed contracts for $2.2 billion of arms to Turkey. We do not know how much was fina- lized in direct commercioal sales, but we do know that the State Dept approved export licenses worth an additional $607,5 million. New sales agreements to Turkey dropped in fiscal year 1995 to $599.1 million in Pentagon contracts and $574.7 milli- on in commercial licenses approved. In terms of deliveries, the DOD shipped Turkey $869 million of weapons in FY94, while industry shipped $21,4 million. Ship- ments to Turkey declined in FY95 to $600 million of DOD sales and as yet undisclosed quantities of commercial sales. Much of America's arms supply to Turkey over the past two decades has been on grant basis. U.S. Military Aid and Arms Sales to Turkey, fiscal years 1980- 1996 Arms imports* Grants Direct Loan** FY80 $136 million $202,9 million FY81 $109 million $250 million FY82 $197.6 million $343 million FY83 $155.1 million $290 million FY84 $327.4 million $585 million FY85 $423.4 million $485 million FY86 $306.1 million $409.4 million FY87 $345 million $177.9 million FY88 $746.9 million $156 million $178 million FY89 $961.3 million $340.7 million $90 million FY90 $940.3 million $412.2 million $85.6 million FY91 $680.5 million $500 million $100 million FY92 $741.1 million $475 million $25 million FY93 $844.3 million $450 million FY94 $897.4 million $405 million FY95 $599.1 million $364.5 million FY96 $320 million FY97 ???? ______________ ______________ ______________ Sales Total $8,410.5 mill.- $4,627.1 mill. $2,018.1 mill. Aid Total $6,645.2 mill.= Diffe- rence $1,765.3 mill. * Arms imports here means the total dollar value of arms Turkey imported (took delivery of) from the United States through the Foreign Military Sales (government to government) program or through direct commercial sales from industry. ** As of 30 september 1994, Turkey had an outstanding balance of $1,733.6 million for military loans from the U.S. Sources: Foreign Military Sales Facts, FY89 and FY94, D.O.D.; U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants, U.S.A.I.D. Recent Specific U.S. Arms Deals The most recent arms sales notifications by the Administration to Congres for Turkey were: Dec 1995 120 Army tactical missiles May 1995 three (older) guided missile frigates Mar 1995 16 Harpoon anti-ship missiles, launchers Mar 1995 lease of two CK-135R mid-air refueling tankers Jan 1995 130 Sea Sparrow missiles Jan 1995 515 Rapier missiles with 14 launchers Oct 1994 spares for F-4, T-38, C-130, F-104, T-33 and T-37 aircraft Sep 1994 Anti-submarine rocket launcher; F-4 aircraft space parts; 88,000 rounds of 40 mm ammunition; training equipment Aug 1994 500 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles; 80 Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missiles; 16 Harpoon anti- ship missiles Aug 1994 12 SH-2F anti-submarine helos Aug 1994 270 Multiple Launch Rocket pods Jun 1994 10 KC-135R tankers Mar 1994 10 transponders; 4 control monitors Feb 1994 113 military trucks; 110 M85 machine guns; 1,314 rounds 105mm Nov 1993 2 C-130 B transport aircraft Nov 1993 1 T-38 training aircraft Nov 1993 2 Harpoon launch control sets; 2 Mk 45 MOD 2 gun mounts; 2 Mk-41 vertical launching systems; 2 AN/SQS-56 sonar sets; communication gear; Mk 32 MOD 5 torpedo tubes; night vision equipment; cryptograp- hic equipment Oct 1993 4 Knox-class frigates (lease) Oct 1993 24 MLRS launchers, 1,772 MLRS rockets (only 12 were bought) Sep 1993 60 AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air to Air Missiles (AMRAAM) Aug 1993 478 misc. military vehicles, 37 M42A1 Duster air defense artillery Jul 1993 5 Knox class frigates (lease) Jun 1993 50 A-10 attack aircraft and 5 AH-1W "Super Cobra" attack helicopters Jun 1993 Spare parts for C-130, F-4E, F-5, F-100, F-104, T- 33, T-37 and T-38 aircraft; weapons, ammunition and other logistical support related to the proposed lease of four Knox-class frigates from the US Navy, including 32 Harpoon missiles, 64 MK-46 Mod-5 Torpe- does; 40 anti-submarine rockets, 4.400 rounds of 20 mm cartridges for the Phalanx Close-in-Weapon Sy- stem. Jun 1993 Unspecified "major defense equipment" through com- mercial sale Source: the above information is drawn from various issues of the `Arms Sales Monitor', and is based on infor- mation provided by the House International Relations Following, are two tables which show the "excess defense articles" (surplus Cold War weaponry) which the United States has given Turkey since 1990. These give-aways are in addition to the dollar amounts and items listed in the above tables. Transfers of U.S. Weapons to Turkey Under the CFE Treaty, 1991-1993 M-60A1 MBTs 264 M-60A3 MBTs 658 M-113 APCs 250 M-110 artillery 72 Transfers of U.S. Excess Defense Articles to Turkey, 1990-1995 Congress Item Quantity Cost/ Source notified Method 1990 S-2 anti-submarine 29 516 NSIAD-93-164SF aircraft 1990 C-130 B transport 3 516 NSIAD-93-164SF aircraft 1991 F-4E fighter aircraft 40 516 NSIAD-93-164SF 1991 AH-1P attack helicopter 6 516 NSIAD-93-164SF 1991 P-3A aircraft 10 516 NSIAD-93-164SF 1991 T-38 trainer aircraft 3 516 NSIAD-93-164SF 1991 M-42A1 AAA 133 516 NSIAD-93-164SF 1992 C-130B aircraft 8 516 NSIAD-93-164SF 1992 T-38 trainer aircraft 40 516 NSIAD-93-164SF 1992 AH-1P attack helicopter 22 516 NSIAD-93-164SF 1992 O2 observation/light 6 516 NSIAD-93-164SF attack aircraft 1992 40 mm ammunition 383, 516 NSIAD-93-164SF 862 rnds 1992 5"37 ammunition 40, 516 NSIAD-93-164SF 400 rnds 12-28-92 M-85 .50 caliber 822 516 EDA BBS machine gun 1993 Frigate (FF-1063, FF- 8? lease CR, 13 jul 93, 1076, FF-1079, FF-1082, p. H4520; CFW, FF-1085, FF-1090, 95 FF-1092, FF-1093) 1993 Frigate (FF-1082) 1 grant CFW, 95 * 1993 Frigate (FF-1085) 1 CFW, 95 06-11-93 M-42A1 AAA 4 516 EDA BBS 08-13-93 AH-1P attack helicopter 37 516 EDA BBS 11-12-93 C-130B transport air- 2 516 EDA BBS craft 02-03-94 M-185 .50 caliber 110 516 EDA BBS machine gun 02-03-94 106mm APERS-T tank 1, 516 EDA BBS ammunition 314 rnds 06-03-94 KC-135A tanker aircraft 10 516 EDA BBS 08-09-94 SH-2F anti-submarine 14 516 EDA BBS helicopter 09-13-94 Mk-112 anti submarine 6 516 EDA BBS rocket (ASROC) launcher 01-25-95 AIM-7 air-to-air 130 516 EDA BBS missile 01-25-95 Rapier anti-aircraft 515 516 EDA BBS missiles 01-25-95 Rapier anti-aircraft 15 516 EDA BBS missile launchers 03-10-95 KC-135R tanker aircraft 2 lease HIRC * Recompense for destruction of Turkish frigate `Muavenet' by USS Saratoga in September Prepared by Lora Lumpe Federation of American Scientists 202/675-1018 - tel. llumpe at - e-mail