From kurd-l at Wed Jan 1 03:44:29 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 01 Jan 1997 03:44:29 Subject: Ozgurluk News Agency Page Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Hello everybody, New and under permanent construction: The homepage of the new press agency Ozgurluk! Check it out! It is to be expected that these pages will move again in a while but this will be taken care of in a descent way. Hasta! -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Kurtulus Nachrichten Zentrale: Turkey Mailinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From kurd-l at Thu Jan 2 19:55:57 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 02 Jan 1997 19:55:57 Subject: Disappearances In Turkey - By Kathr Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Disappearances In Turkey - By Kathryn C. Porter From: AKIN Disappearances; An Alarming Trend On December 8, 1996, the representatives of the International League for Human Rights, a Paris-based NGO, gave its annual award to the representatives of what are in Turkey called "Saturday Mothers" a group of women who have been protesting the disappearances of their loved ones since May 27, 1995. The ceremony was held in Berlin; two members of Saturday Mothers were flown in from Istanbul. A permanent fixture in Istanbul for a year and an half now, these mothers gather in front of Galatasaray High School every Saturday holding the pictures of their sons, husbands, and in some cases daughters with the hopes that someone in authority will hear their agony and give them back their loved ones. Mostly Kurdish and recent refugees to this large metropolis, they now also are joined by some Turkish mothers. The award bestowed on them is named after a German journalist who died in a Nazi concentration camp. Carl von Ossietzsky, a pacifist in the course of the First World War, fought against fascism in the Weimar years. He was arrested by the Gestapo when Hitler came to power in 1933. Awarded the 1935 Nobel Peace prize in his absentia, he died on May 4, 1938. Both Mr. Ossietzsky and the mothers were honored at Berlin's World Cultures House. Alisa Fuss, the President of International League for Human Rights, spoke of the need to stand against state sponsored oppression in our times. Human rights organizations undertook a week long program of activities to highlight the phenomena of disappearances in Turkey. These mothers first became the subject of international news on June 8, 1996. Again, they had gathered to pay homage to their loved ones at the local high school. This time their gathering coincided with the large NGO conference, Habitat II, a United Nations meeting on human settlements in Istanbul. The members of the fledgling human rights organizations in Turkey urged the participants of the conference and members of the world press who had accompanied them to the city to pay a solidarity visit to Saturday Mothers. The urging worked; a large group visited the site. The mothers were elated that they had visitors who were willing to recognize and respond to their grief. Perhaps, they thought, these representatives would do something to help them find their loved ones. Instead, they were beaten for merely attracting attention to their pain. The authorities did not want these women to blemish the image of Turkey as a "well functioning democracy." The police were ordered to disperse the crowd. A melee erupted. In the ensuing pandemonium, the women were arrested. Some of those unwilling to cooperate were pulled by their hair to police vans. So, it was a fitting recognition of their grief and suffering that these mothers received an award in honor of a German pacifist who met a violent end in his life. These women wish that their loved ones will be spared such an end. Nimet Tanrikulu, the guest mother who accepted the honor on behalf of her sisters, had this to say through her Turkish translator: "This award is a warm greeting across the borders." She went on to say that 827 people have been reported missing after being seized by the police in Turkey since 1990. All were known as the opponents of the government. Many were Kurds accused by the authorities as being the sympathizers of Kurdish rebels, the PKK. Amnesty International, on its part, in its reports, attributes a few of the missing to the rebels as well. The saga of the Saturday Mothers still continues in front of Galatasaray High School at Taksim in Istanbul. Next Saturday, January 4, 1997, will mark the 85th week of their weekly communion. Observers of international events note the eerie similarities between what is happening in Turkey and what happened in Argentina, Chile, South Africa and Guatemala. An act of decompressing has started in these countries. Will Turkey follow in their footsteps? Kathryn Cameron Porter ---- American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) 2623 Connecticut Avenue NW #1 Washington, DC 20008-1522 Tel: (202) 483-6444 Fax: (202) 483-6476 E-mail: akin at Home Page: ---- The American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) provides a public service to foster Kurdish-American understanding and friendship ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From kurd-l at Fri Jan 3 15:59:23 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 03 Jan 1997 15:59:23 Subject: Joint Statement From The DHKP And P Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Joint Statement From The DHKP And PKK Our Call To Form A Revolutionary Front! We, the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) and the DHKP (Revolutionary People's Liberation Party), would like to make the following statement public: As the result of the discussions and talks which we have been holding for some time now, once again our parties are forming a united front, which will be active on all levels in the interest of the liberation of our peoples. The preparation of such a revolutionary front is a fundamentally significant expression of the process we are currently engaged in, namely the cooperation and alliance of our parties. The democratic and revolutionary struggle of our peoples and the creation of a revolutionary front are important tasks. We are well aware of how significant this task is, and that simply stating "we have formed a front" is by no means enough. The DHKP and the PKK will undertake, within their organizations, to foster unity among cadre and supporters at all levels, and we call on all progressive and democratic forces to join us in this task. The first step towards this is this protocol, which we are now publishing. The enemy's strength lies in the disorganization and disunity of the people's forces. With each passing day, our responsibility to unify our peoples and organize the popular forces becomes greater, and each day we are called upon to take bigger steps. The enemy is able to continue its war against the people and the revolutionary and patriotic forces, even at a time when the system is on edge and its dirty business has been exposed, and despite all of its internal struggles, the system is able to sustain itself on the basis of its own interests. So shouldn't we - revolutionary, patriotic, and democratic organizations and institutions - unify ourselves as well? There is no reason whatsoever not to. One of the most important factors in this seems to be the negative tradition of unity here. But our duty for our peoples and our striving towards revolution and the seizure of power demands that we overcome this negative tradition. While the discontent and anger among the people is growing everywhere - except among a handful of collaborators, who are enemies of the people, and the members of the bourgeoisie - as a result of the cover which was given to the murderous, fascistic, and destructive face of the regime, it is important for the people's forces to become united, to organize their solidarity, and to develop a common struggle. But this has not yet become reality. That is the main reason why, despite the perfect conditions, a massive popular movement has not yet arisen. Our call is directed at all popular forces: those who demand democracy and independence, those who demand freedom and justice, those who demand freedom of worship and freedom of the press, those who demand the right of self-determination for all peoples, those who demand a end to the unjust war, all those who wish to live in a land where there is no torture, no executions, to disappearances, no murders by unknown assailants, a country where villages are not burned, a country where there are no persons forced into exile, where there is no prostitution, drugs, or mafia gangs. Our call goes out to all those who don't want our country to be a satellite of imperialism and to all those who are struggling against the exploitative and repressive regime. All of these demands can only be realized if all those who are making the demands are organized into one unit. It is our duty and our responsibility to our peoples to struggle against this regime which is waging a war on our peoples. Our struggle must be on all levels, legal and illegal, peaceful and armed, military, political, cultural, economic, and democratic. We must develop all forms of solidarity and a common struggle and take steps forward in each of these areas. Our parties, who recognize the importance of this, are making this call as allies, and we call on everyone to develop a revolutionary front and unity between our peoples. The face of our country is a bloody picture of brutality. This picture is ripe with the necessary conditions for revolution: The regime is at its end. It is trying to extend its existence by oppressing the people and by increasing poverty and degeneration. This has deepened the contradictions within the regime. Without hesitation, we can say that the preconditions for revolution in our country have been fulfilled. The problem is to organize and unite the revolutionaries, the peoples, and the progressive forces. We must be united in our opposition to fascism, which is responsible for the brutality, for depriving the people of their rights and freedom, and for terrorizing those who stand up and demand rights and freedoms. This unity is necessary at all levels. Only in this way can the nations, peoples, and organizations fighting for the liberation of the peoples achieve victory. All oppressed people, all nations and minorities, all workers, and even individual persons, patriots, democrats, and progressives - whom the regime seeks to oppress and destroy - all those who are against this regime and who are against imperialism, yet who cannot freely express their opinions, must become united. These alliances must seek to serve all of these people. Exclusionary tactics only broaden the front of the enemy. The freedom of our peoples will be gained by overthrowing the system. But this system can only be destroyed if the people struggle together. It is always the same ruling class which exploits and blackmails both the Turkish and Kurdish peoples. Both peoples have the same enemy. This enemy is the central ruling authorities in Turkey and Kurdistan. Although the Turkish and Kurdish ruling classes have propagated numerous campaigns of chauvinistic and nationalistic hatred, they have never been able to turn the two peoples against one another. They have sought to suppress the strengthening national liberation struggle of the Kurdish people by means of terror. When terror alone was not enough, they turned to chauvinistic and nationalistic policies and attempts to turn the Turkish and Kurdish peoples against one another and thereby prevent the independence and freedom of the two peoples. But despite all their attempts, they could not make enemies out of the Turkish and Kurdish peoples. The future and destiny of both the Kurdish and the Turkish people are mutually dependent upon one another. All forces which believe in revolution and socialism must accept this fact. Now more than ever it is clear that no strategy or tactic which ignores this fundamental truth has a chance of reaching its goal. Because of this fact and necessity, the PKK and the DHKP see the formation of a revolutionary front as a precursor to achieving and building a free future for our peoples. We are proud and happy to have taken this step of building an alliance. The task of building a revolutionary unity between our peoples and their revolutionary, democratic, progressive, and fighting forces can not be put off any longer. The unity of our peoples is a necessity. Without taking up this great and historic responsibility, which necessity has forced upon us, no unity can be achieved. We realize that an organization without answers to the goals, hopes, and aspirations of the people has no chance of survival. Recognizing that, an organization which does not address the demands for organizing resulting from burning necessity will be confronted with its own demise. Every step, every resulting organization must have answers to the needs of the nation and the society. That is their very reason for existence. Our peoples have sensed the desire for joint organizing and common methods of struggle which have arisen from national and social needs. Our people need a very broad front of organization. Since even the smallest of demands have been crushed with violence, the thoughts and languages of peoples banned outright, people wallowing in torture, disappearing, being executed, villages burned to the ground and forcibly evacuated, since murders by unknown assailants are now part of daily life, the fight against our common enemy must be carried out on the basis of unity, solidarity, and a joint struggle. No one can flee from this urgent and historic task or fail to address it. As the PKK and the DHKP, we declare: Our Goal Is A United Front Between Our Peoples! The main goal of this unity is to join together our peoples in one front and to link up and develop the struggles of our peoples on all levels. This alliance, along with the necessary courage and commitment from us, will allow us to create a revolutionary front between our peoples and all legal and illegal groups, parties, and institutions who are suffering under this system and who are struggling or who wish to struggle against this system. We seeks to unite all of these people under one roof. Our Goal Is Common Resistance And A Joint Popular Power Every where we live, we are mercilessly attacked by the enemy. The central authorities are seeking to eliminate our struggle. The division of our peoples is a serious setback to our struggle. For independence, democracy, and the right of self-determination for all peoples, our peoples must fight the enemy together and overthrow it. Only an independent, democratic popular power can secure the rights for all nations, national minorities, and classes of people. Our Goal Is To Guarantee The Free Exercise Off All Rights For The Kurdish People, Including The Right To Form An Independent State A joint struggle for the shared liberation of our peoples is a means of increasing the brotherhood and unity of our peoples. We accept, without preconditions, the right to self-determination for the Kurdish people, including the right to form an independent state. One Of The Foundations Of Our Unity Is To Oppose Imperialism And To Defend Our Independence Today, the imperialists are directly or indirectly responsible for all the attacks being carried out against our peoples. The continuing unjust war of the ruling classes in Turkey against our peoples is being kept in motion with the support of imperialism. Imperialism is primarily responsible for the picture which exists in our country today. It is the enemy of independence, democracy, and the peoples' right to self-determination. It is clear that we cannot achieve these goals without struggling against imperialism. We state that we are against imperialism and for the independence of our lands and for the defense of our peoples, that we wish to drive out and remove all military installations in our country which belong to the imperialist states, and that we will not grant the imperialist powers the right or privilege to establish military bases on our territory, and that all of the united patriotic forces are prepared to enforce this. Our alliance views our peoples as the true owners of all our natural resources and all the fruits of our land, and our peoples and we see that an end to exploitation and plunder is a precondition of independence. Our Goal Is To Unite All Popular Forces Countless contradictions exist between the various classes of peoples and the regime. We accept that one of the fundamentals, from the perspective of power as our goal, is to broaden the revolutionary front and to make more narrow the front of the enemy, and on the basis of the contradictions we will unite all nations and nationalities, all religions and faiths, and all occupations and classes of people. We view our alliance as a democratic undertaking and we aim to create the conditions in which all national minorities and religious groups and freely express and develop their cultures and faiths. The Demand For Democracy And Independence Is The Actual And Concrete Foundation Of The Unity Of The Popular Forces Bearing that in mind, we seek to undo all anti-democratic practices and as well as the fascist Constitution of the September 12th putsch, which ignores the will of the people, bans forms of organizing, and robs the people of their right to free speech and decision making. A new draft Constitution will be prepared by the broadest of popular forces, with the goal being democracy and independence. All anti-fascist and anti-imperialist groups and all those organizations, parties, and persons on the side of freedom and justice will be involved in this process. Our Goal Is To Practice Unity In All Areas In light of the concrete tasks which lie ahead, we have established the following goals, namely to organize the democratic opposition of our peoples, to develop a Parliament which represents all of the popular forces, to give our people the right to speak and make decisions by means of this Parliament, and to create the possibility of establishing popular assemblies from every tiny settlement to the largest of the metropoles so that people can put their destiny into their own hands. Our alliance, which seeks to establish and extend a common front between our peoples, requires both parties - in all legal institutions, such as labor unions and various associations, in which our parties are organized, in all democratic fields of struggle among workers and bureaucrats, in the villages, in the press, on the cultural front, among the students and youth, in the prisons, in the factories and neighborhoods, and in countries abroad - to wage a joint struggle against our common enemy, to increase shared organizing efforts, and to give each other assistance and develop mutual solidarity. All of this is necessary to build up the revolutionary front, at the base, among the masses, step by step in the struggle. This is how the revolutionary front of our peoples will come about. Our alliance has decided to create unity in the democratic struggle in all areas of life, and to take steps to build up the democratic front. Now is the time to unite all forces on the basis of this unity into the revolutionary front. We, the PKK and the DHKP, see this first step as a way to begin bringing all revolutionary, democratic, and progressive organizations and institutions together, on all levels and in every form, without excluding any form of struggle or organization, and we call on all peoples, organizations, and institutions to join us in this and thereby make it stronger. DHKP (Revolutionary People's Liberation Party) PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) December 22, 1996 -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Kurtulus Nachrichten Zentrale: Turkey Mailinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: (Translated from the German-language version into english by Arm The Spirit) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From kurd-l at Mon Jan 6 00:14:46 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 06 Jan 1997 00:14:46 Subject: Thousands March To Protest Corrupti Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Thousands March To Protest Corruption In Turkey Thousands march to protest corruption in Turkey January 5, 1997 12.42 p.m. EST (1742 GMT) ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Nearly 100,000 workers marched in the Turkish capital Sunday to press for anti-corruption measures after reports linking mobsters, politicians, and police. "We are here to show the gangs trying to overtake our government that we, the workers, are the real owners," said Bayram Meral, head of Turkey's largest confederation of labor unions, which organized the rally. A November traffic accident involving a car carrying a legislator, a police chief, a wanted hitman and a beauty queen, drew allegations of state ties to the underworld. The fugitive was Abdullah Catli, who allegedly provided a gun and false passport to Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turk who shot Pope John Paul II in 1981. The scandal has already cost the jobs of an interior minister, several police chiefs and officers, who were accused of ties to Catli. Workers marching Sunday also expressed their dissatisfaction with the 7-month-old Islamic-led government on many fronts, including soaring inflation and what they said were attempts to undermine secularism. Police said they detained 26 people suspected of belonging to outlawed leftist groups. -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Kurtulus Nachrichten Zentrale: Turkey Mailinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From kurd-l at Tue Jan 7 04:43:42 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 07 Jan 1997 04:43:42 Subject: U.S. Official To Meet Kurdish Trait Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: U.S. Official To Meet Kurdish Traitor Factions U.S. Official To Meet Kurdish Factions 05:18 p.m. Jan 06, 1997 EST WASHINGTON, Jan 6 (Reuter) - A senior U.S. diplomat will meet officials of northern Iraq's two rival Kurdish factions in Washington this week in a further attempt to reconcile them, the State Department said on Monday. Spokesman Nicholas Burns said Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Robert Pelletreau would meet officials of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). Burns told reporters the meeting was part of "our ongoing attempt to reconcile those two groups to each other and to provide for stability in northern Iraq." KDP leader Massoud Barzani and PUK leader Jalal Talabani would not attend the mid-week meeting but would be represented by aides, he said. U.S. policy in Western-protected northern Iraq suffered a major setback last August when the KDP invited assistance from the Baghdad government to help it oust the PUK from the region's main administrative centre, Arbil. The increased influence this gave Baghdad in the enclave ended the Western military presence there and Washington also evacuated more than 6,000 local aid workers and Iraqi opposition figures. Fighting continued between the KDP and the PUK until Pelletreau negotiated a ceasefire in October. He held further talks with the two groups in Ankara in November, but they remain divided over oil trade revenues on the Turkish border and the status of Arbil. From kurd-l at Tue Jan 7 05:22:51 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 07 Jan 1997 05:22:51 Subject: Tupac Amaru's Web Page Is Hot Spot Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Tupac Amaru's Web Page Is Hot Spot On The Internet Tupac Amaru's Web Page Is Hot Spot On The Internet Radical Groups Spread The Word On-Line By Wall Street Journal staff reporters Tom Vogel and Matt Moffett in Lima, Peru, and Jed Sandberg in New York. While leftist guerrillas holding scores of hostages at the Japanese ambassador's residence in Peru find themselves hemmed in by crack government troops, rebel sympathizers around the world are carrying on the struggle in cyberspace. Supporters of the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement are filling dozens of pages on the World Wide Web with rebel propaganda, including the rebel group's official on-line newspaper, Voz Rebelde, or Rebel Voice. The sympathizers' computer link, which even includes detailed drawings of the rebels' plan of assault on the Japanese ambassador's residence, has almost overnight become a hot spot in cyberspace. Internet surfers have logged on more than 16,000 times to one site set up by Tupac Amaru sympathizers in the U.S. and Canada 10 days ago. Tupac Amaru's efforts are the latest example of the burgeoning use of the Internet to advance the political and ideological agendas of radical organizations. For years, fringe groups have turned to the global computer network to post information about their organizations, recruit new members and organize rallies. Groups of all political persuasions, from neo-Nazis to militant environmentalists to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, have taken to cyberspace to get their message out to millions around the globe without fear of censorship. Audience Of 70 Million Among the most electronically sophisticated of these extremist groups are Latin American guerrilla movements, which have enjoyed something of a renaissance the past few years. Mexico's Zapatista guerrillas have been rallying support on-line since shortly after their 1994 uprising. Outlawed in Colombia, the Revolutionary Armed Forces guerrilla group fields press queries through electronic mail. With the Internet, "you solve a logistical problem without having to create a risk," says Mike Godwin, a lawyer for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a Washington-based group specializing in Internet privacy and freedom-of-speech issues. "It's an obvious, cost-effective way to put your material out there, not only to communicate with the world but also to communicate your legitimacy." Tupac Amaru's Internet presence may be one of the most comprehensive of any Latin American subversive group. Their Web page for Rebel Voice includes copies of two communiques issued since the crisis started. It has a conciliatory message composed by one group of hostages freed by the guerrillas. Another section, filled with articles from Peruvian and international publications, boasts: "Tupac Amaru isn't afraid of either criticism or the truth." There are even Web sites dedicated to ancillary players in the Tupac Amaru drama. One such site is operated by the family of Lori Berenson, the American who was sentenced to life in prison last year for her alleged involvement with Tupac Amaru. The Lori Berenson Home Page continues the extensive documentation of her legal appeals, the Peruvian justice system, as well as links to other Web pages for human-rights groups. Attempts To Censor Sites Some Latin American governments have tried suppressing the guerrillas in cyberspace. At the behest of Colombia's government, Mexican authorities squashed a Web page run by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia last fall through a server based in Mexico. The group has continued communications through electronic mail while it tries to set up a new site, perhaps through another host in another country. In the past, the Peruvian government has cracked down on traditional forms of subversive propaganda, such as newspapers. Peruvian security forces were widely thought to be behind the fire bombing of the offices of El Diario, the now-defunct newspaper of the Shining Path, a larger, more violent Peruvian rebel group. But countering propaganda on the Internet is much more complicated, authorities concede. "We can't very well cut phone lines and confiscate computers," says one Peruvian government official. Tupac Amaru's cyberspace allies include some at the University of California at San Diego. One site run by Tupac Amaru sympathizers, the Solidarity Page, is located on that school's computer network. Officials at the university were unaware of the site and said that, because of the holiday break, they weren't able to reach personnel knowledgeable about it. But Bruce Miller, assistant university librarian, indicated that universities don't traditionally object to the use of school computers for free speech. "Generally, among universities, there is a principle of academic freedom, and a researcher writes and publishes whatever is appropriate within his area of specialization," Mr. Miller said. He added that he didn't "have a clue" about the Tupac Amaru information. Rebels On The Web: Voz Rebelde Page: Solidarity Page: (This article appeared on page A8 of The Wall Street Journal, Monday, January 6, 1997) ---- Free All Political Prisoners! MRTA Solidarity Page - From kurd-l at Wed Jan 8 08:26:54 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 08 Jan 1997 08:26:54 Subject: Turkish Police Charged For Prison R Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Turkish Police Charged For Prison Riot Deaths Turkish Police Charged For Prison Riot Deaths 06:44 a.m. Jan 07, 1997 EST ANKARA, Jan 7 (Reuter) - A Turkish court has charged 68 members of the security forces with manslaughter in the beating deaths of 10 Kurdish rebel prisoners during a jail riot last year, Justice Minister Sevket Kazan said on Tuesday. "The files have reached the Diyarbakir chief prosecutor's office and they have pressed charges. (The 68 defendants) will be tried for manslaughter," Kazan was quoted by the state-run Anatolian news agency as saying. Kazan did not say why the lesser charge of manslaughter, which carries a jail sentence of between eight and 15 years, was brought. Capital punishment or jail terms of up to 30 years can be passed for first-degree murder. Turkey's parliamentary human rights commission last month called for the trial of 30 soldiers and 38 policeman for their part in the bloody duelling of September's riot in a high-security jail in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir. The commission said security forces, armed with shields and batons, used force to break up a protest about food supplies by jailed members of the rebel Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). An autopsy report released last month gave the cause of death of most of the 10 prisoners as "brain damage" but did not explain how the injuries could have occurred. The bodies had bruising and wounds, the report said. More than 21,000 people have been killed in the 12-year fight between the Turkish army and the PKK, which is seeking autonomy or independence in southeast Turkey. From kurd-l at Wed Jan 8 13:10:20 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 08 Jan 1997 13:10:20 Subject: Interview With ARGK Commander Cemil Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Interview With ARGK Commander Cemil Bayik "For A Kurd [Of Turkey] Turkish Democracy Means Terrorism" An Interview With Cemil Bayik, An ARGK (People's Liberation Army Of Kurdistan) Commander - Spring/Summer 1996 By Sheri Laizer Cemil Bayik was born in Elazig, north Kurdistan in 1955, the eldest of four children. A brilliant student, he was sent on a state scholarship to study at Teacher Training College in Malatya and then continued on to university in Ankara. It was there that he became acquainted with a Turkish classmate, Kemal Pir, who later introduced him to Abdullah Ocalan. The three became friends whose political choices would change each other's lives for ever. Like Ocalan, Bayik was also the victim of an assassination attempt - just days before the latest Turkish elections on December 24, 1995. On Being A Kurd To become a Kurd is to throw yourself into the fire - economically, mentally, physically. Once it was considered shameful to be Kurdish; it meant you were not a full human being. For example, as a younger man and writer, Yasar Kemal saw there was no life, no future as a Kurd (Kemal achieved success and fame in exchange for forsaking his identity), but no sooner had he denounced the dirty war going on in Turkey than he lost everything - his fame and his name. Compare this with the predicament of any ordinary Kurd and ask what Turkish democracy means to him. It is terrorism that is being practiced against him. The Role Of Women We say that it is the women who have allowed us to carry on our struggle so long. Without them fighting at our side it would have been much harder. It is also the women who are both the source of our Kurdish-ness and of our humanity. Man have lost half of both. Sometimes I say this at meetings and the women applaud. But it is a fact. Because of this, they are successful. Because they are closer to people, their humanity is stronger; deriving from the lives they lead, quick to feel both pain and compassion, quick to respond. Their sensitivity is the source of life. The Turkish Government's Assassination Campaign As part of their pre-election campaign, that department of the regime responsible for organizing the special war against Kurdistan also directed special operations against the PKK's leadership. They publicized this during the campaign itself: there were to be attempts at our abduction as well as our assassination, whether they brought us in dead or alive. Their strategies were centered around this at the election rallies, but they were unsuccessful. The Special War Team (Ozel Savas Ekibi) included Prime Minister Tansu Ciller, Unal Erkan (The former Emergency Region "Super" Governor), Mehmet Agar (former police chief), Necdet Menzir and their close allies. I was in Arbil when the assassination attempt against me was made, just one week before the elections. A package containing enough plastic explosive to topple a multi-storey building, attached to a timing device which had been concealed near the wall of the building in which I was staying. When the bomb was discovered, there was only one hour left to blast-off. In the recent assassination attempt against Abdullah Ocalan in May of this year, we were aware of the possibility but not the timing. The Turkish regime had published a target list last year in which they deliberately mixed up the upper levels of the PKK's leadership with the lower as a trick to confuse people. They would list someone who held no position whatsoever as one of the top level leaders. Another Cyprus The Turkish Government is very active in south Kurdistan. The census figures for Turkomans are deliberately boosted by the Turkish Red Crescent which operates there. They take them to be brain washed for special training in death squads (infazlar) in order to carry out disruptive activities back in the south. The situation is very dangerous. A number of prominent personnel from MIT are logged in the south in the offices of the Red Crescent, as well as enjoying the protection of the two main parties. These include the General Staff (whose most effective and active officer in planning is under special protection in Salahaddin). These people even play a role on some local committees. After the war between ourselves and the KDP in 1995, some of these agents from MIT were allowed to interrogate our prisoners. If the local parties allow the region to be turned into another Cyprus they'll realize what they've done. Israel-Turkey Agreement This new agreement is clearly extensive and has implications for the entire Middle East as well as upon the Kurdish movement. It is an attempt to create a new bloc in the region. The influence extends far beyond the region itself and will also be reflected in Europe. It would seem that France and Germany, among other nations oppose the Turkey-Israel-USA bloc. It could also pose a considerable problem for relations between USA and Europe. Within the terms of this agreement, the PKK is designated as target. Israeli experts are currently educating the Turks and taking part in their operations. Israel is supplying landmines, rolled barbed wire and trip wires which illuminate the border. Mines are attached to the wires which light up illuminating the area where tripped. There is a large force in position on the hills above Isikveren where this work has been carried out already. Turkey's invasion of south Kurdistan in March 1995 was conducted with the support of Israeli officers. They played a role in both the planning and technical aspects. Intelligence-sharing is directed against both Iran and Syria. This literally cuts Turkey off from its neighbors. Although the Refah Party expressed discomfort it made no attempt to oppose the pact. Syria, Egypt and Iraq also expressed approval and threatened Turkey. Jordan, as an ally of America, was however supportive. This line-up opens a wider front for our struggle politically. Turkey is becoming isolated in the region and opposed by its neighbors because it has targeted Iran, Iraq, and Syria. The Kurdish movement can gain a breathing space from this, as the Arab countries now view the Kurdish Question as a major card. This is one of the most important development we have witnessed in the region in recent times and may prompt big changes to the status quo. The PKK's importance also clearly emerges. The PKK takes on grater significance, whether as friend or foe. New political opportunities are opening up for us. For the first time, a number of Arab countries have joined the same side as the Kurds, in opposition. The PKK can extend its front and carry on its struggle more comfortably. The two blocs depend on the PKK's position as a significant force in both north and south Kurdistan. A Lamentable Situation In South Kurdistan After the Gulf War, America's influence was clearly exposed because the other Kurdish parties were not prepared for, nor planned to be, in power, they lost their opportunities. We have tried to make those same possibilities useful for the Kurdish people. This was the main reason for the war between us, in 1992, and again in 1995. It is a little different now as the influence of the KDP and PUK is waning. But to this day the new party in the south is not allowed the freedom to move. Democracy is in crisis. The old parties attempts to remain in power in the same old form has held the region back and inhibits the development of South Kurdistan. These parties encourage internal collapse and are in fact allowing the region to decline. The PKK And The Development Of The South The lack of a political solution and of development makes for an uncertain future for south Kurdistan. Neither can economic development occur without a democratic federation. The other problems cannot be resolved without resolving the status of south Kurdistan in relation to Iraq. Although the National Congress cannot solve everything, it could still have been an opening. The KDP and PUK obstructed it as it didn't serve their interests because the people would then be bound to the congress and not to them. It would bring about an end to the power of the militias. The PUK says, "Yes we are in favor of the Congress", but opposes it in practice. The KDP says "its too early!" They were presented with all the necessary opportunities to run south Kurdistan in 1991; everything they needed to run a government was there after Saddam left the region. After all this time we are still trying to revive the south Kurdistan parliament and get them back on their feet. Either there will be a democratic federation or it will be end of the road. My Own Position I didn't go to the mountains for this, for so many villages to be burnt down and people murdered, that the wishes of this or that government could be implemented at the expense of our people and our children. Since the end of 1975, I've been active whether in the mountains or the cities. But it is worse now. We are here to make sure that the events of 1975 in south Kurdistan are not repeated, even if Saddam returns. The two local parties accused us of having relations with Saddam which we didn't have. How dare they criticize us when they were the ones who had such relations with him. We didn't say anything. For example, Jalal Talabani saying "Turkey is a democracy!" When in 1993, the Turks attacked us with 50 jet fighters in Zele it was because a senior PUK member had shown them exactly where we were. Their aim was to wipe us out full-scale and leave no one alive. Southern Kurds In The PKK There are more recruits now but the southern Kurds find the discipline tough, or join because of the problem of hunger. Then they take their guns away and sell them. It is the same with the KDP and PUK. They join each other's parties taking their weapons to sell. POW's And Political Impasse The Red Cross came a number of times to see the prisoners we had captured. The prisoners are now all staying in one place and have become part of the way of war life there, dressed in the same clothes as everyone else and treated as guests rather than as prisoners. They willingly joined us. They don't want to go back to Turkey, especially without some international guarantees. Some want to go to Europe. They would have left before now had there been any international progress or someone to take responsibility for them. Others want to stay and fight on our side anyhow. They are mostly Turkish by origin. The Turkish government has not responded to their families' requests despite the mediation of the Red Cross. They ignore them. Some letters have been exchanged with their families. We invited their families to come and visit them but the Turkish government wouldn't allow them. Even so, some families came and saw them. Some of these mothers of soldiers and guerrillas are also uniting to work together for peace, but the Turkish government behaves aggressively as usual. The CHP (People's Republican Party) also reacted negatively. There us a new endeavor for families to work together for peace. After some meetings with German delegations we have considered a German proposal that Nelson Mandela mediate between ourselves and government. We consider that this could be positive. Peace And The Cease-Fire At present the operations which the Turkish government is carrying out in Kurdistan are intensely destructive despite the unilateral cease-fire. We want to carry on with the cease-fire but it is very difficult. It can not continue much longer. The Turkish government says the PKK is finished and that we are playing for time, whereas it is they who are doing it. The international organizations know our position. The Kurdish people and the outside world have responded positively to our initiative and to the various international peace movements campaigning for peace in Kurdistan. But these are still insufficient in response to the massive use of force against us. Turkey has not changed at all. Their operations continue daily. What clearly emerges is that Turkey does not favor a political solution and relies solely on a military solution. From our point of view, we have achieved considerable success a proving we want peace. Conversely, the militaristic face of Turkey has been exposed. Turkey advances against us with the sole object of annihilation and we can but defend ourselves against her. A massive devastation of the natural environment is taking place. The army poisons the wells, kills the crops, burns the forests-even the birds and animals are slaughtered. How much longer are we to wait? (Source: American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From kurd-l at Thu Jan 9 06:58:00 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 09 Jan 1997 06:58:00 Subject: Mourners Commemorate Killed Turkish Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Mourners Commemorate Killed Turkish Journalist Mourners Commemorate Killed Turkish Journalist ISTANBUL, Jan 8 (Reuter) - Hundreds of mourners on Wednesday demanded the conviction of Turkish policemen charged in the beating death of a left-wing journalist in a case seen as a test of Ankara's response to human rights pressure from the West. Nearly 1,000 friends, relatives and supporters carrying banners and chanting, "Metin lives on with us" marched through heavy rain to the graveside of reporter Metin Goktepe to mark the first anniversary of his death in police custody. His mother, Fadime Goktepe, tearfully laid flowers on his grave, decorated with carnations and candles, in a hillside cemetery in Istanbul's rundown Atisalani district. People in the crowd raised their fists in the air and shouted "We are all like Metin!" "Metin Goktepe was beaten to death by the police on the personal orders of the (Istanbul) governor," Levent Tuzel, the lawyer for Goktepe's family, told a news conference at the start of the day's commemorative events. The journalist's home, in a poor area of the city, was festooned with a giant poster of 27-year-old Goktepe, found beaten to death after being detained while covering the funeral of leftist militants killed in a prison riot. Forty-eight policemen have been charged in connection with Goktepe's killing but their trial has dragged on, prompting human rights activists to accuse officials of unwillingness to act against the powerful security forces. The trial has been postponed several times and transferred twice to towns hundreds of miles (kilometres) away from Istanbul for what officials say are security reasons. Protesters in Ankara left a black wreath on the steps of the justice ministry that read: "It has been a year since Metin was murdered. We want his killers arrested." There has been only one hearing of the Goktepe trial, in a southern town a day's drive away, and the policemen were not required to appear in court. The defendants have not been held in detention. Western observers who attended the hearing in a tatty sports hall described it as a "comedy of justice", and said they believed the constant moving of the case was a deliberate ploy to ensure there were no convictions. Turkey has often been the target of criticism from its Western allies over its human rights record. Allegations of abuse include extrajudicial killings, torture in police custody, restrictions on expression and foul play in the army's fight with rebel Kurds in the southeast. The independent Human Rights Association said last month that around 3,500 people had died in "mystery killings" in the country since the mid 1980s. Most of those killed have been Kurdish or leftist activists. Then prime minister Tansu Ciller pledged widespread reform ahead of a customs union deal with Europe, which went into effect in January last year. But little progress has been made, and rights activists claim the situation degenerated once customs union was in the bag. The six-month-old coalition of Ciller's conservative party and the Islamists -- who campaigned on a platform of "Just Order" and equality -- has also failed to make any impact. Last month police beat human rights activists who had travelled to the southeastern town of Lice to investigate claims the military had threatened to raze the town and kill its inhabitants if they refused to join a state-paid militia. The militia is used in the fight with the rebel Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which is seeking autonomy or independence in southeast Turkey. More than 21,000 people have died in the 12-year-old insurgency. From kurd-l at Fri Jan 10 13:44:33 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 10 Jan 1997 13:44:33 Subject: ATS Press Release To The Mainstream Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: ATS Press Release To The Mainstream Media Arm The Spirit Press Release - January 10, 1997 Comments Regarding Media Articles On The "MRTA Solidarity Page" On The World Wide Web On January 3, 1997, the Reuters News Agency distributed an article entitled "Peruvian Rebels Wage Propaganda War On Internet", which dealt with our organization's MRTA Solidarity Page on the World Wide Web. This article was reprinted in many newspapers and appeared on the WWW pages of media outlets such as CNN and MSNBC. A few days later more articles appeared in various newspapers such as the Wall Street Journal, Newsday, etc. There are a few misconceptions and errors in the Reuters article, and the others that followed, which we would like to clarify. First of all, we are NOT the MRTA, and we do not in any way speak on their behalf. We are a group of North American anti-imperialists (not "anarchists" as we were incorrectly indentified as being in the January 3rd Reuters article) who have created a Web Site in solidarity with the MRTA and their current struggle. The MRTA's own official web page is in Europe ( and their European Representatives can be reached directly via e-mail (voz_rebelde at We first learned of the MRTA raid on the Japanese ambassador's residence in Lima from the mainstream media and as the situation developed we realized the importance and magnitude of their action. Considering the present state of world politics today, and the usual tendency of the capitalist media to distort liberation struggles and dismiss them as "terrorist", we felt it would be important, as the standoff dragged on, to provide information from the MRTA's point of view. The day after the occupation of the Japanese ambassador's residence, we began a search of the Internet for authentic material from or about the MRTA. We were only able to locate the MRTA's Spanish-language page "Voz Rebelde Internacional". (Reuters incorrectly attributes that title to our page, which is simply called "MRTA Solidarity Page".) We could not find any sites providing information on the MRTA in English, so we undertook the task - as a gesture of internationalist solidarity - to create one ourselves. This page now receives thousands of hits every day, and it has, as was our intent, become a useful resource for activists, news agencies, and concerned individuals around the globe. Some of the articles written by Reuters, Newsday, and others, seem to imply that we have a direct communications link to the compound. This is utterly ridiculous. All of the information displayed on our page was gathered from the public domain and sources are cited. We are an information collective. Our political work entails collecting, translating, and disseminating information. Our MRTA Solidarity Page is nothing more than this. Much of the information on the page is even from mainstream sources. We have done this in order to give people some idea of how the standoff is being reported in the United States, Europe, and Japan. Implying that we have direct contact with MRTA members in the ambassador's residence based on the content of our WWW page is sloppy journalism. Reporters and editors in the mainstream media should take more care in their research and report the facts, not hype and conjecture. What are some these facts? One is that millions of Peruvians live in desperate poverty. Perhaps the diplomats and government officials inside the residence, who have had their comfortable lives interrupted, can get a glimpse of the daily reality of a majority of the Peruvian people. And though these prisoners are being detained against their will, their conditions are worlds apart from the living tombs in which hundreds of political prisoners - both guerrilla members as well as thousands of falsely imprisoned Peruvians - are wasting away in. Peru's prison conditions are among the worst in the world. After being sentenced by masked, anonymous judges in "trials" lasting only a few minutes, prisoners are kept in total isolation for months at a time. They are kept in their tiny cells for more than 23 hours every day. One 30 minute visit from a family member each month is all the contact with the outside world which they are granted. Many prisoners are sick and scores have died from tuberculosis, digestive disorders, and other maladies which are a direct result of the inhumane conditions in which they are kept. The Peruvian government and military has been cited by numerous human rights organizations as being some of the worst violators of human rights in this hemisphere. The world should take note of the fact that despite all of this, the MRTA militants have not taken any steps of retribution against the prisoners they are now holding inside the residence - even though a number of the Peruvian government officials are war criminals and torturers guilty of a multitude of human rights violations. As activists in North America, groups like ours have access to technology and means of communications which many organizations and movements in the "Third World" cannot access. One of these is the Internet. We see it is as our responsibility to make use of the resources at our disposal to help create public awareness of issues such as the ones now on the table in Peru. This has allowed us to disseminate the perspective of the MRTA through statements, interviews, etc. across the globe. By collecting and translating information on the MRTA and their struggle, we feel we have provided a necessary balance to the overabundance of disinformation provided by the other side, namely the Fujimori regime and its imperialist backers (Japan, the U.S., the E.U., etc.). Of course, our political stance is not a neutral one. We support the MRTA's call for the release of all MRTA political prisoners in Peru and fundamental changes in Peru's economic system. In closing, we would urge all those interested in the Lima standoff to contact the MRTA's official representatives directly, and to investigate the root causes of the conflict, namely the brutal repression, widespread poverty and horrible prison conditions which exist in Peru. We will continue to do our part in this struggle by providing uncensored information in English about the MRTA, their beliefs, and their demands. Free All Political Prisoners! Arm The Spirit January 10, 1997 "Venceremos!" Journalists with further questions should consult our web site for more information: ENDS Below is the original Reuters article for your reference: ---- Peruvian Rebels Wage Propaganda War On Internet January 3, 1997 WASHINGTON (Reuter) -- Marxist guerrillas holding 74 hostages in the Japanese ambassador's residence in Peru are waging a propaganda war on the World Wide Web. Like many other radical or revolutionary groups in the developing world, the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, or MRTA, has found allies in cyberspace. On a Web page created the day after MRTA guerrillas stormed a diplomatic reception December 17, supporters of the rebels post communiques issued from inside the besieged mansion, giving updates on the drama and even photographs. The electronic publication "Voz Rebelde" (Rebel Voice) includes interviews with the group's leaders, messages of solidarity from leftist groups around the world and links to other Web sites on the MRTA in Japanese and Italian. Fujimori Is Target Of Broadsides President Alberto Fujimori, who long boasted of having crushed Peru's left-wing guerrillas, is the target of most of the MRTA's propaganda broadsides. "Fujimori's government proclaimed a great victory over the armed movement," said Isaac Velazco, the MRTA's spokesman in Europe. Velazco was interviewed by the German publication Junge Welt, and it was then posted on the Internet. "The government deceived itself and went as far as believing that the guerrillas, particularly the MRTA, had been defeated," Velazco said. "We were never so weak as the government supposed." Adorned with the MRTA shield bearing the head of Tupac Amaru, the Peruvian Indian who led an 18th-century uprising against Spanish conquerors, "Rebel Voice" is one of many guerrilla spaces on the Internet. Zapatista rebels, who launched an uprising in southern Mexico three years ago, were among the first to stake out revolutionary cyberspace, and became enthusiastic guerrilla hackers. Shining Path Also On Internet The Shining Path, a Maoist guerrilla group in Peru that has killed thousands of people during a decade of armed violence, has had its own Web page for six months, maintained by a support group in Berkeley, California. The MRTA page site was built by "Arm the Spirit," an anarchist group based in Toronto that calls itself an "anti-imperialist information collective." The Internet even draws together groups separated by bitter ideological differences. The Shining Path's page can be used to access the Web page of its MRTA rival. ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From kurd-l at Fri Jan 10 15:59:58 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 10 Jan 1997 15:59:58 Subject: Kurds Leave Atrush Camp, Head For P Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Kurds Leave Atrush Camp, Head For PKK Territory Kurd Refugees Quit UN Camp For Rebel Areas ANKARA, Jan 9 (Reuter) - More than 1,000 displaced Turkish Kurds have left a U.N. camp in northern Iraq and taken refuge among Kurdish rebels, a news agency close to the guerrillas said on Thursday. "More than a thousand...have set off for areas under the control of (Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK) guerrillas," the Germany-based DEM news agency said in a statement. It did not say whether the refugees were headed for Turkey or other areas of northern Iraq where the rebels have bases. A senior Turkish security official on Thursday reiterated an invitation for the refugees to return to Turkey from the Atrush camp, adding that more than 100 families had already accepted the offer, state-run Anatolian news agency reported. Atrush was set up in 1994 for Kurds fleeing into northern Iraq from southeast Turkey, where villagers are caught in the middle of fighting between Turkish troops and the PKK. More than 21,000 people have died in the 12-year-old conflict. The U.N. refugee agency UNHCR announced on December 21 that it would phase out its operations at Atrush in a month because of rebel activities in the camp. Necati Bilican, the governor of Turkey's emergency rule region, told Anatolian the camp would be empty within a month. He said 121 families have returned to Turkey from the camp, situated 60 km (38 miles) from the Turkish border. It housed about 14,000 refugees at its peak. Ankara has made housing and aid arrangements for those returning to Turkey, the regional governor said, but added that nobody would be forced to return. UNHCR chief Sadako Ogata said in December the agency would assist those refugees who chose to stay in northern Iraq. From kurd-l at Sat Jan 11 19:13:42 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 11 Jan 1997 19:13:42 Subject: The Susuluk Accident In Turkey Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Turkey: The Susuluk Accident (November 1996) November 16, 1996 Tuncer Gunay, investigative journalist states that after the coup of 1980 Abdullah Catli, Huseyin Kocadag, Alaatin Cakici and Oral Celik were given the task by the state to lead special units in actions against the Armenian organisation ASALA. According to Gunay, Catli murdered Agoc Agopyan. Furthermore Catli is said to have taken Agca out of prison and he played an active role in the murders of Behcet Canturk and Savas Buldan. Gunay states he knows Catli since 1979 and he met him last in August, 1996. Catli is said to have gone abroad in 1980. In that period suddenly the attacks against ASALA started. ASALA is said to have not possessed a mass base and supposedly consisted of units of some 20 militants. During meetings of the general staff with leaders of the Special Operation Units it was discussed how ASALA could be destroyed. In that period there were only 2 organisations in Turkey who would have been capable of doing that: the Turkish secret service MIT and the police. But it was impossible for both to conduct actions abroad, considering the laws of that time. In stead these two forces were to establish special units who were going to do the job. The legendary MIT deputy-chief Hiram Abas was also involved in leading these units. The developments after the murder of "Casino King" Luftu Topal show the relations between State-Mafia-police even more clearly. According to the statements of the policemen from the 3. Special Unit, who were interrogated, Topal was also involved in drug trafficking. As the responsibles for the murder, they named Tansu Ciller and Mehmet Agar. Mehmet Agar stated to the chief-editor of the Harriet, Ertugrul Ozturk: "We've carried out thousands of operations. But I can not tell more about this. The result of our operations was peace for the people. It has been quiet in Turkey for 3 years now. But from now on we can not take anymore risks. In Cizre it was even impossible to walk peacefully across the street. But now there is no difference anymore between the West and the East." Sadik Avunduoglu, chairman of the parliamentary investigation committee for murders by unknown perpetrators, stated the wealth of Ciller was clear evidence for her involvement with the Mafia. As a result of the accident in Susurluk: - the MIT report and the accusations it contains became public, - it became known that Interpol had a international arrest warrant issued against Abdullah Catli, - it was revealed that Catli received a diplomatic passport anyway, - it becomes likely that Bucak, Catli and Kocadag met Agar in the Princess Hotel, - it is thought that the nephew and the brother of the leader of the Soylemez gang, Sene Soylemez, were murdered by a gang, led by Bucak, - it became known that the murderer Haluk Kirici, wanted for the massacre in Bahcelievler - 18 years ago, carried a card with him, signed by Mehmet Agar, identifying him as a protege, - it was revealed that an assault was planned against Abdullah Catli in 1996, involving a policeman, - it was discovered that the members of the Special Operation Teams, Tekdemir from Ankara and Mehmet Hadi Ozcan met Catli in Catli's villa, - it became clear that Catli was taken out of a Swiss prison, where he was jailed because of drug trafficking, most likely by the CIA, - it became clear that Turgul Turkes, the deputy chairman of the MHP (and of the leading drug traffickers) met Catli in Nachavan Elcibey, - Omer Ay, one of the closest friends of Catli in the `70s, stated that Catli co-operated with the state since the coup of September 12, 1980, carrying out special operations, - it became known that the gun which Catli had registered belonged to Nihat Yasak who recently lost his life during a confrontation. November 17, 1996 Demirel to the press: "Let's not burn down the whole house because of one mouse. Susurluk was a mistake by the state." According to the putschist general Evren, they used the Grey Wolves for special actions. The MIT even made use of enemies, and if this was going to continue, soon nobody would want to work for the state. Necdet Menzir is said to have phoned chief of police Mehmet Agar, warning him not to send his people to Menzir's area. Bodyguards of Sedat Bucak on trial for executions. Ayhin Carkin and Omer Kaplan, official bodyguards of Sedat Bucak, are being prosecuted for murder in five different cases, killing 13 people died. One of the cases is the attack against the coffee-shop Beyaz Saraz in Okmeydani, August 13, 1993, in which 5 people were murdered. Witnesses testified that Selma Catlak (Tan) was shot in front of their eyes, after she had surrendered herself. In the 2 trials against both bodyguards, the prosecutor demanded 48 imprisonment in total. The trials still continue. The courts are still busy with the operation of January 27, 1992, in Mahmutbey in which Servet Sanim, Ismail Cengiz Gizenek and Huseyin Yasar were murdered, the operation of March 24, 1992 in Bahcelievler in which Ibrahim Yalcin Arikan, Avni Turan and Recia Dincer were murdered (for the 2. Court for Capital Crime in Bakirkoy), the attack on March 6, 1993 in Kartal in which Bedri Yagan, Gurcan Ozgur, Menekse Meral and Rifat-Asiye Kasap were killed. The massacre in Okmeydani, mentioned above, in which Selma Catlak, Mehmet Salgin, Sabri Atilmis,Hakan Kasa and Nebi Akyurek were murdered, is now tried by the 2. Court for Capital Crimes in Istanbul. The massacre of April 16-17 in Ciftehavuzlar in which Sabahat Karatas, Sinan Kukul, Taskin Usta and Eda Yuksel were murdered, is tried by the Court for Capital Crime in Kayseri. The murder of Ibrahim Ilci is tried by the 4. Court for Capital Crime in Istanbul. The murder of Nurten Demir and Ismail Akarcesme is tried by the 1. Court for Capital Crime in Beyoglu... November 21, 1996 Sedat Bucak is on HBB Television. Bucak, claiming he has 30.000 armed men under his command, says he loved Catli like a brother. While he covers Catli with compliments, he warns Yilmaz to be very careful. Mesut Yilmaz states there are even ministers who give orders to the Mafia: "These people are used for jobs which do not benefit the state, they benefit the interests of certain political tendencies. They co-operate with criminals for the money." The papers report that Agar had a secret meeting on September 2, 1993, with the leaders of the Bucak clan. On this occasion, 1.500 Kalashnikovs were given to the clan. The same offer was made to other clans, but most of them declined. The members of the Bucak clan received the assurance that there would be no unpleasant investigations into the affairs of the clan members in case they agreed to fight against the PKK. Agar is said to have ordered the murder of the Soylemez gang which is in jail. For this reason, Sedat Peker, convicted for the possession of drugs, murder and manhandling - and probably member of the Grey Wolves -, went to the prison where he beats up the prison director, saying: "Why have they not been killed yet?" Agar is said to have been Haluk Kirici wedding's witness. When pictures of the wedding were published in the papers, Agar claimed he did not have any idea who's wedding witness he had been. November 22, 1996 The office of Mesut Yilmaz is said to be bugged. November 23, 1996 Catli's widow about the connections of her late husband: "It's possible some state officials helped my husband. He did work together with the state. But he didn't have a high opinion about that. It was known who Catli was, and therefore they never disturbed him. My husband did not escape from this prison in Switzerland, he was liberated, as everybody knows." The CHP-chairman Deniz Baykal states: "When the events in Susurluk are solved, Ugur Dundar (television journalist) and Dogu Perincek (publisher of the paper Aydinlik) will die. Everybody will get his turn. The state kills people. We must get rid of this burden, the state is executing its people. In Turkey, people are blackmailed, kidnapped and murdered." Ciller calls Bucak, who plays a major role in the triangle of Mafia-state-police, a hero: "He fought against terror like a hero, nobody should make the mistake to forget the past of these people." November 25, 1996 The people are protesting. Several mass organisations set up committees to show their reaction to the public. The democratic mass organisations started to set up associations against organised crime. Mehmet Gul, former chairman of the Ulku Ocaklari (association of the Grey Wolves) in Istanbul, says Catli escaped from prison in Switzerland in the time that ANAP was in government and that Catli co-operated in the ANAP party congress. Party chairman Yilmaz is said to have met Catli before the congress. Yilmaz needed the support of the 300-500 fascist orientated delegates to win the congress, and that is where Catli came in. Catli primarily worked for Akbulut, but he also gave his support to Yilmaz. A former member of parliament and former minister of Culture in the period Catli was in a Swiss prison, says: "Everybody who has been prime-minister or minister of the Interior in Turkey should know Catli travelled abroad as an agent, and they do know." ANAP party chairman Mesut Yilmaz is attacked by former fascists (at present Mafia members) in the Hilton hotel in Budapest. November 27, 1996 Police director Alaatin Yuksel reports investigations in the last 6 months revealed the existence of several gangs where some 30 policemen belonged to. Yuksel says 350 policemen were suspended in on e year and some 100 files still had to be treated. It was again said that the death of Gendarmerie commander Esref Bitlis had not been the result of an accident, but that his plane had been sabotaged. It is said that Bitlis was murdered by a uniformed gang in Yuksekova. PKK-traitor Kahraman Bilgic is supposed to belong to that gang as well. These are no village guards, these are criminal gangs. The village guards present a disturbing picture. In 11 years 23.000 temporary village guards were sacked, primarily because of murder, kidnapping, drug trafficking and arms dealing. There are 76.906 village guards in Turkey, 14.872 of them are volunteers. Ciller defends Catli: "Those who fire bullets for this state, or who are shot, are remembered with respect, they are honourable." November 28, 1996 Refah-delegate Firat says: "Sedat Bicak has connections with the contra-guerrilla, when the truth about the gangs is revealed, the oppression in the East will also come to light. Sedat Bucak and his clan are doing nothing that could be of benefit for Turkey, they are only involved in organised crime and murder." In 1982, Abdullah Catli went the Latin America, together with the Italian delle Chiaie, from there they went to Miami. The Turkish and the Italian Gladio work together in the US. A law to save Gladio. The minister of Justice is preparing a new law. According to this law, the number of crimes which are tried by the State Security Court will be reduced. Membership of a criminal association (the Mafia) will in future no longer be a case for the State Security Court ("to reduce the workload of the State Security Court"), it will become a case for the normal courts. A newspaper publishes the following article: "The victims of the gangs were Kurds and Armenians. The first job a A. Catli and his gang, used in Turkey for murder and trained by the Special Units, was the murder of Vedat Aydin through torture. Later, at the funeral, these people opened fire at the then party chairman Fehmi Isiklar and his friends. A. Catli and his friends committed this murder, controlled by state institutions. Musa Anter, a critical author, was murdered by these gangs. Sedat Bucak sheltered these murderers. It would be naive to think the governor of the region knew nothing about this." After the office of the paper Ozgur Gundem was bombed, the police director of Istanbul Menzir pointed at Agar as the one who gave the order, but nothing was done. Thousands of people were murdered by these criminal gangs. High-ranking officers, governors in this region and the former National Police Director Agar knew about it. Almost all papers report about these accusations. November 30, 1996 The expert about the drug trade between Germany and Turkey, Harald Luder, explains that morphine is processed to heroin in laboratories in Istanbul. Turkey has been transformed into one gigantic drug laboratory. A parliamentary investigation commission began looking into the connections between the Mafia, the police and the state. But the democratic institutions have no hope the commission will unearth the truth. The chairman of the European Islam Association (ATIB), and accused of being an accessory in the plot against the pope, Musa Serdar Celebi, states in the press: "The murders smell of the state. In Turkey, murders by unknown perpetrators are committed by a dark force. You can call it Gladio or the Department for Special Warfare if you like, but they really exist in Turkey. They accused the Ulkucus (Grey Wolves) then, but in reality it was Gladio. Gladio is walking around freely." -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Kurtulus Nachrichten Zentrale: Turkey Mailinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From kurd-l at Sun Jan 12 13:31:49 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 12 Jan 1997 13:31:49 Subject: No More Reuters News Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Dear ats-l and kurd-l subscribers, It seems that our MRTA Solidarity Page has truly upset the powers that be, even within the capitalist media establishment. The Reuters News Agenecy recently threatened to sue both us as well as our Internet service providers due to our "illegal use of Reuters material". But thanks to the great support given to us by our friends at BURN!, this crisis has been averted. But, there will no longer be any mainstream news from Reuters on our lists. Revolutionary greetings, Arm The Spirit >From: Jim Hohman >Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 16:08:20 -0400 (EDT) >Subject: ILLEGAL USE OF REUTERS MATERIAL > >Dear Arm the Spirit, > >My name is Jim Hohman. I am vice president for sales at Reuters NewMedia, >responsible for the sale of Reuters content to traditional and online media in >the United States. I am writing to let you know you are stealing our content, >in violation of copyright law. We will pursue legal action against your group >and your sponsors if you do not immediately (by that I mean today, Friday, >January 10, 1997) remove all Reuters content from any and all sites where it >may be currently viewable or archived. From kurd-l at Thu Jan 16 00:21:06 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 16 Jan 1997 00:21:06 Subject: DHKC Statement On The Situation In Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: DHKC Statement On The Situation In Turkey DHKC Statement On The Situation In Turkey January 6, 1997 A HANDFUL OF TYRANTS ARE GUILTY TOWARDS OUR PEOPLE AND THE WORLD. LET'S STOP THEM! The world public opinion should know that the violations of human rights and the laws in Turkey are much more widespread as they appear to be. Now, after the recent events have reached this point, it would be a grave mistake to view the human rights violations and crimes as the acts of just a few criminals, because the Turkish state is organised crime itself. What crashed into the lorry in Susurluk was a criminal organisation. But the horrible facts, becoming public because of this accident, are merely the tip of the iceberg. In other words: just a part of the darkness became visible. It shows the part of internal retaliation within the oligarchy which rules the land. But behind this is a sheer, never-ending darkness which still has to be revealed. Behind this is the darkness, created by the war against the people. Those who watch the evidence, confessions, and witness accounts which came forward up until now will see that those who wage a cruel war against the people are the same who simultaneously carry out terror operations abroad, ordered by the state, and deal in drugs. Nowadays, members of this gang, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Home Affairs, the Minister of Justice, etc., are on a diplomatic mission to the European Parliament and the European Council. SINCE 1980, TURKISH FASCISM HAS BEEN EXPORTING TERROR A single name, Abdullah Catli, is sufficient to show how the activities of the contra-guerrilla were spread to foreign countries. Abdullah Catli is a fascist, wanted for the murder of 7 members of the Turkish Workers Party (TIP) and other terrorist acts, among them the assault against the pope, and he has been officially on the run since 1977. Catli was imprisoned in France and Switzerland for his proven involvement in drug trafficking. Mehmet Eygur, deputy chief of the secret service department of the MIT, and chief of the Anti-Terror Department of that same organisation, said about Catli, who was in the unlucky Mercedes together with True Path Party MP and Kurdish clan leader Sedat Bucak and the chief of police Huseyin Kocadag: "The MIT used Catli abroad since 1983. From 1994, he was run by the General Police Directorate." Also Korku Eken, a retired lieutenant colonel, former MIT agent, and counsellor of the former Minister of Home Affairs Mehmet Agar, confirmed that Catli "was used in operations". He, furthermore, stated that Catli was not only used after the coup of September 1980, but that he had already been used before that period. With this, he hinted at operations abroad, such as assaults and bomb attacks against Armenian, Kurdish, and Turkish revolutionaries who lived abroad. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister Tansu Ciller, during a statement in parliament about this murderer who got killed in the accident, said: "These people who shoot and get shot for the Fatherland are honourable people." It is known that Catli was member of the group which was sent to Azerbaijan to carry out a coup against Haydar Aliev. After the putsch attempt failed, the group returned to Turkey. The dirty acts carried out by the contra-guerrilla in Cyprus are also no longer a secret. Last year, Catli was sent to Cyprus with a group of Turkish fascists to organize provocations and attacks at the border, as people later learned from the media. Besides these armed attacks, political party buildings and houses were bombed, and Kutlu Adali, a journalist of the paper Yeni Duzen (New Order), who wrote critically about the para-military gangs, was murdered. The public learnt that Catli was the one who organized all these events. It became public also that Catli frequently travelled to Cyprus, using a false passport with the name of Mehmet Ozbay, and that his hotel expenses were paid by OYAK, the military-owned conglomerate. Catli was paid 65 billion TL (approx. $600.000) by Tansu Ciller for his activities in Cyprus. As documents revealed, Catli travelled to Cyprus together with the "King of the Casino's" and Mafia-boss Omer Liftu Topal and both spent their time the same hotel. Later, Omer Luftu Topal was killed by Catli and members of the Special Units because of a "difference of opinion" with the contra-guerrilla on orders of Mehmet Agar and Ibrahim Sahin, deputy chief of the Special Units. It's obvious that these forces only constitute a small part of the criminal network. Abroad, especially in Europe, sabotage, provocations, assaults, and attacks against Turkish and Kurdish opposition members are acts which are committed by para-military organisations, of which the Grey Wolves are well-known, covered up by diplomacy and economical relations. THE MAFIA STATE CONTROLS THE DRUG TRADE Those who really want to act against the drug trade have to fight it. The drug trade in Turkey is organised by the Turkish contra-guerrilla. Mrs. Dilek Ornek, arrested with a suitcase full of money when she entered Turkey, stated she acted on orders of Ayhan Akca, the bodyguard of the deputy chief of the Special Units, Ibrahim Sahin. And the boss of Ibrahim Sahin is Mehmet Agar. Mehmet Agar and Sedat Bucak are part of the same gang. The city of Lice is the centre of the heroin trade in Turkey. Sedat Bucak, whose base of support is Lice, is Number One in the drug market with his army of 10,000 armed village guards. According to the former department chief of the Special Operation Units, Korkot Eken, the drug trade in Turkey annually amounts to $25 billion. Without doubt, this drug market extends to Ciller, also mentioned in connection with the gang chiefs, the generals, who share the war loot among each other, and the other police chiefs. It is no coincidence that the names of policemen and military officers make the headlines in this war about loot. For example, it became known that the chief of the Yuksekova Gang, which controls the drug trade, kidnappings, and murders on contract in the region of Hakkari, is the gendarmerie commander of Hakkari. These regional gangs constitute the lower level of the gang hierarchy. Because of their internal confrontations, they became known to the public as the Soylemezler Gang, the Kocaeli Gang, the Ankara Gang, the Adana Gang, the Izmir Gang, and the Balikesir Gang. THE TIES GO UP TO THE PRIME MINISTER, THE MINISTERS, THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL (MGK), THE PRESIDENT, AND THE GENERALS Mehmet Agar, whose name is mentioned in connection with all murder cases, drug deals and other kinds of dirty business, chooses to attack as a means of defence: "All these things make me untouchable." And he threatens his rivals: "We will have to sit together to talk about it, because we all know what has happened in the past..." The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister Tansu Ciller visited the School of the Special Operation Units, the strike forces of the contra-guerrilla, as an act of public support. These units have, according to Mehmet Agar himself, carried out "thousands of operations", that is to say: sabotage, torture, bombardments of villages, and murders. Tansu Ciller's words to these units, in presence of the press: "You do not receive your orders form those who attack you, you receive them from the state. This country is in your hands. The nation is very proud of you. (...) I respect your work. Keep your heads up high. All those who are against you will have to fight hard, we can not allow them to win. I will always be behind you." The Special Units of the contra-guerrilla can rest assured that the whole state apparatus and all their rivals are in the same quagmire. The same kind of crimes, and the same kind of filth, already existed during the times of the governments of Mesut Yilmaz, Deniz Baykal, and Bulent Ecevit. The junta chief of the September coup in 1980, Kenan Evren, covered the filthy affairs of the state and he emphatically rejected the disclosure of the latest events. But the revelations, beginning with Susurluk, continue. Even summit meetings or meetings of the National Security Council will not change this, even if they wanted to. While the circles of those who are involved become larger and larger, the balance of the crimes and the murders, which makes the state "untouchable", becomes clearer and clearer. THE DARKNESS OF THE "THOUSAND OPERATIONS" - THE MASSACRES, THE DISAPPEARANCES, THE BURNING DOWN OF VILLAGES, AND THE MURDERS BY UNKNOWN PERPETRATORS - MUST BE LIFTED The evidence which became known and the discussions in the media are only covering a small part of these "thousand operations". It has tried to steer attention to the known cases to keep the rest in the dark. Among the gangs who participate in all these crimes, a war is going on to secure and expand territories. The revealed filth stems from these power struggles within the oligarchy. Several circles of big capital, the military, the police, the bureaucracy, and large landowners are forming an alliance to deal with the complicated circumstances. They try to get rid of their opponents by leaking information and evidence about the deeds of their rivals to the press. But in the end they all still benefit from the war of all forces of the contra-guerrilla against the people. The balance of human rights violations of the first 11 months of 1996 is abundantly clear: - 2,395 people were shot during armed confrontations - 59 people were executed by unknown perpetrators - 191 people disappeared while in custody - according to official figures, 309 people were tortured - the actual number of tortured people is more than 17,600 - 95 bomb attacks carried out by the state - 67 villages were forcibly evicted and burned down - 170 people were arrested because they voiced their opinion - 12 prisoners lost their lives in the Death Fast - 5 prisoners set themselves on fire as a protest against the inhuman prison conditions - as a result of attacks by the police and the Gendarmerie against the prison of Umraniye/Istanbul, 4 prisoners were murdered, and 11 more prisoners were murdered in Diyarbakir; because they were refused medical treatment, K. Kayapinar, U.D. Gonul, M. Kaya, and 3 other prisoners lost their lives in Turkish jails - 108 buildings of associations and unions were raided by the police - journalists were sentenced to 164 years in prison and fined 9 billion 401 million TL WHAT DO WE WANT? The source of the terror, which the Turkish and Kurdish people are subjected to, is the system of the guilty and the criminals called the "state". Nowadays, more and more concrete evidence is becoming public. One has to monitor the crimes which are coming to light, the violations of international and national law, and the human rights violations. The Turkish oligarchy maintains power with an apparatus that openly breaks its own national law. Against governments which ignore their own laws and refuse to honour human rights, international law and international treaties have to be applied. Otherwise, when the Turkish state is allowed to act in the international arena officially and undisturbed, the balance of the human rights violations in Turkey, will deteriorate accordingly. The true face of the state, the face of the Mafia, torture, trading drugs and women, and massacres (in short: the contra-guerrilla) became visible for all. Susurluk has shown that the oppressors of our people are the Special Units, the village guards, and the traitors of the homeland. Everybody can see who governs our people and how they are governed. The Turkish contra-guerrilla state is sinking into the swamp which it has created itself with the war it wages against the people with all its institutions and all it means. In this swamp, human life, future, health, and the possessions of those who are on the side of the people, those who love their land, are no longer secure. Our people can no longer sleep quietly in their homes. It has even become impossible to determine whether behind the uniform of a policemen hides a gangster, a drug dealer, a trafficker in women, or a certified murderer. The handful of collaborators and exploiters who identify themselves with massacres, torture, immorality, intrigues, and extortion, the ruling parties, cannot remove the filth of this system. It's obvious that they are the representatives of the Mafia state, the gang state. Now, a broad opposition of large segments of the people is rising up. It demands democracy and freedom. We, as the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party and Front (DHKP-C), have the same demands. We support them, and we fight for them. THIS LAND DOES NOT BELONG TO THE GANGS, IT BELONGS TO US! WE WANT AN INDEPENDENT AND DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY IN WHICH: - we do not have to be afraid to go out on the streets - we do not have to suffer torture, executions, disappearances, and murders by unknown perpetrators - people, looking for their rights, are no longer beaten, arbitrarily arrested, and imprisoned - all people and all nations can live together in fraternity, using their languages and cultures in freedom, and where they can exercise their religions - the Kurdish people can exercise their right of self-determination - there is no state of emergency, no martial law, no village guards, and no traitors - there is no forced migration, there is no burning of villages, no food embargoes - workers are not sacked and civil servants are not transferred - there are no large landowners, who keep the peasants as slaves, no master classes and exploiting merchants - the producers receive a fair reward - the roofs are not torn away above the heads of the poor inhabitants of the slums, and where the people are not forced to live in slums - where there is no prostitution, no drugs - the Mafia can not roam around freely - nature is not destroyed and where people do not become the victims of "natural disasters" - thoughts are not punished, democratic associations and parties are not banned - people are not kept hostage in hospitals - our pupils are not beaten - the people receive scientific training at school - national honour is not trampled upon - the natural resources are not given away to the imperialists, a country which is not ruled by the IMF and the Worldbank! We demand that all traitors, kidnappers, and murderers be held responsible! We demand justice for our poverty and demolished houses! We demand justice for the burned down villages and the people who were forced to move! We demand justice for the blood that has been spilt for decades! We the demand the rights of nations! We want freedom for all religions! We demand freedom of ideas! We want freedom for the prisoners who fought against oppression and exploitation and who were incarcerated for that reason! WE WANT FREEDOM, JUSTICE AND EQUAL RIGHTS! WE DEMAND INDEPENDENCE AND DEMOCRACY! WE MUST KNOW THAT NOBODY IS GOING TO GIVE US THESE RIGHTS JUST LIKE THAT, AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THESE GANGS WILL DO ANYTHING TO PREVENT THIS. Those who have oppressed our people, tortured and massacred them, made them "disappear", who burned down villages and abandoned the people in poverty and disease, should be sentenced by a court which is established and confirmed by all patriots, people, institutions, and forces which are on the side of the people and this court should be open to all of them. THE ONES THAT RULE ARE THE ONES WHO ARE GUILTY! WE WANT THE GUILTY TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE! Revolutionary People's Liberation Front Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi DHKC European Representative -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Kurtulus Nachrichten Zentrale: Turkey Mailinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From kurd-l at Thu Jan 16 15:54:37 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 16 Jan 1997 15:54:37 Subject: Report On The Deaths Of Ten Kurdish Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Report On The Deaths Of Ten Kurdish Inmates In A Turkish Prison An Investigative Report Of The Events In Diyarbakir Prison Where Ten Kurdish Inmates Were Beaten To Death By Turkish Soldiers And Police By members of the [Turkish] Prisons Oversight Committee There are conflicting reports circulating in the air as to what really happened on September 24, 1996 in the Diyarbakir prison. Officials have offered one version. The press accounts have varied. Some of the latter accounts have produced scenarios that accord with the government's version of events. They support the government. Some say that there was an uprising in the prison. Others claim that the inmates wanted to visit the women's section of the jail. Still others point to the belligerence of the inmates towards the guards as the principal cause of the disturbance. There is still one other explanation which says that the authorities wanted to end the impasse by a decision to transfer the rebellious inmates to another prison and their disobedience to these orders brought about the altercation. All these reports cite government officials as their sources. None make a reference to the views of the inmates. None note that the attorneys for the inmates were not allowed to visit their clients. None say that the families of the prisoners were barred from visits to the jail. None state that journalists were not even allowed to enter the prison. As a result, the need for an investigative report became apparent. Those who witnessed the events and those who lived through them needed to be questioned to get to the facts of the event. The public needed to know the truth. To that end, on behalf of Prisons Oversight Committee, we, the attorneys Esber Yagmurdereli, Mustafa Ucdere, Eren Keskin, Gulizar Tuncer, Mercan Polat and Dr. Umit Erkol, Yusuf Cetin and Fikriye Kilinc undertook a trip to Diyarbakir on September 26, 1996. Ms. Tuncer and Mr. Polat were representing Istanbul Human Rights Association (IHD). Dr. Erkol was representing the Turkish Human Rights Foundation. Yusuf Cetin was the representative of Cinema Employees Union. Ms. Kilinc was representing Grup Yorum, a popular music band. In the city, our group met with emergency security measures and our work was hampered. We were not allowed to meet with the inmates. We met with the members of the Diyarbakir Human Rights Association, members of the Diyarbakir Bar Association, members of the Diyarbakir Democratic Platform, members of the Diyarbakir Medical Doctors Association, and the families of the inmates. Five members of our group were attorneys and they wanted to meet with some of the inmates. They were not successful. First we were told we were not the attorneys on record for the inmates. Then we were told we were not members of local bar association. Still later we were told it was meal time. We insisted that these reasons did not bar us from visiting the inmates. The response of two colonels in civilian clothes who were in charge of the prison - a disturbing fact in itself - left us wanting. We then met with the prosecutor for the prison, Mehmet Tiftikci, and informed him of our desire to meet with the inmates. He refused to entertain our request and simply told us we were not the members of Diyarbakir Bar Association and therefore could not meet with the inmates. We wanted an investigation to be undertaken about these individuals. We did not get very far. Our desire to meet with the District Attorney, despite an appointment, did not materialize, even though we waited for more than an hour at his office. It is our shared opinion that the prison officials, the prison prosecutor, and the District Attorney's office were trying to hide certain facts from us and the public. In our opinion, their agitation over our investigation was, in itself, quite telling. As a matter of fact, we were proved correct when finally the members of Diyarbakir Bar Association were permitted to visit the inmates. They brought out stories that differed markedly from those of the Minister of Justice [Sevket Kazan], the official pronouncements, and the press accounts. A summary of their findings follows. It should also be noted that these attorneys hold high offices in the Diyarbakir Bar Association. On the day of the event, the inmates of halls 18 and 29 had their visitation day with their families. The first group of inmates met with their loved ones and returned to their cells without incident. Then the second group of inmates were called. As they were walking to the visiting room, some among the group stopped before hall 35 and asked the inmates inside for a large container to carry their food to their cells. The guards told the inmates not to take the containers. The arguments that followed were settled between the inmate representatives and the guards. Despite the resolution of the problem, the chief guard decided to lock the inmates in the walk way. Thirty inmates with visitation rights and three inmates who had visited the doctor and were on their way back to their cells were trapped in the walk way. They were kept there for about five hours. During this period, the representatives of the inmates made attempts to resolve the impasse with the authorities but reached no conclusions. They asked that they be allowed to go back to their hall but made no headway. They told the guards to press charges on the inmates that had asked for the container and that did not alter the situation as well. As this unfolded, some of the prison officials among them the guards began to verbally harass the inmates. The soldiers began shouting slogans. At about 3:30 p.m. in the afternoon the inmates were attacked on both entrances to the walk way. As the beating went on, many realized that this beating may result in their death. This information just cited was given to us by the members of the Diyarbakir Bar Association members. According to the Secretary of the Diyarbakir Chamber of Medicine, Dr. Necdet Ipekyuz, the following events happened. 1. There were 33 victims. Ten were dead. Ten injured ones were treated in Diyarbakir State Hospital and 13 injured inmates were transferred to the Gaziantep State Hospital. 2. One of the inmates who had been critically injured died on the way to Gaziantep State Hospital. 3. The first day doctors operated on three inmates. Now no one needs an operation. 4. Three of the 10 inmates who were treated in Diyarbakir prison are in critical condition. 5. None of the casualties were as a result of gun shots, cuts, or penetrating wounds. 6. All of the killings were as a result of head injuries. 7. The autopsy reports plus our conversations with the doctors who operated on the patients reveals that the victims had only head injuries. 8. Since the incident only 72 hours have passed, therefore we can not now predict how many more of the injured may die. 9. On the day of the incident, two prison guards visited the hospital at about 10:00 a.m. They had very light bruises. The doctors on duty did not know why these guards were sent to the hospital for such minor things. 10. Just before the attack on the inmates, the hospital staff received a call from the district attorney's office. The staff was told to be ready for an emergency to receive a large group of injured inmates. When the various pieces of this puzzle are put together, the testimony of the inmates, the findings of the doctors, and the statements of the officials who were trying to hide certain things, an awful picture emerges. The evidence makes it clear that the attack was premeditated. And it is also clear that the attackers wanted to kill some of the inmates. These victims, defenseless, locked in a walkway with no where to go, were beaten on mercilessly. The evidence also makes it clear that the statements of the officials were trying to legitimize the attack. Those Who Were killed 1. Mehmet Aslan 2. Cemal Cam 3. M.Sabri Gumus 4. Ahmet Celik 5. Hakki Tekin 6. Ridvan Bulut 7. Erkan Perisan 8. Nihat Cakmak 9. Edip Donekci 10. Kadir Demir Those Who Were Critically Injured And Kept In Diyarbakir Prison 1. Ramazan Nazlier 2. Yasin Alevcan 3. Ramazan Korkar 4. Mehmet Batuye 5. M. Emin Izra 6. Iskan Osal 7. Kenan Acar 8. Abdullah Eflatun 9. Hakki Bozkus 10. Emin Mizrak 11. Bedri Bozkus Those Who Were Transferred To Gaziantep 1. Ahmet Sever 2. Ali Yerme 3. Sehmus Kaya 4. Muharrem Deger 5. Yavuz Eken 6. Cemal Tas 7. Halil Suren 8. Ali Kaya 9. A. Vahap Uyanik 10. Muhlis Altun 11. Nusret Yelboga 12. Irfan Korkan 13. Mehmet Pehlivan Our committee believes that the authorities in the government had prior knowledge of this incident and in fact some of them took part in its implementation. The hunger strikes of this past summer which lasted 69 days and culminated in the death of 12 inmates brought about some reforms, but these reforms are now once again being violated by the government of Turkey. We, therefore, ask the government officials to honor the pledges they made to the inmates over the summer about the prison conditions. We also ask the government officials to find those who were responsible for these events. We ask that charges be brought against them. We believe the Minister of Justice, Sevket Kazan, needs to resign immediately. His constitutional immunity should be lifted. He should be prosecuted. Mustafa Ucdere Attorney Esber Yagmurdereli Attorney Eren Keskin Attorney Gulizar Tuncer Attorney Mercan Polat Attorney Dr. Umit Erkol Yusuf Cetin The Human Rights Foundation of Turkey Fikriye Kilinc Grup Yorum (Translated by the staff of the American Kurdish Information Network) ---- American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) 2623 Connecticut Avenue NW #1 Washington, DC 20008-1522 Tel: (202) 483-6444 Fax: (202) 483-6476 E-mail: akin at Home Page: ---- The American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) provides a public service to foster Kurdish-American understanding and friendship ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From dhkc at Thu Jan 16 08:36:41 1997 From: dhkc at (dhkc at Date: 16 Jan 1997 08:36:41 Subject: Turkey a Contra-Guerrilla-State part IV Message-ID: From: DHKC Informationbureau Amsterdam Subject: Turkey a Contra-Guerrilla-State part IV Part IV of a serie on the Turkish Contra-Guerrilla taken from the Kurtulus. THE CONTRA-GUERRILLA: HOW DO THEY OPERATE? For securing the existence of the state, all means - massacres, provocations, torture, and all kind of cruelties - are justified. This view is the basis for the organisation and the manner of operation of the contra-guerrilla, and this determines their degree of unlawfulness. The contra-guerrilla should not be conceived as an organisations which destroys and burns down everything, which commits massacres and plans provocations and intrigues. Of course, in their war against the people they'll make ample use of these methods, but this is just one side of the medal in this war. The contra-guerrilla should be conceived rather as one of the many organisations which were set up for the war "against the people, it should be seen in the context in the entirety of this war, waged on several levels by these organisations to oppress the revolutionary struggle. This was is a total war, and with its economical, democratic, political, ideological, psychological and military dimensions, it covers almost all fronts. With the growth of the revolutionary struggle, the contra-guerrilla will apply new means, that's the rule of war. The "Village Guards" (the para-military) - set up after 1985-, the increasing number (since the beginning of the `90s) of executions, mass murders, kidnappings, murders by "unknown perpetrators", the institutionalisation of treason (deserters), the growing activities if undercover agents and informants, the special teams, the legalisation of the village guard system, the recruitment of special teams, the state of emergency, and the anti-terror laws constituted, together with all the other attacks, an increasing aggression by the contra-guerrilla, opening the total war against the people. EXECUTIONS, DISAPPEARANCES AND THE VICTIMS OF "UNKNOWN PERPETRATORS": Executions, abductions, and murders by "unknown perpetrators" were "practices" of the contras which intensified rapidly after 1991. This development did not come out of the blue sky, of course. 1990 and 1991 were the years Devrimci Sol rose quickly. The strengthening of the revolutionary opposition shocked the oligarchy on its foundations with mass protests, dozens of armed actions and punishments. The Kurdish national movement, which they said to "exterminate" "in spring" could not be exterminated. Furthermore, 1990 and 1991 were the years of the mass protests and the "Intifadah" in Kurdistan. The state, feeling cornered by the expansion of the revolutionary movement and losing its psychological superiority, initiated a new wave of aggression. The chapter of disappearances started with Yusuf Eristi, taken into "custody" on May 14, 1991, in Belgradkapi-Istanbul. Although witnesses testified they saw Yusuf Eristi in the police station, the police never acknowledged officially that he had been arrested. Since then,. the reports about "disappearances" increased continuously. Although the exact number is unknown, the balance of the past three years shows more than 400 people who disappeared. Between 1980-1991, there were just 13 cases, in 1991 4 people disappeared, in 1992 there were 8, and in 1993, as far as can be established: 23. This means that there wasn't a "systematic policy" of "disappearances" in that period, whereas the number of "disappearances" grew explosively since 1993 and disappearances, as a method of the contra-guerrilla, became calculated state policy. In 1994, 24 people disappeared. Furthermore, 229 people were "abducted" in Kurdistan and they were never seen again. In 1995, 213 people disappeared in police custody. The method is a CIA method. In earlier years they tested and applied this method in other countries, such as: * Guatemala: since 1966, tens of thousands of people were abducted of killed by the state. * Uruguay: the Junta, seizing power in June 1973, had thousands of revolutionaries disappeared in the depths of the jungle and in the sewers. * Chile: General Pinochet, who overthrew the government of Allende, elected by the people in 1973, imprisoned thousands of revolutionaries and opponents in stadiums and had them massacred. * Argentina: The generals took power in !976. The junta arrested and killed an estimated 30.000 people. Thousands were thrown from planes into the sea. * Peru: In the past 10 years, some 4.500 people disappeared in a systematic policy. Why did the Turkish state think it necessary to apply such a policy as well? There are many possible answers. The method of disappearances was preferred to imprisonment and uncertain convictions, and as phrased by the leader of the coup, general Evren: "Should we feed them in stead of hanging them?" As a conclusion, this is certainly accurate, but the goal is not merely the physical annihilation of the opposition, they also want to intimidate the people. The "murders by unknown perpetrators" are used as an element of psychological warfare. Revolutionaries, democrats and patriots are taken away from their houses, their work, or from the street, and their dead bodies are thrown in ditches or river beds, usually after torture. The marks of torture are usually clearly visible and the contra-guerrilla does not make any effort to hide the bodies, they are rather put at places where they are easily found. Not as if they wouldn't have time to "hide" them. The state officials, time and time again, swear that the police, the security organs, act against terror "within the framework of the law", but the contra-guerrilla openly shows its impudence, they will not be hindered by a law or a decree to massacre and torture. The rise of the number of executions since 1991 is a result of this policy. The murder of the Dev-Sol fighters Olcay Uzun and Faruk Bayrakci on April 9, 1991 in Izmir, of Hatice Dilek and Ismail Oral on May 19, 1991 in Bayrampasa-Istanbul, of Perihan Demirer on May 28, 1991 in Besiktas-Istanbul, and the massacre of 11 people (among them 10 Dev-Sol members) on June 12, 1991 in Balmumcu, Nisantasi, Dikilitas and Yeni Levent-Istanbul, revealed that the state developed its policy of executions into a systematic general policy. Since then, hundreds of alleged revolutionaries and patriots were murdered all over Turkey under the pretext of razzias against revolutionary cells. The aim was to kill them, not to arrest them. Weapons were placed next to unarmed people to suggest an armed confrontation. The executions went as far as targeting democratically working sympathisers and supporters. One of the most recent examples was the murder of Irfan Agdas, in the middle of the street, who was distributing the Kurtulus weekly. In a similar manner patriots in Kurdistan, teenagers, who distributed the papers Ozgur Ulke and Ozgur Gundem, were murdered. The policy of executions was not restricted to the major cities, it was a state policy which covered the whole country. The state took a stand of totally annihilating the guerrilla, of not taking them alive. Except for those who surrendered themselves, they started the execute the guerrillas who were captured alive after a fight, in stead of arresting them. The executions and massacres were extended from the guerrilla to the village population, suspected of logistically supporting the guerrilla. People who were taken from their villages, or who were summoned to the police station, were never seen again or their bodies, often tortured, were found next to the street. Looking at the increasing number of executions and "murders by unknown perpetrators", one recognises -besides the physical annihilation-, that the state wants to unleash a wave of terror among the opposition. It's their intention to intimidate, to subdue the revolutionaries, to make them drop their goals, to show them what they have to expect in case they continue their struggle for the people, against the state. The massacres of the past years in the prisons of Buca, Umraniye and Diyarbakir must be seen in this context as well. The people were imprisoned already, but it's not the detention that counts for the contra-guerrilla, it's the resistance. They want to break the resistance which they can not suppress by attacks, culminating into mass murders. This is a threat, not just to those in prison, but also to those who continue the struggle on the outside. The message from the contra-guerrilla to the revolutionaries and patriots is this: "Don't belief you'll only have to come through the torture alive, we can kill you in prison any time we want. In here, there is no guarantee for your life." Like us, all revolutionaries, democrats and patriots know about the high price for revolutionary work in a fascist environment. taken into custody and getting tortured, being arrested and thrown into jail, falling in the struggle against the enemy. These are almost natural consequences of the struggle and the confrontation with the enemy. As a revolutionary, ones accepts this price and one takes a stand in this struggle. But the contra-guerrilla wants to increase this price with its practice of oppression, terror, massacres, disappearances, executions, "murders by unknown perpetrators", and by demonstrating that they are not bound by laws or judicial regulations, they want to erect a wall of fear in the minds, not just of those who are directly active in the struggle, the guerrilla and the militias, but rather in the minds of all, also those who work in the democratic field, revolutionaries, patriots, democrats and even normal workers, union members. Although it is impossible for them to kill all revolutionaries, patriots, sympathisers and supporters, they want to tell the people this: "To get killed, kidnapped or beaten to death, it's not necessary to carry a weapon yourself." To become a target for the contra-guerrilla, it's enough to distribute a revolutionary paper of magazine, to be active in a legal association, to show solidarity with the revolutionaries. Because it's the law of the contra-guerrilla not to know any laws. They lost all measure for guilt and punishment, for them an enemy is just an enemy, no matter what he has done, no matter whether his deeds are punishable be present law, or not. An enemy is an enemy, and all kinds of punishment are justified. And thus: "Watch your steps, if you're a revolutionary, then quit. If you're not, then keep away from them, do not participate in acts against the state, otherwise it will end badly for you." Well, now the questions arises whether the state succeeds with this policy, or whether the true character of the state is revealed even more forced because of this policy? The state applies more modern methods and develops new strategies to get results at any price, an act which also means the failure of its formerly practised strategy to suppress the revolutionary struggle. It did not succeed to suppress the revolutionary, democratic opposition with its policy of extra-judicial executions, the murders by "unknown perpetrators" and the disappearances. But claiming that this policy has had no effect at all on the people would be extremely optimistic. It has played a "constraining" role in certain places. It's obvious that the spread of fear and the height of the "price" which has been paid, caused the strengthening of the tendency of the petite-bourgeoisy, who did not separate themselves totally from the system, even of the petite-bourgeois revolutionary organisations, to return back to the system. As often as the state denies this policy, it can not prevent its revelation. To lengthen the "life" of the status quo, of having to choose between preventing a revolution and risking to get exposed, it chooses for the latter, of course. It's forced to take these risks, because it does not have the capability and the reserves to invoke democratic and economic reforms to fulfil the needs of the people. And so it does not have an alternative but to suppress the opposition, the people, by repression and terror. IS IT POSSIBLE TO PREVENT THE MASSACRES, THE "DISAPPEARANCES", THE MURDERS BY "UNKNOWN PERPETRATORS"? One must realise that a total elimination of this policy of terror is not possible. Not only in countries, like ours, were fascism controls the state, but even in the bourgeois democracies in Europe a total prevention of these practices has been impossible. They are particularly applied against organisations which advocate the armed revolutionary struggle. The absolute elimination of this policy is only possible through a revolution. Only a revolution is capable to end this terror system of the ruling classes. But this doesn't mean that this state policy can not be restrained, or even "paralysed". It is possible. The panacea is constant engagement and insisting on the struggle. Because the goal of all the aggressions by the enemy is to crush the struggle. Exposing the state is important, of course, but in itself it will remain useless. When we are capable to expand the struggle despite all the offensives by the state, it's policy will collapse. We will confront every attack by the enemy with resistance: when they attack our bases, we will continue our tradition of surrendering never, when they attack our democratic positions, we will not clear the way. We will stand up even more for our "disappeared", the murdered comrades, the revolutionaries, the democrats and the patriots. Despite all the aggression, we will continue to organise the people, to connect it with the struggle. With achieving this goal, the policy of the enemy will collapse, they will only succeed in turning all their attempts into a weapon which will turn against them. APPENDIX SOME OF THOSE WHO "DISAPPEARED": HUSEYIN TORAMAN He left his house in Istanbul, Kocamustafa Pasa Demirci Sokak nr. 8/1 on October 27, 1991 to do some shopping. In front of the people, and his wife, he was dragged into ca car, license plate 34 AT 256, and kidnapped by 3 plainclothes policemen. From October 29, 1991, all questions to the authorities remained unanswered. He was never seen again. ISMAIL HAKKI KOCAKAYA He was arrested on November 23, 1991, in Diyarbakir when he was taking a walk with his family. People in civilian clothes, claiming to be policemen, dragged him into a car, license plate 21 E7 916. His body was found on November 27 in the region of Karadag. It was established that the car which was used in the kidnapping was part of the car park of the police directorate of Diyarbakir. AYHAN EFEOGLU He was arrested on October 6, 1992. Although those who were arrested at the same time testified Ayhan Efeoglu was in police custody, his arrest was not admitted by the Political Department of the Police Directorate in Diyarbakir. AYSEL MALKAC As a fellow-worker and reporter of the paper Ozgur Gundem, she went on her way on August 7, 1993, to do some research. Since then she was not seen again. All questions remained unanswered. The police denies to have her arrested until today. LUTFIYA KACAR She is disappeared since October 5, 1994. Although policemen of the Anti-Terror Department in Istanbul phoned the Kurtulus office and said Lutfiya Kacar was in their hands and that they were going to make her "disappear", all inquiries at the proper authorities remained unanswered until today. BEHCET CANTURK A Kurdish businessman. Found dead on January 15, 1994, in Spanca, a suburb of Sakaraya. KEREM GENCER Kerem Gencer, a clergy, was found dead on January 17, 1994, near the village Tatvan in the region of Kirkbudak. YUSUF ZIYA EKINCI A lawyer in Ankara and member of the Lawyers Guild. He was also the lawyer of Behcet Canturk, a Kurdish businessman who was also murdered. Yusuf Ziya Ekinci's body was found near Golbesi-Ankara. MEHMET SERIF AVSAR. A merchant. Found dead on May 7, 1994 in the village of Tepebasi, near Diyarbakir. IKRAM MIHYAS Unionist. His body was found on July 6, 1994, in the village of Yaka, near Izmir. THE IDEOLOGY OF THE CONTRA-GUERRILLA IS BEING FED WITH FASCISM. "We should hang them, in stead of feeding them", said junta chief Kenan Evren, having the revolutionaries in mind. In December the general staff handed over its "Kurds report" to the government. This report is based, from the beginning to the end, on racist propositions. The report states that the Kurdish population is growing very fast and that measures are needed against this. The entire Kurdish population is seen as an enemy. If we look closely, we see the MHP (Grey Wolves) behind the Mafia and the contra-guerrilla. The assertion that there are more fascists like Catli who are being used by the state is proofing to be more and more accurate. It is known that the contra-chiefs Mehmet Agar, Kemal Yazicioglu and Ibrahin Sahin belong to the MHP or have close ties with it. The members of the Special Units who've committed gruesome massacres like cutting of ears and noses, chopping of heads, torturing and raping their victims, are almost all MHP-fascists. Before September 12, 1980, the fascists killed hundreds of revolutionaries and democrats. They attacked workers on strike. Nowadays it are the fascists again who attack the revolutionaries and democrats in the schools and universities. Is it mere coincidence that all of them, from the contra-chiefs till the school officials are racists? That they look at all those who have a different opinion as the enemy? Of course not. The contra-guerrilla as well is based on an ideology from which it draws its strength: the ideology of fascism. It doesn't matter whether of not a contra-guerrilla member belongs to the MHP, their ideology is always the same. Because they all serve the same goal. Under the pretext of protecting the state, they use all means to defend the interests of the oligarchy and the system, keeping the regime in power. So they play the role they were given: continuing the gruesome policy of fascism. THE COERCION TO SPY. In the regions and places where the revolutionary struggle is rather intensive, spying has become one of the activities of the contra-guerrilla. They try to expand their network of spies, anyway they can. In this manner they try to gain control over these regions, receiving immediate information about revolutionary activities. They want to expand this possibility as far as possible. The spies are usually selected by people who live or work in these areas. All intelligence services, the contra-guerrilla, and even the policemen at the police station try to set up a network of spies of their own. At first, they try to find volunteers among the reactionaries, the state loyalists, or the fascists. They prefer people who live among the population and who quickly receive information about developments in the region. Village chiefs and small merchants are intensively canvassed. Those who are not prepared to spy voluntary, are promised personal advantages. As a last resort, repression and threats are applied. In the rural areas, especially the village chiefs are forced to spy. These people receives telephones or even radio equipment. The network, consisting of the village chief and other inhabitants, also has a structure of its own. Networks of spies are also set up in state institutions and factories. An example: to secure his livelihood, a spy could be employed as a workers or a foreman in a factory or a state institution, working at the same time as a police spy. Street merchants are often used in this manner. It's difficult to unmask a spy in case they do not have open contacts with the police. Like anybody else, they do their job. In the end they only have to pick up the phone. The best precautionary measure is to known the people in our environment very well, watch them closely, something which is necessary anyway when we work with the masses. But we should not see all people, especially not all the right-wing people, as spies. Furthermore, we should only carry out our activities overtly as far as is needed, also in the legal work. We should not discuss certain information in the presence of others and we should not unnecessarily disclose connections. Before every action and every protest we have to realise ourselves that denunciations could occur and appropriate security measures should be taken. Our people has always objected every kind of spying and collaboration. It's no coincidence that the police chiefs complain now and again about the lack of support among the population. This doesn't mean that the police is not continuing its spy activities. In case a spy is unmasked, he should be presented to the people and be punished, we can not allow to legitimise spying. -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Turkey Contra-Guerrilla-State: Turkey Maillinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From sot at Fri Jan 17 17:43:05 1997 From: sot at (sot at Date: 17 Jan 1997 17:43:05 Subject: Conference_Stop_the_War_in_Turkey Message-ID: The Campaign "Stop the war in Turkey" organises a conference on Saturday, 15 February 1997 How to achieve a breakthrough in the impasse in the war between the Turkish state and the Kurdish opposition? Place: Amsterdam, Netherlands. At: Arena, 's Gravezandestraat 51. Time: 10.00 - 17.00 hrs. Entry fee: NLG 10,- Languages: Dutch, Turkish (German and English at request) If you want to attend the conference, please let us know. Below you'll find our address and telephone number, but you can also send an e-mail message. Directions Coming from Amsterdam, Central Station, take the metro to station 'Weesperplein'. From there take tram 6 or 10 (eastward) to the next stop in or near 's Gravezandestraat; or walk through Sarphatistraat and turn second street right for 's Gravezande- straat, cross bridge and street, and find Arena on the left side. Programme of the conference 1. An obstructed dialogue What has been the recent development in the Kurdish movement and how did the Turkish government react? a. Martin van Bruinessen, professor of Kurdish Studies at the Free University of Berlin, will explain the developments inside the Kurdish movement in Turkey at the end of the '80s and the beginning of the 90's. b. Y?cel Yesilg?z will show how the Turkish state has reacted to the growth of the Kurdish movement. He will go into the reasons why the Turkish state has chosen a 'military solution'. Y?cel Yesilg?z is a criminologist at the University of Utrecht. 2. Towards a political solution? Are there any possibilities for a political solution? If so, what are its chances? Three speakers from Turkey will give their views from their own background and tell what can be expected of others. a. A speaker from the HADEP party will give an overview of attempts by the Kurdish movement to promote a political solution to stop the war. His or her speech will focus on future possibilities and the role third parties (for instance, NGO's, states) can play. b. A member of the Human Rights Association and the Institute for social research will give a perspective how social and political organisations in Turkey can contribute to a political solution. c. Aziz K?zgin, a Turkish war resister from Germany, will discuss the movement of conscientious objectors in Turkey and Germany. 3. The European role. What role can European policies play to further a political solution? a. A Netherlans politician will elaborate on the role the Netherlands (presently acting chair of the European Union) can play. b. Claudia Roth, member of the European parliament, will go into the role the European Union should play to promote the necessary conditions that can lead to a political solution. What measures should be taken to press for change in Turkey? Claudia Roth is actively involved in the questions of Turkey's development, she has an office in Istanbul. Activities of the campaign group The campaign 'Stop the war in Turkey' does research into various aspects of the Turkish-Kurdish conflict and supports groups in Turkey that actively and non-violently resist the war. The campaign advocates a weapons embargo of Turkey as long as it refuses a peaceful and political solution of the conflict. It sees such a political solution based on the recognition of the Kurdish right to self-determination in and outside Turkey. In 1993 one its founders (AMOK) published 'The Turkey connection: military build-up of a new regional power'(translated and published by Pax Christi International), which deals with the Turkish army and its western supporters, the development of the arms industry in Turkey and the trade in weapons with Turkey. This book was updated and translated in German in 1996, as: 'T?rkei- Connection: wie die T?rkei international aufger?stet wird', published by Komzi Verlag, Idstein. Another publication came out in 1996 and is in English, called 'War in Turkey: military aspects, the Kurdish question, and the conscientious objectors' movement'. It is also available on our homepage. We also do research into the consequences of the war, such as forced migration. Next to publications which aim to inform the general public the campaign also aims to promote objection to military service in Turkey. It supports the war resisters in Turkey itself and aims to stimulate a war resisters movement of Turks and Kurds in the Netherlands. For this purpose we have published 'Askere Gitme' (Do not join the army) in Turkish and Dutch. A guide for objectors to military service in Turkey. Stop the War in Turkey P.O.Box 94802 1090 GV Amsterdam, Netherlands E-mail: sot at Tel. +31-20-6680999; Fax +31-20-6652422 From sot at Fri Jan 17 18:02:45 1997 From: sot at (sot at Date: 17 Jan 1997 18:02:45 Subject: American_missiles_for_Turkey Message-ID: P R E S S S T A T E M E N T Rocket crisis Turkey and Greece threatens to go on The Turkish paper Milliyet, January 16, claims, according to American and Turkish diplomatic sources, that the USA will deliver ATMC missiles to Turkey next month. Objections in Congress raised in 1995 to the sale are supposed to have been withdrawn. ATMC missiles are tactical land-to-land missiles that operate within a range of 30 to 165 kilometers. They are ballistic missiles with warheads containing clusterbombs. These clusterbombs can have a devastating effect on 150 km2. Being ballistic missiles they are virtually unstoppable. As such they would be a dangerous step in the weapons race in the region. For this reason and because of their possible use against the Kurds (which is not likely) American senators have raised objections to the sale. The sale would also undermine the American objective to limit the spread of missile technology and clusterbombs. At present it would be a new step in the arms race between Greece and Turkey. Why are the Americans deciding to deliver these systems now that there is a crisis concerning the sale of Russian S 300 anti- aircraft missiles to Greek-Cyprus going on? Is this an anti- Russian move of the Americans? Do they want to commit Turkey to themselves which is looking for other friends and other arms providers, like Russia or China? The United States secured a deferrence of the deployment of these Russian weapons on Cyprus for 16 months. In effect they helped the Turks with this solution. In the beginning of this week it became known that Turkey was going to buy HAWK air defense missile systems from Belgium and the Netherlands. According to the American journal 'Defence News'of Januari 6-12, Turkey was going to sign a deal with the French firm Thomson-CSF to buy 18 units of the Improved HAWK air defense systems coming the inventories of Belgium and the Netherlands. At the present Turkey has no such air defense system and the HAWK would mean an improvement of its defense comparable to the Russian S 300 missiles. When the campaign-group 'Stop the War in Turkey' and the Belgian member of parliament Lode Vanoost publicized this information Belgium and the Netherlands decided to defer the sale. Dutch minister of Foreign Affairs, Hans van Mierlo, stated that the Netherlands wants to sell the HAWKS at some time, but not at present because of the crisis situation regarding the sale of Russian missiles to Greek-Cyprus. If the Netherlands and Belgium decide to sell the HAWKS they will have to have permission of the Americans, because these missiles are American weapons. According to Belgian laws and Dutch export guidelines weapons sales to countries in crisis areas or to those that violate human rights are forbidden. These designations are applicable to Turkey. Between Turkey and Greece there is a weapons race going on. According to SIPRI Turkey and Greece during 1990-1994 held third and fourth place on the list of arms importers in the world. The USA is the major arms provider of both Turkey and Greece. It seems to favor Turkey because of its strategic importance. Amsterdam, January 17, 1997. Stop the War in Turkey P.O.Box 94802 1090 GV Amsterdam, Netherlands E-mail: sot at Tel. +31-20-6680999; Fax +31-20-6652422 From kurd-l at Mon Jan 20 06:48:18 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 20 Jan 1997 06:48:18 Subject: Kurdish Activist Arrested...For Mis Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Kurdish Activist Arrested...For Missing Student Loan Payment? American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) January 19, 1997 Press Release #18 Telephone: (202) 483-6444 KURDISH ACTIVIST ARRESTED ... FOR MISSING STUDENT LOAN PAYMENT? WASHINGTON, Jan. 18, 1997 - The Reuter News Service reported yesterday that Kani Xulam, a Kurdish human rights advocate, was arrested yesterday in Washington, D.C. on charges of illegally obtaining $ 13,000 of student loans. However, perhaps sensing the lack of sensationalism, the report recounted Mr. Xulam's previous day in court regarding charges of falsifying information on a U.S. passport application. In response to his recent detention, Mr. Xulam has issued the following statement to correct the misleading information given by the Reuter report: "I have cooperated fully with the authorities in every instance and find the continuos harassment by the United States State Department unjustified. The county of Santa Barbara [which issued the warrant] had no problem with my having received the loans. They only took action when I failed to make several payments. However, had they checked with my attorney, they would have found that these matters were being taken care of. I believe that my arrest had more to do with the fact that a Federal Court recommended that I not be extradited to Turkey and possibly with the recent visit to Washington by a high ranking Turkish trade representative." In fact, the judge presiding over the previous charge, brought by the United States at the behest of the Republic of Turkey, ruled that the court recommends that Mr. Xulam not be deported, that he be placed on three years probation and that he serve 400 hours community service by continuing his activities at the American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN). AKIN is a non-profit human rights organization promoting the human rights of the Kurds all over the globe. Despite Reuter's allusions to the contrary, neither Mr. Xulam nor AKIN is affiliated with terrorist organizations, a fact to which more than twenty members of Congress signed in a recent letter to the Immigration and Naturalization Service. As for the recent charges, Mr. Xulam acknowledges that he has been delinquent in repaying state and federal grants and throws himself on the mercy of the court. ---- American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) 2623 Connecticut Avenue NW #1 Washington, DC 20008-1522 Tel: (202) 483-6444 Fax: (202) 483-6476 E-mail: akin at Home Page: ---- The American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) provides a public service to foster Kurdish-American understanding and friendship From kurd-l at Mon Jan 20 19:13:53 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 20 Jan 1997 19:13:53 Subject: Why Is The State Department Harassi Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Why Is The State Department Harassing Kani Xulam? Why Is The State Department Harassing Me? By Kani Xulam, American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) January 19, 1997 On Friday, January 17, 1997, I was working in our office at the American Kurdish Information Network. Two special agents of Office of Diplomatic Security at the State Department came to our door. They greeted me courteously and told me they wanted to return me my personal telephone notebook in the afternoon and if I would be around to accept it in person. I checked my calendar and answered them in the affirmative. They had taken my telephone book along with my files and computers when they had raided our office on April 12, 1996. I was happy to finally get my personal telephone book back which also had a sentimental value for me. Or was I? At about 2 p.m., they showed up. This time there were four of them. Surely, it did not take four people to deliver a telephone book, the size of a human hand. These people were after something. The State Department security officer who had served me my papers in the earlier raid spoke first. He said, "Kani, we have bad news for you, and also some good news." I snapped back, "What is the bad news?" He said, "We are going to arrest you again." I asked why. He said, "You have not paid your student loans and there was an arrest warrant for you and we are here to execute it." The "good news" turned out to be they had brought along my telephone book. I said, I needed to make a telephone call to my attorney. They said, "No." I said why did you have to wait for Friday afternoon when we both knew, from my previous experience, the judges leave their chambers at about 3 p.m. which means I may have to spend the long weekend in the District of Columbia jail. (I had made plans to see President Clinton take the oath of office.) He said, "He was just following orders and his superior had ordered him to 'get' me and he was doing his job." He added, he could not technically arrest me but that he had gone to the district police and found someone there to accompany him to do the arresting! I told the officer I wanted to see the arrest warrant. They said the arrest warrant was in the car outside. They also told me I was prolonging the arrest and that we better rush for we might catch a judge at his chambers before three o'clock. They had a point. But the point also broke my resistance to belabor on their cavalier attitude. I left all my valuables in the office and accompanied them to the car handcuffed behind my back. Once in the car, I saw my pictures on the front seat with a computer print out, apparently my arrest warrant from the county of Santa Barbara, California. Because the neighbours were watching me, for a second time in less than a year, to be taken away, I forgot to ask if I could see my arrest warrant. The ride from my office to the lower Wisconsin Avenue police station took a detour. First the officer said he made the wrong turn and we ended up going all the way to the Friendship Heights metro station. We then made a u turn and instead of just driving straight south on Wisconsin Avenue, we took another detour and ended up going away from Wisconsin Avenue. Then, when I questioned where we were going, we made another u-turn to get back on the Wisconsin Avenue. By then, it was already three o'clock. The judges at the Superior Court were certainly gone. I was to spend the night and possibly the weekend in jail. Which is, I felt, what the superior at the Department of State had wanted all along. I did spend the night in a cell just a iron bench with 9 other accused who were rather amused by my presence in their company. I did not look rough, nor did I use profanities in my speech. They treated me all right. The next day, we were driven to the Superior Court of District of Columbia to face a judge. My attorney, Dan Alcorn, had heard the news and showed up to represent me. He said, the Court of Appeals last year had ruled that I should not be kept in custody while awaiting trial on the earlier charge and he wanted to see me released on my own recognizance. The government's attorney wanted a bond in the amount of $ 5,000.00. The judge ruled that I be released without a bond. I was set free; boy, was I happy! At the time, more than anything else, I wanted to share a part of my happiness with the State Department person who wanted to see me locked up in the Washington jail. Long-time Washington observers and friends of Kurds were surprised that the agents of Office of Diplomatic Security would go out of their way to participate in arresting me on a charge totally outside of State Department jurisdiction. They asked me if a Turkish official had recently visited Washington. I told them the State Minister Fehim Adak had just concluded his trip here to put a finishing touch on the controversial Turkish government's decision to buy natural gas from Iran. Some suggested that I was perhaps harassed to please the minister and his entourage. I sure am grateful that there is an independent judiciary in this country to protect my civil liberties as a human being, since I don't have a country to speak for me and protect me. I have paid part of my student loan already and was working with my attorney to devise an installment plan through which I would pay back the rest of my debt to the society. If the speculations that I may have been sacrificed to please a foreign guest are accurate, I resent them unequivocally. The higher up at the State Department who ordered his underlings to help the officers of the District of Columbia police arrest me may not like our work of airing the dirty laundry of the Turkish government. The short way to stop that is not to harass us but to tell the Turks to stop their genocide of the Kurds. This is the mark of statesmanship; what was done to me at AKIN was far from that and unbecoming of a great country. ---- American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) 2623 Connecticut Avenue NW #1 Washington, DC 20008-1522 Tel: (202) 483-6444 Fax: (202) 483-6476 E-mail: akin at Home Page: ---- The American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) provides a public service to foster Kurdish-American understanding and friendship ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From dhkc at Wed Jan 22 15:16:56 1997 From: dhkc at (dhkc at Date: 22 Jan 1997 15:16:56 Subject: Turkey: REPORT HUMAN RIGHTS ASSOCIATION 1996 Message-ID: From: DHKC Informationbureau Amsterdam Subject: Turkey: REPORT HUMAN RIGHTS ASSOCIATION 1996 REPORT HUMAN RIGHTS ASSOCIATION 1996 TURKEY: . 2395 people were killed in armed conflict. . 59 people were murdered by "unknown perpetrators". . 191 people disappeared in custody. . According to the official numbers 191 people were tortured in police custody. 17.604 people were actually tortured, although this number is not officially confirmed. . 109 people were murdered. . 95 bomb attacks were carried out by state forces. . 67 villages were depopulated and burned down. . 170 people were jailed because of their conviction. . 12 political prisoners died in prison during the Death Fast. . 5 prisoners put themselves on fire in protest against the conditions in prison. . In the attack against Umraniye Prison 4 prisoners died, in the attack against Diyarbakir Prison 11 prisons were killed. The prisoners Kalender Kayapinar, Umit Dogan Gonul, Mustafa Kaya and three others died because they were not medically treated. . 108 associations and unions were attacked. . 97 press organs and publications were banned. . 342 journalists were arrested. . 167 editions of papers and magazines were confiscated. . Journalists and writers were sentenced to 164 years in prison and a fine of 9, 401 billion TL in total. -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Kurtulus Nachrichten Zentrale: Turkey Mailinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From dhkc at Wed Jan 22 15:20:45 1997 From: dhkc at (dhkc at Date: 22 Jan 1997 15:20:45 Subject: Turkey: Childeren sentenced, torturers expected to go free. PROTEST! Message-ID: From: DHKC Informationbureau Amsterdam Subject: Turkey: Childeren sentenced, torturers expected to go free. PROTEST! THE OUTCOME OF THE MANISA-TRIAL: THE PUPILS WERE CONVICTED, NOT THE TORTURING POLICEMEN. 10 GRAMMAR SCHOOL PUPILS SENTENCED TO 76 YEARS AND 3 MONTHS IMPRISONMENT BY THE STATE SECURITY COURT. The outcome of the Manisa-Trial (as it has become known), in which 16 grammar school pupils stood trial after being arrested in their villages in Manisa and subsequent torture, accused of being DHKP-C members: 76 years and 3 months imprisonment. On January 16, 1997, the imprisoned Ali Goktas (30, teacher), Faruk Deniz (24, works in a coffee-shop), Levent Kilic (25), Emrah Sait Erda (23, student) and Askin Yigin (19, student) were sentenced to 12 years and 6 months imprisonment. Sema Tasar (18, grammar school pupil) and Ozgur Zeybek (17, grammar school pupil) were sentenced to 2 years and 6 months imprisonment. Jale Kurt (19, grammar school graduate) was sentenced to 3 years and 9 months imprisonment and she is not allowed to work in her profession for another 3 years. The 16 grammar school pupils were arrested on December 25, 1995, and interrogated and tortured for 12 days in the Anti-Terror Department in Manisa. That they were tortured was a proven fact. The case was then carefully followed by the press and the public and so the history began of this trial which became known as the "torture Trial". Because of the statements by the pupils that they were tortured, the state prosecutor indicted 10 policemen for "torture to force confessions". The youngsters stated they were treated with electro-shocks, were hosed with high-pressure water and that they were threatened with rape. The pupils were called as witnesses, but the policemen denied the torture charges. The trial against the 10 policemen is still going on, but the trial against the pupils has now ended with long-term prison sentences. This has caused huge protest among the public. After the trial, the youngsters and their relatives protested against the verdict of the judges, shouting: "You're just like the torturers" and "Where is justice?", "We demand justice!" The lawyers stated: "The court has now finished the scenario, The youngsters were convicted on the basis of allegations, without any proof. We have witnessed a "judicial comedy" in the past year." The CHP-delegate from Izmir, Sabri Ergul, representatives of Amnesty International, the German vice-consul, representatives of democratic grass root organisations, as well as the foreign press and television witnessed the trial. As is known, the European Human Rights Court followed the trial as well. In November 1996, they wrote a letter to the Turkish government, demanding their statement about the accusation of torture before January 10, 1997. It is interesting to see that the answer was given on the very last day, January 10, 1997. This is the Susurluk state, the face of the contra-guerrilla mobster state, it is the justice of the MGK (the National Security Council) - the justice of fascism. The face of torture, this notion of justice of the contra-guerrilla state, clearly visible for the people, has been revealed once again because of this verdict. The trial before the DGM (the State Security Court), which started on March 12, 1996, ended in long prison sentences for the grammar school pupils, although they reported that their statements were a result of torture (as was proven by medical examination) and threats. This verdict reflects the notion of justice of the MGK and of fascism. But the sun can not be smeared with dirt. Everybody sees what's happening. It's not the pupils, charged with "forming a gang" in front of the State Security Court, who are guilty, it's the Susurluk state which is guilty. The real terrorists, the real gangs are the contra-guerrilla, the Mafia and the torturers. Most of the indisputable criminals, like Catli, Sedat Bucak, Mehmet Agar, the drug traffickers, the murderers.... are being protected. Turkey has become a country in which fascist murderers, who've made hundreds of our people "disappear" and who've killed thousands, are being rewarded and in which the trust in the official justice is totally lost. The conviction of innocent grammar school pupils saddens all. The only thing the youngsters from Manisa did was writing some slogans on the wall: "Long life the fraternity between the peoples" and "We want an education, free of charge". The severe sentences force those who know at least a little about justice to stand up. If those who incarcerate non-guilty people belief they can silence the opinions of the grammar school pupils, if they belief they can quell the anger of our people against the contra-guerrilla Mafia state, then they are wrong. Confronted with human dignity, they are condemned to lose. This is the reason why these youngsters were punished: the state wants to encourage the policemen by saying: "Just continue the torture, continue the murder." We protest against this inhuman verdict and we call upon all to voice their protest against this illegitimate Mafia-contra-guerrilla state. Show your solidarity with the pupils and their relatives! Indictment 1. Throwing a Molotov-cocktail into a hair-dresser's shop. * The owner, as well as the fire-men stated the fire started from a gas-stove. 2. Writing slogans on walls. * The lawyers requested an analysis 3. Writing slogans on a train carriage. * The station director stated there had been no writings. 4. Distributing leaflets. * There is not a single witness who can testify that leaflets were indeed distributed. 5. Forming a armed gang. *Not a single weapon was found, not on the pupils, nor in their houses. 6. Being a member of the DHKP-C. *Not a single shred of evidence was presented in court. The prison sentences 5 youngsters: 12 years and 6 months 4 youngsters: 2 years and 6 months 1 youngster: 3 years and 9 months in total 76 years and 3 months THE STATEMENT OF JUVENILE: When the student Huseyin Korkut (who was acquitted) testified, he fell unconscious, with tears in his eyes. After he was released he went to Istanbul and said: "I was put under pressure by the police. Two days before the last court session they came into my house and destroyed everything. They arrested me and they threatened me: `You scum! You think you'll achieve something with your lawyers-whores and this pimp Sahri (meaning the CHP-delegate), don't you? We've made a lot like you disappear.' That time I was not tortured." As if this is something completely natural... STATEMENTS OF SOME RELATIVES: The mother of Emrah Sait Erda, Asuman Erda: "Actually its me who's guilty. I offer my apologies to the state and its leader Demirel for not having raised my child as they wanted me to, for not having raised my son to become a fake-exporter, to become someone who kills in the name of the state, for not having raised him to become a thief or a gang member! I was not able to raise such a child, forgive me!" The mother of Munire Apaydin, Nevin Apaydin: "Our children bear no guilt. They say `armed gangs', but there are no weapons. They say the children threw Molotov-cocktails, and the owner of the hair-dresser's shop receives a fine because he was responsible for the fire. The fire originated form the gas-stove. They say there were slogans written on the carriages, but the station director testified he never saw them. So on what basis were the children convicted? We've seen in this trial that there are many more children like those from Manisa." THE STATEMENTS OF THE LAWYERS: The lawyer Pelin Erda: The court has convicted these innocent children, based on the first statements by the police. The severely tortured children (as confirmed by medical reports) are still being treated." The lawyer Erol Ozcan: "It's a scandal the State Security Court convicts my clients even before the trial against the "torturing policemen" has ended." A group of lawyers who participated in the trial: "The statements of the children that they have been tortured were substantiated by the prison sentence of 700 years, demanded against the torturing policemen. Seen from this side, the accusations and the verdicts show a double standard." "It's against the law and European Human Rights Treaty that these clients, many of them are still children, were put before the State Security Court." The lawyer of the indicted pupils (and CHP-delegate from Izmir) Sabri Ergul: "This decision in the name of justice constitutes a massacre. This verdict allows further torture and convictions of innocent people. It was clear from the beginning that the children were going to be convicted. The torturers should have been convicted, but no: the children are being convicted." THE CHAIRMAN OF THE EUROPEAN YOUTH COMMITTEE (consisting of 36 organisations), Willy Borsus, in a letter to state president Suleyman Demirel: "We determined the arrested children were exposed to ill-treatment inside the police station, as well as inside jail. We show our concern and we call upon you to be aware of the judicial rights of these children and to make sure that they are released." Send your protest to: State president Suleyman Demirel Fax: 0090-312-427 13 30 Prime-minister Necmettin Erbakan Fax: 0090-312-417 04 76 Deputy prime-minister Tansu Ciller Fax: 0090-312-287 88 11 Minister of the Interior Meral Aksener Fax: 0090-312-418 17 95 Minister of Justice Sevket Kazan Fax: 0090-312-425 40 66 State Security Court in Izmir Tel: 0090-232-462 35 46 Fax: 0090-232-462 35 49 Please send a copy of your protest to us: Information Centre for Free Peoples Kalkarer Str. 2, 50733 Cologne Fax: (0049)-221-760 28 87 (you can send a mail to us offcource) ------------------------------------------ Visit HTTP:// For regular news and information about the classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From dhkc at Wed Jan 22 15:23:25 1997 From: dhkc at (dhkc at Date: 22 Jan 1997 15:23:25 Subject: Turkey Contra Guerrilla State, Dec. 1996 Message-ID: From: DHKC Informationbureau Amsterdam Subject: Turkey Contra Guerrilla State, Dec. 1996 December 2, 1996 A reporter of the news agency Reuters interviews Sedat Bucak, the only survivor of the Susurluk accident. He reports: "Bucak, leading one of the strongest clans in Eastern Turkey, lives like feudal landlord. He has thousands of armed men under his command to fight against the PKK. The government in Ankara, which has a policy of oppressing Kurdish rebellions by using clans applied the same policy already in 1925 against the rebellion which was led by Sheikh Said. The state granted the clans which fight the PKK social and military privileges, thus creating a state within the state. For example: Sedat Bucak doesn't supply more than 2.000 village guards. But he claims to have 10.000 village guards in arms, so he receives 1,3 million dollars each month." The money which was extorted from Omer Lutfu Topal was taken from the bank by the murdered MIT-spy Tarik Umit. Although the police discovered the money transfers, no measures were taken. December 3, 1996 There are at least two gangs within the state. The minister of Industry said: "The state is surrounded by gangs. It looks like there are at least two gangs, fighting each other." It is reported that at least 3.200 people were murdered by "unknown perpetrators" in the Southeast of the country, hundreds of people in this region make a living by murdering people. Besides intellectuals and democratic journalists like Musa Anter, Vedat Aydin and Ferhat Tepe, also gang members like Ahmet Cem Ersever from the JITEM (Gendarmerie Intelligence Service) became victims of internal gang wars. The papers write about three major gangs among many other, one of them is the Diyarbakir group, the second is the Sirnak group and the third one, considered the most dangerous, is called "Sakallilar" (the "Full-bearded"). This information is said to have come from Cem Ersever, before he was murdered. Cem Ersever, a long-time MIT-agent, then founder and chief of the JITEM, stepped down and told his friends and relatives that traitors were involved in criminal affairs. They were said to be active in drug trafficking, robbery and car theft. No state official can say these facts are false, that Cem Ersever was lying. The Turkish Republic depends on traitors. Most unsolved murders were committed by these traitors. December 5, 1996 The party chairman of the MHP (fascists), Alparslan Turkes concedes: the state has used Abdullah Catli. It is claimed that Ciller ordered Ahmet Demir (known as Yesil) to kill Abdullah Ocalan, giving him 25 billion TL from a secret fund. Yesil supposedly got scared and did not carry out the assault. However, he kept the money. The murder should have been carried out by Yesil and Abdullah Catli. The former Refah-deputy (Welfare Party) Hasan Mezarci claims prime-minister Necmettin Erbakan belongs to the Special Warfare Department, the source of all the gangs. Erbakan's statement, he would take apart the gangs if they really existed, is called untrustworthy by Mezarci: "Erbakan does not want to solve this case. He just wants to cover it... Nobody is sincere, concerning solving the case. The gangs are not important, the Special Warfare Department is... This department right-wing, left-wing, fundamentalist and nationalist gangs, it uses and protects them, until they are of no more use. Then they produce new gangs. The problem is not Catli, there are thousands of Catli's who work for the state." December 6, 1996 The minister of the Interior, Meral Aksener, suspends police chief Kemal Yazicioglu, the chief of the Special Warfare Department, Ibrahim Sahin, the deputy-chief of police Bilgi Unal and the three bodyguards of Sedat Bucak, Ercan Ersoy, Ayhan Carkin and Oguz Yorulmaz. Ugur Dundar presents his program: the murder of Omer Lutfu Topal was solved, but the investigations were stopped by Ankara. Yazicioglu was suspended because he passed his information about the murder of O. Lutfu Topal to prime-minister Erbakan. New accusations: - There were two more persons involved in Omer Lutfu Topal's casino in the Sheraton Hotel in Istanbul: Sami Hostan ("Arnavut Sami") and Mehmet Ozbay (Abdullah Catli). - Catli wanted to buy Topal's share, but he refused. - It was decided to kill Topal. The major roles in this murder were played by Arnavut Sami and one of his men. Ali Tevfik. The murder was committed by the three bodyguards of Sedat Bucak. - After the murder, phone calls were made with mobile telephones. One minister was phoned as well. "The operation has been completed successfully", the murderers said. - The Istanbul police arrested the three bodyguards, Arnavut Sami and Ali Tevfik. - Arnavut Sami and Ali Tevfik confess the murder when interrogated. They say to have received the order by a minister and the wife of a well-known politician. - These statements are passed on to Ankara. - The deputy-chief of police and Ibrahim Sahin, leader of the Special Warfare Department, arrive in Istanbul to bring the arrested to Ankara. - Police chief Kemal Yazicioglu opposed this. - Thereupon Mehmet Agar, the minister of the Interior himself, gives the order to bring these 5 people to Ankara. - The day before yesterday, Kemal Yazicioglu passed on all his information about the murder of O.Lutfu Topal to Erbakan. - Kemal Yazicioglu is suspended because he solved the murder of Topal. Mesut Yilmaz, chairman of ANAP (Motherland Party) says: "There are three gangs within the state.. They're killing each other because they don't want to share the money from the heroin trade." After the massacre in the Diyarbakir Prison, in which 11 prisoners were murdered, parliament sets up an investigation committee. The Refah-deputy Okcu, member of this committee, states that even governors do not have any control over the acts of JITEM and the intelligence service in the Southeast. He said certain forces were influencing the state and that the state was having contacts with circles of traitors and fascists in the region, allowing the existence of gangs like the Soylemezler and Yuksekova gangs. The attacks inside the prisons were organised by these forces. Okcu described the massacre in Diyarbakir prison as "a massacre which was carried out by traitors, supervised by the state." December 7, 1996 It was revealed that Sedat Bucak's bodyguards (also members of a special unit) took a leave a few days before the murder. One of the policemen yelled at Ibrahim Sahin, the leader of de Special Warfare Department: "Did you come to kill us, or are you going to save us?" The minister of the Interior, Meral Aysener, states no fingerprints were found on the weapons which were secured in Susurluk. December 8, 1996 Journalists are attacked at the Catli's funeral. The police watches the attack but does not intervene. The attack was carried out by supporters of Ali Yasak. According to another accusation, the Ozgur Gundem journalist Nazim Babaoglu was kidnapped and murdered by members of the Bucak clan on March 12, 1994, in Siverek. He was found murdered and his body showed marks of severe torture. Bucak's village guards supposedly called Babaoglu. telling him to come to Siverek for a story. Thereupon Babaoglu was kidnapped by the village guards Gani and Ahmet Karakaya. December 10, 1996 On March 16, 1978, 7 revolutionary students were murdered in a bomb attack at the entrance of the Istanbul University. The trial is still going on at the Istanbul Criminal Court. According to statements of accused policemen and some fascists who gave statements to the press after the attack, the massacre was organised and led by Catli personally. The state prosecutors demands punishment of the supporters and accomplices of Catli. A retired MIT agent who took part in several major operations said Catli and his friends were not ordered by the MIT in the Asala operation. The orders came from a group, organised by Kenan Evren, then state president. Hiram Abas and Mehmet Aymur played the major roles. A high-ranking bureaucrat, active during the presidency of Ozal, claims the failed assault against prime-minister Ozal was carried out by the same gang and the assailant Kartal Demirag was supported by fascists and the police chief of Ankara in those days, Mehmet Agar. The accused in the Topal murder case are accusing Ozer Ciller, Tansu Ciller's husband, and Mehmet Agar. "They knew about the murder plan", they stated against the Istanbul police. Sedat Bucak is protecting his bodyguards and rejects the accusations against them. December 12, 1996 On the day of the accident Catli carried papers which were signed by the minister of the Interior himself. Catli's gun permit said: "The person on this photo, Mehmet Ozbay, works at the police directorate as a specialist and is allowed to carry guns." Investigations by the Criminal laboratory showed the signature was authentic. After this, state prosecutor Nihat Artiran requested the immunity of Mehmet Agar to be lifted to make a trial against him possible. December 14, 1996 According to new reports, fingerprints of Abdullah Catli were found on the cartridge, found at the scene of the murder of Topal. The ANAP chairman, Mesut Yilmaz, states: "This is just the tip of the iceberg." Abdullah Catli is said to have founded three firms, using a false name. After he was elected in the board of the association Ulku Yolu (a fascist association), he led the organisation and the actions from Nevsehir. This is also the place where he became friends with the later chief of the Special Warfare Department. It was revealed that Ibrahim Sahin was convicted of torture during his time of office in Nevsehir. Sahin is said to have been a militant member of the MHP and involved in the murder of the CHP (social democrats) chairman in Nevsehir. Agaca and Catli received false passports from the police directorate in Nevsehir in that period. December 16, 1996 According to a paper's investigation, 18 organised gangs exist in Turkey. While many abduction cases in the Southeast could not be solved, Necip Barkan was kidnapped on September 22 by persons who dressed like PKK-guerrillas. The kidnappers demanded $130.000 from Barkin's family in the name of the ERNK. Later it became known that the kidnapping was organised by the chief of a special unit of traitors and village guards. Proof of this was presented to the parliamentary commission which investigates the Susurluk incident. According to these documents, village guards, traitors and special units, dressed up like PKK-guerrillas, carry out murders, deal drugs, burn down villages, kidnap people and make them disappear. The evidence is clear. The gangs were supervised by the state and their acts became known because of internal feuds. According to the same documents, 430 investigations were started against members of the police force between April 30 and October 31, 1996. Among them were 71 police presidents and 15 chief commissioners. 119 policemen were tried already, the cases against 371 others are still going on. December 17, 1996 It was revealed that Abdullah Catli received "special attention" when he was given a diplomatic passport. According to a police statement, the preferential treatment was ordered by a police president, but they didn't remember the name of this official, they claimed. Dozens of Mafia gangsters received diplomatic passports in the same way. The file of state prosecutor Nihat Artiran, requesting the immunity of Mehmet Agar to be lifted, was handed over to the Justice Department. Artiran was taken off the case. Catli worked for Mehmet Agar in the 1995 elections. The MHP lost 6% of their vote in Elazig. (Mehmet Agar stood for the DYP) December 18, 1996 The order to bring the policemen, suspected of murder, from Istanbul to Ankara was given by Mehmet Agar. Ibrahim Sahin, in the meanwhile suspended as chief of the Special Warfare Department, said he received this order from Mehmet Agar. The chief of police in Istanbul, Kemal Yazicioglu, is said to have sent an invitation to Abdullah Catli for a religious festivity during his office in Izmir. The fascist A. Kirici, wanted by the police, is said to have been in the car which was behind the Mercedes of Bucak when it crashed in Susurluk. He is said to have done the most to save Catli. After Catli's death, Kirici supposedly took over the organisation. Kirici is said to have been Catli's right hand. He took part in several operations, next to Catli. After Catli's death, Kirici disappeared out of sight. He is said to have good relations with Sedat Bucak and once in a while he is said to hide in Siverek. The chief prosecutor of Istanbul, Ciftci, said the police are not passing on their information. A fax, sent by the state prosecution to the police directorate in Istanbul, shows information is passed on very late, and the names of the arrested isn't even given to the prosecution. Investigations are carried out in the name of the state prosecution without their knowledge. The minister of Defence, Turan Tayan, stated 400 billion TL were spent daily for the anti-terror campaign. In 1996, the Turkish government spent 80 billion daily for the Gendarmerie, 40 billion for the land forces, and 5 billion for the air forces. According to the MGK (the National Security Council) report weapon smugglers pay billions of bribe money to members of parliament which use their immunity to carry out their deals without being disturbed. December 19, 1996 The evidence against the Yuksekova gang disappeared. Video tapes and documents about the Yuksekova gang, consisting of members of the special units, traitors and village guards, have gone missing. The officer Huseyin Oguz, who discovered this gang, was threatened with death and he was transferred to another city. His lawyer, Yasar Alturk, said the first investigation took 9 days and the tapes and the documents were handed over to the appropriate officials. Some of these officials then made this evidence disappear. December 21, 1996 The report of the MIT (National Intelligence Service) to the MGK (National Security Council) says the village guards in the Southeast are no longer under the control of the state. They are said to have become criminal gangs. December 22, 1996 According to the deputy department chief of the MIT, M. Eymurs, the MIT killed Tarik Umit after he was interrogated by Catli. Mehmet Agar and Ibrahim Sahin, the chief of the Special Warfare Department, are said to be responsible for this case. After 1980, the MIT used Catli abroad. Eymur: "When we heard Catli was dealing in drugs, we dropped him, then the police directorate used him." During an operation in Kocaeli a gang of 27 people was caught. This gang is held responsible for 7 murders, 5 disappearances, 2 kidnappings and 7 cases of extortion. The leader of this gang is said to be Mehmet Hadi Ozcan, a close friend of Catli. Meral Aksener charges village guards. Aksener is sacking 23.000 village guards. Until now it was determined that 296 village guards committed murder, 4 village guards kidnapped men, 77 village guards were guilty of kidnapping women and girls and many village guards were involved in the smuggling of drugs and weapons. Catli is said to be trained by the MOSSAD and the CIA. His weapon originated from Israel. It was found in the car in Susurluk. Because this kind of weapon is not used in Turkey, it became known these weapons originated from a deal between the Turkish police and Israel. December 25, 1996 Yasar Oz's gun permit, handed over by ANAP leader Mesut Yilmaz to the parliamentary commission, was of the same fabric as the gun permit which was issued to Abdullah Catli. It was established that it was printed on the same kind of paper, carrying the same text and the same signature. Sevket Kazan opened the case against Haluk Kirici who was recently arrested but immediately released because he possessed a special document. Haluk Kirici, accused because of the Bahcelievler massacre, was released on probation in 1989. Later he was wanted because of another crime. He was arrested in April, but he managed to escape, helped by two policemen. When his papers were checked, a policemen discovered Haluk Kirici was in the possession of a document, signed by Mehmet Agar, with the request to help the owner. Agar also phoned and prevented Kirici was taken into custody. But Agar denies all of this. The MIT report states Haluk Kirici was arrested, together with Ayhan Akca (member of a special unit), because of the murder of Tarik Umit. A phone call was made to the police station to have him released again. During his time as governor of Erzurum, Mehmet Agar was Haluk Kirici's wedding witness. December 26, 1996 The national chief of police Alladin Yuksel broke his silence. Yuksel reported the police was in the possession of Catli's fingerprints: "Surely the friends in Istanbul have some explaining to do how these fingerprints were misplaced", accusing the Istanbul chief of police, Kemal Yazicioglu. In a television program of HBB, Yuksel stated Catli's fingerprints first showed up in the attack against a student home in 1977, and for the last time in Susurluk. According to Yuksel the Gendarmerie came into action immediately after the accident in Susurluk: "After the incident the Gendarmerie came into action. The files in this case, containing all the information from the car, were secured by the Gendarmerie." Yuksel said the investigations were started immediately upon requests by the state prosecution and the state security court. Yuksel also said that the three policemen, wanted because they belonged to the Soylemez gang, had not been apprehended yet: "That depends on the methods of apprehension. Because of their tasks they have a lot of acquaintances, it's possible they hide with friends." Huseyin Baybasin, arrested in 1995 in the Netherlands in the case of the drug ship Lucky-S, claims to have smuggled drugs together with relatives of Mehmet Agar: Yumus Agar and Yalcin Akcadag (Mehmet's uncle) using the oil trade as a cover. Baybasin states they were transporting petrol from Libya, taken drugs on board along the way, smuggling these into the Netherlands. Baybasin also states: "Nobody was allowed near the ship by the police. Suleyman Basgol, chief of police in that time, was there as well. Nobody can claim to have seen nothing. This was all done under the supervision of the Istanbul police." According to Baybasin, Mehmet Agar was making $500.000 a month and he demanded Agar should explain where all his wealth came from. December 28, 1996 The Special Units Academy in Golbas was visited by Tansu Ciller, together with the minister of the Interior Meral Aksener, minister Bekir Aksoy, DYP-delegate Hayri Kozakciogly, Unal Erkan, Saffet Arikan Beduk and the national chief of police. Ciller made a statement about the recent reports about the police, the MIT, the Special Units and similar organisations: "Your orders are not coming from those who attack you, they're coming from the state. This country is grateful to you. The nation is proud of you, now they're trying to denounce you. They are the enemies of the fatherland, we have many who fell, who were murdered by the enemies of the fatherland. I know you'll save the country. I call upon all who falsely accuse you: Stop, do not cross the line. The persons who are conspiring against you will be ashamed one day. I know you love our nation and your country very much. I respect your work. Keep your heads up high. All those who are against you will have to fight, because we will not allow them to win. I will always be behind you." Tansu Ciller and the others also dressed in the Special Unit uniforms. The former MIT member Korkut Eken, who later became advisor of the minister of the Interior Mehmet Agar, stated he was a friend of Catli. He said so on December 27 in front of the parliamentary commission. Catli had been his friend, and Eken added that Catli had been used by the state since 1980, claiming it was impossible that MIT-chief Eymur had not known Catli. Eken: "Catli was used as an informant about the PKK after 1994 in Germany. I know Catli did some jobs for the state." He also said: "I know Tarik Umit, but I haven't seen him in three years. I did not kill Tarik Umit." ------------------------------------------ Visit HTTP:// For regular news and information about the classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From kurd-l at Wed Jan 22 22:42:38 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 22 Jan 1997 22:42:38 Subject: The Story Of Turkish Soldiers In Th Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: The Story Of Turkish Soldiers In The Mountains Of Kurdistan The Story - Tragedy - Of A Turkish Soldier In The Mountains Of Kurdistan By Oktay Yildiz (First appeared in Ozgur Politika, September 1996) "On a rainy Saturday afternoon, we went shopping in the suburb of Ulus in Ankara. I unconsciously threw myself on the ground when I heard gun shots. When I got up off the ground, faces in the crowd around me were looking strangely at me. I then realized that I was covered with mud. I asked my wife, who was guiding me away from the crowd, 'Who shot us?' Looking at my face with deep sympathy, she answered, 'It was the sound of the jack hammer digging the concrete on the sidewalk.' " It is a rather difficult feeling to explain; the fear of living with fear. Jumping out of bed from a nightmare only to find your pajamas are drenched in sweat. Huseyin Guclu, a seargant serving in the military in Kigi, Bingol, in 1987, was telling us this story in an interview. Ali Riza Eker, another seargant who served in the Turkish military in Kurdistan, committed suicide a month ago after finishing his military service. He had post-traumatic stress disorder, or the so-called "Vietnam syndrome." He was a victim of the psychological damage that is created when one is exposed to a war environment. This syndrome was experienced by the American military cadets in Vietnam, the Russians in Afghanistan, United Nation forces in Somalia, and the Turkish troops in Kurdistan. That is why the United States, which lost thousands of people to this syndrome, has produced movies like "Rambo" to eradicate the effect of this disease from the minds of their young people. Turkey will suffer from this syndrome in the years to come; who would have expected that soldiers decapitating and mutilating innocent people would lead a normal life after such experiences? Doctors from the military hospital have reported that between 20-30 soldiers are treated every month for the symptoms of this syndrome, according to Nokta weekly magazine. According to one doctor, these people are having a hard time adapting to civilian life; they think that they are still in the military and engage in pseudo-militaristic activities such as dodging bullets, patrolling the streets, and awaiting a military offensive. According to one of the military doctors, civilian life represents an unadaptable form of living, an inescapable trench, and the more they try to get out of it, the deeper it gets. Every object they come across and every sound they hear is perceived as the enemy and they become soldiers all over again. They live this trauma of war even when they are asleep. What was the premilitary life of Ali Riza Eker like? He was young, healthy, handsome, and an individual full of life who was considered to be the best hunter in Mahmudiye village in Balikesir. One day he was summoned to the military to serve in one of the gendarmarie battalions in the province of Mardin (Kurdistan). He was put in charge of managing an automatic weapon with heavy artillery. He was appointed "Hunter of the Kurds." He would tell his family of his heroic military stories and, particularly, of how he killed over 30 Kurds and how proud he was of these killings. Whether he truly believed his actions to be heroic or not is unknown. He was conditioned to act on orders and he did. In a letter to his best friend, Bulent Koroglu, who was serving in Tunceli province (Dersim) in Kurdistan, he described his participation in one of the military actions against PKK guerrillas where he jumped off a military helicopter, dodged behind a rock, and sprayed the PKK guerrillas with his automatic weapons and, before long, he had fired off 1,600 bullets and killed 7 people. "You should have been there, Rambo was nothing compared to us!" As he continued with his heroic actions of killing Kurds and decapitating them, he thought that it was all for the benefit of his people and his country, without knowing that he was not only committing harm to his people and his country but also to himself. He was on a journey with no return. He later realized that he had no choice but to put the barrel to his own head and pull the trigger. "Whatever happened, happened in the last three months of his military service" explained his father Husamettin Eker. He asked his mother to get his coffin ready as he may not have much time to live during his last phone conversation with his mother 20 days before being discharged from the military, an event that put the family on the edge. He went to Istanbul with one of his cadets for a few weeks, then to Balikesir for several days where he was found drunk and unconscious in a coffee shop by some relatives who later took him to his village. Ali Riza had now discovered the truth that what he did to other human beings in the military was not for the benefit of his country, but it was too late. He would not speak, except for giving short answers to questions he was asked. He would wake up in the middle of the night and rush outside and engage in military-style actions, such as holding imaginary weapons, digging trenches, and shooting at imaginary enemies in the night. He had been engaged to be married before going to the military, but would not speak of his fiancee and did not care about his dream house that was under construction. When his father asked him if he would like to get married, he answered by saying "I killed my fiancee". He then went on to say that 7 days before he was discharged he was given the responsibility of killing a captured female guerrilla and that she turned into his fiancee when she was killed. He would rush into his brother's bed in the night and tell him about how one of his best friends exploded into pieces upon stepping on a mine and how one religious cadet taught them about the code of honor and then died with 8 others in one of their operations, and how one of his friend committed suicide in Ankara after being discharged from the military, and how they all are asking him for his company and how he cannot turn them down. He told his family how he killed 35 people during his military service and how he was brain-washed into committing these killings and how he had no choice but to do so. "We were forced to enjoy the killing. I now know that the people I killed were human beings just like me." He knew that he was one of tens of thousands of young Turkish soldiers that were made the hunters of the Kurds; his conscience would not leave him alone. He knew now that the ones who made him commit these crimes were getting rich from this dirty war and were enjoying their money while he could not even get a good night's sleep. He eventually lost the battle to his conscience and decided to take his life on one October night while attending a wedding ceremony. His body was discovered by his fiancee outside of the wedding hall with a bullet in his head. As this dirty war continues, there will be many more Ali Riza's who will become the victims - unfortunately. (The American Kurdish Information Network is grateful to a Kurdish doctor for the translation of this article.) ---- American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) 2623 Connecticut Avenue NW #1 Washington, DC 20008-1522 Tel: (202) 483-6444 Fax: (202) 483-6476 E-mail: akin at Home Page: ---- The American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) provides a public service to foster Kurdish-American understanding and friendship ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From dhkc at Wed Jan 22 16:16:53 1997 From: dhkc at (dhkc at Date: 22 Jan 1997 16:16:53 Subject: Turkey: State murders and massacres in 1996 Message-ID: From: DHKC Informationbureau Amsterdam Subject: Turkey: State murders and massacres in 1996 MURDERS, ARMED ATTACKS AND MASSACRES IN TURKEY: 1996 Murders by unknown perpetrators, executions in open daylight and slaughtering defenceless people in their houses were used increasingly as means of Turkish national policy to suppress the people's demands for justice. To police uses armoured vehicles and guns against demonstrations, wounding and killing people to sow panic. With all these means, the Turkish state tries to intimidate the voice of resistance, the voice of the people who are starting to get organised. But in vain. The anger of the people is increasing. 1996 has not only been a year of increasing repression, it has also been a year of increasing resistance. When more than 50.000 people - only armed with bricks and sticks - took on the struggle against the heavily armed police and when they stormed the police barricades, one after the other, it became obvious what the powers that be in Turkey had been fearing for a long time. Their rule begins to waver, confronted with the unified anger of the people. Their machine of terror with all its brutalities can no longer intimidate the people... January 1996 Ercan Ozceken massacred On the evening of January 17, the Izmir police and the JITEM started an operation. To legitimise the planned massacre, and to neutralise possible reactions after the massacre, several houses are searched that evening and around 60 people are arrested. During the next two days, another 40 people are arrested. Ercan Ozceken was murdered in the course of this operation. January 19, 1996, Evrensel He was thrown out of the window H.G., who was brought to the Yuzyil police station together with two other people, accused of car theft, jumped out of a window on the 2nd. floor, the police claims. But H.G.'s mother, Emine Guc is convinced the policemen threw him out of the window. The mother thinks it is improbable that her son jumped out the window without his statement being recorded. "My son is no thief like the police claims. He has no criminal record. They police says they did not take down his statement. Okay, but why should a young person, whose statement wasn't even recorded, jump out of a window. The policemen have thrown my son out of the window. I will file charges against them," the mother continued. January 30, 1996 Sivas 7 DHKC fighters were massacred on the night of January 29-30 in the region of Sivas Hafik. That same night operations were carried out in nearby villages and 43 people were arrested. The villages were sealed off from the outside world. 15 days ago, 24 guerrillas were massacred in the same region. They were secretly buried in the area. February 10, 1996 Massacre in Bahcelievler 3 DHKC fighters (Ayten Korkulu, Meral Akpinar and Fuat Perk) were massacred on January 9, 1996, in Istanbul Bahcelievler. Their house was surrounded by the police. The inhabitants of the neighbourhood were forced to stay in their houses. After the 10 minute operation, the 3 revolutionaries were murdered. Like in all other operations, the police came, heavily armed with bombs and armoured vehicles, with the aim of murdering the people. They removed all the evidence which could have been used against them. The three revolutionaries were stripped naked, and the police took their clothes with them. April 17, 1996, Ozgur Politika "The state security forces executed 4 Kurds" On April 15, 1996, 4 people were executed by the police and the Special Units in Mersin Gunes Mahallesi. The police claims these people came into the city carry out armed actions and the supposedly answered the call by the police to surrender with opening fire. However, witnesses state that two persons, Selahattin Eken and a woman, came out of the house with their hand up when the house had been surrounded. Thereupon they were executed by the police. Two other persons, Haci Yusuf Daloglu (19) and Kadriye Ozay (17) were executed in a orange yard, although they had surrendered themselves. The inhabitants of the neighbourhood stated they were forced by the Special Units and the police to stay in their houses after noticing that people were witnessing the massacre. They threatened to kill the inhabitants in case they would obey their orders. May 14, 1996 Irfan Agdas massacred On May 13, 1996, the Kurtulus reader Irfan Agdas was shot in Istanbul Alibeykoy. Irfan was selling the Kurtulus when suddenly policemen of the Anti-Terror Department opened fire on him from a car with the license number 34 FT 322. The 17 year old grammar school pupil was murdered on the open street in front of many eye-witnesses. May 18, 1996 Kemal Yaziciogly at work! Kemal Yazicioglu, known for the executions and torture in the areas where he is active, was recently transferred to Istanbul. After Orhan Tasanlar, police president of Istanbul and also known as a "brain-worker", was transferred, Kemal Yazicioglu was appointed as new chief of police of Istanbul. His now 1-month old praxis gives us a clue of what can be expected from him in the future. During his first month, 4 people were murdered by the police. During the May-Day demonstration, the police consciously opened fire upon the people. Hasan Albayrak, Dursun Adabas Odabas and Yalcin Levent were killed by police bullets. On May 13, 1996, a 17 year old distributor of the Kurtulus was shot by the police in Istanbul Alibeykoy. July 6, 1996, Demokrasi Special Units murder in Tokat The people of Tokat are being terrorised by Special Units. The villages of Karadere and Kapici (near Almus) were riddled with bullets with the pretext: "There are terrorists inside these villages". The 60 year old Durmus Karahan was killed. July 16, 1996 Massacre in Gultepe During the night of July 15, DHKC fighters carried out some armed actions in solidarity with the prisoners on Death Fast. Operations were carried out in several neighbourhoods of Istanbul after these actions. Around 1 a.m. the house of the revolutionaries in Gultepe was surrounded by the police. During the armed confrontation the 4 people's liberation fighters Hasan Huseyin Onat, Gulizar Simsek, Emine Tuncal and Ali Erturk were massacred. The order for this massacre was given by the police chief of Istanbul, Kemal Yazicioglu himself. July 20, 1996 17 year old shot by the police When the police opened fire upon a protest action against the treatment of the prisoners in the Turkish jails, the 17 year old Levent Dogan died in a hail of bullets. August 21, 1996, Evrensel Senem Adali and Muhammed Kaya massacred In the early morning hours of August 20, the two revolutionaries Senem Adali and Muhammed Kaya were executed in their house in Istanbul Alibeykoy. Although nothing was found in the house, except for the Kurtulus, the police claimed in their press statement that an armed confrontation had occurred inside the house and that several weapons had been secured. Two days earlier, the police chief of Istanbul Yazicioglu announced an act of revenge at the funeral of a police officer who had been punished by the revolutionaries. August 28, 1996, Cumhuriyet Police arbitrariness (1) Yesterday the police shot Emin Albay in the neighbourhood of Zeytinburnu in Istanbul. Albay drove a stolen car and didn't stop at a police barricade. Police arbitrariness (2) Yesterday the police shot the mini-bus driver and father of three, Sabri Yesilbag, in the neighbourhood of Bakirkoy in Istanbul. The bus driver refused to change his route to drive the policemen home. September 7, 1996 Again murder by unknown perpetrators Nedim Ataman, arrested an taken into custody in May, who went missing 10 days ago, is dead. By coincidence, Sabahattin Ataman heard about an unidentified body. Later he recognised his dead brother at the Forensic Medical Association. The physicians stated there had been no signs of violence on the body, but Nedim's family voiced their suspicion that he had been poisoned. Furthermore the relatives stated that Nedim had been arrested frequently and that the police had tried to force him to co-operate with them, threatening to kill him. September 11, 1996, Evrensel 11 year old child shot by soldiers An 11 year old child was shot by soldiers in Agri. The child ran away when it saw the smoke of a fire and was thereupon shot by the soldiers. September 28, 1996, Kurtulus Bus driver murdered in police custody On September 23, 1996, the IETT bus driver Erdem Cayiri was murdered while in police custody. He was late that day because of a traffic jam and he wasn't able to leave at time from a bus stop. Because of the delay, four journalist of the paper Sabah, Mehmet Durupinar, Ersin Karaca, Yuksel Gursoy and Oktay Irmak started a fight with him. According the an eye-witness, Ziver Yilmaz, the journalists hit the bus driver. All five were then arrested by the police. The four Sabah journalist were allowed to go after they had testified, but Erdem Cayciri was held in custody. Later it was announced that he had died because of a heart attack. It is assumed though that he has been tortured to death. October 9, 1996, Kurtulus Ismet Guvenc murdered in police custody Istanbul, the People's Lawyers Office: Ismet Guvenc (30), arrested by the police on October 3, 1996 in Istanbul, was found dead on October 6 on a building site in Esenler/Istanbul. According to the autopsy he died because of a cerebral haemorrhage, caused by a bullet. Guvenc was an active member of the human rights association TIYAD (Solidarity Association of Relatives of the Political Prisoners) and he had been arrested, tortured and threatened frequently by the police before. Ismet's brother, arrested the same day, has been released in the meantime. Ismet Guvenc has been the most recent victim of the human despising Turkish state. On August 20 this year, TIYAD members Senem Adali(22) and Muhammed Kaya were shot by the police in their home in Istanbul. October 16, 1996 Arslan Bilgin Arslan Bilgin, who fought for a life in dignity and a free country in the ranks of the DHKC, his father Mustafa Bilgin and his mother Sakine Bilgin were massacred in their home in Tokat by the military during the night of October 15. October 17, 1996, Evrensel 3 peasants murdered in Dersim In Dersim 3 peasants were murdered by soldiers. Before, the soldiers had shot 9 horses of the peasants because they feared the horses could be stolen by the PKK. October 19, 1996, Evrensel Torture and executions have become facts of daily life 5 people were found dead 3 days ago in Diyarbakir, they were killed by bullets after been dragged behind a car. Yesterday 4 bodies were found of people who had been executed. 2 bodies were found outside the village of Soganli (near Diyarbakir). Most of the people who were murdered had been arrested by the police before they were killed. October 19, 1996, Evrensel Pupils shot at by police at school party Plainclothes policemen opened fire upon pupils who attended a school party. November 11, 1996, Kurtulus 2 peasants murdered by the contra-guerrilla Kamber Gunes, kidnapped on October 24 by village guards and the contra-guerrilla, was found dead on October 26 in Cemisgezek/Yakri Peydere. His body had been mutilated. Kamber came from the village of Xardisar which was burned down by the military in 1994, he had been threatened frequently and he had been incarcerated for 9 months twice, together with his brother. Aziz Karakus was also murdered in Cemisgezek by the contra-guerrilla. His mutilated body was found near the village of Ulukale. Karakus was a democratic farmer and he was murdered 3 months after he was kidnapped. The DHKP-C prisoners in Malatya Prison protested against this massacre and said their grief was great, but their hate against the enemy was even bigger. December 26, 1996, Demokrasi Petty officer Oguz testified that the Yuksekova Gang usually kills traitors and he told what had happened with 2 women guerrillas: "In the police district of Uzumlu, 2 women of the guerrilla were captured after a fight in which 13 people fell. One was from Mardin, the other from Syria. Their weapons are now in the possession of the brigade. The women were first bathed and then handed over to Kahraman Bilgic. He first raped them and then he murdered them. These are not mere assertions, I know it." December 28, 1996, Kurtulus Contra-guerrilla murderers at work again On December 28, 1996, at 00.01 a.m., the police shot a15 year old child, in Bagcilar Yavuz Selim/Istanbul. The police said to have shot the 15 year old Bulent Korkmaz because they believed he was a car thief. ------------------------------------------ Visit HTTP:// For regular news and information about the classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From kurd-l at Fri Jan 24 20:05:56 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 24 Jan 1997 20:05:56 Subject: Turkey: State murders and massacres in 1996 References: Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Turkey: State Murders And Massacres In 1996 Turkey: State Murders And Massacres In 1996 Murders by unknown perpetrators, executions in open daylight, and slaughtering defenceless people in their houses were used increasingly as means of Turkish national policy to suppress the people's demands for justice. Police used armoured vehicles and guns against demonstrations, wounding and killing people to sow panic. With all these means, the Turkish state tries to intimidate the voice of resistance, the voice of the people who are starting to get organized. But in vain. The anger of the people is increasing. 1996 has not only been a year of increasing repression, it has also been a year of increasing resistance. When more than 50,000 people - only armed with bricks and sticks - took on the struggle against the heavily armed police and when they stormed the police barricades, one after the other, it became obvious what the powers that be in Turkey had been fearing for a long time. Their rule begins to waver when confronted with the unified anger of the people. Their machine of terror with all its brutality can no longer intimidate the people... January 1996 - Ercan Ozceken Massacred On the evening of January 17, the Izmir police and the JITEM started an operation. To legitimize the planned massacre, and to neutralise possible reactions after the massacre, several houses were searched that evening and around 60 people are arrested. During the next two days, another 40 people are arrested. Ercan Ozceken was murdered in the course of this operation. January 19, 1996 - Evrensel He was thrown out of the window, H.G., who was brought to the Yuzyil police station together with two other people, accused of car theft, jumped out of a window on the 2nd floor, the police claimed. But H.G.'s mother, Emine Guc, is convinced the policemen threw him out of the window. The mother thinks it is improbable that her son jumped out the window without his statement being recorded. "My son is no thief like the police claim. He has no criminal record. They police say they did not take down his statement. Okay, but why should a young person, whose statement wasn't even recorded, jump out of a window? The policemen have thrown my son out of the window. I will file charges against them," the mother continued. January 30, 1996 - Sivas 7 DHKC fighters were massacred on the night of January 29-30 in the region of Sivas Hafik. That same night operations were carried out in nearby villages and 43 people were arrested. The villages were sealed off from the outside world. 15 days before, 24 guerrillas were massacred in the same region. They were secretly buried in the area. February 10, 1996 - Massacre In Bahcelievler 3 DHKC fighters (Ayten Korkulu, Meral Akpinar, and Fuat Perk) were massacred on January 9, 1996, in Istanbul-Bahcelievler. Their house was surrounded by the police. The inhabitants of the neighbourhood were forced to stay in their houses. After the 10 minute operation, the 3 revolutionaries were murdered. Like in all other operations, the police came, heavily armed with bombs and armoured vehicles, with the aim of murdering the people. They removed all the evidence which could have been used against them. The three revolutionaries were stripped naked, and the police took their clothes with them. April 17, 1996 - Ozgur Politika "The State Security Forces Executed 4 Kurds" On April 15, 1996, 4 people were executed by the police and the Special Units in Mersin Gunes Mahallesi. The police claimed these people came into the city to carry out armed actions and they supposedly answered the call by the police to surrender with opening fire. However, witnesses state that two persons, Selahattin Eken and a woman, came out of the house with their hand up when the house had been surrounded. Thereupon they were executed by the police. Two other persons, Haci Yusuf Daloglu (19) and Kadriye Ozay (17), were executed in a orange grove, although they had surrendered themselves. The inhabitants of the neighbourhood stated they were forced by the Special Units and the police to stay in their houses after noticing that people were witnessing the massacre. They threatened to kill the inhabitants if they would disobey their orders. May 14, 1996 - Irfan Agdas Massacred On May 13, 1996, Kurtulus reader Irfan Agdas was shot in Istanbul Alibeykoy. Irfan was selling the newspaper Kurtulus when suddenly policemen of the Anti-Terror Department opened fire on him from a car with the license number 34 FT 322. The 17-year-old grammar school pupil was murdered on the open street in front of many eye-witnesses. May 18, 1996 - Kemal Yaziciogly At Work! Kemal Yazicioglu, known for the executions and torture in the areas where he is active, was recently transferred to Istanbul. After Orhan Tasanlar, police president of Istanbul and also known as a "brain-worker", was transferred, Kemal Yazicioglu was appointed as new chief of police of Istanbul. His now 1-month old praxis gives us a clue of what can be expected from him in the future. During his first month, 4 people were murdered by the police. During the May Day demonstration, the police consciously opened fire upon the people. Hasan Albayrak, Dursun Adabas Odabas, and Yalcin Levent were killed by police bullets. On May 13, 1996, a 17-year-old distributor of the Kurtulus newspaper was shot by the police in Istanbul-Alibeykoy. July 6, 1996 - Demokrasi "Special Units Murder In Tokat" The people of Tokat are being terrorised by Special Units. The villages of Karadere and Kapici (near Almus) were riddled with bullets with the pretext: "There are terrorists inside these villages". The 60-year-old Durmus Karahan was killed. July 16, 1996 - Massacre In Gultepe During the night of July 15, DHKC fighters carried out some armed actions in solidarity with the prisoners on Death Fast. Operations were carried out in several neighbourhoods of Istanbul after these actions. Around 1 a.m. the house of the revolutionaries in Gultepe was surrounded by the police. During the armed confrontation the 4 people's liberation fighters Hasan Huseyin Onat, Gulizar Simsek, Emine Tuncal, and Ali Erturk were massacred. The order for this massacre was given by the police chief of Istanbul, Kemal Yazicioglu, himself. July 20, 1996 - 17-Year-Old Shot By The Police When the police opened fire on a protest action against the treatment of the prisoners in the Turkish jails, 17-year-old Levent Dogan died in a hail of bullets. August 21, 1996 - Evrensel "Senem Adali And Muhammed Kaya Massacred" In the early morning hours of August 20, the two revolutionaries Senem Adali and Muhammed Kaya were executed in their house in Istanbul Alibeykoy. Although nothing was found in the house, except for Kurtulus, the police claimed in their press statement that an armed confrontation had occurred inside the house and that several weapons had been secured. Two days earlier, the police chief of Istanbul Yazicioglu announced an act of revenge at the funeral of a police officer who had been punished by the revolutionaries. August 28, 1996 - Cumhuriyet Police Arbitrariness (1) Yesterday the police shot Emin Albay in the neighbourhood of Zeytinburnu in Istanbul. Albay drove a stolen car and didn't stop at a police barricade. Police Arbitrariness (2) Yesterday the police shot the mini-bus driver and father of three, Sabri Yesilbag, in the neighbourhood of Bakirkoy in Istanbul. The bus driver refused to change his route to drive the policemen home. September 7, 1996 - Again Murder By Unknown Perpetrators Nedim Ataman, arrested an taken into custody in May, who went missing 10 days ago, is dead. By coincidence, Sabahattin Ataman heard about an unidentified body. Later he recognised his dead brother at the Forensic Medical Association. The physicians stated there had been no signs of violence on the body, but Nedim's family voiced their suspicion that he had been poisoned. Furthermore the relatives stated that Nedim had been arrested frequently and that the police had tried to force him to co-operate with them, threatening to kill him. September 11, 1996 - Evrensel "11-Year-Old Child Shot By Soldiers" An 11-year-old child was shot by soldiers in Agri. The child ran away when it saw the smoke of a fire and was thereupon shot by the soldiers. September 28, 1996 - Kurtulus "Bus Driver Murdered In Police Custody" On September 23, 1996, the IETT bus driver Erdem Cayiri was murdered while in police custody. He was late that day because of a traffic jam and he wasn't able to leave on time from a bus stop. Because of the delay, four journalist of the paper Sabah, Mehmet Durupinar, Ersin Karaca, Yuksel Gursoy, and Oktay Irmak started a fight with him. According the an eye-witness, Ziver Yilmaz, the journalists hit the bus driver. All five were then arrested by the police. The four Sabah journalist were allowed to go after they had testified, but Erdem Cayciri was held in custody. Later it was announced that he had died because of a heart attack. It is assumed though that he has been tortured to death. October 9, 1996 - Kurtulus "Ismet Guvenc Murdered In Police Custody" Istanbul, the People's Lawyers Office: Ismet Guvenc (30), arrested by the police on October 3, 1996 in Istanbul, was found dead on October 6 on a building site in Istanbul-Esenler. According to the autopsy he died because of a cerebral haemorrhage, caused by a bullet. Guvenc was an active member of the human rights association TIYAD (Solidarity Association of Relatives of the Political Prisoners) and he had been arrested, tortured, and threatened frequently by the police before. Ismet's brother, arrested the same day, has been released in the meantime. Ismet Guvenc has been the most recent victim of the inhumane Turkish state. On August 20 this year, TIYAD members Senem Adali(22) and Muhammed Kaya were shot by the police in their home in Istanbul. October 16, 1996 - Arslan Bilgin Arslan Bilgin, who fought for a life in dignity and a free country in the ranks of the DHKC, his father Mustafa Bilgin and his mother Sakine Bilgin were massacred in their home in Tokat by the military during the night of October 15. October 17, 1996 - Evrensel "3 Peasants Murdered In Dersim" In Dersim 3 peasants were murdered by soldiers. Before, the soldiers had shot 9 horses of the peasants because they feared the horses could be stolen by the PKK. October 19, 1996 - Evrensel "Torture And Executions Have Become Facts Of Daily Life" 5 people were found dead 3 days ago in Diyarbakir, they were killed by bullets after being dragged behind a car. Yesterday 4 bodies were found of people who had been executed. 2 bodies were found outside the village of Soganli (near Diyarbakir). Most of the people who were murdered had been arrested by the police before they were killed. October 19, 1996 - Evrensel "Pupils Shot At By Police At School Party" Plainclothes policemen opened fire upon pupils who attended a school party. November 11, 1996 - Kurtulus "2 Peasants Murdered By The Contra-Guerrilla" Kamber Gunes, kidnapped on October 24 by village guards and the contra-guerrilla, was found dead on October 26 in Cemisgezek/Yakri Peydere. His body had been mutilated. Kamber came from the village of Xardisar which was burned down by the military in 1994, he had been threatened frequently and he had been incarcerated for 9 months twice, together with his brother. Aziz Karakus was also murdered in Cemisgezek by the contra-guerrilla. His mutilated body was found near the village of Ulukale. Karakus was a democratic farmer and he was murdered 3 months after he was kidnapped. The DHKP-C prisoners in Malatya Prison protested against this massacre and said their grief was great, but their hate against the enemy was even bigger. December 26, 1996 - Demokrasi Petty officer Oguz testified that the Yuksekova Gang usually kills traitors and he told what had happened with 2 women guerrillas: "In the police district of Uzumlu, 2 women of the guerrilla were captured after a fight in which 13 people fell. One was from Mardin, the other from Syria. Their weapons are now in the possession of the brigade. The women were first bathed and then handed over to Kahraman Bilgic. He first raped them and then he murdered them. These are not mere assertions, I know it." December 28, 1996 - Kurtulus "Contra-Guerrilla Murderers At Work Again" On December 28, 1996, at 00.01 a.m., the police shot a 15-year-old child in Bagcilar Yavuz Selim/Istanbul. The police are said to have shot the 15-year-old Bulent Korkmaz because they believed he was a car thief. ------------------------------------------ Visit for regular news and information about the class war in Turkey and Kurdistan. Visit to read the newspaper Kurtulus. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From kurd-l at Fri Jan 24 04:20:21 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 24 Jan 1997 04:20:21 Subject: An Urgent Appeal For The Kurds Of A Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: An Urgent Appeal For The Kurds Of Atrush Camp Kurdish Red Crescent, medico international, Hannover Appeal, Danish Helsinki Committee and Peace in Kurdistan campaign MAKE THIS LAST MINUTE APPEAL To save the 15,000 Kurdish refugees living in Atrush camp; the threatened closure endangers their lives. URGE The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) the governments of the world and the international public TO HELP PREVENT THE CLOSURE OF THE ATRUSH CAMP! January 1997 In defiance of the growing chorus of international criticism by human rights and aid organisations, the UNHCR plans to shut down the Atrush refugee camp in south Kurdistan (northern Iraq). This was officially announced on 21 December 1996. Atrush is no ordinary camp. It is the only sanctuary for approximately 15,000 Kurds from north Kurdistan (south east Turkey) who fled the destruction of their villages, torture and brutal persecution carried out by Turkish soldiers and gendarmes in the last few years. The closure of this camp, which has an internationally recognised status, by the High Commissioner for Refugees, is tantamount to denying these refugees the minimum internationally recognised humanitarian standards of treatment. It also betrays a callous contempt for human rights. The temporary transfer of the camp's refugees to the transit sites Balqus and Muqible can only be construed as their deliberate surrender into Turkish hands. Both these sites are situated on the Iraqi-Turkish border where Ankara's troops have repeatedly staged incursions and border operations on a massive scale since March 1994. This policy is in stark and revealing contrast to that pursued by the USA and the United Nations last year when 7,500 PUK Kurdish supporters were hastily evacuated, with adequate transport by the CIA, via Guam, to the U.S. in order to protect them from possible reprisals by Saddam Hussein's regime. But for the Kurds from Turkey new standards and different criteria apply. 15,000 Kurdish refugees are now quietly and expeditiously sacrificed to suit Turkey's barbaric aims - with the apparent approval of the UNHCR, following Ankara's intervention in Washington. The closure of Atrush camp and the threatened transfer of the Kurds to the "protection" of Turkey means that they face acute danger and enormous hazards. We urgently request your help. * Appeal to the UNHCR to immediately stop their plan to close the camp. * Appeal to the Foreign Offices of Western governments to guarantee the protection of these people and keep Atrush camp open. Signatures so far: United Kingdom Lord Avebury (Chairman Parliamentry Human Rights Group), Lord Rea, Lady McNair, Lord McNair, Baroness Gould, Lord Hylton, John Austin-Walker MP (Labour Party), Tony Banks MP (Labour Party), Tony Benn MP (Labour Party), Jeremy Corbyn MP (Labour Party), Cynog Dafis MP (Plaid Cymru, Welsh National Party), Margaret Ewing MP (SNP, Scottish National Party), Alan Simpson MP (Labour Party), David Atkinson MP (Conservative Party), Jenny Jones (Chair Green Party), Lesley Kipling (Socialist Labour Party), Ken Cameron (General Secretary Fire Brigades Union), Tim Gopsill (Editor National Union of Journalists 'The Journalist'), Harold Pinter (Playwright) Tom Stoppard (Writer and a Vice-President of International PEN), Margaret Drabble (Writer and a Vice-President of International PEN), Edward Mortimer (Journalist), Victoria Brittain (Journalist) Maria O'Shea (Centre f. Near and Middle E. Studies) Louise Christian (Human Rights Lawyer), Sheri Laizer (Writer), Miranda Watson (Human Right! s Campaigner), Estella Schmid (Peace in Kurdistan), Mark Campbell (Kurdistan Trade Union Committee), Cath Kelly (Human Rights Campaigner), Andy Keefe (Halkevi Kurdish and Turkish Community Centre), Lobby for Cyprus, George Eugeniou (Cypriot Advisory Service), Lib Peck (National Peace Council), Micheal Feeney (Refugee Adviser for Cardinal Hume), John Josset (Policy Officer for Refugees, Catholic Bishops Conference England and Wales). Germany Hans Branscheidt (medico international/Hannover Appeal), Prof.Dr med Ulrich Gottstein (IPPNW-Germany and International), Prof Dr jur Erik Siesby (Chairman, Danish Helsinki Committee), Joachim Gerstecki (General Secretary, Pax Christi), Angelika Beer (MP, The Greens), Prof Norman Paech (College for Economy and Politics, Hamburg), Dr med Gisela Penteker (Executive Committee, IPPNW Germany), Dr Dagmar Lill (Foreign Relations, Bremen), Dr H Jochen Zenker (psychiatrist, Bremen), Gerhard Diefenbach (Chairman of the Aachen Peace Prize Committee), Heidi Lippmann-Kasten (MP/The Greens), Prof Dr Gunter Matthiessen (University Bremerhaven), Dr Arendt Hindriksen (The Greens), Karoline Linnert (The Greens), Maria Spieker (The Greens), Association of Democratic Medical Practioners, Eckhard Held (Doctor, Hamburg), Prof Dr Jurgen Blandow (University Bremen), Hans Eberhad Schultz (Lawyer Bremen),Renate Schultz (Lawyer, Bremen), Friedel Grutzmacher (The Greens), Hella Siburg (lawyer), T! orsten Ruckholdt (Lawyer), Pastor Helmut Frenz, Reinhold Kuhnrich (Council member, Oldenburg), Armin von Dollen (Lawyer), Andreas Schmidt-Schellong (Pastor), Heike Krause (Lawyer), (Bremen), Hartmut Drewes (Pastor), Dr Rolf Gossner (Lawyer), Ulla Jelpke (MP, PDS), Yayla Monch-Bucak (Oldenburg University), Hans Gerd Klatt (Pastor), Bremen Information Centre for Human Rights and Asylum Rights, Peter Vogel (Media Agency for Human Rights), Elisabeth Abendroth, Herbert Kramm-Abendroth, Klaus D.Bufe (Executive Committee of the Association for Social Defence), Peace Initiative "One million signatures for peace", Armin Stolle (Teacher, Foundation for Peace Research), Rolf Kohne (MP, PDS), Dip Ing Ibrahim Bruska (Kurdish Academy for Sience and Art), Steffen Tippach (MP, PDS), Solidarity Committee Against Disappearances and Torture, Prof Dr. Phil Rudolph Bauer, Halle Hartwig (SPD), Monika Morres, Mark Holzberger, Gudrun Heniges, and many others. Please add your name to this appeal! Write to: Mrs Ogata, High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR fax 011-41-22-739-7336 or 739 7377 Your Senator or Representative in the United States Congress -- call us or the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121 for their name and address. RETURN THIS APPEAL TO UK: Peace in Kurdistan Campaign 44 Ainger Road, London NW3 3AT Tel: 011-44-171-586-5892 or 011-44-171-250-1315 fax: 011-44-171-250-1317 Co-ordination Bureau: Germany: Heyva Sor a Kurdistane (Kurdish Red Crescent), In der Stehle 26, 53547 Kasbach-Ohlenberg, Germany. Tel: 011-49-2644-8891 Fax: 011-49-2644-7845 ---- American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) 2623 Connecticut Avenue NW #1 Washington, DC 20008-1522 Tel: (202) 483-6444 Fax: (202) 483-6476 E-mail: akin at Home Page: ---- The American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) provides a public service to foster Kurdish-American understanding and friendship ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From tabe at Fri Jan 24 10:12:18 1997 From: tabe at (tabe at Date: 24 Jan 1997 10:12:18 Subject: German Judge says Turkish Minister Ciller is in Drugsbussiness Message-ID: From: Subject: German Judge says Turkish Minister Ciller is in Drugsbussiness ANKARA SENDS PROTEST NOTE TO GERMANY Following yesterday's claims by the Frankfurt Provincial Court that Turkey was involved in drug trafficking, the Turkish Foreign Ministry sent a late night protest note to the German government refuting the court claim. The note was sent through the German Embassy in Ankara. Ankara has also taken serious exception to the Frankfurt Court claim that Foreign Minister Ciller had "personal connections" with the trade in drugs. The court claim was the leading evening news item in Germany yesterday and has created waves of reaction throughout Turkey. The German claim that Turkey protects drug smugglers and even benefits from the proceeds has been described as "scandalous" and in his protest note Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Onur Oymen said that the German claim was damaging to Turkey's national pride. /Sabah/ -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From kurd-l at Fri Jan 24 20:06:10 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 24 Jan 1997 20:06:10 Subject: Turkey: IHD Human Rights Balance Fo Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Turkey: IHD Human Rights Balance For 1996 Human Rights Association (IHD) Balance Of Human Rights Abuses In Turkey - 1996 2,395 people were killed in armed conflict. 59 people were murdered by "unknown perpetrators". 191 people disappeared in custody. According to official figures, 191 people were tortured in police custody. 17,604 people were actually tortured, although this number is not officially confirmed. 109 people were murdered. 95 bomb attacks were carried out by state forces. 67 villages were depopulated and burned down. 170 people were jailed because of their political convictions. 12 political prisoners died in prison during the Death Fast. 5 prisoners set themselves on fire in protest against the conditions in prison. In the attack against Umraniye Prison 4 prisoners died, in the attack against Diyarbakir Prison 11 prisoners were killed. The prisoners Kalender Kayapinar, Umit Dogan Gonul, Mustafa Kaya and three others died because they were not medically treated. 108 associations and trade unions were attacked. 97 press organs and publications were banned. 342 journalists were arrested. 167 editions of papers and magazines were confiscated. Journalists and writers were sentenced to 164 years in prison and given fines of 9,401 billion TL in total. -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Kurtulus Nachrichten Zentrale: Turkey Mailinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From kurd-l at Fri Jan 24 20:08:20 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 24 Jan 1997 20:08:20 Subject: Turkey Blasts German Court's Drug C Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Turkey Blasts German Court's Drug Claim Turkey Blasts German Court's Drug Claim Judges Allege Evidence Showed Ankara Protected Traffickers By Kelly Couturier Special to The Washington Post Thursday, January 23 1997; Page A24 The Washington Post ANKARA, Turkey, Jan. 22 -- The government protested to Germany today after two German judges alleged that high-ranking Turkish officials, including Deputy Prime Minister Tansu Ciller, have protected heroin traffickers. "These accusations are very ugly and we denounce them," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Omer Akbel, adding that protests had been made to the German Embassy in Ankara and to German Foreign Minister Klaus Klinkel. On Tuesday, a judge in Frankfurt, presiding over the sentencing of three convicted drug smugglers, said the court had found -- based on evidence presented in the case -- that there were close ties between the Turkish government and heroin traffickers operating in Turkey and in Europe. Judge Rolf Schwalbe was quoted in press reports as saying that two Kurdish clans known to be involved in the heroin trafficking through Turkey had "excellent relations with the Turkish government" and "personal contacts with a woman minister in the government." Asked today to name the woman minister, another judge in the case, Dox Neveling, was quoted as saying that the two Kurdish clans had influence at "the highest levels of the government, and the name of Mrs. Ciller was cited during the hearing of the case." The allegations come at a time when Turkey's government is being shaken by accusations that officials in the government and security apparatus have ties to a network of criminal gangs. In exchange for helping the government eliminate people deemed enemies of the state, including Kurdish separatists, the criminals are said to have been protected by officials and allowed to enrich themselves through drug trafficking, money laundering, extortion and other criminal activity. The scandal emerged in November, when an automobile accident revealed that a militant ultranationalist and convicted drug smuggler had been riding in the same car with a top police official and a member of parliament from Ciller's True Path Party. The press and opposition politicians claimed that the accident was an indication of widespread corruption involving public officials, including Ciller and Mehmet Agar, who was forced to resign as interior minister. A report from the prime minister's office has called for a judicial investigation of Agar and Sedat Bucak, the lawmaker who survived the car accident, but the report cleared Ciller, saying it had found no evidence tying her to any criminal gang. Ciller, who is also foreign minister in Turkey's coalition government, reportedly is seeking an apology from the German government, but a well-informed source said that Bonn is unlikely to comment on the case beyond saying that the German government's general policy is to respect the independence of the judicial system. West European nations have signaled that they expect more help from the Turkish government in stemming the flow of heroin into Europe. A British official said last year that heroin coming from Turkey accounts for more than 80 percent of all that is confiscated in Britain and urged the Turkish government to crack down. According to Western and Turkish officials, a number of large Kurdish clans based in southeastern Turkey are believed to control the heroin trade through Turkey and into Europe. The Baybasin clan, one of the two clans named in the German case, is from the town of Lice, believed to be a center of the trafficking. The clans have settled members throughout Europe, officials say, as part of the smuggling operation. The Kurdish Workers Party (PKK), a Marxist guerrilla group that is waging a separatist war against government troops in the southeast, also is known to be involved in drug smuggling. Although Western officials acknowledge that Turkey has stepped up its anti-drug efforts, they say privately that corruption among public officials, especially in the southeast, is the main obstacle to stopping the drug traffic. A government policy of employing members of the Kurdish clans as village guards in its 12-year fight against the PKK has allowed the drug smuggling to flourish, critics say. A statement by the Turkish Interior Ministry today said that allegations of government involvement in the drug trade were part of a smear campaign begun by PKK militants and known drug smugglers who are frustrated by the government's "determined and successful fight against [PKK] terrorism and smuggling." Copyright 1997 The Washington Post Company ---- American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) 2623 Connecticut Avenue NW #1 Washington, DC 20008-1522 Tel: (202) 483-6444 Fax: (202) 483-6476 E-mail: akin at Home Page: ---- The American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) provides a public service to foster Kurdish-American understanding and friendship ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From dhkc at Sat Jan 25 08:58:29 1997 From: dhkc at (dhkc at Date: 25 Jan 1997 08:58:29 Subject: Turkey, 1996: Destruction of villages Message-ID: From: DHKC Informationbureau Amsterdam Subject: Turkey, 1996: Destruction of villages DESTRUCTION OF VILLAGES Thousands of villages in Kurdistan have been destroyed, the inhabitants were murdered or driven away. The rural areas of Kurdistan are depopulated. A humane life in the cities has become impossible, the struggle for survival has rendered other thoughts a luxury. Hundreds of operations were carried out in the Kurdish areas in 1996 again against the PKK. Every time a village was completely destroyed, the Turkish media proudly reported a "new success in the struggle against terrorism". When dozens of civilians are shot, they talk about a victory against the guerrilla. The food supplies for the civilian population are being rationed to prevent food is given to the guerrilla. Thousands of people, even 15 year old children, are forced to become "village guards". But even with these methods of annihilation the Turkish military is not able to win the struggle against the guerrilla. More and more people are going into the mountains to confront this system. In 1996, the Turkish military even had to endure criticism by the loyal media why 2.000 heavily armed soldiers were needed to attack a single village... Houses and villages are not only destroyed in the Kurdish areas. In the major cities, especially in Istanbul, the houses of the poorest among the poor, the Gececondular, are being attacked and destroyed. According to Turkish law, a house which is built on state owned land overnight becomes the legitimate property of the builder. Contrary to this law, also in 1996 countless Gececondu-houses were demolished by the state, leaving the inhabitants, whose most valuable (and often only property) is their house, without any means. February 1, 1996, Politika Solidarity with Sivas continues The Platform for Solidarity with the People in Sivas made a press statement on the Ozgurluk Meydani in Bakirkoy in which they protested against the depopulation of the area, the arrests and the torture. 63 villages have been depopulated in the area of Sivas. 111 primary schools were closed in Divrigi, 63 in Zara. 500 peasants, among them 75 village mayors, were arrested and tortured. Some 300 villages were surrounded by the state security forces. At present there are around 200 soldiers and members of the Special Units in the villages of Baloca and Dikmecay... "We demand an end to the oppression of the population and an end of the embargo against the villages. We demand that these villages are not depopulated any longer and that the governor of Sivas will be suspended", the statement reads. February 1, 1996, Politika 11 Villages raided in Sivas During the last 5 days the state security forces raided 11 villages in the area between Sivas, Divrigi, Zara and Kangal. 20 peasants, among them mayors as well, were arrested. Three peasants are still missing. It is reported that temporary guards were deployed in several villages in Divrigi. The soldiers are conducting house searches. The peasants are not allowed to leave the villages. After sundown, they are not even allowed to leave the house. September 12, 1996, Cumhuriyet - Sabah - Zaman - Aksam Gececondu houses destroyed again Yesterday the police destroyed 28 houses in Buyuksehir in Akatlar Karanfilkoy. The inhabitants resisted the 1.000 policemen who invaded the neighbourhood, using barricades and bricks. September 14, 1996, Cumhuriyet Food embargo against Tunceli Mayor Mazlum Aslan stated the whole city was surrounded. A delegation of representatives of the Human Rights Association (IHD) and democratic organisations went to Tunceli to monitor the situation. The delegates requested information from several official institutions about the food embargo and executions. October 19, 1996, Kurtulus Gececondus destroyed in Eskisehir Like in the Gececondular (slum areas) of Istanbul, the houses of the poor are destroyed in other cities as well. In Eskiseher, 21 houses were destroyed by the state. The inhabitants said the state had promised to leave their houses in peace, but this promise had been broken. October 29, 1996, Kurtulus Protest against the food embargo in Dersim On October 12, the district mayors of Dersim and Tunceli staged a protest in Guven Park (Ankara) against the food embargo in Dersim. Banners were shown with the texts: "We want to return, are we not human beings?" and "We demand compensation". A message for the prime-minister was drawn up as well, demanding the end of the food embargo in Dersim. It is also said that the people who were driven away from Dersim want to go back, they do not want to be treated as criminals any longer. Furthermore they demand that the massacres are being stopped. November 1, 1996, Kurtulus Houses demolished in Eskisehir again In the last two months, 54 Gececondu houses were demolished on orders of the city administration of Odunpazari. During the last two days, 8 other Gececondu houses were demolished in Tepebasi. Hundreds of people are now homeless, thrown out on the streets, with winter approaching. December 25, 1996, Demokrasi Again demolition of Gececondu houses After an eviction order, 400 houses were appointed to be smashed in Sarigazi in the neighbourhood of Yenidogan. The inhabitants of the neighbourhood resisted and attacked the Gendarmerie. 12 people were arrested by the police. The inhabitants threw up barricades to prevent the demolition vehicles from entering the area. Around 200 people defended the barricades. Nevertheless, around 30 houses were smashed. Around 500 Gendarmes took part in the demolition act. 10 women climbed the roof of a house and resisted the Gendarmerie. The barricades remained intact until the demolition vehicles left the area. Around 150 people stood guard at the barricades until dawn. December 30, 1996, Demokrasi Lice isolated from the outside world Because the inhabitants of Lice refuse to become village guards, Lice was occupied by hundreds of soldiers. Passports are being confiscated by the mayor, and the people are not allowed to leave the town. Journalist and a delegation from Italy with Dara Delt Antonia, Gaetano Lo Porto and Dana Frisullo weren't allowed to enter the city. On December 20, 200 people were taken into custody in Diyarbakir-Lice and they're not yet released. There has been no word from 7 people who have been tortured. The health situation of 8 people who are tortured is getting worse. They were asked to become village guards, but they refused. Even 15 year old children are forced to become village guards. The soldiers are trying to force the people and try to learn them how to use guns. In case the people refuse, they are beaten up with sticks. December 31, 1996, Demokrasi Delegation in Lice attacked by the police The police attacked a delegation in Lice which wanted to talk to inhabitants who are tortured to become "village guards". 104 men in Lice were taken into custody, tortured and forced to join the village guards. A delegation of journalists, unionists and representatives of several human rights associations was hindered by the police in Lice to speak to the people who had been released. The assertion by the governor that nobody was forced to become a village guard could be disproved despite the police attacks against the delegation. Delegation members were able to speak to 6 people who showed the torture marks on their body. The delegation also witnessed that people in custody were still being tortured. -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Turkey Contra-Guerrilla State: Turkey Mailinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From dhkc at Sun Jan 26 07:18:11 1997 From: dhkc at (dhkc at Date: 26 Jan 1997 07:18:11 Subject: Turkey 1996: THE PRISONS Message-ID: From: DHKC Informationbureau Amsterdam From: noelr at To: tabe at Subject: Prisons in Turkey in 1996 Date: Sun, 26 Jan 1997 00:37:16 +0000 THE PRISONS One of the most important events in Turkey in 1996, causing international attention and solidarity, has been the Death Fast by more than 300 people, accompanied by an indefinite hunger strike by 1.500 prisoners and solidarity hunger strikes by tens of thousands, in- and outside the prisons. 69 Days in which the world held its breath In July 1996 the political prisoners in Turkey ended their Death Fast. After 69 days, in which more than 300 prisoners joined the Death Fast and in which 12 prisoners died, the Turkish state was forced to give in and it had to promise it would fulfil the demands of the prisoners. The survivors of the Death Fast were brought to hospital. The victory of the Death Fast is a victory of human dignity over cruelty. It was reached because of the will of the prisoners to make the sacrifice of giving their life for human dignity. The Turkish state had no other option, confronted with the pressure by the world public opinions and the resistance of the prisoners, it had to capitulate. Nevertheless, to get public opinion on their side, the prisoners had to fight al long time. Only after the first of them fell, the media abroad began to report extensively about the events inside the prisons which shook Turkey. Thousands of people in Turkey expressed their solidarity with the prisoners. Everywhere in Turkey they went onto the streets to show their solidarity by protests. And everywhere they were confronted with attacks by the police. The brutality of the Turkish security forces knew no borders. 70 year old mothers were beaten with truncheons, arrested and tortured. Once again, Turkey showed its real face. The resistance was also supported in Europe. Solidarity committees emerged spontaneously in many places, largely consisting of Turkish women and men who lived in Europe. What was not done by the media at that time, was done by the solidarity committees: making the people in Europe aware of what was happening in the struggle of the Death Fasters. In time, also politicians, democratic associations, unions, lawyers and intellectuals in Europe began to take a stand concerning the events in Turkey. In the European Parliament and in the UN, voices were heard which condemned the Turkish policy and which called upon the Turkish government to fulfil the demands of the prisoners. But those supported the demands of the prisoners on the streets of Europe were brutally attacked as well. The guardians of the existing order, caring more for the good relations with NATO-partner Turkey than for the life and the rights of the political prisoners, tried to crush the protests which began to effect public opinion. Several times demonstrations in support of the prisoners were banned or attacked by the police. Associations of Turkish leftists were raided by the police as "prevention", its members were beaten up and arrested. The events on the Dome Square in Cologne, where more than 500 people were arrested on July 20, 1996, were reminiscent of scenes as we know them from Turkish television. When the first martyrs of the Death Fast made clear to the world that the prisoners would rather die in the struggle for their dignity than to give up, the events could no longer be ignored or played down. Now the Death Fast became headline news in all the papers. The pictures from the Bayrampasa Prison, shot by the prisoners and smuggled out of prison, shocked the television viewer all over Europe. Finally pressure was applied on Turkey. Because of this pressure, built up with the lives of 12 prisoners, the Turkish government had to give in and they had to promise they would fulfil the demands of the prisoners. Thereupon the 326 prisoners ended the Death Fast. The Death Fast was a huge success in the struggle for human rights in Turkey. It showed the rulers in Turkey they can only loose in the end, confronted with a resistance which is prepared to pay with the lives of the prisoners. But the Death Fast has an significance which goes beyond defending rights and improvement of the prison conditions of the political prisoners. Starting from the prisoners, the resistance in Turkey was extended by the hungerstrike and it reached a new dimension. For the first time many of the revolutionary organisations, which conceive themselves as the avant-garde of the struggle, worked together. And beyond the co-operation between the DHKP-C, MLKP, TKP(ML), TKP-ML, Direnis Hareketi, TIKB, TDP, Ekim and THKP-C/HDO inside the prisons, the discussion about a co-operation outside the prisons progressed. And it weren't just the revolutionary organisations who resisted outside the prisons and who supported the prisoners. Human rights organisations, unions, many democratic groups and institutions supported the resistance with countless protest actions and solidarity hunger strikes. The progress in the co-operation between democratic and revolutionary organisations is one of the important political successes of the Death Fast. Another important political success of the Death Fast was the exposure of the new government, led by Erbakan. After the REFAHYOL coalition was built, led by the Refah Party, many protest voters hoped the situation would change, according to the election promises. These hopes were bitterly disappointed by the brutal attacks, led by the minister of the Interior Mehmet Agar and the minister of Justice Sevket Kazan. The mask of justice was removed from the Refah Party's face by the Death Fast. Behind the mask, the face of fascism became visible. Against this face, the resistance, on a new level because of the Death Fast, will be continued. July 28, 1996, Yeni Yuzyil Death Fast ended Yesterday night...the Turkish government promised to fulfil ALL demands of the prisoners. After 11 death fasters died the struggle for their rights in prison and one death faster died in hospital today, their demands were met. In the Death Fast have fallen: Aygun Ugur TKP(ML), Altan Berdan Kerimgiller DHKP-C, Ilginc Ozkeskin DHKP-C, Huseyin Demircioglu MLKP, Ali Ayata TKP(ML), Mujdat Yanat DHKP-C, Tahsin Yilmaz TIKB, Ayce Idil Erkmen DHKP-C, Hicabi Kucuk TIKB, Yemliha Kaya DHKP-C, Osman Akgun TIKB and Hayati Can TKP(ML). The Death Fast inside the Turkish prisons was ended on the 69th. day after 12 revolutionaries fell. The struggle of the resisters to get their rights, reached its goal. The fulfilment of all demands was promised. The Death Fast ended, the struggle continues The death fasters in Turkey achieved a victory. The government in Turkey had to promise the fulfilment of the demands of the prisoners. But this has not ended the human rights violations in Turkey. Even after the transport of sick prisoners to hospital, the rights of the prisoners were violated. In the hospitals the prisoners complain about the treatment being hindered. Visits by relatives of representatives of international delegations are not allowed or hindered. Contrary to the promises, prisoners are cuffed during the transports which take hours. Contrary to the promises, the transfer of the prisoners from the isolation jails back to their former prisons is going very reluctantly. The police keeps on hitting people outside the prisons who stand up for the human rights in Turkey. Oya Gokbayrak, the chairperson of the human rights organisation "Platform for Rights and Freedom", was arrested in the beginning of August when she was waiting in front of Bayrampasa Prison for a permit to visit the prisoners. The lawyer Ahmet Duzgun Yuksel was arrested when he wanted to hand over written charges against minister of Justice Sevket Kazan to the court in Sultanahmet/Istanbul. These are only some examples of the continuation of human rights violations by the Turkish state, even after the end of the Death Fast. But it was clear from the beginning that this regime of oppression would neither honour its own laws, not keep its promises. The fulfilment of every single promise, forced from this regime, must be monitored. Every success in the struggle for human rights in Turkey is like victory in one round which can only be kept through continuous defence. The task of world public opinion has not come to an end with the end of the Death Fast. Now the time has come to force Turkey step by step to actually realise the promises to the prisoners. After the surprising events during the last moments, it has to be feared that Turkey will slowly be forgotten by the media, the political parties and the human rights organisations. As soon as interest falls back, the attacks by the oppressive regime will start to increase again. To prevent this, it's important to stay alert and the events in Turkey must be actively monitored. The history of oppression, and the history of resistance as well, have a long tradition in Turkey. Again and again, partly with great sacrifices, progress was gained, again and again new attacks have to be fought back and even defeats have to be endured. But the process of democratisation is going on, against the will of the rulers. The Death Fast has been a major step in this development. Now the time has come to secure this step, making it a basis for future progress in the struggle of human dignity against cruelty. January, 1996 Massacre in Umraniye Prison After 3 prisoners had been massacred in Buca Prison on September 21, 1995, the prisoners in Umraniye Prison were attacked by the state security forces on January 4, 1996. 4 prisoners were killed in this attack, 40 prisoners were wounded, several of them severely. Led by the state prosecutor, the prison director and officers of the Gendarmerie, a bloody attack was carried out against the prisoners, ordered by the department of Justice. Prisoners were hit with iron bars, especially on their heads. Three prisoners, Riza Boybas, Orhan Ozen and Abdulmecit Seckin were killed at the spot, 40 other prisoners were wounded, may seriously. One prisoner, Gultekin Beyhan, died the following day. July, 1996 Torture increases According to figures of the IHD (Human Rights Association) and the Torture Investigation Commission, 1238 people were tortured in a period of 6 months, in Istanbul alone. In the beginning of 1996 six people died because of torture. The cases of torture increased this year. In January, during the funeral of Riza Boybas and Orhan Ozen who were massacred in Umraniye Prison, 1040 people were locked up in a sports stadium and tortured. Istanbul is the city where torture is most frequent. A unborn child, 1.5 month old, was killed as well because of torture. July 6, 1996 I can still see the cruelty in Usak Mahmut Abayli, who was wounded in an attack by fascists, reports about the cruelty in Usak Prison. An investigation by the Justice department revealed that the assertion that the Gendarmes could not intervene because the cell doors had been blocked by beds was a false. The Gendarmerie report states the prisoners had been sympathisers of Devrimci Sol and Devrimci Yol who had started a indefinite hunger strike one month ago. The daggers with whom the prisoners were murdered were found under a bed inside the cell. The beds, claimed to have been put in front of the doors, are bunk-beds which can not be moved because they are fixed to the floor. Mahmut reported: "I woke up at night with a sudden pain in my face. I tried to get up, but I was held back. They kept stabbing me with a sharp object until they thought I was dead. During the entire attack the guards and the Gendarmerie did not intervene, only after they were convinced we were all dead did they open the door. I witnessed under what pain my friends were murdered. I can still see it." July 7, 1996, Demokrasi Poison for the HADEP-prisoners The women who were arrested during the action of July 24, 1996, in front of the HADEP office in Osmaniye/Adana, report they found strange tablets in their tea water. August 8, 1996, Yeni Yuzyil Prisoners discharged from hospitals to soon 8 Prisoners are still being treated in the Istanbul University Hospital. Turkish associations of physicians complained the prisoners were discharged from the hospitals too soon. From the 14 prisoners in total, 6 were discharged yesterday. Before the weekend, 5 more are to be discharged September 7, 1996, Demokrasi Nail Demir is not being treated The PKK-prisoner Nail Demir is still denied medical treatment, despite a serious spine injury. The health damages, caused by brutal abuse, were the reason for his wife to call the Prison Monitoring Committee. Mrs. Demir states: "My husband is nearing death step by step." This is based also on the fact that his friends have to feed Demir and that he must be helped when he needs to go to the toilet. Despite all the requests and the graveness of the situation, the prison administration does not grant permission for treatment. September 13, 1996, Demokrasi The Erzurum Prison A PKK-prisoner, Mutlak Kozan, put himself on fire in the Erzurum Prison in protest against the violation of the Death Fast agreement. He survived, severely burned, but he refuses every medical treatment. September 21, 1996, Cumhuriyet Attack against the prisoners in Aydin The Turkish state is not honouring the agreement which led to the end 69 day long Death Fast in the prisons. In protest against these violations, prisoners in the prison of Aydin refused to get counted. Thereupon the Gendarmerie attacked the prisoners. 5 Prisoners were wounded. September 23, 1996, Kurtulus The DHKP-C prisoner Murat Mesut Uzun, suffering from cirrhosis, is not being treated After the Death Fast the state is attacking the rights, won by sacrifices. Murat Mesut Uzun was only brought to hospital once since his illness became apparent. There he demanded that his handcuffs were loosened a bit, which caused heated discussions. He was beaten up and subjected to a humiliating treatment. Murat Mesut Demir stated he would refuse treatment until the prison administration would put an end to their inhuman conduct. He will start a diet in his cell, together with his friends and he needs urgent medical examination. The prisoners Umit Dogan Gonul, Kalender Kayapinar, Mustafa Kaya and most recently Mehmet Yazan died because medical treatment was denied to them. September 27, 1996, Sabah Number of deaths in Diyarbakir risen After the police attack against the prisoners in Diyarbakir the number of deaths rose to 11. The prisoner Kadir Dal, brought to hospital after the attack, died today in the State Hospital in Diyarbakir. Minister of Justice Sevket Kazan did not give a statement about this new development. It was reported that the damages to the building, caused by the attack, have been repaired already. The prisoners are afraid the attacks will now be continued in the prisons of Buca, Bayrampasa and Canakkale. September 27, 1996, Zaman Prisoners start warning strike Because the Turkish state is not honouring the agreement with the prisoners, more than 10.000 prisoners in the prisons in Turkey will start a 3 day warning hunger strike today. The agreement was reached after negotiations between the Turkish government and representatives of the political prisoners. The prisoners then ended their 69 day long Death Fast in which 12 prisoners died. September 30, 1996, Demokrasi Prisoners put themselves on fire in the Istanbul Bayrampasa Prison On September 27, 1996, 3 PKK-prisoners tried to put themselves on fire in the Bayrampasa Prison as a protest against the massacre by the Turkish police in the prison of Diyarbakir, against the banning of the Kurdish television station MED-TV in Europe, and against the bad treatment in prison. Gulbahar Koker, wrapped herself in paper and put herself on fire but her burning to death was prevented. Vedat Aydemir and Hamdullah Senguler, who had wrapped themselves in plastic bags, were also noticed by friends and saved. All three had written a letter to justify their act of despair. September 30, 1996, Demokrasi The massacre was planned According to the Chamber of Physicians in Diyarbakir the state prosecutor called the City Hospital of Diyarbakir already before the massacre to inquire if there were empty hospital beds. The state prosecutor said their could be wounded from the prison at any moment, the number was unknown. This means the massacre was planned in advance, carried out with the knowledge of the state prosecutor. October 4, 1996, Ates Hunger strike continues The prisoners in Canakkale Prison are again on hunger strike. After the 69 day long Death Fast, conditions inside the prisons have not improved. Thereupon 77 political prisoners started a 3 day long warning hunger strike which was transformed into a hunger strike for an indefinite period after the events in the prison of Diyarbakir. In Diyarbakir, 11 people died and many were severely after a police attack. October 4, 1996, Demokrasi Treatment refused for Abdulmelik Tanas Abdulmelik Tanas was arrested on January 23, 1996 in Istanbul by policemen of the Anti-Terror Department. Tanas was brought to Bayrampasa Prison and severely tortured. Medical investigation showed his bone structure was deteriorating, he needs urgent medical treatment to prevent permanent disability. This treatment has been refused until now. Concern about the health situation of Abdulmelik Tanas was made voiced in a IHD press statement by his brother Ahmet Tanas, his lawyer Naciye Kaplan and the members of the IHD Prison Monitoring Committee Mukaddes Alatas and Nurten Ozdemir. October 5, 1996, Demokrasi Continuing actions inside the prisons After the events in Diyarbakir Prison, with 11 deaths and several seriously wounded, and after the agreement after the 69 day long Death Fast, in which 12 people fell, was not honoured., political prisoners started a 3 day long warning hunger strike. In the meantime this action was transformed into an indefinite hunger strike in 9 prisons. October, 1996 400 Prisoners on hunger strike in the prison of Koya 400 Political prisoners started a sequential hunger strike. The action, started by 4 prisoners, was taken over by others and transformed into an action for an indefinite period. In protest against the events in Diyarbakir Prison and the violation of the agreement after the Death Fast, they also refused to take part in their trials. October 11, 1996, Demokrasi Hamdullah Senturk dies after putting himself on fire In protest against the massacre in the prison of Diyarbakir, 3 prisoners put themselves on fire in Bayrampasa Prison a couple of weeks ago. All 3 were brought to hospital, seriously burned. Today the prisoner Hamdullah Senturk died in hospital. The prisoner Vedat Aydemir died already yesterday. December 27, 1996, Demokrasi Kurdish prisoner murdered Fascist prisoners in the Nazilli special type prison in Izmir murdered a Kurdish prisoner. 4 other prisoners were wounded in the attack. The Kurdish prisoners were attacked in the canteen. In the morning of December 27, fascists armed with sharp objects and daggers attacked the Kurdish prisoner Abdul Kacar and murdered him. 4 other prisoners were wounded and taken to hospital. ------------------------------------------ Visit HTTP:// For regular news and information about the classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From kurd-l at Sun Jan 26 20:31:38 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 26 Jan 1997 20:31:38 Subject: Diary Of A Kurdish Guerrilla Fighte Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: Diary Of A Kurdish Guerrilla Fighter Memoirs From The Diary Of Kurdish Freedom Fighter Ayhan Kaya Part I Every day in Kurdistan, as the liberation struggle under the leadership of the PKK gains in strength, colonialism and its institutions are breaking down. National consciousness is blooming in the minds of the people. The Kurdish people are coming one step nearer to their reality every day and our hatred of the enemy grows deeper. This has meant that these people are becoming more closely and actively involved with the national liberation struggle. As the struggle grows stronger, our freedom gets nearer. The year was 1991. It was fall. Fall in our country is very beautiful. But the real beauty of our country are the freedom fighters in the mountains. They are influencing people everywhere they go. They are models for everyone, they are loved by everyone, everyone wants to see them and everyone knows that their liberation will only be achieved by the guerrilla. The guerrilla represents liberation, hope, freedom, and revenge after thousands of years. We, too, were very much affected by the guerrilla. We wanted to be like them. We wanted to carry weapons over our shoulders, to walk freely over mountain cliffs, and to struggle. I always thought of them before I went to sleep. I, too, wanted a Kalashnikov in my hand, to be free, to fight for my people. There was only one way to realize this dream: to come into contact with the guerrillas and to join them. We, a group of school students, had already arrived at this conclusion. We told ourselves it was time to join the guerrilla. We didn't want to go to school anymore and learn what they taught. I thought about the guerrillas all the time, and about the mountains. Finally, I went to visit a friend in his village, because some guerrillas were supposed to be there that night to meet with us. Once in the village, I could hardly control myself. I couldn't sit still for more than a minute, because for the first time ever, I was about to meet some guerrilla fighters. I experienced joy, excitement, and liveliness all at once. What should I say to them? How should I conduct myself? How should I approach them? As I ran over all these questions in my mind, we were notified that the guerrillas were ready to see us. We then went to the house where they were. At first, I wasn't able to utter a single word due to my joy and excitement. We greeted one another. Only after they had put me at ease did we introduce ourselves. I asked all the questions that popped into my head. They answered all of them, not seeming the least bit annoyed. They had quite an impact on me. Later on I informed them of our decision, of our wish to join the guerrilla. They reacted in a positive manner. After deciding on a time and a place, we departed. I didn't want to part from them, although it was only to be for one day. After that one day, I would be with them forever. As we parted, I was just as happy as my new guerrilla friends. Me, because I had finally taken the first step towards my dream of freedom, and they, because they had won over some new fighters. It was our natural right to be happy on this day. The following day, I called together all the friends. There were seven of us, including two women. We were all classmates. We all felt very bonded together, and that's why we wanted to join the guerrilla together. Our guerrilla contact wanted to call us to arrange a meeting point, so that we could hook up with one of the militia members. He was going to call either in the morning or in the evening. At the appointed time in the morning, he did not call. This made us uneasy. Then I contacted a man from the militia to see if something had happened, like maybe there had been a battle or something. A thousand things ran through my mind. After a while, the friend from the militia said: "Let us go to our village, they will surely come to the village today, then you can join them there." So we went to the village, without waiting for the friend to call. There were seven of us. We were so curious and full of energy, as if we had just tasted happiness for the first time. Once we had reconciled in our minds what we wanted to do, we were sure that we would be serving our people and that we would be able to meet all the demands of life in the guerrilla. As it became dark in the village, our excitement grew and we couldn't stay still any longer. The friends who hadn't yet met the guerrillas were in a different state of mind. You could sense it. As the hours passed, I didn't want to imagine that maybe the guerrillas weren't coming back after all. But on this day, they did not come. What would we do if they never came back? But we kept telling ourselves they would come. We waited until late in the night, but they did not come. Now it was sure they weren't coming. We asked our militia friend: "What should we do now?" He proposed we set off for their camp in the mountains, that surely we would find them. So we set off for the mountains under the light of the moon. True, we hadn't seen them today, but surely we would soon. With this in mind, we trusted this friend's advice. We walked until early morning, then we reached a wooded area. But we didn't find the guerrillas. We searched all day long, to no avail. In the meantime, the weather had become disagreeable. It started to rain. We said to ourselves: "Hopefully the friends will come soon and take us with them." When it started to rain again in the evening, we went back to the village. All the residents in this village were patriots. They took care of us and tried to keep our spirits high. Some, who were on their way to the city, visited us. "Your families are looking all over for you. If the police find out you are in this village, they will come here and kill you. So you'd better return home. The guerrillas aren't coming back here today anyway." Both the militia contact and the other villagers thought it was best for us to return home, given the circumstances. We all also realized that we had no choice but to return home. What a horrible situation! Our morale had reached rock bottom. How could we ever look other patriots in the eyes again? What should we do? What should we say if the police picked us up? After thinking about these things, we decided upon what we would say. We looked at one another, but no one wanted to speak., because we had not yet achieved freedom. We would have to return to our unfree lives. As the sun started to rise, we were already reaching the city. Each of us went home and then on to school. We had hardly reached the city when we noticed that Turkish flags were flying everywhere. This atmosphere was a rude awakening for us. Today was September 29th, Republic Day. I went to the shop first. My father greeted me. He couldn't believe it, because he thought he would never see me again. As I talked with him, some neighbors of ours came in and out of the shop. They asked where we had been, what we had done, they all wanted to know something from me. I lied and told them we hadn't gone anywhere, that we had just went with some friends for a day trip, as was our right. Finally I went home, where I was confronted with the same situation. But they were happy to see me again. The next day when I went to school and I met my other friends. We were all sent to the head master's office. A police commissioner was there as well. He wanted to interrogate us. He took down our names and said to us: "We know where you all went. You will have to be punished for that. Starting today, you must show up for school every day." He tried to frighten us by speaking in a loud voice. After he had threatened us, he left. Then we went home, too. Following that day, the police were constantly watching us. Our former friends distanced themselves from us. I asked myself if we had done something wrong, since our friends no longer trusted us. Yes, we had been wrong, because due to our haste and impatience, we had not waited for the telephone call from our guerrilla contact. Later on we learned that they had in fact called us on the evening we left from the city. Our school friends were now afraid and they distanced themselves from us, but this was a time when we needed lots of support. After all of this happened, some of our close friends were sent by their families into one of the major cities. My family wanted to send me away for a holiday, both for my own safety, but also so that I could get myself back together. Strange. We were trying to get to the mountains, to the nest of freedom, yet now we had almost lost our homeland. Now they wanted to send us into exile. There could be no greater sorrow than this! Perhaps we didn't know very much about revolution, but we all loved our homeland very much. Just for wanting to be one with the mountains, the stones, the wolves, and birds, they wanted to drive us out of our own land. For the first time, I was to leave my homeland and travel into the Diaspora. I couldn't imagine that. But the decision had already been made. In the eyes of my family, I was guilty, so there was nothing left for me to do but to go. Perhaps the biggest pain was when I went to Izmir. Everything I knew was in Kurdistan. But instead of dreaming every day about Kurdistan, I resolved to make contact with the Party as quickly as possible so that I could finally make it to the mountains of my homeland. I went to Izmir. There, I knew some people who were patriots. After a short while in Izmir, I contacted them. They helped me, because they knew what had happened. They gave me books so that I could educate myself. They let me share my homesickness with them. Finally, we contacted the Party. Following this, we were given training and then we joined the Party. Once again, there were seven of us. For a short time, we lived with some patriots, because it was a state holiday and all the bus lines were closed. After the holiday, we were on our way. As we stood at the bus stop, I spotted my brother-in-law. He was looking for me. He even looked inside the bus we were about to get on. I couldn't let him see me! He eventually gave up and left, and soon we were on our way to Dowubeyazit. I was very excited. This time there must not be any problems! During the trip, we all laughed with one another. We weren't even tired! Ferhat was at least as excited as I was. The next afternoon we arrived in Dowubeyazit. We went to the home of a patriotic family. Once we were there, I knew we would make it to the guerrillas. The next day we traveled by car towards Ararat. We came into a very small village with only three houses. We were very excited, because we knew we would soon meet with our guerrilla friends. We smoked one cigarette after another to calm our nerves. After an hour of waiting, the militia friend suggested that he would drive on to another location and bring the friends to us. As we waited, another militia friend arrived. He had a wounded friend with him. We went to the car and carried the friend into a house. I assumed the friend had been shot. As I opened the car door and removed the blanket, I saw it wasn't so. I could hardly believe my eyes! Even Ferhat was shocked. Only Pir remained composed. For the first time in my life, I saw a human being with no feet whose hands were burned black. Once we had gotten the friend inside, we stood back and observed. The friend must have sensed immediately that we were afraid. He called Ferhat and me to his side. We sat by him. He introduced himself. After we told him our names, he began to tell us what had happened. His name was Haki. The enemy had attacked their camp in the winter. As the friends retreated, their feet froze in the snow. He had cut one of his feet off himself and a friend amputated the other. He has so full of life and in such high spirits that we soon cheered up as well. I admired his heroic resistance. I decided I was very fortunate to have met such a person as I was about to join the guerrilla. For the first time in my life, I met a human being who was waging resistance, who loved life, and who had to put up an incredible fight just to survive. The friend Haki showed incredible courage in his situation. (to be continued...) (Translated by Arm The Spirit from Kurdistan Report #9/10, September/October 1996) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From dhkc at Mon Jan 27 20:09:26 1997 From: dhkc at (dhkc at Date: 27 Jan 1997 20:09:26 Subject: TURKEY: Scandal in Mus Message-ID: From: DHKC Informationbureau Amsterdam Scandal in Mus SABAH reported that police had raided seven labor union premises in Mus on Jan. 14 and detained a total of 26 people, three of them young female teachers. The three were stripped naked at the police headquarters by three policewomen who verbally insulted them, pinched them, made debasing remarks about their morals and their personal lives, and subjected them to a "virginity test" by hand. Their ordeal lasted for more than four hours. -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Turkey Contra-Guerrilla-State Turkey Mailinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From dhkc at Mon Jan 27 20:17:37 1997 From: dhkc at (dhkc at Date: 27 Jan 1997 20:17:37 Subject: Turkey 1996: The Triangle of the Mafia, the Police and State Officia Message-ID: From: DHKC Informationbureau Amsterdam Subject: Turkey 1996: The Triangle of the Mafia, the Police and State Officials THE TRIANGLE OF THE MAFIA, THE POLICE AND STATE OFFICIALS The most significant event of 1996 in Turkey was marked by the accident in Susurluk and the developments and revelations it caused. A simple traffic accident lifted the veil over the network of ties between the contra-guerrilla, the Mafia, the police and official state representatives. The existence of the contra-guerrilla in Turkey has always been denied, now everybody had to concede it has gone its evil ways for decades. And even more: the network of relations, uncovered till the end of the year and only showing the top of the iceberg, suffices to show that it is the contra-guerrilla which in effect rules Turkey... November 5, 1996 The Turkish secret service MIT breaks its silence. A report, published by the MIT, states that special units were formed to combat the PKK and Dev-Sol. These groups, largely manned with Grey Wolves, also made use of methods like extortion, robbery, threats, drug trafficking and murder. Some members of these Special Units were given diplomatic passports and police identification by police chiefs. Some of them were used to fight "terrorist groups" abroad. Furthermore they made money abroad by trafficking drugs. Police chiefs are said to be the heads of these para-military contra-guerrilla units. November 9, 1996 The ANAP-delegate Carsancakli stated: "This is not about Agar alone. These acts are ordered by Ozer and Tansu Ciller. They are the actual gang leaders. Catli phoned me a couple of times and said: "Yesterday I had dinner with Ciller. If you want to have something done, I can do it for you", he was somebody who met Agar and had dinner with Ciller." November 11, 1996 According to the present ANAP-member Avni Carsancakli (a former member of the MHP), Catli had ties with the Department for Special Warfare and he supposedly had regular meetings with Mehmet Agar. November 14, 1996 The Lawyers Guild in Istanbul says the attempts to shed light into the Susurluk case are in vain: "This accident has dimensions, reaching from drug trafficking to executions, and it is the state which is behind these actions." The CHP-delegate from Erzincan, Mustafa Kul, stated Abdullah Catli belonged to the staff of advisors of Agar and that Catli was offered a seat in parliament by Ciller before the elections in December 1994. Yellow-white powder, wrapped in aluminium, wad found in the crashed car. First it was thought to be heroine, later it was established in laboratory tests that it was cocaine. November 17, 1996 Demirel states in the press: "Let's not burn down the whole house because of one mouse, Susurluk was a mistake by the state." The coup general Evren about the Grey Wolves which were used by the Grey Wolves to carry out actions: "The MIT even used enemies and if this goes on, nobody will want to work for the state anymore." November 21, 1996 Sedat Bucak appears in a HBB-television program and says he has 30.000 men under arms. He claims he loves Catli like a brother. While he covers Catli with compliments, he warns Yilmaz not to be "careless". Mesut Yilmaz states there are even ministers who give orders to the Mafia: "These people are used for tasks which benefit the interests of certain political tendencies, not the state. They work together with criminals in dirty jobs for dirty money." December 5, 1996 The chairman of the MHP (Fascists) Alparslan Turkes concedes, based on his long experience: "The state has used Abdullah Catli." It is claimed that Ciller ordered Ahmet Demir (also known as "Yesil") to kill Abdullah Catli, giving him 25 billion TL from a secret fund. Yesil got scared and did not carry out this task, but he kept the money. The assault was supposed to be carried out by Yesil and Abdullah Catli. The former Refah Party (Welfare Party) delegate Hasan Mezarci claims prime-minister Necmettin Erbakan works for the Department for Special Warfare. Mezarci describes this department as a place where gangs are produced. The statement by Erbakan that he would dismantle the gangs in case they existed within the state is thought to be unbelievable by Mezarci: "Erbakan does not want to solve this event, he does not want to punish those who are responsible. He just wants to cover up the case... Nobody is sincere when the disclosure of this case is concerned. It's not the gangs which are important, it's the Department for Special Warfare... This Department produces right-wing, left-wing, fundamentalist and nationalist gangs, it uses and protects them until they are no longer needed. Ten they set up new gangs. The problem is not Catli, there are thousands like Catli who work for the state." December 6, 1996 After the massacre in Diyarbakir, in which 11 people were killed, parliament installed a investigation committee. The Refah-delegate Okcu, member of this committee, stated that even the governors do not have any control over the JITEM and the intelligence services in the South-east of the country. He said certain forces had much influence on the state and that the state had ties with certain circles, traitors and fascists, in the region. This facilitated gangs like the ones from Soylemezler and Yuksekova. The events in prison were organised by these forces. Okcu described the massacre in the prison of Diyarbakir as "a massacre, carried out by traitors, supervised by the state." December 12, 1996, Hurriyet Ciller's Mafia Bodyguards The bodyguards of the minister of Foreign Affairs and deputy prime-minister Tansu Ciller are certified Mafia members. It was proven they participated in illegal actions. December 12, 1996, Sabah The affluence of gangs in Turkey The chapter "Organised crime and gangs" of the report by the parliamentary investigation committee gives a list of connections between the Mafia, the police and the military: Policemen and soldiers are said to be active in 18 different gangs. The report mentions 6 police presidents, 2 police commanders, 23 chief commissioners, 13 commissioners, 5 deputy commissioners, 294 policemen and 4 employees of departments which are subordinated to the police as gang members. December 12, 1996 At the day of the accident, Catli had papers with him which were signed by the minister of the Interior himself. Catli's gun permit said: "The person on this photo, Mehmet Ozbay, works as a specialist for the Police Directorate and he is allowed to carry guns." Tests in the Forensic Laboratory of the Police Directorate show the signature is genuine. December 18, 1996 According to the MGK (National Security Council) report, illegal weapon traffickers are paying billions to bribe members of parliament. They use their immunity to carry out their deals without being disturbed. December 19, 1996 Evidence against the Yuksekova Gang disappeared Video tapes and documents of the Yuksekova Gang, consisting of members of the Special Units, traitors and village guards, have gone missing. The officer Huseyin Oguz who discovered this gang was threatened with death and transferred to another city. His lawyer Yasar Alturk said the first investigation took 9 days and the video tapes and documents were handed over to the appropriate officials. Then some officials made the evidence disappear. December 12, 1996 The gun permit of Yasar Oz, handed over by ANAP chairman Yilmaz to the investigation committee, is of the same fabric as the one which was issued to Abdullah Catli. It was revealed that the permit was printed on the same paper, showed the same text and carried the same signature. Sevket Kazan opened the file of Haluk Kirici who was recently arrested but released again because he carried a special identification. Haluk Kirici, indicted for the massacre in Bahcelievler was released on parole in 1989. Later he was wanted for another crime. He was arrested in April, but he managed to escape with the help of two policemen. When they looked through his papers, a policemen discovered that Kirici carried a document, signed by Mehmet Agar, asking to give support to Haluk Kirici. Furthermore, Agar phoned and prevented the arrest of Kirici. Agar denies this. The MIT report states that Haluk Kirici was arrested together with a member of the Special Operation Units, Ayhan Akca, for the murder of Tarik Umit. However, his detention was prevented by a phone call to the police station. During his office as governor of Erzurum, Mehmet Agar was the wedding witness of Haluk Kirici. December 12, 1996 Huseyin Basbasin, arrested in 1995 in Holland for smuggling drugs on board of the Lucky-S, claims he smuggled drugs together with Yunus Agar and Yalcin Akcadag (Mehmet Agar's uncle) under the cover of the oil business. Baybasin stated they were transporting oil from Libya, took drugs on board on route, shipping it to Holland. Baybasin further said: "Nobody was allowed near the ship by the police. The police president Suleyman Basgol was there as well. Nobody can claim to have seen nothing. It was all controlled by the Istanbul police." According to Baybasin, Mehmet Agar makes $500.000 a month and he demands that Agar should give an explanation where all his wealth came from. -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Turkey Contra-Guerrilla-State Turkey Mailinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From dhkc at Mon Jan 27 20:19:27 1997 From: dhkc at (dhkc at Date: 27 Jan 1997 20:19:27 Subject: TURKEY 1996: Attacks Against the Press Message-ID: From: DHKC Informationbureau Amsterdam Subject: TURKEY 1996: Attacks Against the Press ATTACKS AGAINST THE PRESS The war against the people demands, next to extensive propaganda against the opposition in general and the revolutionaries specifically by means of the own press organs and television stations, the categorical oppression of the opportunity to publish opposite or revolutionary analysis and demands. The effectiveness of a paper in taking up and discussing the needs of the people in Turkey, helping the organisation of the people's opposition, also reflects its danger for the Turkish state. And this is reflected in the harshness and the amount of attacks against the press and its workers. There was no freedom of opinion and freedom of the press in Turkey in 1996. Papers were banned, editions confiscated, offices raided and destroyed, journalists arrested, tortured, put in custody, incarcerated for years, or even murdered. On July 24, 1996, the day the media celebrated the 88th. anniversary of the freedom of the press, the central offices of the socialist weekly Kurtulus in Istanbul were stormed by heavily armed special units. 15 co-workers, and 4 other people who were present, were arrested. Besides the murder of the Evrensel journalist Metin Goktepe, probably the internationally best known example of oppression against the free press, we especially want to point at the attacks against the Kurtulus, the paper that was subjected the most to repression in 1996. Despite all the attacks, the people who publish the paper every week will not be intimidated. The publication of the paper was not interrupted, not even for a week. Kurtulus, the voice of the resistance, the voice of the people can not be silenced... On May 4, Bulent Bagci, journalist of the socialist weekly Kurtulus, was arrested in the Sultanahmet Park in Istanbul, together with Saray Akgul, interpreter for the International May-Day Delegation, as well as Derya Kartal and Emel Tok, co-workers of Haziran Publishers. The arrested were brought to the torture centre of the Political Police in Vatan Caddesi. All were released that same day, except for Bulent Bagci who was kept in custody. Bulent Bagci was heavily tortured for two weeks with all means which can be imagined. His health was very bad and he could not stand on his feet anymore because of the beating of his foot-soles. Bulent's life was in danger for two weeks, before he was brought to the State Security Court (DGM) on May 13. He was then transported to the isolation prison in Eskisehir, re-opened in May, 1996. During the Death Fast, Bulent Bagci took part in the first group of Death Fasters in the 69 day long resistance, from the beginning till the end. After the Death Fast was ended, with the transfer of all political prisoners from Eskisehir to Umraniye as one of the promises, Bulent was indeed transported to Umraniye. On December 17, 1996, Bulent Bagci was sentenced to 12,5 years imprisonment by the State Security Court. Imprisoned co-workers of the Mucadele and the later Kurtulus (and the known sentences): Ali Sinan Caglar: Cankiri Prison - 12,5 years - Ankara reporter Aysel Bolicek: Canakkale Prison - 12,5 years - Ankara reporter Hulya Tumgan - B. Ecevit Ozdemir: Konya Prison - Adana Kurtulus reporter Fatma Bilgin: Malatya Prison - 12,5 years - Anatkya Kurtulus reporter Ali Yolcu: Antakya Prison - 3 years, 9 months - Antakya Mucadele representative Burhan Gardas: Aydin Prison - 15 years - Ankara Mucadele representative Gulcan Sarloglu: Nevsehir Prison - 3 years, 9 months - Antaza Mucadele reporter Hanim Harman: Sakarya Prison - 12,5 years - Malatya Mucadele reporter Ilhan Caloglu: ... Kamber Inan: Sagmalcilar Prison - 12,5 years - Kars Mucadele reporter Murat Kirsay: Adana Saimbeyli Prison - Adana representative Ozgur Gudenoglu: Konya Prison - Mucadele representative Sadik Celik: Bartin Prison - 12,5 years - Zonguldak Kurtulus representative Semiha Topal: Malatya Prison - 12,5 years - Antakya Kurtulus reporter Serdar Gellir: Yozgat Prison - 12,5 years - Ankara Mucadele reporter Ufuk Dogbay: Sagmalcilar Prison - 12,5 years - co-worker of the central offices in Istanbul Huseyin Solak: Cankiri Prison Sevket Dolbay: Sagmalcilar Prison - Kocaeli reporter Hamide Ozturk: Sagmalcilar Prison - Istanbul central offices Yazgul Guder Ozturk: Sagmalcilar Prison - Istanbul central offices Necla Can: Umraniye Prison - Elazig representative Bulent Bagci: Umraniye Prison - 12,5 years - Istanbul central offices Yildiz Gemicioglu: Konya Prison - Adana Kurtulus representative Mehmet Kargilar - Asaf Sah: Nevsehir Prison - 3 years - Antakya Kurtulus reporter Esra Yildirim: Ankara Central Closed Prison - Kurtulus representative in Trabzon Tekin Aygun: Umraniye Prison - Kocaeli reporter Serife Dogan: Sakarya Prison - Cozum (first name of the Mucadele, later known as Kurtulus) reporter in Kocaeli Songul Cinar: Ankara Central Closed Prison - Zonguldak reporter January 10, 1996, Turkiye Evrensel journalist massacred Metine Goktepe, reporter of the daily newspaper Evrensel, was murdered on January 8 by the police. Goktepe was arrested by the police at the funeral of the political prisoners who died in the attack by state forces against the Umraniye Prison. Like all the other people who were arrested, he was brought to the Eyup Sports Stadium. According to eye-witnesses, he was beaten to death there by the police. January 16, 1996, Evrensel Turkey: The country with the most murdered journalists With 46 murdered journalists, Turkey occupies the first place on the list of world countries. January 18, 1996, Politika Conspiracy against Kurtulus co-workers The office of the weekly Kurtulus in Sivas was raided by the police. The representative of the paper, an editor and a reader were arrested. Around 20 people occupied the party building of the CHP (social-democrats) in Sivas in protest against the arrest. The police attacked the occupants and arrested all 20. April 17, 1996, Evrensel The owner of the paper Ozgur Cukurova (Free Cukurova) and 4 readers of the paper were arrested. July 15, 1996, Demokrasi Kurtulus reporter Danaci arrested The Kurtulus reporter Danaci in Eskisehir was kidnapped on the street by plainclothes policemen and detained. July 26, 1996, Demokrasi Journalists arrested The journalist of the magazine Kultur ve Sannatta Kalktan Yana Tavir, Aynur Cihan was arrested in the early morning hours, accused of "suspect behaviour". Aynur Cihan has been threatened and arrested arbitrary frequently before. August 6, 1996 Association of Journalists: Number of attacks against the press risen in July In a written press statement of the Association of Journalists it is stated that the number of attacks against the press is rising: "Last month, 39 journalists were arrested, 14 journalists were attacked by the police. There were prison sentences in 10 trials against journalists. 9 television stations received conditional sentences." September 24, 1996, Demokrasi Kurtulus office raided Since the Kurtulus office in Adana was opened, it has been frequently attacked by the police. Since then, 10 co-workers of the paper were sent to prison. On September 22, the Adana office was attacked again and all papers and magazines were confiscated. The same night, the houses of the Kurtulus journalist Mehmet Kargilar and the Tavir journalist Eylem Ileri were raided. The journalists were beaten up and held in the police station for two days. Yesterday the state prosecutor ordered custody for both. On September 23, Ceyhun Sertel, M. Fatih Demir, Berke Nehir and Sultan Ozdemir were arrested when they wanted to bring editions of the Kurtulus to the prison of Buca. The same evening, the police attacked the "Aegean Cultural and Arts Centre" as well as the Kurtulus office in Izmir. During this raid, the police arrested the co-worker of the cultural centre Meliha and Seyhan Yildiz. All books and magazines were confiscated. October 7, 1996, Kurtulus Kurtulus journalist kidnapped by contra-guerrilla On October 6, at 11.30 p.m., the Kurtulus journalist Canan Gurz and the Kurtulus distributor Bektas and a guest were kidnapped when they left the Kurtulus building in Istanbul. October 8, 1996, Kurtulus End of the attacks against the Kurtulus not yet in sight The attacks against the socialist weekly Kurtulus are continuing. This week, the paper was attacked in several places again. On October 1, at noon, the Adana office was attacked and destroyed by plainclothes policemen, the last edition was confiscated. The police kept the office occupied for two hours. Within 24 hours the police raided and occupied the office again. On October 1, the car of the Kurtulus co-worker Deniz Fidan, Emrah Sonmez, Zeliha Coban ans Selma Topcuoglu was stopped by the police. After checking the identification papers, the police searched the car. When the police found copies of the legal Kurtulus, all were arrested. On October 2, their release was achieved with the help of their lawyers. The same week the police stormed the paper's office in Eskisehir, the co-workers of the paper were threatened. The office in Gazi/Istanbul, opened 1.5 year ago, is subjected to constant attacks. Most recently, the police attacked the office on September 30 and arrested the editor Bulent Gorgulu and 3 visitors, among them an editor of the magazine Kervan. One day later, the Kervan editor and 2 visitors were released. The Kurtulus journalist Bulent Gorgulu and the other visitor, Ahmet, are still in police custody. November 1996, Kurtulus Attacks against free press continue According to the monthly report of the Association of Journalists and the Press Council, 17 attacks against journalists were carried out in November, 18 journalists were arrested and 3 journalists were jailed. Offices of left-wing papers were raided 6 times. The central offices of the Hurriyet was shot by unknown perpetrators. According to information, received by the press, 12 new court cases were opened against the press in November, 6 cases are still in progress. 15 cases were closed: there were 11 prison sentences and 4 acquittals. 11 editions of papers and magazines, most of them from the left, were confiscated in November. November 8, 1996, Kurtulus Attacks against Kurtulus offices in Anatolia On October 26, the Kurtulus office in Eskisehir was attacked by civilian fascists. The fascists, 15-20 men strong, entered the shopping centre where the office is situated around 4 p.m. They spread leaflets of the MHP-campaign "Let's decorate our country with our flags" and yelled slogans like "This is Turkey". Then they attacked the office with fire extinguishers ans iron bars. Our co-workers Zeynel Danaci, Emrah Tanir and the Kurtulus reader M. Serif Ersoy were hit. They left after they had completely destroyed the office. November 8, 1996, Kurtulus Kurtulus representative in Zonguldak arrested On October 23, the police attacked the Kurtulus office in Zonguldak. The co-worker Songul Cinar was arrested and put into custody by the DGM (State Security Court) under false charges. The papers Kizil Bayrak, Kervan, Atilim and the SIP party protested in a press statement and demanded the immediate release of Songul Cinar. November 11, 1996, Kurtulus Kurtulus offices in Adana and Gazi attacked The Kurtulus office in Adana was attacked by the police on October 23. 5 copies of the Kurtulus, 1 copy of the paper Kizil Bayrak and 1 copy of the paper Akinci Yolu were confiscated. The Kurtulus office in Gazi was attacked by the police on October 26 at 2 p.m. The Kurtulus co-worker Ali Ihsan Kilic and Kurtulus readers who were present were beaten up They were brought to the police station in Kucukkoy. They were tortured psychologically and offered collaboration with the police. One by one, they were released again that same evening. November 23, 1996, Kurtulus Kurtulus offices in Adana and Gazi attacked again On November 19, the police attacked the Kurtulus office in Adana. The office was totally messed up. They confiscated 100 copies of the Kurtulus and 410 copies of a special Devrimci Genclik edition. The office was used as a police station for 45 minutes and the Kurtulus journalist Ferit Yildiz was beaten. The Kurtulus office in Gazi was raided by a police unit of the Anti-Terror Department on November 10. They smashed everything and confiscated books and papers. The Kurtulus reporter Mahir Polat, the distributor Songul Ozbekir and a visitor, Fadime Colak were beaten and then arrested. They were severely tortured while in police custody. They were released late at night. December 17, 1996, Milliyet 83 Turkish journalists in jail According to Journalist without Frontiers, 83 out of the 187 incarcerated journalists are in Turkish jails. December 25, 1996, Kurtulus Kurtulus journalist arbitrary arrested On December 21, the police arrested the Kurtulus journalist Murat Kuyumcu in Istanbul/Inonu when he wanted to bring some copies to the post office. Although Murat Kuyumcu was held for 3 days, nobody was warned about his arrest. Murat Kuyumcu was tortured while in police custody. December 25, 1996, Kurtulus Kurtulus office in Zonguldak raided by the police On December 23, the Kurtulus journalist in Zonguldak Hafze Sayran was arrested by the police. On December 24, the office of the paper in Zonguldak was raided by the police and the journalist Ayse Peynir, as well as the reader Selim Dundar (a member of the Egitim-Sen, Teachers Union) was arrested. The police also confiscated the whole archive without any reason. December 27, 1996, Kurtulus Devrimci Genclik journalist arrested 33 people were arrested at a meeting of the KESS union in Ankara. The arrested were members of a delegation of the human rights organisation "Platform for Rights and Freedom". After the arrested were released on December 16 by the state prosecutor, but one of them, the journalist of the paper Devrimci Genclik Sezgin Ozturk was arrested again and brought to Sakarya. Sezgin Ozturk is still in detention. -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Turkey Contra-Guerrilla-State Turkey Mailinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From dhkc at Tue Jan 28 18:07:22 1997 From: dhkc at (dhkc at Date: 28 Jan 1997 18:07:22 Subject: Turkey 1996: ATTACKS AGAINST LAWYERS AND CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS Message-ID: From: DHKC Informationbureau Amsterdam Subject: Turkey 1996: ATTACKS AGAINST LAWYERS AND CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS ATTACKS AGAINST LAWYERS AND CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS According to the maxim "he who defends a terrorist must be a terrorist himself", Turkish "security forces" now attack the lawyers of political prisoners as well. They are not only hindered in doing their task, defending the prisoners, they are even arrested and tortured themselves. Many lawyers of political prisoners spent years behind bars. Culture has no right to raise its voice as soon as it is in contradiction to state ideology. Songs in the Kurdish language are banned, just like concerts by disapproved musicians, artists disappear in jail or they are arrested, tortured for days and haunted with lengthy trials and huge fines. The following documentation is by no means complete. Reports about the prosecution of critical authors and the censoring of books are not included. The absurd demand by a judge to indict Kafka because a prosecuted writer referred to "The Trial" is just mentioned aside. In stead we documented the statement of "Grup Yorum", probably the best-known political band in Turkey, about the trial against four of its members. In an impressive manner, it shows the unbroken courage and creativity of the critical artists in Turkey who refuse to be robbed of their voice. Our campaign has started! Free Grup Yorum! In the night of June 21, 1996, our friends Kemal Sahir Gurel, Ufuk Luker, Irsad Aydin and Ozcan Senver were arrested. While Kemal Sahir Gurel and Ufuk Luker were fired upon on open street, Irsad Aydin and Ozcan Senver were arrested in their houses. All of them were interrogated under torture for 13 days. Kemal and Ufuk were put in custody with false charges. They are now imprisoned in the Sakarya Prison in Istanbul. Our songs are now written behind iron bars and concrete walls. Our fiends, our songs, are to be tried on September 13. Until now they were not able to convict our songs, to convict Grup Yorum. On the contrary, our songs condemned the oppressors and the exploiters. We will wage a campaign until the day of the trial, September 13, 1996. The voice and the name of Grup Yorum must be heard everywhere, it should frighten the oppressors until their eardrums burst. The slogan "Free Grup Yorum" should adorn the walls all over Istanbul, the workers should encounter our posters everywhere. A Grup Yorum sticker should beautify all collars, our songs will reverberate from all directions. We sang our songs for the people, for the sacked workers, the civil servants, the population of the slums, the Gececondular. That's why our friends stand trial now, that's why they want to convict them. We call upon all intellectuals, artists, workers, civil servants, our entire people: It's the people they want to convict! If you don't want them convicted, then come to the State Security Court on September 13. Let us take back Grup Yorum, our songs, our stolen rights and our culture! We'll meet in the State Security Court on September 13! Grup Yorum The accused members of Grup Yorum were freed by the State Security Court in Istanbul on September 13. The trial against them will be continued. July 9, 1996, Evrensel Two members of Grup Yorum detained Kemal Sahir Gurel and Ufuk Satilmis Luker, members of the band Grup Yorum, who were arrested with the charge that they were members of the outlawed DHKP-C, were put into custody by the State Security Court. Two other members of the band, Irsat Aydin and Ozcan Senver, who were also arrested 15 days ago, were released. August 20, 1996, Sabah Lawyers arrested Ahmet Duszgun Yuksel, a lawyer of the Halkin Hukuk Bureau in Istanbul was arrested, together with two other persons. He wanted to file charges against the minister of Justice, Sevket Kazan, in the name of the relatives of the political prisoners. August 31, 1996, Ates 55 Lawyers accused of being couriers Lawyers in several Turkish cities were accused by the State Prosecution of being couriers for the PKK and the DHKP-C. 27 lawyers were charges in Diyarbakir, 10 in Istanbul, 4 in Konya, 3 in Ankara, 2 in Izmir, 1 in Kayseri as well as in Malatya. November 24, 1996, Demokrasi Concert in Izmir banned The concerts by the bands Grup Ekin and Grup Gunisigi, planned for November 25 in the Ismet Inonu Centre for Culture and Art, were banned. The members of both bands gave a press statement in the Aegean Cultural Centre, stating that numerous manifestations had been banned since May 1 this year without any justification. -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Turkey Contra-Guerrilla-State Turkey Mailinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From dhkc at Tue Jan 28 18:07:23 1997 From: dhkc at (dhkc at Date: 28 Jan 1997 18:07:23 Subject: Turkey, 1996: DISAPPEARANCES Message-ID: From: DHKC Informationbureau Amsterdam DISAPPEARANCES "Nobody will be arrested anymore in the middle of the night", promised state president Suleyman Demirel before the elections in 1991. If he meant that people in Turkey would no longer disappear while in police custody, he lied. In 1996, 191 people disappeared while in custody, according to the Human Rights Association IHD. But there is another sinister truth behind Demirel's promise. The disappeared are no longer secretly lifted of their beds in the middle of the night, now they are rather kidnapped by plainclothes policemen in broad daylight, in front of eye-witnesses. The number of people who disappear is increasing year by year. The Turkish regime is increasingly applying the most cruel form of terror against the people: making people disappear. The mothers of the disappeared daughters and sons can not visit a grave to mourn, they can not raise their fists and say: "Our children are immortal!". Their children are neither alive, nor death. They are not even granted the right to have a tomb-stone with the text "Nobody shall be picked up by the police in the middle of the night", promised state president Suleyman Demirel before the elections in 1991. If he meant that people in Turkey would no longer disappear while in police custody, he lied. In 1996, 191 people disappeared while in t "They were murdered, but they did not surrender". They "disappeared"... The relatives of the political prisoners are being attacked as well. The sit-down protest by the Saturday Mothers of the disappeared and the prisoners, which has become an institution, is now being attacked by the police. 70 year old mothers are beaten, dogs are set on against them. One of the most famous mothers of the disappeared and imprisoned, Oya Gokbayrak, was arrested and indicted by means of a conspiracy with the absurd accusation that she was in the possession of drugs. Thanks to the help of international public attention, she was released on the first day of the trial, December 2, 1996, because of "insufficient evidence". In 1996, the "International League for Human Rights" granted her annual award, the "Carl von Ossietzky Medal" to the Saturday Mothers of the disappeared and the imprisoned. We only documented the cases of which we are completely sure. Disappeared persons whose bodies were later discovered are listed in the chapter about murders, not here. In stead we documented some reports about police attacks against the relatives of the disappeared. March 20, 1996, Politika They want to make Duzgun Zengin disappear There are no traces of Duzgun Zengin who was arrested in Izmir 16 days ago. Aslan Zengin. Duzgun's brother, and his lawyer Ibrahim Ergun gave a press statement in the office of the Istanbul Human Rights Association. They stated that Duzgun Zengin was arrested during a police operation, together with two other persons. "We asked the police directorates in Izmir, Kocaeli and Gebze. Without result. The policemen of the Anti-Terror Department in Izmir said Duzgun managed to escape during the police operation and that they were not able to apprehend him. But they also said Duzgun was a police murderer and that they would kill him immediately in case he fell into their hands. We are convinced that Duzgun is in their hands and that they want to make him disappear." March 28, 1996, Milliyet "This is the police!' "If they would only bring back my disappeared children" This is not Latin-America in the `70s. This is Turkey, 1996. Mothers and fathers are looking for their "disappeared" children. Silent cries shatter against the wall of desperation. Nobody of them has any hope left to find his or her child back alive. They voice their modest demands: "If they would only say where they buried our relatives, if we only knew where there graves are..." June 10, 1996, Politika Attack against the relatives of the disappeared The sit-down action of the relatives of the disappeared in front of the Galatasaray Gymnasium was attacked by the police. Several people, among them Malaysian and Norwegian participants of the international HABITAT conference were arrested. June 17, 1996, Politika The Mothers will no be intimidated by police terror The action of the relatives of the disappeared, every Saturday in front of the Galatasaray Gymnasium, was again attacked by the police. Hundreds of people were beaten up and arrested. There were many journalists among those who were arrested. September 12, 1996, Cumhuriyet Saturday Mothers of the Disappeared and Imprisoned indicted 688 mothers, who have been protesting in front of the Galatasaray Gymnasium since 1.5 year against the disappearance and imprisonment of their children, were indicted by the Turkish State Prosecution for violating the manifestation law. The trial will be held tomorrow, September 13, 1996. September 28, 1996, Kurtulus Disappeared: Dogan Ayhan, taxi driver The taxi driver Dogan Ayhan disappeared on September 18 when he wanted to pick up a customer from Esenler, Istanbul. His wife, Mufide Dogan, gave a press statement on September 24 in the office of the human rights association IHD in which she voiced her complaints against the police conduct. She told the press that the police didn't care about her report that her husband disappeared. The Turkish state did not react. Her husband's colleagues complained as well that the state did not react. They said the state was badly organised and could not take care of their rights. The family and the colleagues of the disappeared are very worried about his life. October 18, 1996, Cumhuriyet Oya Gokbayrak sent to prison The spokesperson of the Platform for Rights and Freedom, Oya Gokbayrak, who was arrested on October 14, 1996, accused of possessing drugs, was taken into custody in the Bayrampasa Prison. Oya Gokbayrak's lawyers say this case was a conspiracy against her. November 17, 1996, Hurriyet The unbearable pain Elif Teken, one of the Saturday Mothers who already have been protesting against the disappearance each Saturday for 78 weeks by means of a sit-down action in front of the Galatasaray Gymnasium, fainted during the action when she saw a picture of her son among the other pictures of the disappeared. December 14, 1996, Demokrasi The number of disappearances is climbing The national deputy chairman of the human rights association and president of this association in Diyarbakir, lawyer Mahmut Sakar, called in a written statement upon the public to be sensitive for the fate of the disappeared. "The human right violations, and especially the cases of disappearances, continue, even in the Human Rights Week. Some of those we are responsible for the political murders, especially in this region but also in the rest of Turkey, were revealed by a traffic accident ... We call upon the public to be sensitive for the fate of the disappeared." The names of the people who were arrested in Diyarbakir in November alone: Hidir Ozturk (18), Ramazan Tekin (55), Hakki Kaya (47), Ramazan Yazici (36), Selahattin Gumurcu (45), Tevfik Kusus (26) and Mahmut Mordeniz (46). -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Turkey Contra-Guerrilla-State Turkey Mailinglist Mirror: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: From warresisters at Wed Jan 29 06:03:00 1997 From: warresisters at (warresisters at Date: 29 Jan 1997 06:03:00 Subject: Turkey: Osman back in detention after trial Message-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii --=====================_854469738==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" --=====================_854469738==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable January 28, 1997 TURKEY: OSMAN BACK IN DETENTION Osman Murat Uelke is again back in detention in following his trial today in Ankara Military Court. The Court sentenced Osman to six months in prison (under Article 155, "alienating the people from the military"), but as he had already served more than two months in prison, he has not returned there and this case is now concluded.=20 However, Osman is back in detention. Military police arrested Osman in court and took him from the court to the military police station. Supporters expect that in a few days he will be taken to his military unit in Bilecik. Osman used the trial to explain his objection: "Military service is the last point where the state has unlimited power over a young man. And by this the state hopes to complete the process of compulsory socialisation. In that institution a man is separated from his humanitarian responsibilities and rights. Imposed on the young man are chauvinistic and patriarchal values related to unlimited obedience, an authoritarian view and hatred of the `other'. Through its function in this socialisation process, military service is really `the school of the nation'". He went on: "Having the right to live is also having the responsibility not to cause death. Killing a person is the most obvious way of violating the right to live. In this context, conscientious objection is not only a right for me but a responsibility". After this speech, Osman was asked about events since his trial on 17 November: how he had been taken to Bilecik, refused to soldier, was put in detention and then brought to trial for "disobedience" in Eskisehir on 27 December, and ordered to return to his unit in Bilecik. When the judge heard that Osman did not report to the unit in Bilecik after the hearing in Eskisehir, the judge called him a deserter. Osman replied:=20 "I'm not a deserter. I'm a conscientious objector." Finally, he was sentenced to six months in military prison. As he has already spent more than two months in detention before this trial, he is not obliged to return to prison under Article 155. He still faces a charge of "Disobedience" under Article 87 of the military code from his previous time in Bilecik. That trial, originally scheduled to take place in Eskisehir on 30 January, will now be re-scheduled. A further charge might be expected when Osman arrives at Bilecik. =20 About 20 visitors, including Rudi Friedrich from Connection-eV in Germany and Agust=A1n Yugueros de la Torre from Objeci=A2n Fiscal/MOC in the State of Spain, attended the trial. Rudi and Agust=A1n, along with Turkish friends and lawyers, hope to visit Osman in the Military Gendarmerie in Ankara tomorrow (Wednesday, 29 January), and expect that Osman will be transferred to Bilecik in the next few days. Protests can be sent to:=20 The office of the Prime Minister +90 312 417 04 76 The General Staff +90 312 418 53 41 Minister of Justice +90 312 417 39 54 Ministry of National Defence +90 312 324 46 27 Posted by War Resisters' International 5 Caledonian Road London N1 9DX England tel: +44 171 278 4040 fax: +44 171 278 0444 email: warresisters at --=====================_854469738==_-- ## CrossPoint v3.0 ## From WRI-AG.FOEGA at Wed Jan 29 06:38:00 1997 From: WRI-AG.FOEGA at (WRI-AG.FOEGA at Date: 29 Jan 1997 06:38:00 Subject: Turkish CO, Report from Ankara Message-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit WRI-AG der FoGA Tel.: +49-441-203864 Brahmweg 178 Fax: +49-441-2489661 D- 26135 Oldenburg email: WRI-AG.FOEGA at --------------------------------------------------------------- This is a forwarded fax from the international observers delegation to the trial against the Turkish conscientious objector Osman Murat Uelke. Report from Ankara, January 29, 1997 Regarding: Osman Murat Uelke _Osman Murat Uelke is staying in Mamak prison in Ankara_ _The trial in Eskisehir will be held in absence of_ _Osman Murat Uelke_ Today in the morning five persons tried to visit Osman Murat Uelke in the Mamak prison in Ankara, where the military gendamerie brought him yesterday. Our entrance wasn't permitted from the officer at the entrance. One of the lawyers succeeded to speak with an high range officer who gave his permission to visit Osman. But the entrance officer again denied the permission for the visit. It looks that this entrance officer gave false information to the higher officer and this made troubles for our visit. At last and after a long argument two lawyers and Ferda from War Resisters of Izmir could visit Osman. The two international observers couldn't participate. Osman Murat Uelke is staying in the standard condition of Turkish prisons and he is alright. He is waiting for his transport to the 9th Gendarmerie Unit in Bilecik. He is sending regards to everybody. Later on, a press conference has taken place at the Human Rights Association Ankara. Two lawyers of Osman spoke about his case, the two observers declared the international solidarity and spoke about the movement of Spanish total resisters as well as about solidarity actions in front of different Turkish embassies and about Turkish citizens who declaired their CO abroad. A member of ISKD spoke about the military system linked to the state which creates a patriarchal and chauvinistic discourse which named the conscientious objectors as traitors. "Due to the fact that the 'patriots' are the violators of all human rights ad the ones who have economical and social profits from the war situation we are very proud of being named as traitors." Also a member of the Human Rights Association spoke about their work and the unjust system which permits political murderers while people working for human rights get in prison. Tomorrow we will go to Eskisehir to observe the trial. It will be held at 2 pm. We expect that there will be a decision about the crime 'continued disobedience.' Augustin Yugueros de la Torre (MOC, State of Spain) Rudi Friedrich (Connection, Germany) ----------------------------------------------------------- Graswurzelrevolution Kaiserstra?e 24 26122 Oldenburg Tel.: 0441/2489 663 Fax: 0441/2489 661 ----------------------------------------------------------- ## CrossPoint v3.0 ## From kurd-l at Thu Jan 30 09:05:29 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 30 Jan 1997 09:05:29 Subject: PUK Sets Up Administration In Parts Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Subject: PUK Sets Up Administration In Parts Of South Kurdistan Kurdish Faction Forms Second Government In Northern Iraq Associated Press, 01/29/97 CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, one of two rival Kurdish factions in northern Iraq, said Wednesday it has set up a government to run areas under its control. The administration will be the second government in Iraq's Kurdish areas, which became virtually autonomous after the 1991 Persian Gulf War. The Kurdistan Democratic Party, the PUK's rival, has its own government. Kusrat Rasoul, who was prime minister of the Kurdish region before Iraqi-backed Kurdish Democratic Party guerrillas drove the PUK out of the provincial capital of Irbil in August, will head the government, the PUK said in a statement. The 14-member PUK Cabinet, which includes one woman, will be running the day-to-day affairs of some 1.5 million Kurds in its areas. The PUK and KDP have fought for years. A U.S.-brokered cease-fire took effect in October to end their latest bout of strife. It largely has held. The Iraqi government in Baghdad never has recognized any of the Kurdish governments and often calls on them to accept limited self-rule under Iraqi control. From greenscreen at Fri Jan 31 00:25:43 1997 From: greenscreen at (greenscreen at Date: 31 Jan 1997 00:25:43 +0000 (GMT) Subject: TURKISH CO ULKE IN MILITARY PRISON Message-ID: From: greenscreen (Umit OZTURK) 29 January 1997 TURKEY: OSMAN MURAT UELKE IN MAMAK MILITRY PRISON - TO BE TRIED IN ESKISEHIR IN HIS ABSENCE After his trial yesterday, Osman was taken to Mamak Military Prison where hs is being held, awaiting transport to the 9th Gendarmerie Unit in Bilecik. Meanwhile, tomorrow, his trial for disobedience under Article 87 of the Military Code will take place in Eskisehir, as originally planned, but without Osman being present. This morning five persons, including international delegates Agustin Yugueros de la Torre and Rudi Friedrich, tried to visit Osman in prison. After a long argument, two lawyers and a Turkish friend were allowed in. They reported that Osman is being held in standard conditions. He sent greetings to everyone who has sent messages. A press conference was held at the Human Rights Association in Ankara, where two of Osman's lawyers spoke about the case, and the two international observers spoke about international actions. A member of Izmir SKD presented an analysis of the military system and the patriarchal and chauvinist discourse that calls conscientious objectors "traitors": "As `patriots' are the people who violate all human rights or who make economic and social profit from war, we are proud to be called `traitors'". A member of the Human Rights Association spoke about their work. Yesterday, in a solidarity action with Osman in front of the Turkish consulate in Frankfurt Germany, five Kurds from Turkey declared their conscientious objection to military service. A sixth spontaneously joined them. Background: Osman's trial yesterday under Article 155 of the Turkish Penal Code ("alienating the people from the military") ended with him being sentenced to six months' imprisonment. However, as he had already served over two months (and Turkish prisoners normally serve only one third of their sentence), he was adjudged to have served his term. The remaining trial, under Article 87 of the Military Penal Code, is for "disobedience" following Osman's refusal to soldier when he was taken from court to a military unit last year. A further charge could be brought against him when he is again to "his" unit, the 9th Gendarmerie in Bilecik. Posted by: -------------------------------------------------- | Umit Ozturk, Editor, Green Screen News | | PO Box 10386, London N16 8RQ, United Kingdom | | tel/fax: +44-(0)171-2493624 | /) email: greenscreen at (\ / \ _( (+-------------------------------------------------+) )_ (((\ \ /_) /^) / /))) (\\\\ \_/ / \ \_ / //// \ / \ / \ __/ \__ / | | | | From greenscreen at Fri Jan 31 00:26:33 1997 From: greenscreen at (greenscreen at Date: 31 Jan 1997 00:26:33 +0000 (GMT) Subject: TURKEY: OSMAN BACK IN DETENTION Message-ID: From: greenscreen (Umit OZTURK) January 28, 1997 TURKEY: OSMAN BACK IN DETENTION Osman Murat Uelke is again back in detention in following his trial today in Ankara Military Court. The Court sentenced Osman to six months in prison (under Article 155, "alienating the people from the military"), but as he had already served more than two months in prison, he has not returned there and this case is now concluded.=20 However, Osman is back in detention. Military police arrested Osman in court and took him from the court to the military police station. Supporters expect that in a few days he will be taken to his military unit in Bilecik. Osman used the trial to explain his objection: "Military service is the last point where the state has unlimited power over a young man. And by this the state hopes to complete the process of compulsory socialisation. In that institution a man is separated from his humanitarian responsibilities and rights. Imposed on the young man are chauvinistic and patriarchal values related to unlimited obedience, an authoritarian view and hatred of the `other'. Through its function in this socialisation process, military service is really `the school of the nation'". He went on: "Having the right to live is also having the responsibility not to cause death. Killing a person is the most obvious way of violating the right to live. In this context, conscientious objection is not only a right for me but a responsibility". After this speech, Osman was asked about events since his trial on 17 November: how he had been taken to Bilecik, refused to soldier, was put in detention and then brought to trial for "disobedience" in Eskisehir on 27 December, and ordered to return to his unit in Bilecik. When the judge heard that Osman did not report to the unit in Bilecik after the hearing in Eskisehir, the judge called him a deserter. Osman replied:=20 "I'm not a deserter. I'm a conscientious objector." Finally, he was sentenced to six months in military prison. As he has already spent more than two months in detention before this trial, he is not obliged to return to prison under Article 155. He still faces a charge of "Disobedience" under Article 87 of the military code from his previous time in Bilecik. That trial, originally scheduled to take place in Eskisehir on 30 January, will now be re-scheduled. A further charge might be expected when Osman arrives at Bilecik. =20 About 20 visitors, including Rudi Friedrich from Connection-eV in Germany and Agust=A1n Yugueros de la Torre from Objeci=A2n Fiscal/MOC in the State of Spain, attended the trial. Rudi and Agust=A1n, along with Turkish friends and lawyers, hope to visit Osman in the Military Gendarmerie in Ankara tomorrow (Wednesday, 29 January), and expect that Osman will be transferred to Bilecik in the next few days. Protests can be sent to:=20 The office of the Prime Minister +90 312 417 04 76 The General Staff +90 312 418 53 41 Minister of Justice +90 312 417 39 54 Ministry of National Defence +90 312 324 46 27 Posted by: -------------------------------------------------- | Umit Ozturk, Editor, Green Screen News | =20 | PO Box 10386, London N16 8RQ, United Kingdom | | tel/fax: +44-(0)171-2493624 | /) email: greenscreen at (\ / \ _( (+-------------------------------------------------+) )_ (((\ \ /_) /^) / /))) (\\\\ \_/ / \ \_ / //// \ / \ / \ __/ \__ / | | | | From kurd-l at Fri Jan 31 08:43:20 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 31 Jan 1997 08:43:20 Subject: Kurdish Refugees' Lives At Risk Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit Kurdish Refugees' Lives At Risk The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees announced on December 21 that the Atrush refugee camp, inside the "safe haven" in northern Iraq, would be closed within a month. The camp houses 15,000 Kurdish refugees who fled Turkey when the Turkish army burned and destroyed Kurdish villages after April 1994. The UNHCR has issued letters to camp residents informing them of a program of "voluntary repatriation" to Turkey. The Atrush camp, 60 kilometres from the Turkey-Iraq border, has continued to receive new arrivals seeking protection from Turkish attacks right up to the closure announcement. Camp residents began an indefinite hunger strike. The London-based Kurdish Information Centre said that the UNHCR "has finally bowed to pressure from the Turkish authorities to close the camp which has long been an political embarrassment to them. The threatened closure endangers the lives of 15,000 Kurds. These civilian, 80% of whom are women, children and elderly villagers, deserve the same protection under the Geneva Convention as any other refugees. All are Kurds who have already lost their homes, livelihood and members of their families during attacks on their villages by Turkish forces. More than 3,400 villages have been destroyed and 3 million Kurds forced out of south-east Turkey during military operations." The Kurdish Red Crescent said the decision to close the camp exposed the hypocrisy of the international community towards the Kurdish people. "This policy is in stark and revealing contrast to that pursued by the USA and the United Nations last year when 7,500 PUK [Patriotic Union of Kurdistan] supporters were hastily evacuated, with transport by the CIA, via Guam, to the U.S. in order to protect them from possible reprisals by Saddam Hussein's regime. But for the Kurds from Turkey new standards and different criteria apply." On January 9, more than 1,000 refugees chose to leave the Atrush camp for protection in areas controlled by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). (Source: Green Left Weekly, ----------------------------------------------------------------- Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials in our magazine and bulletins called Arm The Spirit. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: ats at WWW: MRTA Solidarity Page: FTP: --> /pub/Politics/Arm.The.Spirit ATS-L Archives: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ ++++ see ++++ From kurd-l at Fri Jan 31 09:30:00 1997 From: kurd-l at (kurd-l at Date: 31 Jan 1997 09:30:00 Subject: Kurdish Refugees' Lives At Risk References: Message-ID: From: Arm The Spirit From tabe at Fri Jan 31 12:22:40 1997 From: tabe at (tabe at Date: 31 Jan 1997 12:22:40 Subject: Turkish police-chief did not die because of his firsth lie... Message-ID: From: Subject: Turkish police-chief did not die because of his firsth lie... ANKARA, Turkey (Reuter) - Turkey's police chief Tuesday played down accusations of disappearances in police custody, one of the country's most emotive human rights matters. ``Most of the allegations about the disappearances in custody are baseless,'' national police chief Alaaddin Yuksel told a human rights conference. He did not say whether any people had gone missing in custody. Turkey's Human Rights Association (IHD) says 114 people have disappeared, many of them after being detained by the police, since last June. International rights group Anesty International has also expressed concern over disappearances. ``Applications to our offices for disappeared people are continuing,'' IHD chairman Akin Birdal told Reuters. Yuksel said police had determined that most of the disappeared had actually been jailed for crimes committed or had gone underground with what he said were terrorist groups. He did not give any figures or examples. Many of the people alleged to be missing were linked to Kurdish or left-wing activism. More than 21,000 people have been killed in the 12-year-old fight between the Turkish army and Kurdistan Workers Party rebels seeking self-rule in the southeast of the country. Last December, the interior ministry said it had found 187 people whose families charged they had disappeared and were probably killed by security forces for their political ideas. ``Suspects are registered to police stations, doctors and many places so it is not possible for us to make a person disappear,'' anti-terror police official Ahmet Demircan told journalists. Turkey, under pressure from Western rights organizations and governments, promised last year to cut the period of detention in custody and change the state security court system. But a draft law for the reforms is still waiting for parliamentary approval. -- Classwar in Turkey and Kurdistan: Turkey Contra-Guerrilla-State: KURTULUS HAFTALIK SIYASI GAZETE: