Turkey: ODP leader criticizes Demirel's proposed presence at Agar we

tabe at ozgurluk.xs4all.nl tabe at ozgurluk.xs4all.nl
Tue Aug 18 20:05:09 BST 1998

ODP leader criticizes Demirel's proposed presence at Agar wedding 

Istanbul - Turkish Daily News 

In the open letter sent by Freedom and Solidarity Party (ODP) General
Chairman Ufuk Uras to President Suleyman Demirel, Uras called on the
president to not participate in the wedding of Mehmet Agar's, Elazig
True Path Party (DYP) Parliamentarian Mehmet Agar which was to be held
last night.

In the letter Uras stated that if President Demirel went to the
wedding of Mehmet Agar's son, it would show that the most important
person in the continuing investigation of the Susurluk case, Mehmet
Agar, was being tolerated by the government.

"Mr. President, it is very usual for you to participate in activities
that suit our traditions and social life. But this wedding is like a
challenge of the dark powers against a peaceful society. The criminal
gangs have been taking their courage from the government and have
become a dangerous element in society. Please do not provide these
people with more courage by participating in this wedding."

Mehmet Agar, as the former Minister of the Interior, was implicated in
the Susurluk scandal which arose following a traffic accident in
November, 1996. In the accident a police chief, a fugitive from
charges of murder and the latter's girl friend were killed. The only
survivor was the Sanliurfa DYP Parliamentarian Sedat Bucak. All four
were in the same Mercedes involved in the crash. Bucak and Agar are
currently being tried in court on suspicion of being involved in
criminal gangs operating within the government.

Press Agency Ozgurluk
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