From theorganizer at Thu Feb 4 16:54:34 1999 From: theorganizer at (theorganizer at Date: 04 Feb 1999 16:54:34 Subject: SUPPORT STRIKING MEXICAN MINEWORKERS! Message-ID: SUPPORT STRIKING MEXICAN MINEWORKERS! [PLEASE RE-POST and circulate widely. Excuse us if this is a duplicate copy. A version of the appeal in Spanish follows the English version. Por favor vean abajo, al final del Llamamiento en ingles, la version en espanol de este Llamamiento en apoyo a los mineros en huelga en Cananea (Sonora, Mexico). [ALSO if you live in Northern California and would like to be on our local WHC e-mail list (to learn about events such as the March 13 AFTA-NAFTA conference, organized together with the United Steelworkers of America), please send us a note and we will add you to our list.] ************ Dear Sisters and Brothers: We received a few days ago a copy of an appeal in support of the striking mineworkers in Cananea, Sonora (Mexico). The appeal and cover letter were sent to us by Gemma Lopez Limon, a researcher on child labor at the University of Mexicali (Baja California) who was a delegate and panelist at the Western Hemisphere Workers? Conference Against NAFTA and Privatizations, which took place in San Francisco in November 1997. Sister Lopez Limon has urged our WHC Continuations Committee to forward this appeal to the international labor movement. She points out that the situation the mineworkers face is growing more difficult by the day and that they need to know they are being supported by the labor movement the world over. The Cananea mineworkers have fanned out across Northern Mexico seeking solidarity for their struggle. In Mexicali a broad-based labor committee has been set up. The appeal below was issued by this committee. Sister Lopez Limon recalls in her cover letter that the Mineworkers of Cananea held a conference against NAFTA in 1994 to which workers and trade union officials in various industries from throughout the northern region attended. At the time they warned that the privatization onslaught would be deepened if NAFTA were not overturned. Unfortunately, this is exactly what has happened, as you will read in this appeal. We call on all supporters of labor and democratic rights to endorse this appeal and to distribute copies of this statement widely among your coworkers and within your trade union bodies or organizations. If you can, please send your letters or statement of support for the mineworkers directly to Mexican President Zedillo or Sonora State Governor Armando Lopez Nogales [see below]. Please send copies of your statements to the WHC Continuations Committee, c/o San Francisco Labor Council (AFL-CIO), 1188 Franklin St. #203, San Francisco, CA 94109 or fax (415) 440-9297. If you prefer, you can add your name to this sign-on letter. You can do this by e-mailing your endorsement directly to Gemma Lopez Limon, "Ricardo Flores Magon" Human Rights Committee, Mexicali (Mexico). Her e-mail address is . Your statements will be forwarded to the Mexican authorities. Please include your organization and title, if possible and tell us if these are to be listed for identification purposes only. Also, please send a copy of your e-mail endorsement to . You can also send your statement of support to Manuel Ernesto Romero Reyes, General Secretary, Section 65 of the Mineworkers Union of the Mexican Republic (Cananea) to (fax) 011-663-66-73- 92. Thank your in advance for your support to this important struggle. In Solidarity, Alan Benjamin, for the WHC Continuations Committee ***************** Appeal in Support of the Striking Mineworkers in Cananea, Sonora (Mexico) Dr. Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon President of Mexico Fax: 011-525-516-5762 Lic. Armando Lopez Nogales Governor of the State of Sonora Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico Fax: 011-562-17-41-26 Dear Sirs: Cananea, Sonora, remains alive in the memories of the Mexican people. The historic strike of the Cananea mineworkers in 1906, which was brutally repressed by the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz, heralded the outburst of the Mexican Revolution of 1910. It was the tenacious struggle of the mineworkers and their families that resulted in the nationalization of the Cananea copper mines -- the largest in Mexico and third largest in the world. In 1989, Cananea was invaded by the Mexican Army: Five thousand soldiers occupied the town to prevent any resistance from the mineworkers to the impending closure of the mines, based on the fraudulent claim of bankruptcy. The mines are vital to the community; 90% of the people depend on the mines for their livelihood. It took the protracted fight of the mineworkers and the Women's Front of Cananea to force the authorities to reopen the mines. In 1990, the Mexican government privatized the mines, selling them for US$450 million to Jorge Larrea, one of the richest men in Mexico. The real value of the mines was estimated at US$3 billion. >From that moment on, the problems began to mount for the workers. Within months, close to 40% of the workforce ? that is, 1200 workers ? were laid off. Today only 2070 workers are left, and the threats of more job losses continue. Larrea, a close friend of former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, now in exile in Ireland, is the principal shareholder of the recently privatized Sonora railway system. Soon after he bought the company, Larrea laid off 700 workers in Empalme and a similar number in Benjamin Hill, both of which are ghost towns today. Today Larrea is seeking to buy the entire port of Guaymas. In recent months, the company escalated its assault upon the mineworkers and the community. It began by openly violating fundamental aspects of the collective-bargaining agreement ? all in the name of cost-cutting. But that was not all. The company then closed down the treatment plant, where the industrial waste from the processing plant was treated before flowing into the local river. The employer also closed the smelting and storage plants, announcing that 800 more workers (out of the remaining 2070) would be laid off. These decisions represented a death sentence to the people of Cananea. It is for all these reasons that the mineworkers' union (Section 65 of the National Mineworkers Union of the Mexican Republic) went out on strike on November 18, 1998. Close to three months have now gone by, and there is still no end in sight to this conflict. We, the undersigned, have just learned that the state authorities are harassing and repressing the strikers, whose actions of seeking widespread solidarity from other workers in neighboring communities is totally legal. Arrest warrants have been issued against leaders of the union. In mid-January, the Judicial Police of Sonora illegally entered the homes of two workers ? Rene Enriquez and Reynaldo Palomino ? causing damage to the homes and terrorizing the families. Their goal is to terrorize the population, who have stood strong in defense of the strike. These illegal acts constitute a violation of all human, labor and democratic rights. We hereby declare that the authorities of the state of Sonora are responsible in any harm is caused to the workers or their families. Given this situation, we, the undersigned, who are convinced of the righteousness of the minerworkers' cause, support the union's demands for the respect of their collective-bargaining agreement and a halt to the closure of the treatment, smelting and storage facilities. We demand an end to the harassment and repression of the strikers and all those who support their just cause. We call on the company and the authorities to resolve this conflict based on the respect for the collective-bargaining agreement and the democratic and trade union rights of the mineworkers of Cananea. Sincerely, First signatories: Carlos Maya Quevedo, general secretary, Sindicato Unificado de Trabajadores de ISSSTECALLI; Aida Canett L, Central Independiente de Obreros Agricolas y Campesinos; Jose Moreno, Centro de Derechos Humanos y Educacion Civica; Enrique Priego Mendoza; Leticia Figueroa Ramirez, Margarita Barajas Tinoco, Nicole Diesbach Rochefort; Julieta Curiel Llamas, researchers at the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad Autonoma de Baja California; Teresa Hernandez Luna, Sergio Villareal, Carlos Salas, Placido Maldonado, Oralia Lopez, Ignacio Gastelum, Mario Alcazar, teacher unionists of Sections 2 and 37 of the SNTE; Silverio Lopez Lozano, Organizing Committee for a Democratic Workers Party; M. Gemma Lopez Limo, Comite Fronterizo de Derechos Humanso "Ricardo Flores Magon"; Federico Garcia Estrada, assistant District Attorned of Mexicali; Rosa Arreguin, Manuel Guillen, Baja California Human Rights Committee. Mexicali, Mexico January 19th, 1999 CARTA ABIERTA EN APOYO A LOS MINEROS DE CANANEA (MEXICO) Dr. Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos Fax (5) 516 5762 y 515 4783 P r e s e n t e. Lic. Armando Lopez Nogales Gobernador del Estado de Sonora Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico Fax (62) 17 41 26 Cananea, Sonora est? presente en la memoria de los mexicanos. La hist?rica huelga de sus mineros en 1906, brutalmente reprimida por Porfirio D?az, anunci? el estallido de la revoluci?n de 1910. Fueron las luchas tenaces de esos trabajadores las que lograron que la mina, la m?s importante de M?xico y la tercera en el mundo, se nacionalizara. En 1989, Cananea sufri? la afrenta de ser invadida por el ej?rcito: 5 mil soldados la ocuparon para frenar cualquier resistencia de los trabajadores al cierre de la mina, pretextando una quiebra fraudulenta. La mina es vital en la vida del pueblo, el 90 por ciento depende de ella. S?lo con la lucha constante de los mineros y el Frente Femenil de Cananea se logr? que se reabriera. En 1990, el gobierno la privatiz?, vendi?ndola en 450 millones de d?lares al empresario Jorge Larrea, uno de los hombres m?s ricos del pa?s, cuando su valor era superior a los 3 mil millones. Desde esa fecha crecieron los problemas para los trabajadores: casi el 40 por ciento de su planta laboral, 1 200 trabajadores fue despedida. Hoy quedan 2 070 y la amenaza sigue. Recientemente, adem?s de realizar continuas violaciones al contrato colectivo de trabajo, la empresa tom? la determinaci?n de cerrar los departamentos de represo (donde se tratan las aguas residuales que desecha la mina), el de fundici?n y el almac?n, lo que se traduce en el despido de 800 trabajadores (el 38 por ciento de los actuales), eso ser?a la liquidaci?n del pueblo de Cananea. Por estos motivos, el sindicato emplaz? a huelga, que estall? el 18 de noviembre pasado. Han transcurrido ya dos meses y el conflicto no se soluciona. Nos hemos enterado de que las autoridades gubernamentales han estado hostigando y reprimiendo a los trabajadores en sus acciones totalmente legales de difusi?n de su problema y solicitud de solidaridad. Existen ?rdenes de aprehensi?n contra varios de los representantes y comisionados del sindicato. En d?as pasados, la polic?a judicial del estado entr? ilegalmente a los domicilios de los obreros, miembros de la comisi?n de difusi?n que est?n fuera de Cananea, Ren? Enr?quez y Reynaldo Palomino, causando destrozos y atemorizando a sus familiares, y con ello, creando un clima de terror e intimidaci?n entre los pobladores del mineral. Esto es una violaci?n total a sus derechos humanos, laborales y democr?ticos. Responsabilizamos a las autoridades de cualquier da?o a la integridad de trabajadores, familiares y poblaci?n en general Ante esta situaci?n, las personas que firmamos este escrito, dirigentes y miembros de organizaciones sindicales, sociales y pol?ticas y de manera individual, convencidos de la justeza de la lucha de los mineros, apoyamos su exigencia de respeto a su contrato colectivo de trabajo y respaldamos su rechazo al cierre de los departamentos de represo, fundici?n y almac?n, que significa el despido de 800 trabajadores. Exigimos el alto a la represi?n en contra de quienes apoyan la huelga y el respeto a sus derechos humanos. Demandamos que las autoridades resuelvan este conflicto laboral respetando los derechos laborales y democr?ticos de los mineros de Cananea A T E N T A M E N T E Mexicali, Baja California, 19 de Enero de 1999. PRIMEROS FIRMANTES: Carlos Maya Quevedo, secretario general del Sindicato Unificado de Trabajadores de ISSSTECALI, A?da Canett L., Central Independiente de Obreros Agr?colas y Campesinos, Jos? Moreno Mena, Centro de Derechos Humanos y Educaci?n C?vica, Enrique Priego Mendoza, Leticia Figueroa Ram?rez, Margarita Barajas Tinoco, Nicole Diesbach Rochefort, Julieta Curiel Llamas, investigadores del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad Aut?noma de Baja California, Teresa Hern?ndez Luna, Sergio Villarreal, Carlos Salas, Pl?cido Maldonado, Oralia L?pez, Ignacio Gast?lum, Mario Alcaraz, maestros democr?ticos de la Secci?n 2 y 37 del SNTE, Silverio L?pez Lozano, Comit? promotor por un Partido Democr?tico de Trabajadores, Raymundo Blas, M. Gemma L?pez Lim?n, Comit? Fronterizo de Derechos Humanos "Ricardo Flores Mag?n", Federico Garc?a Estrada, subprocurador, Rosa Arregu?n , Manuel Guill?n, Procuradur?a de Derechos Humanos y Protecci?n Ciudadana de Baja California Con copia para. Isauro Jerez. Radiodifusora XEFQ Fax (633) 2 39 00 ---Secci?n 65 del Sindicato Nacional de Mineros de la Rep?blica Mexicana. Cananea, Sonora. Favor de difundir entre los medios de comunicaci?n a su alcance. Responsable MGLL Tel. 66 73 92. From ozgurluk at Sat Feb 6 06:13:42 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 06 Feb 1999 06:13:42 Subject: Monitor the DHKP-C trial in Hamburg! Message-ID: Monitor the DHKP-C process! Art. 129a cannot prevent the struggle against fascism in Turkey! The people's liberation movement of Turkey, the DHKP-C, the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front, is to be banned by means of the present 129a-trial before the High Court in Hamburg as a terrorist association which threatens the constitution. Three persons in this trial, among them the supposed DHKP-C responsible for Europe Serafettin G, and two others, Erdogan C. and Ali E., accused of being members of the organization, have been in jail for the past 15 months. Another person, Mesut D., was arrested after being accused of being the substitute responsible for Europe. It is expected that another 30 people will be charged with being a "member of a terrorist association", with or without a detention order. The State Security Senat has now, for the first time, issued a intermediate report of this trial which now lasts for already 10 months. According to this, a terrorist association exists within the DHKP-C since 1995, and in the best possible case, the main accused might be served with a 9-11 year jail sentence, the second and third with 4-6 years. While the proof during the first months of the trial only existed of tapped telephone conversations, now, in the last phase of the trial, the statements of Ali B, who has been co-operating with State Security, and those of another crown witness, Huseyin E, have been submitted to the court. Ergin will give his statement to the court on January 26-27. In the meantime, investigations which were stopped will be opened again. To increase the number of spies and traitors, the German police makes use of all kinds of dirty tricks. They try to win over persons who have problems with their permits or papers and who withdrew as sympathisers, and former sympathisers with debts or weaknesses as gambling, money and women, as CROWN WITNESSES, making all kinds of promises. To protest against the blackmailing attitude of the Court, the prisoners have boycotted the trial for the last 3 sessions where they did not show up. Thereupon the court declared that they prisoners did not show up, not because as a protest, but because they had been excluded from the sessions. Three spectators, who protested against the Senate by clapping their hands, were sentenced to 1 (2 persons) and 2 (1 person) detention and directly brought over to the Holstenglacis. It must be the duty of all politically aware people to monitor this trial. The ban does not only concern the liberation movement from Turkey, it concerns the entire left which is threatened with art. 129a. We believe people will watch this trial with much attention. On January 26 and 27, crown witness Huseyin E. gave his statement. After questions of the defence lawyers, the following picture emerged: Huseyin E. was made the following promises: payment of his debts to the Austrian state because of smuggling cigarettes in the past, no extradition to Austria, a possible German passport, and payment of all his costs. "We will see what we can do", the officers told him during the interrogation. Because none of these promises have materialised till now, the traitor E. is still under pressure and has great expectations. The present situation is therefore extremely suited for manipulations and influencing. Because of this, the defence lawyers stated it was of no use to question this person any further. At the beginning of his testimony, on Wednesday, the traitor Huseyin E. claimed that his wife in Turkey was being "threatened by the organization". It is most likely that E. tries to get his wife to Germany as soon as possible with these kind of lies. On February 2 and 3, the prisoners will give their political statements. Then there will be the pleas of the State Prosecution and then, possible on Wednesday, those of the defence. Trial Monitoring Group, February 1, 1999 Contact numbers: Hamburg: 040/386 132 39 - Cologne: 0221/760 76 56 - Dortmund: 0231/165 55 90 - Kaiserslautern: 0171/549 25 75 - Bielefeld: 0521/23 368 - Berlin: 030/612 14 88 The information brochure of the DHKP-C Trial Monitoring Group is also available through these numbers (for further information about the DHKP-C: -- Press Agency Ozgurluk For justice, democracy and human rights in Turkey and Kurdistan! Website: mailto:ozgurluk at / mailinglists: petidomo at List info: english-request at From ozgurluk at Tue Feb 9 12:33:40 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 09 Feb 1999 12:33:40 Subject: Award-winning Turkish film opens in Turkey -- after 17 years Message-ID: ISTANBUL, Feb 9 (AFP) - Seventeen years after winning the Palme d'Or at the Cannes film festival, Turkish filmmaker Yilmaz Guney's masterpiece "Yol" (Road) is coming home, but is even now unlikely to meet with a universal welcome in Turkey. "'Yol' in its own country," the event is being advertised by the private foundation which is sponsoring the film in an effort to reconcile Turks with the leftist writer, actor and filmmaker who was stripped of his citizenship in 1983 and died in exile in France a year later. "He would have loved to see the film screened in Turkey," Guney's widow Fatos Guney, who has spearheaded the effort and put up much of the 300,000 dollars needed to remaster the movie for modern screens, told AFP. But the film, which examines various forms of social and political oppression in Turkish society and deals with Kurdish nationalism, touches a nerve that is still sufficiently sensitive in Turkey today to make the premiere in cinemas across the country on Friday a highly political event. "This may not be the best time," Fatos Guney admitted, alluding to Turkey's international hunt for Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan and the recent move by the judiciary to close a pro-Kurdish party. But the timing, she maintained, is coincidental, a result of the long years of fundraising and persuasion needed to bring the film to Turkish screens seven years after the ban on Yilmaz Guney's works was lifted. As a precaution against fresh censorship of "separatist propaganda" the foundation has had one scene, in which a setting in southeastern Turkey is identified as "Kurdistan" in bold red letters, edited out of the film. "We had to sacrifice it," Fatos Guney said. "Otherwise the film could not be shown in Turkey for another 17 years." Guney's complete works -- books, articles and films -- were banned in Turkey in 1982 under military rule and the negatives of more than 100 of the films he acted in or directed were destroyed. Only 11 films remain, because they were abroad at the time of the ban, and Fatos Guney has taken care to leave the negatives there even after her return to Turkey in 1992, when the ban was lifted. Her Yilmaz Guney Foundation for Culture and Arts is dedicated to saving from oblivion the work of an artist who was wildly popular in Turkey in the 1960s and '70s. In and out of jail in those troubled decades for his leftist writings, Guney wrote many of his screenplays behind bars and directed the films through an intermediary. "Yol" too was shot by director Serif Goren while Guney was serving a 19-year sentence for a controversial murder conviction. Guney escaped from Turkey while on leave from prison in 1981, after a life sentence for writings published from jail had been tacked on to his term, and completed the film in Switzerland. Ironically, it is the fate of five prisoners on a week's leave that "Yol" traces to examine political, cultural and economic pressures on ordinary Turks. "I never intended to depict it as though the government alone were to blame," Yilmaz Guney defended the film against Turkish criticism when it was released in Europe in 1982. "Oppression arises not only from the government, but also from the fact that in their lives people are ruthless among each other." "Yol" deals not only with the Kurdish issue, but also with honour killings and the treatment of women as well as the trials of urban migration. Although of Kurdish origin, Guney felt himself a part of the Turkish people, his widow said. "He was deeply hurt when he was stripped of his Turkish citizenship and denounced as an enemy of the Turks," she said. "We are bringing the film to the screen so the youth of Turkey will understand who he really was and so that he will remain in the heart of the people." -- Press Agency Ozgurluk For justice, democracy and human rights in Turkey and Kurdistan! Website: mailto:ozgurluk at / mailinglists: petidomo at List info: english-request at From escape6 at Wed Feb 10 07:54:20 1999 From: escape6 at (escape6 at Date: 10 Feb 1999 07:54:20 Subject: Critique, RTS & other Marxist conferences 3 Message-ID: cbasset at, fox at sox.u/, fox at, mic at, joseph at, yousufr at, RRassool at, david.hollis at, yasmine at, 9011731o at, BSTPK at ABERTAY.AC.UK, entelechy at, entelecty at, SB264 at CAM.AC.UK, 100071.3600 at, SB264 at CAM.AC.UK, 100071.3600 at, gkfa02 at sandy.smith at, smithg at, IHS at, ta2586 at, andrew at, g.barr at, smpirani at, a.chitty at, cyrilsmith at, Paul.Flewers at, etehad at, Digital_postmodernist at, marxism-news at, mideast.general at, mideast.kurds at, jfp at, thorpe at, hmet.eur-mide at, his082 at, 100533.1116 at, bisd at, theorganizer at, tomcondit at, sha6jlb at, wpc at, lvpsf at, sulinet639 at, yasmine at, ihr at, CRITIQUE CONFERENCE on 'The political economy of post cold war capitalism'. Sessions on the crises of: social control, intellectuals and the economy, plus workshops. With Bertell Ollman, David Harvie, Hillel Ticktin, William Dixon. Sat. 20 Feb. 10am-5pm. Conway Hall, Red Lion Sq.(Holborn tube), London. ?10waged / ?5unwaged. ph. 0141 330 4377.

BRISTOL Revolutionary Socialist Network conference. Sessions on: mental health / unions in Europe. Sat. 20 Feb. 10.30am -6pm. Great Western Staff Assoc. Club, Station Approach, Bristol. ph. 01392 431352.

WARWICK conference on 'The labour debate', with Harry Cleaver, Simon Clarke, John Holloway. Wed. 24 Feb. Warwick University. E-mail here, ph. 01203 524 675.

JUNE 18 / RECLAIM THE STREETS CONFERENCE on 'What is capitalism and how to get rid of it'. Discussion on the issues behind the June 18 international day of protest against financial centres. Sessions on capital and the City - with introductions by speakers from Radical Chains, Aufheben and Smash Hits. Plus a social. Sat. 27 Feb.10am-6pm, United Reform Church, 73A Church St.(opp. fire station), Stoke Newington, London N16. Manor House tube (buses 141/171A south). Free.

International Socialist Forum dayschool on 'Marx and Philosophy'. Sun. 7 March 11-5pm, Conway Hall. isf at

Glasgow conference on 'Global capitalism & effective opposition'. Sessions on capitalism and UK break up. Sat./Sun. 3-4 April. radfest at, ph. 0131 5576242.

JUNE 18 / G8 demonstration - City of London and world-wide. Fri. 18 June. phone Reclaim the Streets on 0171 2814621.

ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR - anarchist and libertarian Marxist bookstalls. Sat. 16 Oct. 10am. . m.peacock at, ph.0171 2479249.

To receive any more notices please contact escape6 at or Escape c/o PO Box 2474, London N8 OHW. Donations for postage costs are welcome, payable to the 'Haringey Solidarity Group'. Check the Escape Left Links site for event updates.

Aufheben 7, Social democracy, US struggles, Nature of the USSR, Anti-fascism. ?2 from Brighton Unemployed Centre, PO Box 2536, Rottingdean, Brighton.
Critique30-1, Crisis theory, Central America, Dockers, CLR James. ?10 from H Ticktin, 29 Bute Gdns, Glasgow G12 8RS.
radical chains 5, James Kelman, Situationists, Class War. ?3.50 - BM Radical Chains, London WC1N 3XX.
Beyond Kronstadt - the Bolsheviks in power / Escaping the 20th century pamphlet. Free from Escape.

______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at From ozgurluk at Wed Feb 10 14:57:46 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 10 Feb 1999 14:57:46 Subject: AI: TURKEY: Trial undermines human rights defenders' work Message-ID: * News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty International * News Service: 029/99 AI INDEX: EUR 44/11/99 8 FEBRUARY 1999 PUBLIC STATEMENT TURKEY Trial undermines human rights defenders' work Amnesty International today condemned the resumption of a trial against 10 executives of the Diyarbakir branch of the Turkish Human Rights Association (HRA), describing the proceedings as "a shameful attempt to sabotage the work of a courageous human rights organization." The 10 HRA executives are due to return to Diyarbakir State Security Court on 9 February, charged under Article 7(2) of the Anti-Terror Law with producing propaganda for the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK). If found guilty, they face up to 10 years imprisonment. The prosecution is also calling for the permanent closure of the Diyarbakir branch of the HRA. As no serious evidence has been produced to support the allegation that these HRA officers engaged in illegal or inappropriate activities, Amnesty International believes that they should not be standing trial. The 10 human rights defenders are not accused of violent offences. Therefore, should they be imprisoned as a result of the current trial, Amnesty International will adopt them as prisoners of conscience. Amnesty International members worldwide will campaign for their immediate and unconditional release. Dr Heidi Wedel, a representative of Amnesty International's German section, will be in Diyarbakir to observe the proceedings, to convey Amnesty International's concern to the Turkish authorities and to demonstrate Amnesty International's solidarity with the defendants. Background The HRA is Turkey's largest independent human rights organization, with offices throughout the country. It carries out its work against the backdrop of a bitter conflict between the state and the PKK in Turkey's southeastern provinces. As one of the key HRA offices in the southeast, Diyarbakir has had a prominent role in investigating and reporting on human rights abuses committed in the region. The HRA has openly condemned human rights violations committed by both the state and the PKK, but its work is often presented by the government as undermining Turkey's reputation and damaging public confidence in the country s security forces. In such a highly-charged context, the HRA has been repeatedly targeted for attack. Its officials have been threatened, arrested, prosecuted, abducted and killed, and its offices have been ransacked and bombed. In May 1998 the Turkish authorities began ordering the closure of branch after branch of the HRA in an apparent bid to stifle its activities permanently. The Diyarbakir branch -- as several others -- remains closed, and its archives were confiscated by the police. The Turkish authorities have used a range of pretexts to justify these closures. The Diyarbakir branch was closed on the grounds that "its activities threaten the unity of the state". Other branches were closed because they were "acting outside their authority" or because "illegal publications" had been found during police searches. Alongside these closures, national and regional HRA officials face a string of prosecutions under repressive legislation which restricts peaceful freedom of expression. Amnesty International has repeatedly condemned the closures of HRA offices and the prosecution of HRA staff. ENDS.../ Amnesty International, International Secretariat, 1 Easton Street, WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom **************************************************************** You may repost this message onto other sources provided the main text is not altered in any way and both the header crediting Amnesty International and this footer remain intact. Only the list subscription message may be removed. **************************************************************** To subscribe to amnesty-L, send a message to with "subscribe amnesty-L" in the message body. To unsubscribe, send a message to with "unsubscribe amnesty-L" in the message body. If you have problem signing off, contact Past and current Amnesty news services can be found at List info: english-request at From otherisr at Wed Feb 17 12:15:20 1999 From: otherisr at (otherisr at Date: 17 Feb 1999 12:15:20 Subject: Tel Aviv: tomorrow, at 4, silent vigil at Turkish Embassy Message-ID: In Tel Aviv ,members of different groups called for a silent vigil tomorrow, Thursday February 18, between 4 and 5 in front of the Turkish Embassy, Yarkon 202, Tel-Aviv. The organizers state: In spite of everything the Turkish Embassy is the place where we can express our shock and concern about the tragedy which took place today in Berlin, inside the Israeli Embassy, and our sympathy for the Turkish Kurds' struggle for recognition of their cultural identity and national aspirations. As long as the Turkish Kurdish problem is not solved peacefully we reject any Israeli-Turkish security cooperation. Not only would it be against Israeli interests to take part in the oppression of the Kurds, it would be totally contradicting the wide-felt sympathy which the Kurdish cause receives in broad circles of Israeli society. We call upon the Turkish government - instead of imprisoning Abdullah Ocalan, to start negotiations with him. However high the mutual hate has risen, in the end also this conflict will [have to] be solved by negotiations. Beate Zilversmidt phone: 03-5565804 == NB: If you don't want to receive anymore our bi-weekly briefings simply send us a "no more" reply. The Other Israel on site - Gush Shalom on site - (Hebrew & English) + a lot of interesting links! _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at From theorganizer at Wed Feb 17 17:08:27 1999 From: theorganizer at (theorganizer at Date: 17 Feb 1999 17:08:27 Subject: INTERNATIONAL ACTIONS TO SAVE MUMIA ON APRIL 24! Message-ID: INTERNATIONAL ACTIONS TO SAVE MUMIA ON APRIL 24! [Please re-post and distribute widely. Please excuse all duplicate postings. If you wish to be removed from this email list, please contact us at .] *** In This Message: 1) Cover letter by OWC organizers 2) Appeal by Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal 3) Letter from ILC Coordinator Daniel Gluckstein to all ILC affiliates 4) Report on Feb. 11 meeting in Paris, France. *** 1) COVER LETTER BY OWC ORGANIZERS Dear Sisters and Brothers, Please find below a call issued by the Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, in Oakland, California. It is an urgent appeal to mobilize massive support on April 24, 1999, in Philadelphia and San Francisco ? as well as cities around the world ? around two central demands: (1) Stop the Execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal and (2) For a Fair Trial Now! The Organizing Committee of the Open World Conference in Defense of Trade Union Independence and Democratic Rights (OWC) joins its voice in support of the call for the April 24 mass actions. We call upon all supporters of labor and democratic rights the world over to mobilize your unions and organizations on this date around the two demands stated above. Already, unions and organizations around the world are responding to the appeal issued by the Labor Action Committee. We are reprinting below the letter sent by Daniel Gluckstein, coordinator of the International Liaison Committee for a Workers? International (ILC), to the ILC-affiliated unions and political organizations in more than 80 countries. The ILC is a co-convener, along with the WHC Continuations Committee, of the Open World Conference of the Year 2000. Also included below is a report on the rally held Feb. 11 at the Labor Hall in Paris, France, which concluded with a resolution to mobilize broad-based support for a Free Mumia rally in front of the U.S. Embassy in Paris on April 24. For more information on these actions, or to obtain sample resolutions adopted by trade union bodies across the United States, please contact the Labor Action Committee at ckinder at or at the address and numbers listed in the appeal below. Please send copies of all correspondence to our OWC Organizing Committee at owc at so that we can inform our supporters of the actions being organized the world over. For more information about the Mumia case, please contact the Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal at donharmon at or call (415) 821-0459 (fax: 415-821- 0166). You can also access an excellent Mumia web site at: Thank you for your support to this extremely important struggle. In Solidarity, Ed Rosario, Mya Shone and Alan Benjamin, on behalf of the OWC Organizing Committee *** 2) APPEAL BY LABOR ACTION COMMITTEE TO FREE MUMIA ABU-JAMAL Labor Action Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal P.O. Box 16222 ? Oakland, CA. 94610 ? U.S.A. -- JOIN THE INTERNATIONAL EFFORT TO SAVE MUMIA ABU-JAMAL! -- BUILD MASS PROTEST ACTIONS ON APRIL 24, 1999! Dear Sisters and Brothers, We are writing to you on behalf of the Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal in the United States. We request you to propose to your union or organization to support the international campaign of working people on behalf of noted African-American journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal, who faces execution in the United States. We urge you to join in the worldwide actions called by the U.S. National Coalition to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal. This is a broad-based coalition of unionists and supporters of labor and human rights that met in New York City on January 20, 1998. The protest actions are scheduled to take place on April 24, 1999, in Philadelphia and San Francisco. The U.S. National Coalition is urging similar actions in cities around the world. The protest actions are centered on the two principal demands adopted by the U.S. National Coalition to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal. These demands are (1) Stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal, and (2) A new and fair trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal. In addition, many trade unions and their elected leaders in the United States have joined the national call to free Mumia. The Labor Action Committee was formed specifically to mobilize worker support and actions nationally and internationally for this noted leader of the oppressed who has been targeted for death by state power. Among union supporters in the United States are the United Farm Workers (UFW), Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union (HERE Local 2), American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME Local 829) and the South San Francisco Teachers Association (CTA). Most recently, activists in the Oakland Educational Association (OEA) won official support for citywide teach-ins in the Oakland school system in support of Mumia Abu-Jamal and in opposition to the death penalty and its use as a tool of racial oppression in the United States, despite hysterical opposition from the established press and from the school board. Teachers? unions in other areas are being encouraged to follow Oakland?s example. Labor councils, such as the Alameda County Central Labor Council and the San Francisco Labor Council, have added their voices to our efforts to defend Mumia. Mumia Abu-Jamal is one of the most eloquent African-American fighters against injustice. He exposed the government?s role in the murderous police fire bombing of an entire Black neighborhood in Philadelphia and was a leading opponent of the official violence against Black, Latino and working class communities in the city of Philadelphia. Known as "the voice of the voiceless," Abu-Jamal was the recipient of national awards for his radio journalism. At the time of his arrest in 1981 he was president of the Philadelphia Black Journalists? Association. Even from prison, his radio commentaries on National Public Radio received such attention that recent presidential candidate Robert Dole was enlisted by the Philadelphia police to intervene in the U.S. Senate in order to censor the commentaries sent from Mumia?s cell on death row. Mumia Abu-Jamal has been the target of governmental surveillance and attack since his youthful membership in the Black Panthers. His broadcasts and writings over the years earned him the particular hostility of police and governmental authority. This was the context of his arbitrary arrest for the presumptive murder of a Philadelphia police officer. The arrest and trial had all the characteristics of a government-orchestrated show trial. Government "witnesses" later confessed that they had been coerced by the police to lie about the role of Abu-Jamal under threat of imprisonment and the forced removal of their children. The trial of Mumia Abu-Jamal took place in a predominantly African-American city but most African-Americans were excluded from the jury. A false oral confession, attributed to Abu-Jamal by a police officer, was introduced belatedly. Mumia was denied the right to defend himself and forced to accept an unprepared defense lawyer against his will. He himself was excluded forcibly from the court room for much of the trial. The "judge," Albert Sabo, was a member of Philadelphia?s Fraternal Order of Police. This judge, moreover, had sentenced more people to death, a preponderance of them African-Americans, than any other judge in the entire United States. In 1995, fourteen years after his imprisonment, the suppressed truth about the Philadelphia police burst into national limelight and the front pages of newspapers across the nation. Police files were exposed finally, revealing that African-Americans, minorities and poor working people had been framed routinely by the Philadelphia police. False confessions, planted evidence and witnesses terrorized into fake identifications of targeted victims were disclosed in hundreds of cases. Over 300 convictions had to be reversed and the innocent victims set free. This was the fruit of Abu-Jamal?s labors for years before his own false conviction and imprisonment. It was precisely Abu-Jamal?s courageous and often solitary voice exposing state terror in Philadelphia against working people that caused Abu-Jamal to become, himself, an example of the victimization he had long sought to bring to national attention. Yet, when the police and governmental terror in Philadelphia became national news, this "voice of the voiceless," Mumia Abu- Jamal, a leading opponent of police brutality and corruption, was not even mentioned ? and his own false conviction was not included among the hundreds of convictions which, consequently, were overturned. Mumia Abu-Jamal faces imminent execution. He remains under death sentence and in the hands of courts that have refused to allow him a new trial despite the admission by prosecution witnesses that they had accused Abu-Jamal deliberately and falsely at the behest of the police and prosecution. Despite his jeopardy, Abu-Jamal turned down the opportunity to address a national audience recently on ABC Television?s program "20/20." Mumia explained that the ABC television network had locked out its camera operators and technical workers, all members of NABET/CWA, on strike against ABC?s arbitrary anti-labor practices. Abu-Jamal declared that to accept being interviewed in these circumstances was the equivalent of crossing the picket line of the striking and locked-out ABC TV workers. Mumia Abu-Jamal raised his own voice, as well, in defense of the locked-out Liverpool dockworkers and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) in the United States. He defended our Neptune Jade solidarity picket and our struggle against the employers? punitive lawsuit. On October 26-27, 1996, the International Dockworkers? Conference, held in Paris, passed a resolution unanimously to "condemn Pennsylvania?s unjust imprisonment on death row of Black militant Mumia Abu-Jamal" and to send this resolution to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge. We appeal to you and to working people everywhere to rise in support of this worker militant and African-American leader. We call upon the international labor movement to defend one of our own. Let us build together the necessary international labor solidarity and action to save the life of our brother, Mumia Abu-Jamal. All out for April 24! For the Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal: signed/ - Jack Heyman, Executive Board, Local 10, International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local 10. - Chris Kinder, Organizer, Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal - Ralph Schoenman, U.S. representative, International Committee Against Repression, International Liaison Committee for a Workers? International *** 3) LETTER FROM ILC COORDINATOR DANIEL GLUCKSTEIN TO ALL ILC AFFILIATES Dear Friends, As ILC coordinator, I have received an urgent appeal from the "Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal." Mumia Abu-Jamal is a worker militant and African-American leader in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA). He was arrested in 1981, sentenced to death, and imprisoned on sinister "death row." He faces imminent execution. At the initiative of this Labor Action Committee, based in Oakland, California, many trade unions and union leaders have joined the call to free this well-known militant. This Committee is urging the ILC to join worldwide action scheduled on April 24, 1999. These actions will be centered on two demands: 1) No to the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal; and 2) A new and fair trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal. The Committee ends the letter it sent us with these words: "We appeal to you and to working people everywhere to rise in support of this worker militant and Afro-American leader. We call upon the international labor movement to defend one of our own. Let us build together the necessary international labor solidarity and action to save the life of our brother, Mumia Abu-Jamal." The report they sent us shows that Mumia Abu-Jamal is undoubtedly an innocent victim of the system he himself has been fighting against for so many years. This system is one police brutality, of class "justice" devoted to ensure ? by the worst means ? the domination of multinational corporations, of Big Business and of institutions at their service over the oppressed, denying them the right to independent expression and organization. As the Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal puts it: "The working class, and especially militant Black workers, have always been the chief target of the bosses? political repression against. The Haymarket martyrs were victimized in an effort to stop the movement for the 8-hour day, while Joe Hill was executed at the peak of the imperialist war fever in 1915. Sacco and Vanzetti were framed and executed for a crime they did not commit in the 1920s as part of an anti-"red" and anti-immigrant campaign. In the early 1930s, thousands demonstrated and managed to save nine victims of a racist frame-up ? the Scottsboro Boys ? from a legal lynching. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were victims of the post-World War II McCarthyite witchhunt that targeted leftists and labor unions. And in the 1980s, Mumia Abu-Jamal was the victim of a racist crackdown on Black militancy in the wake of the humiliating defeat of the US in the Vietnam War." In my opinion, the ILC, which is co-organizing the Open World Conference of Workers "in defense of trade union independence and democratic rights" with large sectors of the American labor movement, should answer this call. Here is my proposal: Is it possible for us all to plan, on April 24, 1999, demonstrations and delegations to U.S. embassies and consulates in our countries? In Solidarity, Daniel Gluckstein *** 4) REPORT ON FEBRUARY 11 MEETING IN PARIS, FRANCE On February 11, at "La Bourse du Travail" in Paris, 200 worker militants, trade unionists, and political militants met ? answering the appeal of the Manifesto of 500 Movement for trade union independence. They listened to a report from Enrique Hernandez, general secretary of the independent trade union "October 6" in Tijuana, Mexico, and with Mary Tong, organizer of the Support Committee for Maquiladora Workers, based in San Diego. The trade unionists in attendance decided to submit to their respective organizations a protest letter to the Mexican president against the repressive measures targeted against the "October 6" trade union and the Han Young workers. This campaign is important, both Hernandez and Tong said, because a "free trade" treaty is being negotiated between Mexico and the European Union, in preparation of a new wave of delocalization by European companies. During the meeting, International Liaison Committee Coordinator Daniel Gluckstein presented information regarding recent developments in the international campaign for the truth about the assassination of two landless militants in Brazil, Jurandir Dos Santos and Roberto Duarte de Oliveira. A letter from the Labor Action Committee to Free Abu-Jamal, based in California, was read, inviting workers from all over the world to join the international day of action on April 24, 1999, for freedom for Black leader and worker militant Mumia Abu-Jamal, condemned to death for a crime he did not commit. Those present widely endorsed the appeal for a demonstration on April 24 at the U.S. Embassy in Paris against the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal and for a new fair trial. As one militant underlined, "These three campaigns have the same objectives: democracy, justice, and the defense of workers? rights." ? YAN LEGOFF From ozgurluk at Sun Feb 21 08:41:19 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 21 Feb 1999 08:41:19 Subject: (fwd) Turkey accused of torturing Kurds Message-ID: LONDON, Feb 19 (AFP) - Kurds are being subjected to electric shock treatment and other sophisticated tortures by the Turkish authorities, according to a report by a British medical charity, it was reported Friday. Men and women are being suspended naked from the ceiling, hosed with cold water, beaten on the soles of their feet and administered with electric shocks, a two-year study has found, London's Independent daily said. The report, to be published next month by British-based Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture, is based on a study of 78 Turkish patients examined in London by the organisation between January 1997 and March 1998. All but two of the patients were of Kurdish origin. A source at the foundation told the Independent: "Clients have said that when they were tortured it was done in a sophisticated fashion. Those carrying out the practices were clearly aware of how far they could go and when they should stop for fear of causing death." Of the 70 male and eight female patients whose cases were studied, only 15 were charged with an offence and only three convicted. Most had political affiliations. All had fled to Britain as refugees. One of the alleged victims, Sirwan, 27, who is from a Kurdish village in eastern Turkey, was arrested after she took part in a pro-democracy May Day parade in Istanbul in 1996, said the Independent. She said she was taken to a police station, blindfolded, stripped and beaten when she refused to give the names of other demonstators. Sirwan said her arms were tied with rope, and she was suspended from the ceiling in what is called a "Palestinian hanging" "While I was suspended they applied wires to the my left foot and fingers and gave me electric shocks. They then put wires on my breasts and my genitals and threw cold water on my body to make the electric shock treatment more effective," she told the newspaper. She said a doctor had been present during the torture to see she was kept alive. Now living in London, Sirwan said: "I was released by the courts after 14 days and I knew I could never look at the world with the same eyes again." The Foundation source told the Independent: "Clearly the concern must be that the treatment meted out in general to the Kurds will only be intensified in the case of Mr Ocalan," the Kurdish rebel leader now in Turkey's custody. Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), was snatched Tuesday by Turkish agents in Kenya and taken back to an island prison in Turkey where he was wanted on terrorism charges. List info: english-request at From ozgurluk at Sun Feb 21 08:42:08 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 21 Feb 1999 08:42:08 Subject: Thousands arrested in Turkey since capture of Ocalan: rights group Message-ID: ISTANBUL, Feb 20 (AFP) - Some 2,000 pro-Kurdish activists have been rounded up by police in Turkey since the capture of Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan earlier this week, the Turkish Human Rights Association (IHD) said Saturday. In a written statement issued in Istanbul, the IHD said three people had been shot by security forces in protests against the arrest. Security forces on Friday confirmed the death of a 17-year-old boy in the southeastern province of Mardin, where police opened fire on a demonstration. There was no official confirmation of the two other shootings, which the IHD said occurred in Batman in the southeast and in Mersin in the south. The IHD also said that twelve people had set themselves on fire to protest the arrest, and that two had died as a result. The association said a curfew had been imposed on the southeastern town of Cizre, but local authorities denied this. Most of the arrests targeted members of the pro-Kurdish People's Democracy Party (HADEP), the independent rights association said. HADEP on Friday said 1,500 of its members had been arrested since Ocalan, the leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), was brought to Turkey on Tuesday. The Sabah daily on Saturday said another 230 HADEP members were hauled in during a police raid on party offices in Istanbul late Friday. The Turkish Bar Association on Saturday also complained of increasing arrests of lawyers in the past few days. The IHD protested against an order to shoot which was issued to police in Istanbul earlier this week to deal with demonstrations in support of Ocalan. "In this dark situation, we pledge to continue to oppose the politics of violence and to defend peace and fraternity," the association said. "And we repeat once again that the Kurdish question has not been solved by repression and will not be solved by repression." List info: english-request at From M.Merlin at Mon Feb 22 16:55:00 1999 From: M.Merlin at (M.Merlin at Date: 22 Feb 1999 16:55:00 Subject: tohav: Aufruf an die Weltoeffentlichkeit Message-ID: <7BNTsfvb$> Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ## Nachricht zur Information/Dokumentation weitergeleitet ## From: Kurdistan Informatie Centrum Nederland (KIC) Im folgenden dokumentieren das KIC die Erkl?rung von Rechtsanwalt Edip Yildiz, Vorsitzender der Stiftung der juristischen Gesellschaftsstudien (TOHAV), vom 17. Februar 1999 Aufruf an die Welt?ffentlichkeit Nachdem Abdullah ?calan, Vorsitzender der PKK, in die T?rkei gebracht worden war, hat die Unterdr?ckung ziviler Pers?nlichkeiten und Gesellschaftsorganisationen seitens der Sicherheitskr?fte zugenommen. Nach dieser politischen Eskalation sind am 16.02.1999 folgende Rechtsanw?lte, Mitglieder der Stiftung der juristischen Gesellschaftsstudien (TOHAV), festgenommen worden: 1. Rechtsanwalt Feridun ?elik (Vorsitzender der Demokratischen Volkspartei - HADEP in Diyarbakir) 2. Rechtsanwalt M. Selim Kurbanoglu (HADEP Diyarbakir) 3. Rechtsanwalt Sinan Tanrikulu (Diyarbakir) 4. Rechtsanwalt Abdullah Akin (ehemaliger Vorsitzender der HADEP in Diyarbakir, Mitglied der Parteizentrale der HADEP) 5. Rechtsanwalt Mansur Resitoglu (Delegierter der HADEP, Vorstand des Menschenrechtsvereins IHD) 6. Rechtsanwalt Mahmut Vefa (Mitglied von TOHAV) 7. Rechtsanwalt Yusuf Tosun (Vorstandsmitglied der HADEP in Diyarbakir) Die Versuche, im nationalen Rahmen Informationen ?ber ihren Verbleib zu erhalten sind alle gescheitert. Aufgrund der angespannten Lage f?rchten wir um ihr Leben. Wir bef?rchten, da? sie antidemokratischen Methoden ausgesetzt sind. Aufgrund der Gefahr, der unsere Institutionen ausgesetzt sind, rufen wir auf, sich mit dem t?rkischen Staat auseinanderzusetzen. Wie wir beobachten k?nnen, sind die Repressionen gegen die demokratischen Institutionen massiv verst?rkt worden. Deswegen rufen wir dazu auf, da? vor Ort in der T?rkei Beobachtungsdelegationen aktiv werden ## CrossPoint v3.1 ## From ozgurluk at Mon Feb 22 18:04:54 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 22 Feb 1999 18:04:54 Subject: Revolutionary Peoples Liberation in Turkey - DHKC: unity Message-ID: LET US CROSS THE ATTACKS AND PROVOCATIONS OF THE OLIGARCHY TO OUR PEOPLE, THE TURKS, KURDS, AND ALL OTHER NATIONALITIES: THE POLICY OF THE OLIGARCHY IS: DIVIDE AND RULE. WE WILL NOT BE DIVIDED FOR THE OLIGARCHY'S POLICY, LET US UNITE, LET US FIGHT TOGETHER, DO NOT LET THEM GOVERN US, LET US FIGHT FOR OUR OWN POWER! FRATERNITY, UNITY AND THE JOINT STRUGGLE OF THE TURKISH AND THE KURDISH PEOPLES WILL DEFEAT THE SUSURLUK-STATE! The history of setting people up against each other, alienating them, on a religious and ethnic basis by the ruling class to maintain their regime of exploitation, is older than the history of the Susurluk-state. The emperors, sultans, aga's, and feudal lords who lived on this soil, and now the oligarchy, that is to say all the enemies of the people, they all carried out the same policy: DIVIDE AND RULE... The rulers see, besides the policy of repression and violence, lasting for centuries, it as a basic policy to incite the peoples against each other and, when this is achieved, to urge them to massacre each other. Because this is the shortest possible road to weakening the peoples. The oligarchy in Turkey has started this policy, this "art of ruling", taken over from the Ottomans, and also carried out by the Kemalist powers, with even more clever tactics at every opportunity. The attacks and provocations, carried out by the state itself, are and expression of this policy. The development, starting with the arrival of PKK-leader Abdullah OEcalan in Italy on November 12, was a new "reason" for the oligarchy to continue its chauvinist wave and its attacks. When one looks back, almost no reactions occurred during the first couple of days. After the contra-guerrilla used chauvinism in the present situation to for incitement, it tried to make forget, cover up, the developments in the economical and political crisis it is in, by mobilizing the civic fascists and the government. But their strength was not even sufficient for that. Together with the government, several institutions of the oligarchy (starting with the state institutions, the capitalists, the representatives of the monopoly-bourgeoisie, the MGK-unions, ending with many more who call themselves "civic organizations", but in reality collaborators of the contra-guerrilla) began to move, as could be seen during the attacks against Syria, as if someone pushed a central button somewhere, and they began to issue aggressive statements. At the same time the police of the oligarchy increased its attacks, aimed against the people. When one understands the programming of this policy and its reasons, one can see even more clearly what they want to achieve with it. Now there is a relentless war going on between the oligarchy and our people. It is the nature of war to aim at dividing the ranks of the enemy, to make the slaughter each other, thus strengthening the own side. The oligarchy, who knows this universal law, has started the "divide and rule" policy during the phases where it lost its authority towards the people, during the phases of this war in which they were pushed back. Moslems, non-Moslems, Kurds, Turks, ... in short all ethnic and religious differences between the peoples are used to set them up them against each other. In our recent past, during the sixties, when the revolutionary struggle developed, provocations were carried out against the revolutionaries, using the religious feelings of some segments of the population. The reactionary circles were set up against the masses who strengthened the struggle against imperialism with the slogan of independence, using demagogic phrases like "they are taking away our religion" and "the godless communists", and we witnessed the attack and the massacre of "Bloody Sunday". During the period of 1975-1980, it was attempted to strangle the increasing revolutionary struggle by using the religious differences, dividing the people in Alevites and Sunni, and we saw the massacres of Sivas and Maras. In 1984, the year of the development of the national movement and the guerrilla war, the oligarchy consciously set up Turks and Kurds against each other. In the nineties, the chauvinistic division between Kurdish and Turkish was systematically propagated, aimed at dragging the Turkish people along with the fascist policy, mobilizing it against the national struggle. This propaganda was spread to all the corners of the country by the media. The main contradiction of our peoples, of all nationalities, is imperialism and the oligarchy. Because those who exploit our people and oppress it are the oligarchy and imperialism. Now the people's masses are going through a rapid politicization in the context of this contradiction, they are dissolving themselves from the system and begin to gather in the ranks of the revolutionaries, against the oligarchy. Even if it wouldn't be sufficient when the revolutionary movement as a whole channels this dissolution to its own ranks, this does not change the character of the process we are going through. This process, as we have often said before, is a process in which the war is gathering a mass process. This is the essential danger for the oligarchy. In other words, the fear for the revolution which the oligarchy is now clearly feeling, seen as an immediate threat. What the ranks of the rulers are going through is panic, the risk of losing power which cannot be overcome, neither with the MGK, nor with new elections and a new government. When its power is in danger, the oligarchy, with the notion that everything is justified, will use every single method to intimidate the people, the divide it and weaken it. The repression and the terror, going on for months now and increasing day by day, is now being supplemented with the provocations which serve the policy of DIVIDE AND RULE. The first step of this policy is incitement. When this succeeds, the second step is to alienate the peoples from each other, transforming the division into real confrontations. The third step, finally, is to calm down the fighting people, playing the role of a "judge". Thus the "despotic state", now with the image of the "Father State", as a judge during the confrontations, will establish its rule once again. The essence is to secure the shattered authority, its exploitation and oppression regime, overcoming the crisis of ingovernability, at least for a while. Its rule will be secured by inciting the masses, dissatisfied with the regime, against each other, making them fight each other. The Susurluk-state, unable to stop the revolutionary struggle of the people with their means of attack like the MIT and JITEM, sees the "divide and rule" as a hope as a result of its desperation. Furthermore the state, by using national differences, counts on dragging along people which can be used as a hitting force against the people's forces and the revolutionaries. At present, it is attempted to incite the Turkish people against the Kurdish people by using several demagogies in order to oppress the reactions, the dissatisfaction, and the struggle against the Susurluk-state. The Susurluk-state is powerless against the slogan "WE WANT JUSTICE". The reason for this lack of power is, just like the legitimacy and the justice of this demand, that the oligarchy cannot fulfil it. Now the demand for justice in our country has the same meaning as the one for the revolution. The Susurluk-state is powerless when confronted with the guerrilla, fighting for the Kurdish national liberation, as it is powerless against the guerrilla which is fighting for the revolution. For decades, its military strength was not sufficient enough to destroy the revolutionaries, the national liberation movement, or the guerrilla. The oligarchy, despite its many attacks and massacres, unable to strangle the mass struggle of the people on a national and class basis, unable to strangle the guerrilla war, wants, through encouraging the division between Turkish and Kurdish, to make the Turkish and Kurdish people attack each other. Despite the propaganda which has been spread till now, they could move nobody except for the reactionary circles, incited by the civic fascists, the relatives of soldiers and policemen. However, it is clear that this policy will be continued in a provocative fashion. The attackers are not the people, they are the fascist gangs. The civic fascists, who had to withdraw because of their ties with the gangs, unmasked after Susurluk, embraced the chauvinist policy of the oligarchy to step forward again, to give themselves a cleaner image and to legitimize themselves. Because the oligarchy does not possess another supporting force for such a campaign, it cleared the way for the civic fascists and embraced them. The police, together with the fascists, has carried out attacks against the Kurdish people in many places, and there were numerous lynching attempts. During the raid against the HADEP-building in UEmraniye, they joined forces to besiege the building, and everybody who left the building, including old women and small children, was attacked. The building was destroyed. Actions were carried out in many places in which the relatives of deceased soldiers were used. Of course, the co-operation between the civic fascists and the police state is nothing new. For a long time now, the police has been trying to put the civic fascists forward, legitimizing it, and calling it "people's support". At funerals of soldiers, in front of the bases where revolutionaries were murdered, and in the neighbourhoods where the civic fascists show themselves as "people's support", they had to stay in the background because of the accident in Susurluk when the connections between the Mafia, gangs and the state were unmasked, and because of the dog fights among each other. But because of the latest developments and the election atmosphere, they begin to push forward again as the "people's support" for the oligarchy. It is their goal to become the legitimate force of the regime again, keeping down the growing people's movements. In countries like ours, the civic-fascist movement has, except for the direct use against the people and the revolutionaries, the task to create a mass basis for fascism, developed from top to bottom. However, it does not possess a mass basis at all. The correctness of this conclusion can be seen quite clearly during the latest developments. The "mass basis" of the Susurluk-state consists of parties like the MHP and the BBP (Great Unity Party). Despite its demands (in the sense of demotivations), the regime was unable to bring other parties on to the streets in order to mobilize the attack against the Kurds. The attackers are the fascists of the MHP and those of the BBP. They have shown this clearly by carrying their flags. The journalists of the bourgeois media try to present the "people" as the aggressors but felt disturbed because of the flags which contradicted their claim. As we have said, they will expand their propaganda that the "people" are the aggressors in order to win broader segments of the population fro their chauvinist policy and their attacks. They will use all the enemies of the people, the system parties, state officials, official and civic fascists, provokers and the bourgeois press. All the enemies of the people, hand in hand, are used to incite the Turkish people against the Kurdish people. This provocation policy is aimed at strangling the struggle of the Kurdish, Turkish, Laz, Georgian and other peoples, that is to say, the people of all nationalities in our country which are fighting for their democratic, economical, national and political rights and liberties are to be strangled. With this policy, the oligarchy wants to leave this phase behind, the phase of the Susurluk scandal where a lot of dirt has come up. They want to intimidate the people by pushing back their fundamental demands. The events have clearly shown again who is the enemy of the peoples. These peoples, living together for centuries, have made the attempts of the oligarchy and a handful of fascists useless. The right road for the peoples is the road of fraternity, of unity and the joint struggle of the peoples. -- Press Agency Ozgurluk For justice, democracy and human rights in Turkey and Kurdistan! Website: mailto:ozgurluk at / mailinglists: petidomo at List info: english-request at From ozgurluk at Mon Feb 22 18:07:04 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 22 Feb 1999 18:07:04 Subject: Revolutionary Peoples Liberation in Turkey - DHKC: unity References: Message-ID: LET US CROSS THE ATTACKS AND PROVOCATIONS OF THE OLIGARCHY TO OUR PEOPLE, THE TURKS, KURDS, AND ALL OTHER NATIONALITIES: THE POLICY OF THE OLIGARCHY IS: DIVIDE AND RULE. WE WILL NOT BE DIVIDED FOR THE OLIGARCHY'S POLICY, LET US UNITE, LET US FIGHT TOGETHER, DO NOT LET THEM GOVERN US, LET US FIGHT FOR OUR OWN POWER! FRATERNITY, UNITY AND THE JOINT STRUGGLE OF THE TURKISH AND THE KURDISH PEOPLES WILL DEFEAT THE SUSURLUK-STATE! The history of setting people up against each other, alienating them, on a religious and ethnic basis by the ruling class to maintain their regime of exploitation, is older than the history of the Susurluk-state. The emperors, sultans, aga's, and feudal lords who lived on this soil, and now the oligarchy, that is to say all the enemies of the people, they all carried out the same policy: DIVIDE AND RULE... The rulers see, besides the policy of repression and violence, lasting for centuries, it as a basic policy to incite the peoples against each other and, when this is achieved, to urge them to massacre each other. Because this is the shortest possible road to weakening the peoples. The oligarchy in Turkey has started this policy, this "art of ruling", taken over from the Ottomans, and also carried out by the Kemalist powers, with even more clever tactics at every opportunity. The attacks and provocations, carried out by the state itself, are and expression of this policy. The development, starting with the arrival of PKK-leader Abdullah OEcalan in Italy on November 12, was a new "reason" for the oligarchy to continue its chauvinist wave and its attacks. When one looks back, almost no reactions occurred during the first couple of days. After the contra-guerrilla used chauvinism in the present situation to for incitement, it tried to make forget, cover up, the developments in the economical and political crisis it is in, by mobilizing the civic fascists and the government. But their strength was not even sufficient for that. Together with the government, several institutions of the oligarchy (starting with the state institutions, the capitalists, the representatives of the monopoly-bourgeoisie, the MGK-unions, ending with many more who call themselves "civic organizations", but in reality collaborators of the contra-guerrilla) began to move, as could be seen during the attacks against Syria, as if someone pushed a central button somewhere, and they began to issue aggressive statements. At the same time the police of the oligarchy increased its attacks, aimed against the people. When one understands the programming of this policy and its reasons, one can see even more clearly what they want to achieve with it. Now there is a relentless war going on between the oligarchy and our people. It is the nature of war to aim at dividing the ranks of the enemy, to make the slaughter each other, thus strengthening the own side. The oligarchy, who knows this universal law, has started the "divide and rule" policy during the phases where it lost its authority towards the people, during the phases of this war in which they were pushed back. Moslems, non-Moslems, Kurds, Turks, ... in short all ethnic and religious differences between the peoples are used to set them up them against each other. In our recent past, during the sixties, when the revolutionary struggle developed, provocations were carried out against the revolutionaries, using the religious feelings of some segments of the population. The reactionary circles were set up against the masses who strengthened the struggle against imperialism with the slogan of independence, using demagogic phrases like "they are taking away our religion" and "the godless communists", and we witnessed the attack and the massacre of "Bloody Sunday". During the period of 1975-1980, it was attempted to strangle the increasing revolutionary struggle by using the religious differences, dividing the people in Alevites and Sunni, and we saw the massacres of Sivas and Maras. In 1984, the year of the development of the national movement and the guerrilla war, the oligarchy consciously set up Turks and Kurds against each other. In the nineties, the chauvinistic division between Kurdish and Turkish was systematically propagated, aimed at dragging the Turkish people along with the fascist policy, mobilizing it against the national struggle. This propaganda was spread to all the corners of the country by the media. The main contradiction of our peoples, of all nationalities, is imperialism and the oligarchy. Because those who exploit our people and oppress it are the oligarchy and imperialism. Now the people's masses are going through a rapid politicization in the context of this contradiction, they are dissolving themselves from the system and begin to gather in the ranks of the revolutionaries, against the oligarchy. Even if it wouldn't be sufficient when the revolutionary movement as a whole channels this dissolution to its own ranks, this does not change the character of the process we are going through. This process, as we have often said before, is a process in which the war is gathering a mass process. This is the essential danger for the oligarchy. In other words, the fear for the revolution which the oligarchy is now clearly feeling, seen as an immediate threat. What the ranks of the rulers are going through is panic, the risk of losing power which cannot be overcome, neither with the MGK, nor with new elections and a new government. When its power is in danger, the oligarchy, with the notion that everything is justified, will use every single method to intimidate the people, the divide it and weaken it. The repression and the terror, going on for months now and increasing day by day, is now being supplemented with the provocations which serve the policy of DIVIDE AND RULE. The first step of this policy is incitement. When this succeeds, the second step is to alienate the peoples from each other, transforming the division into real confrontations. The third step, finally, is to calm down the fighting people, playing the role of a "judge". Thus the "despotic state", now with the image of the "Father State", as a judge during the confrontations, will establish its rule once again. The essence is to secure the shattered authority, its exploitation and oppression regime, overcoming the crisis of ingovernability, at least for a while. Its rule will be secured by inciting the masses, dissatisfied with the regime, against each other, making them fight each other. The Susurluk-state, unable to stop the revolutionary struggle of the people with their means of attack like the MIT and JITEM, sees the "divide and rule" as a hope as a result of its desperation. Furthermore the state, by using national differences, counts on dragging along people which can be used as a hitting force against the people's forces and the revolutionaries. At present, it is attempted to incite the Turkish people against the Kurdish people by using several demagogies in order to oppress the reactions, the dissatisfaction, and the struggle against the Susurluk-state. The Susurluk-state is powerless against the slogan "WE WANT JUSTICE". The reason for this lack of power is, just like the legitimacy and the justice of this demand, that the oligarchy cannot fulfil it. Now the demand for justice in our country has the same meaning as the one for the revolution. The Susurluk-state is powerless when confronted with the guerrilla, fighting for the Kurdish national liberation, as it is powerless against the guerrilla which is fighting for the revolution. For decades, its military strength was not sufficient enough to destroy the revolutionaries, the national liberation movement, or the guerrilla. The oligarchy, despite its many attacks and massacres, unable to strangle the mass struggle of the people on a national and class basis, unable to strangle the guerrilla war, wants, through encouraging the division between Turkish and Kurdish, to make the Turkish and Kurdish people attack each other. Despite the propaganda which has been spread till now, they could move nobody except for the reactionary circles, incited by the civic fascists, the relatives of soldiers and policemen. However, it is clear that this policy will be continued in a provocative fashion. The attackers are not the people, they are the fascist gangs. The civic fascists, who had to withdraw because of their ties with the gangs, unmasked after Susurluk, embraced the chauvinist policy of the oligarchy to step forward again, to give themselves a cleaner image and to legitimize themselves. Because the oligarchy does not possess another supporting force for such a campaign, it cleared the way for the civic fascists and embraced them. The police, together with the fascists, has carried out attacks against the Kurdish people in many places, and there were numerous lynching attempts. During the raid against the HADEP-building in UEmraniye, they joined forces to besiege the building, and everybody who left the building, including old women and small children, was attacked. The building was destroyed. Actions were carried out in many places in which the relatives of deceased soldiers were used. Of course, the co-operation between the civic fascists and the police state is nothing new. For a long time now, the police has been trying to put the civic fascists forward, legitimizing it, and calling it "people's support". At funerals of soldiers, in front of the bases where revolutionaries were murdered, and in the neighbourhoods where the civic fascists show themselves as "people's support", they had to stay in the background because of the accident in Susurluk when the connections between the Mafia, gangs and the state were unmasked, and because of the dog fights among each other. But because of the latest developments and the election atmosphere, they begin to push forward again as the "people's support" for the oligarchy. It is their goal to become the legitimate force of the regime again, keeping down the growing people's movements. In countries like ours, the civic-fascist movement has, except for the direct use against the people and the revolutionaries, the task to create a mass basis for fascism, developed from top to bottom. However, it does not possess a mass basis at all. The correctness of this conclusion can be seen quite clearly during the latest developments. The "mass basis" of the Susurluk-state consists of parties like the MHP and the BBP (Great Unity Party). Despite its demands (in the sense of demotivations), the regime was unable to bring other parties on to the streets in order to mobilize the attack against the Kurds. The attackers are the fascists of the MHP and those of the BBP. They have shown this clearly by carrying their flags. The journalists of the bourgeois media try to present the "people" as the aggressors but felt disturbed because of the flags which contradicted their claim. As we have said, they will expand their propaganda that the "people" are the aggressors in order to win broader segments of the population fro their chauvinist policy and their attacks. They will use all the enemies of the people, the system parties, state officials, official and civic fascists, provokers and the bourgeois press. All the enemies of the people, hand in hand, are used to incite the Turkish people against the Kurdish people. This provocation policy is aimed at strangling the struggle of the Kurdish, Turkish, Laz, Georgian and other peoples, that is to say, the people of all nationalities in our country which are fighting for their democratic, economical, national and political rights and liberties are to be strangled. With this policy, the oligarchy wants to leave this phase behind, the phase of the Susurluk scandal where a lot of dirt has come up. They want to intimidate the people by pushing back their fundamental demands. The events have clearly shown again who is the enemy of the peoples. These peoples, living together for centuries, have made the attempts of the oligarchy and a handful of fascists useless. The right road for the peoples is the road of fraternity, of unity and the joint struggle of the peoples. -- Press Agency Ozgurluk For justice, democracy and human rights in Turkey and Kurdistan! Website: mailto:ozgurluk at / mailinglists: petidomo at List info: english-request at From ozgurluk at Mon Feb 22 18:06:03 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 22 Feb 1999 18:06:03 Subject: DHKC - statement 81: THE REAL TERRORISTS ARE US-IMPERIALISM AND THE Message-ID: THE REAL TERRORISTS ARE US-IMPERIALISM AND THE OLIGARCHY IN TURKEY The kidnapping of PKK-leader Abdullah OEcalan from Kenya to Turkey has shown once again how much law, a state of justice and human rights of imperialism are based on misconception. No imperialist and fascist force can be a true friend of the oppressed people in their liberation struggle. Behind their mask of friendship they hide their aim of increasing profits and getting the liberation movements under control. They cannot refrain for one single moment to agitate for the disadvantage of the people, applying their experience of oppression and exploitation, gathered in centuries, and using every trick in the book. The friends of the oppressed peoples are, once again, the oppressed peoples themselves. No imperialist force and collaborating government can really support a liberation movement without neglecting their own profits. In the moment they promise their support, they lie, and they already calculate how to sell the people for their own interests. The class character of imperialism and its collaborators and the history of struggle of the peoples in the world have taught us so. The abduction of Abdullah OEcalan is a world class example of banditry. The true architects of this banditry are US-imperialism and the oligarchy in Turkey. Without doubt, the accessory to this crime is not limited to the US and the oligarchy in Turkey, on the contrary, all the NATO countries of the imperialist coalition are included. Because of their own class specific interests, US-imperialism and NATO never represented the interests of the Kurdish people, nor any other oppressed people, and they never will. Because of this, the imperialists and all its collaborating governments are the enemies of the oppressed peoples. THE OLIGARCHY'S FLUSH OF VICTORY WILL NOT BE LONG LASTING The peoples of the world, and ours, got to know the imperialists and the fascist governments through massacres, murder, theft, hunger and humiliation. Their leaders were often cheated, massacred, arrested, they won and were defeated, but the justified struggle of the oppressed could never be wiped out completely. For those reasons, the joy of the murdering generals of the Susurluk-state, who are now holding celebrations of victory, will not be long lasting. They will have to recognize that they have not achieved victory in the least, and that the struggle of the oppressed peoples will have become even more stronger and more conscious. With their abduction of OEcalan, US-imperialism and its collaborator, the Susurluk-state, have shown the peoples of the world once again that they themselves are the biggest terrorists of the world and now neither law, nor rules. Our people will not forget this banditry, it will draw the necessary lessons and demand accountability. There is only one aim behind all this repression, tyranny and cruelty: destroying the confidence of the people in the struggle, destroying their hopes. The abduction of OEcalan is also part of the operation to make the Kurdish people give up their hope. Therefore we will oppose the entire policy of imperialism and the Susurluk-state, directed against the Kurdish national movement, and we will stand side by side with the Kurdish national movement. - Abdullah OEcalan's life must be ensured, the repression and torture must be ended. - All repression against the Kurdish people must be ended, and conditions must be created for its freedom of expression. The obstacles for its organizing must be removed. - The racist-fascist attacks against the Kurdish people must be stopped. The state of emergency must be abolished and the official and the civic armed forces of the state must be withdrawn from Turkey/Kurdistan. - As with all other peoples, the right of self-determination of the Kurdish nation must be recognized as well. - All those who are guilty of crimes against the people, who carried out massacres, burned down and evacuated villages, must be punished. Conditions must be created for the people to return to the evacuated villages. These demands are just the most urgent and most current demands of the Kurdish people. It is the inalienable and legitimate right of the peoples, using all methods, to resist governments which, not seeing these justified demands, continue their repression and oppression. The Kurdish people will continue its struggle together with the Turkish, Arab, Laz, Cherkessian, Bosnian, Georgian and Syrian peoples, with all the nationalities, religions and creeds, and sooner or later, it will win. DOWN WITH US-IMPERIALISM AND ITS COLLABORATORS! LONG LIVE THE FRATERNITY BETWEEN THE OPPRESSED PEOPLES, LONG LIVE THEIR JOINT STRUGGLE! THOSE WHO OPPRESS OUR PEOPLES WILL NOT REMAIN UNPUNISHED! REVOLUTIONARY PEOPLE'S LIBERATION FRONT February 16 1999 List info: english-request at From ozgurluk at Tue Feb 23 11:51:15 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 23 Feb 1999 11:51:15 Subject: Turkey: Central Prison Co-ordination statement Message-ID: February 10, 1999 To the public, The prisons are once again on the agenda of the MGK (National Security Council). During the last MGK-meeting, on January 30, methods to subjugate the revolutionary prisoners were discussed. Plans were made and programs developed. And only a few days after this meeting, the fascist bourgeois press aimed at the prisons again. The luxury life in prison of the fascist Sedat Peker filled the headlines. The MGK chose Tuncay OEzkan, whom they believed best suited, for the job. The headline "Republic Bayrampasa" conveyed the message that the state has lost control over the prisons. The MGK plan is being realized step by step. The next day the judicial representatives of the fascist state once again put the prisons on the agenda by saying "if this is the problem, there is a solution as well". This solution will not be a new one. The ideological, psychological and physical attacks by the fascists have been beaten back by revolutionary prisoners who were willing to pay the price. Fascism has been trying for a while to realize its "cell" attacks. Although the attempted attack in the Ceyhan prison was beaten back recently, they now once again talk of individual cells. And now they try to cover up their cell attack by using phrases like "F-type prison", "a system between a community room and an individual room" or "a room system for 3-4 persons". The fascist state knows very well that the revolutionary prisoners will resist these attacks. And it knows that the resistance inside the prisons will sweep over to the streets and the squares, that our peoples will not abandon the revolutionary prisoners and that the attacks will not remain unanswered. For that reason, the state uses the theme of gangs, a sensitive issue among the people, in order to prevent the reactions of the people, and to legitimize its attacks. The decisions to attack are presented as if they are directed against the fascist gangs. While the Ecevit-government acts like this on the one hand, it states on the other that the attacks in the past constituted severe repression against the revolutionary prisoners which are now being abandoned. It thus tries to make people believe that we are not the target. Everybody knows very well that Sedat Peker and similar gangs were supported and used by the state itself. In the prisons where visitors are being searched numerous times, it is the state itself which supplies these gangs with weapons, drugs and telephones. The statement that "the F-type prison is directed against the gangs" is therefore nothing but a lie, sheer demagogy. The decision to attack was taken by the MGK. During its first cabinet meeting, the Ecevit-government, following the MGK orders, took the decision to build prisons of the "F-type". With the support of the fascist bourgeois press, it is attempted to legitimize isolation prisons. But in reality this attack is directed against the revolutionary prisoners. The decree, issued at the last moment by Hasan Denizkurdu, and the statements of the new justice minister Selcuk OEztek, are concrete proof. The fascist state, carrying out all kinds of attacks, is now preparing for new attacks after the previous ones were beaten back by the revolutionary prisoners. One again they try to force the revolutionary prisoners to capitulate. And this, despite all the lies and the demagogy, is a truth which cannot be hidden. We call upon all our peoples, the democratic organizations and institutions, to show themselves sensitive towards these attacks. We, the revolutionary-patriotic prisoners, one again loudly declare that we will resist this devious and planned attack as well, like all those before, whatever the price, including death. Together with our peoples we will resist this "cell type" which represents part of the attack against all our peoples, and we will force fascism to its knees once again. CMK (Central Prison Co-ordination) (DHKP-C, TKP(ML), TKP-ML, MLKP, TIKB, TKEP-Leninist, Direnis Hareketi). On behalf of the prisoners: Sadi OEZBOLAT, Cigdem KAZAN, Nil Pinar ARIN, Akif HAN, Can Ali TUERKMEN, Serif KARTOGLU, Ramazan SADIKOGULLARI. From the Bayrampasa-prison: TDP, TDKP, DY. On behalf of the prisoners: Adnan HALIS, Ermin GOEKTURNA, Nizam Dogan. -- Press Agency Ozgurluk For justice, democracy and human rights in Turkey and Kurdistan! Website: mailto:ozgurluk at / mailinglists: petidomo at List info: english-request at From K.RAUCHFUSS at Thu Feb 25 12:48:00 1999 From: K.RAUCHFUSS at (K.RAUCHFUSS at Date: 25 Feb 1999 12:48:00 Subject: Erste Erklaerung der AnwaeltInnen Oecalans Message-ID: <> Statement From Abdullah Ocalan's Lawyers February 22, 1999 We have taken on the task of defending Abdullah Ocalan, who was flown in from Kenya and who is being detained on Imranli Island. The family of Abdullah Ocalan contacted us by phone and asked us personally to take on this task. Today, we filed a request under Article 144 of the Turkish Trial Code with the State Security Court in Istanbul in order to visit Abdullah Ocalan, who is imprisoned on Imranli Island. We would like to inform the public in Turkey and internationally that we have accepted the request from Ocalan's family to take on his defense because we believe in his inalienable right to a defense and due to our convictions as lawyers. A legal trial depends greatly on the manner and length of the interrogations as well as the possibilities for the defense to visit their client. Also, the type of court and its independence are important factors. In order for a legal trial not to be made impossible from the start, it is urgent that our request be granted. Support from the Justice Ministry and other officials would be very helpful. The geographic location of the island prison and the heightened sensibilities at the moment must also be kept in mind. Our discussions in the prison will be conducted in the spirit of the laws, including international law. We expect solidarity from our colleagues in national and international judicial institutions and bar associations. Sincerely, The lawyers for Abdullah Ocalan: Gul Altay; Ahmet Avsar; Medeni Ayhan; Osman Baydemir; Derya Bayir; Cihan Erbas; Dowan Erbas; Eren Keskin; Filiz Kostak; Hatice Korkut; M. Selim Okcuoglu; Ahmet Zeki Okcuoglu; Xmam Sahin; Mukrime Tepe; Aysel Tugluk; Immihan Yasar. P.S. It has since become known that one lawyer from the defense team was able to visit Abdullah Ocalan. Four other lawyers, who are presently in Mudanya (near the island), were threatened by members of the fascist gang the Grey Wolves. A request from the lawyers for police protection was ignored by the authorities. It must be taken into consideration that the lives of the defense team members are in danger. The international public opinion should pay close attention to this case. ## CrossPoint v3.1 ## From ozgurluk at Fri Feb 26 00:49:17 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 26 Feb 1999 00:49:17 Subject: Preperations against the prisoners: Gangs in control of prisons Message-ID: 17 February, 1999, Copyright ) Turkish Daily News Gangs in control of prisons The rebellion in Afyon Prison, which ended with the murder of Mustafa Duyar and the injury of Selcuk Parsadan, turned all eyes on the prisons. Who is there behind the iron bars, where the state is totally absent? HAKAN ASLANELI Istanbul - Turkish Daily News The gang members who, on the instructions of Nuri Ergin, head of the Karagumruk gang, killed Mustafa Duyar, the main suspect in the murder of Ozdemir Sabanci, and wounded Selcuk Parsadan were transferred to jails in the Black Sea region. The following questions are now being asked: Will the gang members who were transferred to other prisons for security reasons not cause violence again? Is the state in control of the prisons? Who is behind the Afyon uprising, which sent a shock wave through Turkey? Did Nuri Ergin organize this action to become "the new Cakici"? Or did the dark forces in Turkey enter the scene, instructing Ergin to give the death order? In looking for an answer to these questions, the Turkish Daily News talked with a prisoner who was formerly involved in some of the terrorist events that once wrought havoc in Turkey. In this way, we wanted to shed some light on the reality of prisons. According to the ex-convict, who wishes to remain anonymous, there is no trace of the state in Turkish prisons. In every prison a different group is in charge. These groups have the last word on everything, including the appointments of prison directors. Since Turkey's inability to solve the prison problem is a major reason for its denial of admission to the European Union, the country is now determined to resolve this problem. Prison reality There is a total of 565 prisons in Turkey. There are 100 large prisons for serious crimes, another 60 large prisons for less serious crimes and small, regional prisons for 50-60 people. A prison prosecutor resides over the larger prisons, while the rest are governed by regional or city prosecutors. The directors and their deputies are responsible for life inside the prisons. The Prisons General Directorate of the Ministry of Justice is the highest institution exercising authority over the prisoners. Ali Suat Ertosun, a Ministry of Justice inspector who was a researcher at Bayrampasa Prison last year, was later brought to the head of this institution. In looking into allegations about Necati Ozdemir, ex-prosecutor at Bayrampasa Prison, Ertosun had said, "If I had been in charge, not a single event would have happened." But after Ertosun assumed his new position there were a number of rebellions, escapes and, most recently, the bloody Afyon events. In Turkish prisons, which house 68,700 people, there is no trace of the state and the mafia, and the gangs are completely in control. Bayrampasa, Turkey's largest prison, houses 3,620 individuals. It is comprised of three parts, called the legal, political and special sections. Famous bullyboy Sedat Peker and his men are currently in charge of the legal section. Peker, who has the final say in all the activities of the 1,500 prisoners, from food to clothing, can enter whichever ward he wants and "supervise" people. There are claims that most recently he has smuggled cell phones, computers and drugs into prisons. The control of Bayrampasa's special section is in the hands of a bullyboy called Burhanettin and of drug smuggler Yakup Sut. These people have the right to take the people whom they choose to their section and to send those they do not want to other parts. In Bayrampasa's political section, members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C) are in charge. In the political section, where the conditions are worse than the legal and special sections, no cell phones are allowed. Luxury items coming from outside are usually destined for the legal section. Istanbul's second largest (in terms of area) prison is Metris. There are 900 prisoners there. Drug smuggler Yasar Oz, known as a "state supporter," is in charge of Metris, together with his men. For people who are not ultranationalists, life in Metris is hard. The walls of the wards are full of paintings of the gray wolf and three crescents, symbols of the ultranationalists. Istanbul's third major prison is Umraniye. In this prison, which houses a total of 2,400 individuals, political prisoners, most of whom are members of the outlawed DHKP/C and other left-wing organizations, are in the majority. It is alleged that there are a number of tunnels beneath Umraniye Prison. And this is the prison from which the most escapes have taken place. Here is a list of the other well-known prisons and the groups in charge. Buca: Ahmet Tekin. Tekin, a drug smuggler, is incarcerated in this prison. Most of his men were transferred to Mugla Prison. He controls both prisons through his cell phone. Zonguldak: Sedat Peker is in charge of this prison, also through remote control. Peker has approximately 50 men. Instructions for money extortion and for bodyguards are conveyed by cell phone. Afyon: Nuri Ergin's gang, known as the "Karagumruk gang," and drug smuggler Ilhami Toklu are in charge of this prison. The Ergin gang has now been sent to other prisons in the Black Sea region. Nazilli: It is controlled by drug smugglers, including retired soldiers, who are dubbed the "Kocaeli gang" and by 12 people convicted of taking ransoms. Manisa: Ibrahim Cici, murderer of the owner of the Gunaydin newspaper, is in charge of this prison, together with his eight men. Cici received a life sentence. It is known that this person controls drug smuggling and ransom from his prison cell. Burdur: The group of Kursat Yilmaz, who fled from prison not so long ago, is in charge here. When Yilmaz was captured in Bulgaria and his extradition to Turkey was requested, preparations got under way in this prison. It is expected that Yilmaz will be brought back to Burdur Prison. It is known that there are luxury rooms with jacuzzis waiting for him here. Maras Elbistan: Drug smuggler Aydin Cetinkaya and his men have been in control of this prison for many years. Bilecik: Mehmet Oktem, one-time ultranationalist convicted of murder, extortion, wounding and asking for ransom, serves a jail sentence here, where he is said to have made himself at home. Erzurum: The DHKP/C is in control here. They threaten the prison administration with rebellion and get all that they want. Ankara Ulucanlar: It is one of Turkey's largest prisons. There are approximately 2,000 convicts here. The person in charge is Umit Olmez. While Olmez is alleged to be the biggest mafia boss after Cakici, he is little known by the public. It is known that Olmez has extorted money from big businessmen in Turkey, becoming one of the wealthiest people in the country. Olmez is able to smuggle a number of prohibited items into the prison, including drugs. If we exclude these major prisons where the gangs are in charge, we still cannot say that the state has control over the rest. It is usually a murder suspect who wields control in the regional prisons, which house an average of 100-200 people. These people extort money in prisons and control the whole system by exerting pressure on the administration. Drugs and weapons are usually smuggled into prisons in flour sacks. These sacks, which are brought in at dawn in quantities needed for the prison, are not searched with metal detectors. The convicts who are in on this secret are able to get drugs and weapons by threatening or bribing the wardens or the rest of the staff. The Ministry of Justice and related organizations are aware of these facts. Successive ministers of justice have bitterly complained that "they cannot control the prisons," but none of them have been able to change the facts on the ground. -- Press Agency Ozgurluk For justice, democracy and human rights in Turkey and Kurdistan! Website: mailto:ozgurluk at / mailinglists: petidomo at List info: english-request at From K.RAUCHFUSS at Thu Feb 25 12:49:00 1999 From: K.RAUCHFUSS at (K.RAUCHFUSS at Date: 25 Feb 1999 12:49:00 Subject: First Declaration of the lawyers of Ocalan Message-ID: <> Statement From Abdullah Ocalan's Lawyers February 22, 1999 We have taken on the task of defending Abdullah Ocalan, who was flown in from Kenya and who is being detained on Imranli Island. The family of Abdullah Ocalan contacted us by phone and asked us personally to take on this task. Today, we filed a request under Article 144 of the Turkish Trial Code with the State Security Court in Istanbul in order to visit Abdullah Ocalan, who is imprisoned on Imranli Island. We would like to inform the public in Turkey and internationally that we have accepted the request from Ocalan's family to take on his defense because we believe in his inalienable right to a defense and due to our convictions as lawyers. A legal trial depends greatly on the manner and length of the interrogations as well as the possibilities for the defense to visit their client. Also, the type of court and its independence are important factors. In order for a legal trial not to be made impossible from the start, it is urgent that our request be granted. Support from the Justice Ministry and other officials would be very helpful. The geographic location of the island prison and the heightened sensibilities at the moment must also be kept in mind. Our discussions in the prison will be conducted in the spirit of the laws, including international law. We expect solidarity from our colleagues in national and international judicial institutions and bar associations. Sincerely, The lawyers for Abdullah Ocalan: Gul Altay; Ahmet Avsar; Medeni Ayhan; Osman Baydemir; Derya Bayir; Cihan Erbas; Dowan Erbas; Eren Keskin; Filiz Kostak; Hatice Korkut; M. Selim Okcuoglu; Ahmet Zeki Okcuoglu; Xmam Sahin; Mukrime Tepe; Aysel Tugluk; Immihan Yasar. P.S. It has since become known that one lawyer from the defense team was able to visit Abdullah Ocalan. Four other lawyers, who are presently in Mudanya (near the island), were threatened by members of the fascist gang the Grey Wolves. A request from the lawyers for police protection was ignored by the authorities. It must be taken into consideration that the lives of the defense team members are in danger. The international public opinion should pay close attention to this case. ## CrossPoint v3.1 ## From K.RAUCHFUSS at Thu Feb 25 15:33:00 1999 From: K.RAUCHFUSS at (K.RAUCHFUSS at Date: 25 Feb 1999 15:33:00 Subject: Anwaelte besuchten Oecalan Message-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Lawyers meet briefly with Ocalan in prison Ocalan is photographed by his captors, February 16 ?ALSO:Post your opinion on the Kurdish issue ? February 25, 1999 Web posted at: 2:44 p.m. EST (1944 GMT) ANKARA, Turkey (CNN) -- Two lawyers for jailed Kurdish rebel leader Abdulla Ocalan were allowed to meet with him briefly Thursday on a prison island -- their first visit since his capture 10 days ago. A judge was present during the 20-minute meeting and questions were restricted to Ocalan's health, another member of the legal team said. A stone-throwing crowd of 200 demonstrators saw off the attorneys from the Turkish mainland port of Mudanya, chanting slogans against Ocalan's Kurdish rebel army, the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK. He has been charged with treason and could face the death penalty. Lawyer Iman Sahin, who was not present for the session, said his colleagues were told beforehand they could ask Ocalan only about his physical condition. They had no time alone with him, Sahin said. Meanwhile, the Turkish governor responsible for the Imrali prison island where Ocalan is being held warned Ocalan's lawyers not to step beyond the boundaries of their legal duties to defend him. Two of Ocalan's lawyers visit him at the Imrali prison fortress where he is being held ? "The lawyers should not abandon their legal role and take on another," the Anatolian news agency quoted Bursa governor Orhan Tasanlar as saying. Public passions in Turkey run high against Ocalan, reviled by the government as being responsible for tens of thousands of deaths in the PKK's 15-year battle for a homeland in southeast Turkey. Authorities had rebuffed lawyers' attempts to see Ocalan in the days since Turkish commandos seized him in Kenya and spirited him back to Turkey. The Ocalan case has sharply raised military tensions with Turkey's traditional rival Greece, which sheltered the Kurdish rebel leader while he was on the run. Greece evacuated three women aides to Ocalan from its embassy in Kenya on Thursday and was bringing them to Athens, Foreign Minister George Papandreou said. The three women, all Kurds, had been afraid to leave the embassy without assurances for their safety. Scattered violence continued in response to Ocalan's capture. In Istanbul, a neighborhood branch of Turkey's far-right Nationalist Action Party was firebombed overnight. The party is a staunch opponent of any Kurdish rights. The Associated Press contributed to this report. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RELATED STORIES: Lawyers granted permission to meet with Ocalan February 24, 1999 A Terrorist's Bitter End TIME February 22, 1999 Kurd protests of Ocalan capture continue in Iraq, Iran, Germany February 22, 1999 Turkish leader rules out Kurdish autonomy February 21, 1999 Turkish prime minister offers amnesty to Kurdish rebels February 20, 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RELATED SITES: TIME Daily: Ocalan, Turkey and the Kurds Kurdistan Workers Party Information The Republic of Turkey President of the Turkish Republic The Center for Kurdish Political Studies Terrorist acts by the PKK Note: Pages will open in a new browser window External sites are not endorsed by CNN Interactive. ## CrossPoint v3.1 ##