From dhkc at Fri Jan 1 11:28:28 1999 From: dhkc at (dhkc at Date: 01 Jan 1999 11:28:28 Subject: 1999 Message-ID: Dear comrades, In the name of our party, we want to send you our warmest greetings and best wishes for the New Year, a new phase in our people's struggle towards revolution. Let's share once more the hope of millions of people for liberation, equality and independence, let's share the consciousness of the victory of the people, that will grow with every new year. Let's deal again blows to imperialism and it's collaborators through the unity with the people. Let's lead some more thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands people all over the world to the path of revolution. The world's Marxist-Leninist movements are the guarantors of reaching that goal. We've learned from the past and we will go on to valuate the process of revolution. We are convinced that our revolutionary co-operation and solidarity will bring new victories little by little. With revolutionary greetings DHKC - Committee for International Relations Revolutionary People's Liberation Front -- Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi (Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Front) List info: english-request at From echap at Tue Jan 5 06:51:02 1999 From: echap at (echap at Date: 05 Jan 1999 06:51:02 Subject: meeting on current situation in Iran Message-ID: The next meeting of the International Socialist Forum in London will be on the Current Situation in Iran with a speaker from the Coordinating Committee of Etehadchap Kargari an Alliance of Leftwing Iraniang groups. Sunday 10th Jan 1999 2.00pm Conway Hall London From K.RAUCHFUSS at Wed Jan 6 16:11:00 1999 From: K.RAUCHFUSS at (K.RAUCHFUSS at Date: 06 Jan 1999 16:11:00 Subject: Den Frieden jetzt denken Message-ID: <78NH3im6$> Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Der Kommentar erscheint in SoZ 1/1999 Den Frieden jetzt denken lernen PKK ben?tigt Korrektur der Selbstwahrnehmung Nach 15 Jahren Krieg in Kurdistan, nach mehr als 30.000 Toten, Millionen von Fl?chtlingen, unz?hligen von Verletzten, Verhafteten und Verschwundenen ist die kurdische Frage, ebenso wie die Frage der Demokratisierung der T?rkei an einem Wendepunkt angekommen. An einem Wendepunkt f?r die Politik der europ?ischen Regierungen, die durch die Unterst?tzung des NATO-B?ndnispartners in den vergangenen Jahren einen bedeutenden Anteil an den Massakern in Kurdistan tragen und heute eine L?sung f?r die Beendigung der von ihnen mitverschuldeten Verbrechen suchen m?ssen; an einem Wendepunkt f?r die T?rkei selbst, in der immer mehr Menschen wissen und es auch zunehmend ?ffentlich sagen, da? die Fortf?hrung des Krieges keine Perspektive f?r die Zukunft sein kann; an einem Wendepunkt aber auch f?r die PKK, die, seit sich ihr Vorsitzender Abdullah ?calan in Europa befindet, eine eindeutige Orientierung hin zu einer diplomatischen L?sung der Kurdistanfrage getroffen hat und nunmehr gefordert ist, diesen Weg zu konkretisieren. Doch genau an jenem Punkt, der inhaltlichen Konkretisierung eben jener politischen L?sung, die die PKK fordert, h?llt sich die Organisation bis heute in geheimnisvolles Schweigen. Zwar war die Ankunft ?calans in Europa organisatorisch gut vorbereitet, doch dr?ngt sich heute die Frage auf, ob inhaltliche Konzeptionen f?r eine politische L?sung bereits ebenso weit gedacht wurden. Die diesbez?glichen Verlautbarungen aus Rom wirken mehr wie ein hilfloses Rudern im Ozean der neu gewonnen Medien?ffentlichkeit, denn wie eine zielgerichtete Offensive zur St?rkung der politischen Positionen der Partei. ?u?erungen ?calans, die mit der eigenen Rolle als Vorsitzender der Partei auch die Verantwortung f?r die Vergangenheit der Organisation zur Disposition stellen und nicht davor zur?ckschrecken, die eigenen Anh?ngerInnen zu beschimpfen und der Welt?ffentlichkeit den B?ren aufbinden zu wollen, er sei von der eigenen Organisation ?ber Jahrzehnte hinweg falsch verstanden worden, sind nicht nur realit?tsfremd und vermessen, sie werden obendrein dort gef?hrlich, wo sie - und sei es aus propagandistischen Pokerspielen heraus - den Eindruck erwecken der politische und milit?rische F?hrer der PKK z?ge sich aus seiner Verantwortung zur?ck und suche einen privaten Lebensabend zwischen Europa und den USA. Auch wenn die PKK eine wirkliche Demokratisierung und Dezentralisierung ihrer Strukturen mehr als n?tig hat, so w?re es f?r eine Organisation, die sich im bewaffneten Kampf befindet, mehr als fatal, zum Zeitpunkt einer diplomatischen Offensive die F?hrung auszutauschen, obendrein wenn, wie im Falle der PKK die gesamte, auch die zivile Struktur, in zentralistischer Weise auf eben jene F?hrung hin ausgerichtet ist. Ein Abgang ?calans, und sei er auch nur ein angedrohter, hie?e mit dem Eindruck zu spielen, die PKK k?nnte zum Zeitpunkt diplomatischer St?rke pl?tzlich kopflos werden, bevor neue K?pfe an Einflu? gewinnen konnten. Dies hie?e der Organisation eine empfindliche Schw?che zuzuf?gen, deren Auswirkungen f?r die kurdische Sache nur schwer kontrolliert werden k?nnen. Mehr Medien?ffentlichkeit lie?e sich hingegen mit gezielten Vorschl?gen, mit Positionen und Forderungen an die t?rkische Seite und an die europ?ischen Regierungen erzielen, die ?ber die blo?e und sterile Forderung nach kultureller Autonomie hinausgehen. Kulturelle Autonomie kann sich schlimmstenfalls darin ersch?pfen, der T?rkei das Zugest?ndnis abzuringen, da? im sogenannten "Osten des Landes" ein wenig die kurdische Sprache gesprochen, Volkst?nze getanzt und zu Volksfesten auch kurdische Trachten getragen werden d?rfen. F?r diese Form der "Autonomie" sind die Menschen in den letzten 15 Jahren nicht gestorben, haben sich die Inhaftierten nicht foltern lassen, haben Angeh?rige nicht das Verschwinden ihrer S?hne und T?chter beweint. Eine wirkliche Autonomie umfa?t Konzepte f?r Selbstverwaltungsstrukturen, politische Verfa?theit, Bildungs- und Erziehungswesen, Sozialsysteme, kurzum f?r alle Gesellschaftsbereiche nicht nur der autonomen Region selbst, sondern auch Forderungen an die Verfa?theit jener t?rkischen Republik, die in Zukunft den Fortbestand einmal get?tigter Zugest?ndnisse f?r eine kurdische Autonomie garantieren soll, ohne da? diese von den kemalistischen Eliten jederzeit nach Gutd?nken wieder eingeschr?nkt oder zur?ckgenommen werden k?nnen. Solche Konzepte und Forderungen liegen jedoch bislang nicht auf dem Tisch, nicht zuletzt, weil die Selbstwahrnehmung der kurdischen Bewegung bislang nicht im Stande war, Visionen f?r eine friedliche Gesellschaftsordnung wirklich zu denken. Die PKK hat den Krieg gegen das t?rkische Milit?r ?ber eine lange Zeit hinweg mit der Zielsetzung gef?hrt, einen freien kurdischen Staat zu erk?mpfen. Strategie und Taktik der Kriegsf?hrung und das Primat des Milit?rischen vor dem Politischen waren genau auf dieses Ziel hin ausgerichtet. In der Hoffnung, einen freien Staat mit der Waffe in der Hand von den Bergen Kurdistans aus erk?mpfen zu k?nnen, mu?ten sich s?mtliche zivilen Strukturen den milit?rischen Kommandostrukturen in Damaskus unterordnen. Das Jahr 1993, in dem die Forderung nach einem eigenen Staat durch die Forderung nach kultureller Autonomie innerhalb einer f?derativen T?rkei ersetzt wurde, brachte jedoch keine Anpassung dieser Denkweisen mit sich. Konzepte f?r die neuen Ziele des Kampfes wurden nicht entwickelt. Und das aus gutem Grund: weiterhin bestimmte die r?cksichtslose Unterdr?ckung jeden kurdischen Selbstbewu?tseins durch den Repressionsapparat des t?rkischen Staates den Lebensalltag der Menschen, die Realit?t all jener, die im zivilen wie im milit?rischen Bereich versuchten, sich der Unterdr?ckung entgegenzustellen. Und sie begr?ndete damit obendrein auch die Selbstwahrnehmung der kurdischen Bev?lkerung im Europ?ischen Exil, wie in den Bergen Kurdistans, ihrer Organisationen und Strukturen: eine Selbstwahrnehmung die sich zu Recht in der Rolle der ewigen Opfer sieht, sich jedoch darin zu ersch?pfen droht; eine politische Kultur, die nicht nur in der PKK verhindert hat den Frieden zu denken, Visionen f?r eine Gesellschaft nach der Beendigung von Krieg und Unterdr?ckung zu entwickeln und Forderungen f?r eine solche Zukunft daraus abzuleiten. Heute ist der Zeitpunkt gekommen, an dem die PKK ultimativ gefordert ist diese aufgeworfenen Fragen zu beantworten. Das diplomatische Gezerre um den Status ?calans in Italien darf nicht l?nger den Blick auf Kurdistan verstellen. Wenn die PKK die Dynamik, die sie mit ihrem hervorragenden diplomatischen Schachzug geschaffen hat, nicht verstreichen lassen will, m?ssen nun jene Ideen, Forderungen und Konzepte entwickelt werden, die es hoffentlich bald an einem Verhandlungstisch zu verteidigen gilt. Andernfalls verspielt sie das Vertrauen der kurdischen Bev?lkerung in eine bessere Zukunft in einem, wenn auch medienwirksamen ?ffentlichkeitsspektakel. Knut Rauchfuss ## CrossPoint v3.1 ## From ozgurluk at Thu Jan 7 14:29:44 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 07 Jan 1999 14:29:44 Subject: Prisonstruggle in Turkey: How to mask a murderattempt... Message-ID: The police lie when they they say "he wanted to commit suicide", because they want to present a murder attempt as a suicide attempt My name is Riza Poyraz. I am the one who according to the statement published by the Istanbul Police Headquarters in the newspapers and television, "in an attempt to commit suicide, jumped" from the fourth floor of the Police Headquarters on Vatan Avenue. THIS STATEMENT BY THE ISTANBUL POLICE HEADQUARTERS IS A COMPLETE LIE! During my detention in the Istanbul Police Headquarters I was thrown from the window by policemen who were trying to murder me. The Istanbul police want to cover up their guilt by announcing that this incident, which became known to the public, was a suicide attempt. THE ISTANBUL POLICE HEADQUARTERS IS LYING! I DID NOT JUMP FROM THE FOURTH FLOOR OF THE POLICE HEADQUARTERS IN VATAN AVENUE "TO KILL MYSELF", I WAS PERSONALLY THROWN BY THE TORTURERS FROM THE WINDOW ON THE FOURTH FLOOR... The fact that I am still alive is pure good fortune. If I had been killed I would not be able to make this declaration. I see it as a human obligation to expose the guilty parties and bring about their punishment by exposing the truth, and I believe that public sensitivity can be created thereby to prevent future incidents like this from happening. On Monday, December 21, 1998, I was arrested as a "suspicious" person by the police in Pangalti. They asked to see my identity card. I gave it to them. Although my address, identity and workplace are known, I was brought to Mecidiyek?y police station. Here I was held, illegally and arbitrarily, despite giving my home address and workplace. I live with my family in the Gazi Neighbourhood (translator's note: a large slum area on the northern edge of Istanbul, the scene of a people's uprising triggered off by a fascist attack in March 1995), and Zeynep Poyraz who was murdered by the police during the massacre in Gazi is the daughter of my uncle. This must be where my "guilt" lies. After a while I was brought to the Police Headquarters in Istanbul. From my first moment in the Police Headquarters I experienced everything: I was cursed, insulted, subject to repression, torture and threats... I was arrested on suspicion, but I did not know why I had been arrested, nor what their plans were for arresting me. The next day, December 22, things began to be clearer. The police must have been in need of a new success because they tried to implicate me in actions whose perpetrators had not been identified. They also wanted me to confess to carrying out an action and to tell them about it. I cannot confess to an action or talk about an action when I did not do it nor have anything to do with it. I said I had nothing to do with it. I could not understand why these accusations were made, for which there was no proof, and this is what I told them. But they persisted in trying to get me to confess. To do this they practised every kind of physical and psychological torture. On several occasions I was suspended by the arms, and torture methods were used on me like crushing my testicles, spraying me with high pressure water, shoving my head in a bucket of water to drown me, obscenities, humiliation and beating. Besides, they told me that they had smeared excrement on me, even though I could not see it because my eyes were tied. During the torture my eyes and arms were bound . Despite the torture, I did not confess to the "accusations". At this point they began to threaten that they would kill my family. Quite openly they threatened to kill me. At one point they said to me: "YOU WILL CONFESS, IF NOT WE WILL THROW YOU FROM THE WINDOW AND STATE LATER ON THAT YOU HAVE COMMITTED SUICIDE. NOBODY WILL CALL US TO ACCOUNT FOR IT." At the close of torture which had lasted an entire day, about midnight I was brought out of the torture chamber, with my eyes blindfolded. They took me somewhere and said, "You're just about to experience something." I felt I was being brought to a window. The window was open. They took off the blindfold and said: "CONFESS OR WE'LL THROW YOU OUT." Immediately afterwards they put the blindfold back on and threw me out of the fourth floor. When I came round the next day and opened my eyes, I noticed I was in hospital. My legs were broken and I hurt all over. Despite this the police ruthlessness continued. "Listen, you won't get off so easily. You will confess to the actions we have mentioned. Even if you get out of here you will not be able to save yourself. Do you think you will survive if you fall from the 10th floor?" They continued their threats with these words. I was brought into the Gureba Foundation Hospital. The doctor in the emergency ward, who was human only in external appearance and on whose identity disc I read the name M. AYANOGLU, did not behave differently from the torturers in any way. Dr M. AYANOGLU tried in every way to ingratiate himself with the police. While the police claimed with sickening smirks that I was the "terrorist who bombed the justice building and fell while trying to escape", Dr M. AYANOGLU said: "Actually, how is it possible that this low creature is not dead? That means he did not fall properly. People like that should not be treated, they should be left to croak. It is a pity if the state puts itself to expense by looking after the health of people like that." While being hanged during torture my arms and shoulders had become blue and were still numb. Because of torture my testicles have become inflamed and I have a burning sensation when I pass urine. On my head and the back of my neck there are swellings which result from blows. Because of the torture and the fall from the window I suffer from severe headaches. Both feet are broken. Despite this, which needs treatment, I have not been given any medical treatment. Even here, the police continued torture. My feet were encased in plaster. The police who kept an eye on me said: "Up to now, nobody has made it through the police station." They constantly stuck a pencil into the plaster on my feet and between my toes.They applied lit cigarettes to my fingers. They thought that they would make it easier to get me to sign the falsehoods in the protocol at the police station. They took pains to get me discharged from the hospital as quickly as possible and I was taken back to the torture centre. The torture continued from my condemnation by the State Security Court to my being sent to prison. Today I am a prisoner in ?mraniye prison. Besides my completely unjustified imprisonment I have been tortured and an attempt made to murder me. I declare that the police are indeed murderers. The police are torturers. The police have tried to murder and then disseminated the lie that "he wanted to commit suicide." I am lucky to still be alive - that is the truth. If I was not, I would not be able to make the truth public. Assessing the truth and creating an appropriate sensitivity among the public, democratic organisations and institutions is a requirement of being human and being just. January 2, 1999 RIZA POYRAZ Umraniye Prison List info: english-request at From ozgurluk at Sun Jan 10 07:21:49 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 10 Jan 1999 07:21:49 Subject: Turkey: Police storms People's Lawyers Office in Ankara Message-ID: HALKIN HUKUK BUEROSU Tel-Fax: 0090.212.631.36.94 - 531.77.65 - 532.63.99 Millet Caddesi Dedepasa sokak 5/1 Findikzade/Aksaray January 9, 1999 Istanbul / Turkey To the Justice Department regarding: The raid on the People's Lawyers Office in Ankara and the arrest of the lawyer Zeki Ruezgar The People's Lawyers Office in Ankara was raided on January 8, 1999 (yesterday), 4 p.m. The raid was ordered by the State Prosecutor of the State Security Court, Nuh Mete Yueksel, who was accompanied by members of the Political Police. The policemen who searched the office afterwards went to the private apartment of the lawyer Zeki Ruezgar to carry out a search there. Zeki Ruezgar was arrested and brought to police headquarters. When Zeki Ruezgar's colleagues arrived and asked state prosecutor Nuh Mete Yueksel for the reason of the search and the arrest, they only got the following reply: "I'M THE REASON, COULD THERE BE A BETTER ONE?" This answer clearly shows the conspiracy against the People's Lawyers Office and lawyer Zeki Ruezgar, known for his struggle for freedom. Nuh Mete Yueksel is no stranger to the People's Lawyers Office in Ankara and lawyer Zeki Ruezgar. Ruezgar was already arrested on orders of the same State Prosecutor on January 13, 1994, and held for 13 days in the DAL (Deep Research Laboratory) in Ankara, a well-known torture centre. Contrary to the reply of Nuh Mete Yueksel to questions of lawyers, regarding this case, "There is no repression or torture whatsoever", lawyer Ruezgar was declared unable to work for 7 days because of torture after he was released. For years, lawyer Ruezgar has been suffering from a bone disease. He has severe back problems he is under treatment for. Even the slightest physical attack could lead to disablement. Nevertheless, the policemen who arrested the lawyer yesterday clearly showed their attitude when they told the gathering lawyers "Not to worry, lawyer Zeki Ruezgar is still in good condition". According to the first conclusions of the People's Lawyers Office, items belonging to the office like a electrical typewriter and a large part of the trial files and other defence material were confiscated by the police. While according to the Defence Lawyers Law, and related decrees of the Justice Department (including the decree of February 1994), lawyers - even when they committed offences - have to be arrested by State Prosecutors personally, lawyer Zeki Ruezgar is being held by the Political Department of the Ankara police. Furthermore it is clear that there are no valid serious reasons for the search of the lawyers office. Lawyer Zeki Ruezgar is constantly harassed and threatened by the State Security Court and the Ankara police. The so-called "investigation" against the lawyers is nothing but an attempt of the state to get rid of the People's Lawyers Office and lawyer Zeki Ruezgar who is seen as a "permanent enemy". The way the investigation is conducted show its real goal. It is claimed that the State Prosecutor of the State Security Court and the Ankara police received information the there was "a bomb or a weapon inside the People's Lawyers Office and that there is considerable danger". It is clear that the "independence of the defence" means nothing in our country when lawyers offices are stormed like this and trial files and defence material are being confiscated. This is a intimidation attempt. This is shown clearly by the answer of state prosecutor Nuh Mete Yueksel, when asked by lawyers for the reason of the search, "I'm the reason, could there be a better one?". This answer shows the arbitrariness of the methods which are being applied. The lawyer Zeki Ruezgar must be released immediately and if a investigation is necessary, this must be conducted within a judicial framework and led by the state prosecutor personally. We call upon you to take steps that the confiscated trial files and other documents are returned immediately. We wish you the best for your work. People's Lawyers Office Good day, The following summing-up is to inform you about the State Prosecutor of the Republic of the State Security Court, Nuh Mete Yueksel: - Involved in the murder under torture of the student and Dev-Genc sympathiser Birtan Altunbas, begin 1991. Removal of the torture reports, stalling all complaints to this date, withholding the post-mortem report of Birtan Altunbas to the lawyers. - Organising a conspiracy, together with General State Prosecutor Nusret Demiral, against the student and chairman of the Students Association, Erol OEzbolat, in 1991. Forging documents in order to continue the plot, threatening of witnesses and personally organising the torture of Erol OEzbolat. - Arbitrary arrest of the lawyers Murat Demir and Bedii Yarayici, and the journalist Deniz Teztel, in 1991. Prolonging police detention, longer than foreseen by law, as well as personally leading the torture of the lawyers. (This was confirmed and attested by 4 members of parliament, members of the Human Rights Commission of the Turkish Parliament, after which an inquiry was started against the state prosecutor, without any result to this date) - Threatening suspects who were in police detention and refused any statement. Carrying out interrogations in the presence of, and in co-operation with, torturing policemen. - Threatening lawyers in political cases and attempts to deny them the right of defence. Dozens of other crimes could be listed regarding Nuh Mete Yueksel but we only wanted to name those who came to mind immediately. The lawyer Zeki Ruezgar suffers from a very serious bone disease. Besides the fact that his life is in danger in case of torture, there is the concrete danger of paralysis. Zeki Ruezgar has been arrested and tortured on orders of Nuh Mete Yueksel before. Looking at the information and the development in this case, we call upon all the sensitive democratic persons and institutions to see the necessity of immediate action for the quickest possible release of Zeki Ruezgar. Lawyer Murat Demir ------------------------------------------------- Amnesty International "Turkey Desk" Jonathan Sugton On January 8, 1999, 4 p.m., the People's Lawyers Office in Ankara was stormed by the police. The raid was ordered by the State Prosecutor of the State Security Court, Neh Mete Yueksel. The approximately 15 lawyers who arrived at the scene during the search were kept waiting outside the office. Only lawyer Zeki Ruezgar was present during the search. After the office rooms were searched, they went to the private apartment of lawyer Zeki Ruezgar where the search was continued. In the course of these searches, electronic equipment and office material were being confiscated. Furthermore, several objects were confiscated in the private apartment of the lawyer. Asked for the reason of the raid against the office, the state prosecutor replied "I'm the reason". This made clear that there is a conspiracy, organised by the state prosecutor of the State Security Court and the police going on against our friend who works for rights and freedom. Policemen told lawyers in the vicinity "No to worry, Zeki Ruezgar is still in good condition". They also showed the picture of the lawyer of the People's Lawyers Office, Fuat Erdogan, murdered a few years ago, and remarked: "We will do the same to him". While in case of an accusation, lawyer Zeki Ruezgar may only be interrogated by the state prosecutor personally, he was immediately handed over to the police. Lawyer Zeki Ruezgar suffers from bone deterioration. Therefore even a minor physical attack could lead to permanent bodily harm. Our colleague Zeki Ruezgar was already almost beaten to death on January 13, 1994, in the Ekin Cultural Centre where he was in the function of his work. His hands and feet were chained and he was arrested although he informed them he was a lawyer. He was brought to the Anti-Terror Department. At that time too, it was state prosecutor of the State Security Court Nuh Mete Yueksel who ordered the arrest and police detention of 13 days. Lawyer Zeki Ruezgar was handed a statement that he was unable to work for 7 days as a result of the torture he was submitted to while in police custody. Dear Mr. Sugton, As you know, lawyer Zeki Ruezgar works in our office in Ankara and he is a person who is active against the violations of law in Turkey. These activities are the only reason for his arrest. The arrest, and the way it was conducted, constitute a turning point regarding the increasing attacks against those who act for rights and freedom. Therefore we want to ask your organisation to start an urgent campaign for the release of Zeki Ruezgar. In any case, we will send you any further details. We wish you good luck with your work, HALKIN HUKUK BUEROSU -- Press Agency Ozgurluk For justice, democracy and human rights in Turkey and Kurdistan! Website: mailto:ozgurluk at / mailinglists: petidomo at List info: english-request at From ozgurluk at Mon Jan 18 23:38:45 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 18 Jan 1999 23:38:45 Subject: Against the criminalisation of the Kurtulus and the DHKC in Germany Message-ID: We urge all democratic, anti-imperialist, communist and revolutionary forces to support the following resolution of solidarity which was called for by the oppressed comrades. The resolution was drafted in co-operation with them to ensure an effective means of organizing a defence campaign. September 1998 Statement of solidarity. For abolishing the ban on the "Kurtulus" and the "DHKP-C" in Germany! Last August, the German minister of the Interior, Kanther, ordered a ban against the magazine Kurtulus and the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front). This constitutes a severe blow against one of the most important tendencies of the revolutionary left in Turkey. Because in recent years, the DHKP-C won a lot of support, especially in the poor neighbourhoods of the major cities. It played a major part in building the local "People's Councils", now the strongest expression of a social-revolutionary mass movement in the centres of Turkey. This banning order is just the last consequence of years of pestering and repressive measures which have pushed the magazine into semi-legality and the DHKP-C in a de facto illegality before. The blow against the magazine is a severe one as its publication essentially depends on the earnings in Germany. With this step, the German state once again proofs its co-operation with the dictatorial regime in Turkey which is mainly based on the army, a solid and integrated part of NATO. Even more, Germany surpasses Turkey because the Kurtulus, despite many attempts by the arbitrary justice system as well as the police raids, has never been banned in Turkey itself, nor could it be hindered to appear since 1986. Germany thus tramples upon the principles of a state of law it so often claims to be. And it should be added that neither the Kurtulus, nor the DHKP-C, have ever been guilty of an offence in Germany, not even to capitalist law. And if this would be the case, at least a process according to the principles of a state of law should be expected where the accused have the right to defend themselves. But nothing like this happened: the Kurtulus was just outlawed by decree. Be it in the prosecution of the anti-fascist youth movement or revolutionary organizations from the exploited and oppressed nations, it always shows: the German Federal Republic is the state of injustice, not the German Democratic Republic which, despite its deformation, was anti-fascist and not capitalist. On all levels, German imperialism tries to get rid of limitations, caused by the defeat in World War II: economically, politically and especially military. By all means, the old spheres of influence are to be re-conquered. The destruction of Yugoslavia, incited by Germany, aims at the control over the Balkan, just like the eastern expansion of NATO aims at the control over Russia. In Turkey, one of the most important imperialist strongholds in the Middle East, every social, political and of course military opposition is to be destroyed. In this, the Turkish regime has the full and generous support of Germany for the genocide against the Kurdish people with hundreds of thousands of people being killed, millions of people displaced. It enjoys German support in crushing the Kurdish national liberation movement, as well as in acting against the social-revolutionary opposition which is being nourished by the permanent deterioration of the situation of the exploited and oppressed masses. All democratic, and even more all anti-imperialist, communist and revolutionary, forces should condemn the anti-democratic measures of the German state in the sharpest possible terms. We declare our full solidarity with the Kurtulus and the DHKP-C in the struggle against our common enemy, imperialism, and we will use all our strength for the abolition of the ban and the re-institution of democratic rights. Long live the revolutionary struggle against imperialism! AA/BO (Anti-fascist Action / Federal Organisation, Germany) Baietz Fundazioa (Foundation for Basque Mass Media) CRJ (Roman Centre for Yugoslavia) Circolo Pietro Secchia (Italy) Gruppe Internationale / Berlin ILC (International Leninist Current) JVP (People’s Liberation Front, Sri Lanka) KAS (Committee for Anti-Imperialist Solidarity / Austria) MIR (Movement of the Revolutionary Left of Chile / Austria) MPA (Anti-capitalist Proletarian Movement, Italy) National anti-imperialist Co-ordination (Italy) PCPE (Communist Party of the Spanish Peoples) Quemada (Anti-imperialist committee, Italy) Reinhard Gebhardt / Member of the Executive Committee of VVN-BdA and PDS Heidelberg Socialist Future Group / England Note: Also see -- For justice, democracy and human rights in Turkey and Kurdistan! Website: mailto:ozgurluk at / mailinglists: petidomo at List info: english-request at From K.RAUCHFUSS at Tue Jan 19 17:30:00 1999 From: K.RAUCHFUSS at (K.RAUCHFUSS at Date: 19 Jan 1999 17:30:00 Subject: Veranstaltung: Flucht und Gesundheit Message-ID: <79FKr3t6$> Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Medizinische Fl?chtlingshilfe Bochum e.V Wallbaumweg 108 44894 Bochum Presseerkl?rung Knut Rauchfuss Bonifatiusstr. 9 44892 Bochum Telefon (49)-234-9270-339 Mobil (49)-171-7127375 Telefax (49)-234-9270-338 20.01.1999 Flucht und Menschenrechte - Flucht und Krankheit Eine Veranstaltung mit dem Menschenrechtler Mustafa G?ndogdu Am Donnerstag, dem 21. Januar 1999, wird auf Einladung der Medizinischen Fl?chtlingshilfe Bochum der Istanbuler Soziologe und Menschenrechtler Mustafa G?ndogdu nach Bochum kommen. Herr G?ndogdu ist haupt- und ehrenamtlich bei den international agierenden t?rkischen Rechtsforschungsstiftung TOHAV und der Fl?chtlingshilfsorganisation G??DER besch?ftigt. Er arbeitet sowohl theoretisch wie auch praktisch zur Situation von Binnenfl?chtlingen in der T?rkei. Auf der Veranstaltung, die um 20 Uhr im soziokulturellen Zentrum Bahnhof-Langendreer stattfindet, wird Herr G?ndogdu ?ber die Situation kurdischer Binnenfl?chtlinge im Westen der T?rkei berichten. Neben sozialen und menschenrechtlichen Aspekten, bildet dabei die gesundheitliche Situation der Fl?chtlinge einen besonderen Schwerpunkt der Veranstaltung. Der Referent wird eine Studie vorstellen, die TOHAV und G??DER gemeinsam mit dem Menschenrechtsverein IHD durchf?hren. In der Studie wird der Einflu? von Fluchtbedingungen auf die Schwierigkeiten bei der Bew?ltigung erlittener Traumatisierung durch Krieg und Menschenrechtsverletzungen am Beispiel der kurdischen Binnenfl?chtlinge untersucht. Dar?ber hinaus wird Herr G?ndogdu in diesem Zusammenhang auch auf die aktuelle Debatte um die vermeintliche "Fluchtalternative Westt?rkei" eingehen. Nach Erfahrungen von TOHAV wird aus Deutschland abgeschobenen AsylbewerberInnen in Verh?ren nach ihrer Ankunft in der T?rkei immer wieder vorgeworfen, gegen die Interessen des Landes zu arbeiten. Dabei wurden bereits zahlreiche Abgeschobene bei ihrem Eintreffen verhaftet, gefoltert oder menschenunw?rdiger Behandlung unterzogen. Wir laden Sie herzlich zur Teilnahme an der o.g. Veranstaltung ein und bitten Sie um die Bekanntgabe in Ihrer Donnerstagsausgabe. F?r R?ckfragen - auch wegen m?glicher Interviewtermine mit Herrn G?ndogdu - steht ihnen Herr Rauchfuss unter der Mobiltelefonnummer 0171-7127375 gerne zur Verf?gung. Medizinische Fl?chtlingshilfe Bochum e.V. Spendenkonto: Kontonummer 24401341 bei Sparkasse Bochum Bankleitzahl 430 500 01 Spenden an den "Medizinische Fl?chtlingshilfe e.V." sind steuerlich abzugsf?hig. ## CrossPoint v3.1 ## From ozgurluk at Thu Jan 21 12:59:33 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 21 Jan 1999 12:59:33 Subject: Statement from political prisoners in Turkey Message-ID: Press Release: To Our Peoples The headlines in the bourgeois media are full of the same story lately. The arrest of fascist murderer Haluk Kirci, who is presented as the "successor" to Abdullah Catli, is announced as a "top news story" and shown on the TV news as "Stop Press". By preparing such "special reports", they are trying to make people believe that Haluk Kirci is the "key" to solving the puzzle of the state murders, which were undoubtedly brought out after the Susurluk case. Meanwhile, they are emphasising that the state is supposedly making efforts to throw light on "the dark dungeons of Susurluk" with all these headlines and stories, which are dictated by the rulers themselves. On the other hand, they tell us that Haluk Kirci is refusing to collaborate during interrogation and is exercising his right to silence. The interrogation of the red handed fascist murderer Haluk Kirci, which is nothing but a farce, has supposedly run up against the wall of his resistance, such that they cannot uncover certain information. Haluk Kirci is supposedly refusing to collaborate, he is allegedly suffering from diabetes, he had not even drunk any water, his blood pressure is preventing them from continuing .... etc etc etc. The farce continues, and they are oppenly mocking the people. They say that Haluk Kirci "has not collaborated". But it is well known by everyone who lives in our country that the state means torture and murder, and everyone knows the kind of interrogations that take place in all the police headquarters and even district police stations. The truth is that statements obtained under torture can be used as evidence. During these tortures and interogations, revolutionaries and patriots are presented as the "perpetrators of bloody deeds", and those who resist to preserve their human dignity and who exercise their right not to collaborate and to protest against the torture are subject to even more intense torture, or are made to "disappear" or murdered. The most recent case if that of Zeki Ruzgar, a lawyer from the People's Law Bureau who was tortured in the torture centre of the Ankara DAL (the Laboratory of Intensified Interrogation). His medical condition was critical, having recently undergone an operation. Zeki Ruzgar suffers from tuberculosis of the bones, but this fact did not prevent him from being tortured. And yet we are told that somehow the "experienced" Istanbul police, whose reputation for torture is widely known, were not able to get a statement from Haluk Kirci! Haluk Kirci, who has been supported and acclaimed since the 1970s, also planned and carried out the murder of 7 TIP (Workers Party of Turkey) members in Bahcelievler/Ankara. It is a lie that he has not collaborated and has exercised his right to silence. Haluk Kirci was not arrested, but was taken into custody as part of a pre-planned operation. He was treated with respect in the Istanbul police HQ under the pretence of an interrogation. The interrogation of Haluk Kirci is a plan concocted to deceive the people. The state has done everything it could to ensure that he revealed nothing. They did not want to interrogate him because not only Haluk Kirci but also the state itself which is guilty. No-one will believe this story of the police taking seriously Haluk Kirci's diabetes and so being powerless in the face of his exercising the right to silence. Leaving aside thehealthy one, thousands of injured, wounded or handicapped revolutionaries and patriots have been tortured, not just in the police stations and headquarters but also in the prisons. Besides, the mere exercise of the right to silence is taken by the DGM interrogators as evidence of being a member of an illegal organisation. Here are a few examples aong the thousands of cases of people who were taken into custody, charged as a result of torture and police statements, and treated as "members of an illegal organisation" just because they exercised their right to silence while struggling and fighting for a country and a world where there is no exploitation. SEVKET DALBOY (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He was detained by the Kocaeli Anti-terror branch on 22 March 1996. He is the Kocaeli reporter of Kurtulus newspaper. Before he was detained he was already suffering from bone deformation on his neck and he has a plate in his left arm due to a broken bone. His handicaps are known by the police and who therefore tortured him by kicking his left arm, neck and throat. The Palestinian hanging (hanging someone backwards from their arms) was the next step. In order to increase the tension on his left arm the torturers pulled his left arm. Meanwhile, the torturers were betting about when the platinum plate in his arm would come out to complete the psychological part of torture. Also prior to his arrest, he was also detained by police in Bursa on 12 March 1996 (10 days before). He was also subjected torture there. His testicles were squashed and as a result of this form of torture his testicles were swollen. After his release he received medical treatment and during this treatment he was detained again. During the last detention they again tortured him by squashing his testicles despite the fact that his problem was known by the police. Also during the Palestinian hanging electric shocks were applied to his body. OKTAY KARATAS (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): As a result of the attack by soldiers and police on the inmates of Umraniye prison on 4 January 1996, he lost his hearing completely. He needs a Cochlear implantation to be able to hear again but since the Ministry of Justice is not paying the costs, he receives no treatment. CENGIZ BAYIR (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He was detained on 4 April 1996. At that time, he had already been receiving medical treatment in hospitals such as GATA (Gulhane Military Medical Academy) for epilepsy for 8 years. The torturers, who already knew his medical condition, repeatedly hit his head against the walls. Besides this, the other methods like electric shocks, hanging, squashing testicles, showering with hot and cold water, making him stand in front of a fan, suspending him from a window, pushing his head into a box full of rats, drowning in water, suffocating by hands and so on were applied. Not only physical but psychological torture like verbal abuse were applied. The epilepsy attacks which had eased for a long time, then began again. Since his last detention these attacks have occurred almost every day. TEKIN TANGUN (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He was detained by police on 22 March 1996 in Kocaeli. In his left kidney there is a stone which is 1.5cm. in diameter and this causes hydronefroz (excessive water in the kidneys) He was subjected to electric shocks, reverse hanging, squashing testicles, standing under a cold shower and in particular he has been beaten in such a way that his kidneys were heavily beaten. As a result of his torture, his had blood in his urine and he was taken to hospital. Despite the fact that the doctors at the hospital insisted on him being kept in hospital, he was taken back for further torture. His condition worsened and the same day he was brought back to the same hospital. Despite the decision of the Kocaeli forensic officer to issue a report about him, he was denied readmission. SABAN TONTA (SAGMALCILAR PRISON) : He was detained on 26 December 1995 in Avcilar / Istanbul. When he was detained he was receiving treatment for Parkinson's disease. The police were aware of his medical condition and they hit his head against the walls. As a result of these blows his skull was damaged. He was charged. Despite his medical records proving that he needs constant treatment, he was denied this and is still in prison. His medical condition worsened after torture. BULENT YIGIT (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He was detained by the anti-terrorist police on the street in Maltepe / Istanbul. During this first contact, while the police were searching his possessions, he was shot by the police in the chest. The bullet destroyed his left lung. After an operation half of his lungs were removed. After the operation he was taken to the torture centre. He was brutally beaten and subjected to physical and psychological torture. He was also threatened with death. After his interrogation by the DGM, he was taken to the court forensic officer. Without any examination by the doctor he was sent to prison. MUSTAFA ATALAY (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He was detained on 17 April 1991 in Mersin. During his detention his back was injured and straight away he was taken to the torture centre. He was beaten and subjected to electric shocks. His back was targeted in particular. The next time he was detained by Bursa anti-terror branch on 16 November 1992 in Balikesir. He was subjected to mock extra- judicial execution (taken away to a secluded place and police pretended that they would kill him there), hanging, electrical shock, cold shower and was beaten brutally. His back was especially targeted during the beating. The torture was documented by the Eyup forensic officer and a report was issued. ERCAN KARTAL (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He was detained by Istanbul anti-terror branch in Kartal / Rahmanlar. Before he was taken to the torture centre he was beaten brutally and subjected to mock extra-judicial execution. He was given electric shocks and subjected to pressurised water,.. etc. Under his kneecap he had a scar from his childhood. This scar was cut, an electrical cable was inserted and electric shocks were given. After his arrest, the torture was documented by the Eyup medical officer. He refused to sign the police statement and exercised his right to silence. These were used as evidence of his membership of an illegal organisation. BEKIR SIMSEK (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He was detained on 10 September 1993 with a wound to his leg. As a result of this bullet wound his leg bone was broken. After the operation he was taken to the torture centre. His broken leg was especially targeted during torture. After his arrest he was confined to bed for two years. The third year he began to walk with the help of a crutch. JALE IZZETOGLU (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): She was detained by Bursa anti-terror branch on January 1996. She had received treatment in 1995, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty for her heart condition. She also faced torture despite her medical condition. She was charged 4 days later. She was handcuffed to her hospital bed and the psychological torture and threats by the Anti-Terror Branch (TEM) continued in hospital as well. The prosecutor and judge were brought to the hospital and she faced a trial whilst in hospital. SENGUL MERT (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): She was detained on 6 October 1992. She suffers from asthma and bronchitis. She was subjected to cold showers, hanging, electric shocks, beating,? She has to receive medical treatment continuously. At the moment she is in the prison hospital. YASAR KIZGIN (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He was detained by Istanbul TEM on December 1995. He was receiving treatment for tuberculosis just before he was detained. The police are aware of his condition. He was subjected to electric shocks, cold showers, standing in front of a fan, hanging, falaka (beating the bottom of the feet with a stick), squashing testicles,? His medical condition worsened as a result of torture. He was treated for a while in the prison hospital. Today he requires continuous medical attention. VEYSEL AKPINAR (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He was detained on December 1995. He suffers from diabetes. Because of this illness he partially lost his eye sight. His medical condition is known to the police and therefore he was subjected to hanging, electric shocks, beating,? He is being denied medication and his treatment is being prevented. ASIM OZDEMIR (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He was detained in Istanbul on 6 March 1993. He suffers from kidney problems. He is under continuous medical treatment. He was tortured for days in Istanbul and Ankara. The torturers targeted his kidneys. He was also subjected to various torture methods. BINALI SARIELMAS (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He was detained by Istanbul TEM on April 1993. He was receiving treatment for chronic bronchitis. Still he was subjected to hanging, electric shocks, squashing testicles, falaka, beating, cold showers and standing in front of a fan. His medical condition worsened after torture. Today he is receiving medication. ALI EKBER AKKAYA (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He cannot use his arms and legs. He can only walk with assistance. He has difficulties in speaking. He suffers from Versiko Korsakoff disease. He was denied medical treatment. He was still in prison despite the fact that there is no cure for him. SELIM ACAN (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): As s result of torture 3 of his ribs were broken and the torture was documented by the forensic report. The sugar level in his blood and stomach is high. Despite his medical condition he was subjected to many different methods of torture. CAFER GURBUZ (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He suffers from amnesia and co-ordination deficiency in his body. He trembles and he can only move slowly. He is being denied medical treatment. CAN ALI TURKMEN (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): He suffers with poor blood circulation in his toes. He was subjected to hanging, falaka, reverse hanging,?. His left arm was paralysed for two months. The torture was documented by the forensic report. IBRAHIM CICEK (SAGMALCILAR PRISON): The chief editor of Atilim newspaper. He had an operation for a hernia and suffers from asthma. He was subjected to heavy torture. The torture was documented in the forensic report. He refused to issue a statement and this is used as evidence against him. NEJLA COLAK: Journalist, working for Atilim newspaper. She suffers with kidney problems. ASIYE ZEYBEK: Former chief editor of Atilim newspaper. She was subjected to heavy torture. She was raped during the interrogation in Istanbul police HQ. MUSLUM ELMA (SAKARYA PRISON): He was arrested after the 1980 coup. He was a fighter in the 1984 death fast resistance. He was imprisoned for a long time. Despite the damage to his body as result of the prison conditions, he was re-arrested in 1993 by Istanbul TEM police and heavily tortured. The torture was documented by forensic report. The DGM prosecutors used his resistance during torture as evidence to imprison him. He went on hunger strike during police detention and refused to cooperate. NEZARET VARTANOGLU (SAGMALCILAR): She suffers from epilepsy. She was arrested on October 1995. Her illness requires regular medication but she was prevented from receiving this.. She was subjected to heavy torture despite her illness. In ten days she suffered 4 epilepsy fits. Theorture was documented by forensic report. Her medical treatment is being prevented because of problems during the transfer between hospital and the prison. DELIL ILDAN (SAGMALCILAR): He cannot use his hands and arms. He cannot walk without assistance. He has difficulties in speaking. He suffers from Versiko Korsakoff disease. He was denied medical treatment and still kept in prison even though there is no cure for his illness. MEHMET ALI CELEBI (SAGMALCILAR): He suffers from amnesia, memory loss and Versiko Korsakoff disease. He was denied medical treatment and still kept in prison even though there is no cure for his illness. AHMET TURAN ATMACA (SAGMALCILAR): Memory loss, problems with balance, he suffers from nausea and headachea, and is in heavy depression. He was denied medical treatment and still kept in prison even though there is no cure for his illnesses. SEMIRAY YILMAZ: Problems with her eye sight, she cannot walk or read. She suffers from memory loss. YUSUF DEMIR: There is a risk of gangrene in his leg and foot. A couple of times he has suffered from stomach bleeding. SELIM UNAY (SAKARYA): There are bullets in his feet. Approximately 6 months ago he was transferred to Sagmalcilar hospital. Without any medical treatment he was sent back. For the second time (4 months ago) he was transferred to Sagmalcilar hospital. Again he was denied medical treatment. He took out one of the bullets himself. The other bullet is still in his foot. SEMSETTIN KALKAN (CEYHAN): He suffers from asthma and bronchitis as well as having serious problems with his digestive system. He was denied medical treatment and therefore suffers from stomach inflation, difficulties with breathing, coughing and tiredness. SIBEL SARISOY(SAKARYA): Her treatment for nephrite was continuing when she was arrested. Because of the prison's administration's refusal, she cannot receive any medical treatment. Her stomach swells, she has oedema on her hands, feet and face, and suffers from tiredness. SINAN YAVUZ (BARTIN): He has difficulties with his balance after the death fast resistance and also suffers from stomach upsets and oedema on his face. These problems continue. YUSUF KENAN DINCER(CANAKKALE): After the death fast resistance he suffered from memory loss. Since there is no dental treatment in the prisons, he almost lost all his teeth. Therefore he has difficulties in being fed. ALI OSMAN COPEL: He was shot by Izmir police and he was wounded when he was arrested by torturers. He was subjected to hanging, electric shocks, beating, sleep deprivation,.. ISMAIL CUNEYT: He was executed by the torturer fascists of Istanbul 1. Branch in 1983. REMZI BASALAK: He was arrested by Adana police on 23 October 1992. He exercised his right to silence. He was shown to press as alive and handcuffed but he was murdered during torture. His tongue was cut off. ATAMAN INCE: He was murdered by torturers in Istanbul police HQ because he exercised his right to silence and for not cooperating with the torturers. ERKUT DIREKCI: He was arrested during a gathering organised by TURK-IS (pro state confederation of trade unions). He was subjected to heavy torture. He exercised his right to silence. This attitude of his was used as evidence of him being a member of an illegal organisation and he was imprisoned. He was suffering from kidney cancer and the police knew it. He was denied medical treatment. The last days of his life were documented by forensic report, he was released and died soon after. TUGHAN BULDU: He was tortured after being wounded in Istanbul and murdered by torture in 1990. SULEYMAN CIHAN: The general secretary of TKP/ML. He was arrested on September 1981 and murdered on 15 September 1981 during torture. HASAN HAKKI ERDOGAN: He was murdered during torture in Istanbul police HQ in 30 September 1984. ALI EKBER ATMACA: He was arrested in Savsat / Artvin in 28 May 1992 and murdered in Artvin police HQ. SELAHATTIN DOGAN: He was murdered during torture in Istanbul in 5 January 1978. HASAN GULUNAY: He was arrested in Istanbul in 20 July 1990. He was murdered during torture. MALATYA PRISON: The transfer of inmates to the hospitals are prevented. Last one month none of them received any kind of medicine. Their excuse is "the budget is cancelled". That is, our friends who were sent to hospital were denied medicine. From time to time the soldiers prevent them from receiving medicine from their families. These are the friends who need urgent medical treatment. BESIME DURUS: She has a bullet in her leg. She has a risk of being handicapped. The bullet needs to be removed urgently. The operation is prevented by the prison's administration. EYLEM YESILBAS: He suffers from dislocation of his back over the last month and a half. He finally was sent to hospital 2 days ago as a result of the pressure raised by prisoners. He has a risk of being handicapped. The prison administration did not supply his urgent needs such as a wooden board for his bed and a chair. AYSE TEMIZ: She suffers from an infection in her inner ear. For last 2 years she has been denied medical treatment. GULER ZERES: Hepatitis-B. She was denied medical treatment. FERIDE HARMAN: Kidney disease. She was denied medical treatment. HATUN AN: Rheumatism in the joints. She has a piece of shrapnel in her body. She was denied medical treatment. ELIF AKKURT: Stomach ulcer. She was denied medical treatment. GULSUM CAKMAK: Migraine. She was denied medical treatment. BERGAMA PRISON: FAIK ONDER: Hepatitis-B. ESAT UCKAN: Balance loss and back problems. He needs brain taumography. LEVENT GOKTAS: Suffers with his back. Needs x-ray. ULAS GOKTAS: Back injury, needs x-ray. RAMAZAN YILDIRIM: Stomach bleeding. Needs x-ray. MESUT ORGES: Partial balance problems in his body. ABDULLAH BOZDAG: Breathing difficulties. SADIK BAYRAKCI: Blood coagulation and balancing problems. BUCA PRISON: NEVZAT KALAYCI: Needs brain tomography. BARIS YILDIRIM: Needs brain tomography. TAMER CADIRCI: Anaemia and lung infection. AYDIN KAYA: Kidney infection. UMRANIYE PRISON: RIZA DOGRU: He was thrown out of the fifth floor of Istanbul police HQ on Vatan street. He was taken to hospital and received no proper treatment. He was forced to walk on his broken legs to the DGM (Staqte Security Court) FERHAT ERTURK: He needs eye treatment. He was denied medical treatment by the police. MADIMAK OZEN: Losing eye sight as a result of torture. YAVUZ ATES: He was taken to hospital for eye treatment after being attacked by a policeman. ERHAN SAHIN: He requires an operation for his back hernia. Being attacked by the police in the hospital. SERIFE KORKMAZ: Meniscus in her knees. She was denied an operation. DURSUN ALI PEKIN: Hearing difficulties. He requires a hearing aid. Being attacked by the police in the hospital. TEKIN IME: He requires an operation on his back. Was denied medical treatment and wasattacked by the police. CEM SELVI: Tuberculosis. In hospital he was attacked by the police. UFUK KESKIN: Diabetes. He was denied medical treatment by the police. ANKARA PRISON: CEMAAT OCAK: During a house raid, he was beaten and lost consciousness. He was sent to the morgue by mistake. Because of a blow he received during the raid, he frequently suffers from epilepsy fits. CEM SAHIN: During his arrest in 1995, he was subjected to heavy torture despite suffering from asthma and having recently undergone an operation on his testicles. He was taken to hospital unconscious. CIGDEM KAZAN (BAYRAMPASA): She was pregnant when she was arrested and subjected to torture. She cannot use her hands and arms. She cannot walk without assistance. She has difficulties in speaking. Suffers from Versiko Korsakoff disease. She was denied medical treatment and is still kept in prison even though there is no cure for her illness. AHMET POLAT (UMRANIYE): He was tortured on two different occasions despite the fact that he was already suffering from a brain disease. All torture methods were used on him. DOGAN MEMECIL: He was captured after being wounded and was murdered during torture. His eyes were taken out and his ears were chopped off. KEMAL OZELMALI: He was captured after being wounded and was tortured. He was left handicapped. ABDULAZIZ NAKCI (BARTIN): He cannot use his hands and arms. He cannot walk without assistance. Has difficulties in speaking. He suffers from Versiko Korsakoff disease. He was denied medical treatment and still kept in prison even though there is no cure for his illness. YUSUF ERISTI: He was murdered by torture in the Gayrettepe torture centre. He was made to "disappear" BIRTAN ALTUNBAS: He was murdered by torture in Ankara DAL torture centre. BAKI ERDOGAN: He was murdered by torture in Aydin torture centre. ALI RIZA AGDOGAN: He was murdered by torture in Beyoglu torture centre. HUSEYIN FIDANOGLU: He was arrested by the Istanbul TEM and murdered by bring thrown out of a building. On the behalf of DHKP-C, TKP(ML), MLKP, TKP/ML, TIKB, TKEP/ Leninist, Direnis Hareketi, HKG captives in all prisons; SADI OZBOLAT, CIGDEM KAZAN, MEHMET AKIF HAN, NIL PINAR ARIN, CAN ALI qTURKMEN, SERIF KARTOGLU, RAMAZAN SADIKOGULLARI, HASAN DEMIR? On the behalf of HDO, PYSK, TDP, DY, TKEP, captives in BAYRAMPASA PRISON; MEHMET CIFTCI, ILHAN ZEYREK, ESRAL KARAGOZ, MEHMET ALI AYHAN, NIZAM DOGAN, -- Ozgurluk For justice, democracy and human rights in Turkey and Kurdistan! Website: mailto:ozgurluk at / mailinglists: petidomo at List info: english-request at From 9011731o at Fri Jan 22 07:59:39 1999 From: 9011731o at (9011731o at Date: 22 Jan 1999 07:59:39 Subject: Conference Announcement Message-ID: Conference Announcement: CRITIQUE, Journal of Socialist Theory 'Political Economy of Post-Cold War Capitalism' Plenary Sessions: 1. Intellectual Crisis with: Bertell Ollman, Savas Matsas and Ian Spencer 2.Crisis of Social Control with: William Dixon, Mick Cox and Peter Kennedy 3.The Crisis Itself with: Hillel Ticktin and Bob Arnott Plus workshops, bookstalls and bagels! 20 February 1999 London Conway Hall, Red Lion Square 10 AM - 6 PM ?10 (?5) For more information contact: CRITIQUE Tel: 0141-330-4377 E-mail: OUT NOW! CRITIQUE 30-31, 25th anniversary issue 'MARX, MARXISM and CRISIS', including: Meszaros on 'Historical Determination', Petras on 'Class Struggle in Central America', Ticktin on 'The Present Crisis', Marx's MEGA, plus interviews, reviews and obituaries also available... CRITIQUE 28-29, 'THE IDEAS of VICTOR SERGE' Suzi Weissman, ed. Each issue ?10. Send cheque to: CRITIQUE 29 Bute Gardens University of Glasgow G12 8RS, UK From echap at Sat Jan 23 02:30:54 1999 From: echap at (echap at Date: 23 Jan 1999 02:30:54 Subject: Day of protest Against Iran's Islamic Republic Message-ID: Day of protest Against Iran's Islamic Republic In an unprecedented statement Iran's ministry of Intelligence has accepted partial responsibility for the recent political murders in Iran. Although the announcement appeared to signal a compromise reached between the two factions, in an attempt to reduce speculations ,it is quite clear that in-fighting between the two groups has subsequently intensified. Pro Khatami political groups and papers are calling for the resignation of the minister in charge of Information , while Khamneii maintains that foreign agents have infiltrated the ministry of Intelligence. One faction is trying to impeach the President , while he is suing the broadcasting authorities for defamation. Various Iranian papers are hinting at names in a death list of 182 political activists and opposition figures by the ministry of Intelligence to "liquidate" internal and external opposition. The farcical events of the last two weeks in Tehran are all indicative of a crisis in government , a reflection of the paralysis of the Iranian regime in dealing with increasing political and social discontent , the fears of an all engulfing economic crisis . They also reflect the contradictory nature of the Iranian state :a feudal/clerical state working in parallel with bourgeois organs in ministries and presidential offices . The recent victims of this in fighting have been leftwing writers and human right activists. Workers Left Unity is gravely concerned for the well being of writers, intellectuals and political activists in Iran and has therefore decided to support the International Day of protest called by Iran's Writers Association in exile , for 23rd January 1999. This coincides with the 40th day of the death of writers Mokhtari and Pouyandeh and protests will also take place in Iran. Sat 23 Jan 1999 12.30 to 2.00 pm Picket In front of Iran's Islamic Republic Embassy in London Kensington High Street Demonstration in Hanover Germany 12.00 pm Demonstration in Sweden Stockholm Coordinating Committee of Workers Left Unity -- Iran email hh at web: From K.RAUCHFUSS at Tue Jan 19 17:30:00 1999 From: K.RAUCHFUSS at (K.RAUCHFUSS at Date: 19 Jan 1999 17:30:00 Subject: Veranstaltung: Flucht und Gesundheit Message-ID: Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Medizinische Fl?chtlingshilfe Bochum e.V Wallbaumweg 108 44894 Bochum Presseerkl?rung Knut Rauchfuss Bonifatiusstr. 9 44892 Bochum Telefon (49)-234-9270-339 Mobil (49)-171-7127375 Telefax (49)-234-9270-338 20.01.1999 Flucht und Menschenrechte - Flucht und Krankheit Eine Veranstaltung mit dem Menschenrechtler Mustafa G?ndogdu Am Donnerstag, dem 21. Januar 1999, wird auf Einladung der Medizinischen Fl?chtlingshilfe Bochum der Istanbuler Soziologe und Menschenrechtler Mustafa G?ndogdu nach Bochum kommen. Herr G?ndogdu ist haupt- und ehrenamtlich bei den international agierenden t?rkischen Rechtsforschungsstiftung TOHAV und der Fl?chtlingshilfsorganisation G??DER besch?ftigt. Er arbeitet sowohl theoretisch wie auch praktisch zur Situation von Binnenfl?chtlingen in der T?rkei. Auf der Veranstaltung, die um 20 Uhr im soziokulturellen Zentrum Bahnhof-Langendreer stattfindet, wird Herr G?ndogdu ?ber die Situation kurdischer Binnenfl?chtlinge im Westen der T?rkei berichten. Neben sozialen und menschenrechtlichen Aspekten, bildet dabei die gesundheitliche Situation der Fl?chtlinge einen besonderen Schwerpunkt der Veranstaltung. Der Referent wird eine Studie vorstellen, die TOHAV und G??DER gemeinsam mit dem Menschenrechtsverein IHD durchf?hren. In der Studie wird der Einflu? von Fluchtbedingungen auf die Schwierigkeiten bei der Bew?ltigung erlittener Traumatisierung durch Krieg und Menschenrechtsverletzungen am Beispiel der kurdischen Binnenfl?chtlinge untersucht. Dar?ber hinaus wird Herr G?ndogdu in diesem Zusammenhang auch auf die aktuelle Debatte um die vermeintliche "Fluchtalternative Westt?rkei" eingehen. Nach Erfahrungen von TOHAV wird aus Deutschland abgeschobenen AsylbewerberInnen in Verh?ren nach ihrer Ankunft in der T?rkei immer wieder vorgeworfen, gegen die Interessen des Landes zu arbeiten. Dabei wurden bereits zahlreiche Abgeschobene bei ihrem Eintreffen verhaftet, gefoltert oder menschenunw?rdiger Behandlung unterzogen. Wir laden Sie herzlich zur Teilnahme an der o.g. Veranstaltung ein und bitten Sie um die Bekanntgabe in Ihrer Donnerstagsausgabe. F?r R?ckfragen - auch wegen m?glicher Interviewtermine mit Herrn G?ndogdu - steht ihnen Herr Rauchfuss unter der Mobiltelefonnummer 0171-7127375 gerne zur Verf?gung. Medizinische Fl?chtlingshilfe Bochum e.V. Spendenkonto: Kontonummer 24401341 bei Sparkasse Bochum Bankleitzahl 430 500 01 Spenden an den "Medizinische Fl?chtlingshilfe e.V." sind steuerlich abzugsf?hig. ## CrossPoint v3.1 ## From ozgurluk at Sun Jan 24 15:21:32 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 24 Jan 1999 15:21:32 Subject: Thousands turn out to remember slain Turkish journalist Message-ID: ISTANBUL, Jan 24 (AFP) - Thousands of Turks turned out across the country Sunday to commemorate the sixth anniversary of the murder of a prominent journalist and to demand that his killers be found and brought to justice. Ugur Mumcu, a reporter for the daily Cumhuriyet who had been investigating links between the mafia and the state, was killed by a bomb placed in his car in Ankara on January 24, 1993. The murder is widely believed to have been committed by gangs operating with the implicit consent of the state and licensed to kill political dissenters, but no arrests have yet been made. At ceremonies in several cities on Sunday, mourners carried candles and pictures of Mumcu, and laid flowers and wreaths at memorial stones for the journalist. "Mumcu lives on," several hundred marchers at a rally in Istanbul chanted. Ceremonies were held outside Mumcu's home and at the Cumhuriyet editorial offices in Istanbul, at the site of the explosion in Ankara, and at memorials erected to Mumcu in half a dozen other towns, according to the Anatolia news agency. List info: english-request at From theorganizer at Wed Jan 27 11:37:20 1999 From: theorganizer at (theorganizer at Date: 27 Jan 1999 11:37:20 Subject: URGENT APPEAL BRAZIL LANDLESS PEASANTS Message-ID: URGENT APPEAL BRAZIL LANDLESS PEASANTS [Please re-post and distribute widely. Excuse us if this is a duplicate posting. If you wish to be removed from this e-mail list, please let us know.] ************************* To All Supporters of Labor and Democratic Rights Dear Friends: We just received the following appeal (reprinted below) from Brazil. We urge you to add your name (and that of your organization) in support of this appeal. We will gather all the names and send them collectively to the authorities in Brazil, with an e-mail copy to the Brazilian Justice Committee (c/o State Deputy Renato Simoes). Bringing to justice the assassins of the more than 220 leaders of Brazil's rural workers' movements who have been killed in recent years is a central task facing supporters of labor and democratic rights worldwide. As you know, the assassins of Chico Mendes, the legendary leader of the Rubber Workers Union in the state of Acre, were openly allowed to escape from jail after serving only a brief sentence. Today Darcy Alves and his son, the men convicted in the assassination of Chico Mendes, are scot-free. They have a large estate and even a family store in the city of Rio Branco (Acre). The Brazilian authorities have done nothing to apprehend Alves and his son and return them to prison. Moreover, the Brazilian government has refused to lift a finger to detain and bring to justice the assassins of the other 200-plus leaders of the workers' and peasants' movement of Brazil. Now is the time to put an end to the killings. We must build a mass-based international campaign to demand that those responsible for the assassinations of Jurandir dos Santos and Roberto Duarte de Oliveira be brought to justice. Please send your endorsement to: Open World Conference, c/o San Francisco Labor Council, 1188 Franklin St. #203, San Francisco CA 94109. Tel. (510) 234-6403 Fax: (510) 234-6998, or e-mail: or Financial donations to help defray our campaign costs (mailings, publication of information bulletins, translations, xeroxing, phone calls, etc.) would also be greatly appreciated. They should be mailed to our attention at the San Francisco Labor Council (address above). In Solidarity, Ed Rosario and Mya Shone, co-coordinators, Open World Conference in Defense of the Independence of the Trade Unions and Democratic Rights ************************************************** INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR JUSTICE FOR JURANDIR DOS SANTOS & ROBERTO DUARTE DE OLIVEIRA Open Letter to the Brazilian Authorities To the attention of: Mr. Renan Calheiros Minister of Justice of Brazil Esplanada dos Ministerios; Bloco T; CEP 700064-900; Brasilia; DF Fax: 061-322-6817 Mr. Jose Afonso da Silva, Minister of Public Security of Sao Paulo state Av. Higienopolis 758 CEP 12380-000; Sao Paulo; SP Fax: 011-3823-5708 Dear Messrs. Calheiros and Da Silva: We the undersigned have been informed of a motion adopted unanimously by the 96 families of the Santa Rita Encampment on Jan. 5, 1999 that calls for: "- a prompt investigation into the assassinations of Jurandir dos Santos and Roberto Duarte de Oliveira, and "- the immediate punishment of those responsible for these assassinations." What are the facts? The motion adopted by the Santa Rita Encampment states the following: "Jurandir dos Santos and Roberto Duarte de Oliveira, both members of the Movement of Landless Peasants of Brazil (MST), were last seen the night of December 19, 1998, at the MST encampment of Nova Esperanca (New Hope) on the Santa Rita estate in the township of Sao Jose dos Campos (state of Sao Paulo). "They had taken off by foot to the closest town to do some shopping for the upcoming Christmas holiday. En route they were assassinated. Their bodies were found December 23. They had been shot in the head at close range. Jurandir had been brutally tortured; his body was severely slashed and several limbs were fractured. "These crimes cannot go unpunished. The assassins seek to intimidate the 96 families in the encampment [land occupation]. These are rural workers who are simply fighting for a small plot of land so they can have the right to a future. The assassins wish to silence the MST and prevent it from expanding its struggle for agrarian reform in Brazil. "We accuse: "- the Federal Government of Brazil is responsible for these deaths insofar it continues to refuse to implement an agrarian reform program, thereby denying millions of rural Brazilians the most elementary means of subsistence. "- the large landowners (fazendeiros) are responsible for these deaths, as they systematically hire armed goons (jaguncos) who then carry out the threats and ultimately the assassinations. The landowners' association -- UDR -- was formed to prevent the landless peasants from having access to the land. The UDR=B9s methods include the most heinous forms of terror and murder. "We demand that the Brazilian authorities undertake a rigorous and immediate investigation into the assassinations of Jurandir dos Santos and Roberto Duarte de Oliveira, as well as the exemplary punishment of the criminals. "We will call on all supporters of democratic and human rights to join us in support of our demands for: "- Agrarian Reform. It=B9s Everyone=B9s Struggle! "- Occupy, Resist, Produce! "- Whereas the Landowners Want War, We Want Land! "- Investigate the Assassinations of Jurandir dos Santos and Roberto Durate de Oliveira and Punish those Responsible! (motion approved by the general assembly of the 96 families at the Santa Rita Encampment, January 5, 1999) We the undersigned endorse the above statement and join our voices to demand a thorough investigation into these two assassinations and the punishment of those responsible. Sincerely, (initial list of endorsers of this appeal) Journalists Union of the state of Sao Paulo; Public Service Workers in Science and Technology; Municipal Workers Union of Sao Jose dos Campos; Postal Workers Union of Sao Jose dos Campos; Metalworkers Union of Sao Jose dos Campos; SEEC of Sao Jose dos Campos; Industrial Kitchen Workers Union of Sao Jose dos Campos; Workers Party (PT) of Maua; Workers Party (PT) of Poa; Workers Party (PT) of Ribeirao Pires; Workers Party (PT) of Sao Jose dos Campos; PSTU of Sao Jose dos Campos; PcdoB of Sao Jose dos Campos; CA History Dept., USP; Dr. Denis Landyer (lawyer); Milton Bueno de Almeida, City Councilperson (PY), Poa; Renato Simoes, State Deputy for Sao Paulo and President of the Commission on Human Rights of the Legislative Assembly of Sao Paulo; MST of Sao Jose dos Campos; Nova Esperanca (New Hope) Encampment; MST of Sao Paulo. * Please add your name to this list of endorsers. Send all copies of your appeals and all letters of support to: Justice Committee Office of Deputy Renato Simoes Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de Sao Paulo Av. Pedro Alvares Cabral s/n=BA Fax: 011-884-3986 e-mail: rsimoes at Initial list of International Endorsers: Initial List of International Endorsers: Baldemar Velasquez, President, Farm Labor Organizing Committee/FLOC (AFL-CIO); Buzz Hargrove, President, Canadian Auto Workers (CAW); Trim Bissell, national coordinator, Campaign for Labor Rights (Washington, DC); Warren Mar, Organizing Institute, AFL-CIO; Ellen M. Starbird (Oakland, CA); Daniel Gluckstein, Coordinator, on behalf of the International Liaison Committee for a Workers? International (ILC); Pharis J. Harvey, Executive Director, on behalf of the International Labor Rights Fund (Washington, D.C.); Ralph Schoenman, Editorial Board, The Organizer; David Wald; USA/Cuba InfoMed; Edward Abplanlap (Lincoln, NE); Alice Zachmann, Director, Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA; Prof. Ray Morris, Dept. of Sociology, York University; Alan Benjamin, Organizing Committee, Open World Conference-2000; Wanda Ballentine; Resource Center of The Americas; Pamela Costain, Executive Director, RCTA; Ana de Ita, Centro de Estudios para el Cambio en el Campo Mexicano (Mexico); Albert Vetere Lannon, Chair, Laney College Labor Studies Department; Karl Fischbacher, Independent Unionists within the OeGB (Austria); The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Base Communities; Grassroots News Network (Austin Texas); Greg Durka; Project South (Atlanta, GA); Bruce Allen, 1st Vice President, St. Catharines & District Labour Council (Canada); Tom Athanasiou, writer; Julian Kunnie, Member, Socialist Party of Azania; Peg Morton (Eugene, Oregon); Christina Holcroft, Sc.D., University of Massachusetts-Lowell; Karen Brodkin; Professor Al Campbell, Department of Economics, University of Utah; S. Leticia Figueroa Ram?rez, UAM (Mexicali, Mexico); Comite de Coordination, Colloque Feministe Francophone (Dakar, Senegal); Marcela Alvarez P.D. (Mexico D.F.); Joyce Wallace; Marcelo Suarez, Coordinator, Community Action on Latin America - C.A.L.A. (Madison, Wisconsin); Garvin, Kristin M; John Martin West, IWW (El Paso, TX); Jon Jonakin, Associate Professor, Economics Department of Economics and Finance, Tennessee Technological University; Paul Williams (Atlantic City, NJ); Etan Wexler (Vienna, VA); Mustard Seed Catholic Worker (Saginaw, MI); Roger S. Gottlieb, Professor of Philosophy, Department of Humanities and Arts (Worcester, MA); Christopher B. Gray, Assoc.Prof., Philosophy, Concordia U., Montreal, Executive member at large, CU Faculty Assn. (Quebec, Canada); Red Solidaridad con America Latina "Oscar A. Romero" en Europa, Grupo Dinamarca; AH-Group Stockholm (Sweden); Louis Lefeber, CERLAC, York University Professor-emeritus (Toronto, Canada); Martin Zabe, University of Louisville, Department of Biochemistry (Louisville, KY); John Witeck, Coordinator, Philippine Workers Support Committee (Hawaii, U.S); Charles F. Moreira (Jaring, Malaysia); Millie Phillips; SF unit chair for IBEW 1245; J. Shafer for SISIS; Ole Fjord Larsen, Secr., on behalf of the formative world parliament of the united peoples; Dr Syed Husin Ali, President, Parti Rakyat Malaysia (Malaysian People's Party); Dr. Molly Lee, Co-ordinator International Bureau, ALIRAN (Malaysia); Erin Randel, Columbus, Ohio; Joe Silvaggio; Katie Halloran; Mike (Bread and Roses High School, New York, NY); Global Sweatshop Coalition (Disney/Haiti Justice Campaign); IWW NY General Membership Branch; NY CISPES; Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater NY; Mary Jean Braun (Tucson, Arizona); Nell A. Beekman (Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio); Fellowship of Reconciliation ? Task Force on Latin America and the Caribbean/ Panama Campaign (San Francisco, CA); Tony Saunois, for the Committee for a Workers International (with affiliated parties and groups in more than 30 different countries); Dr. David Bernans (Part-time faculty @ Concordia University, Montreal); Paula Niemeyer, York University Faculty Association (YUFA - North York, Canada); Enrique Priego, Leticia Figueroa, Margarita Barajas, Guillermo Alvarez, Adriana Wells, Julieta Curiel, investigadores del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de laUniversidad Aut?noma de Baja California; V?ctor Nu?o, Juan Ortiz Huendo, maestros de la UABC; Jos? Moreno Mena, Centro de Derechos Humanos y Educaci?n C?vica; Javier Ca?izares, Jes?s N., Isauro Jerez, trabajadores mineros de Cananea, Sonora; Gemma L?pez; Raymundo Blas, Comit? Fronterizo de Derechos Humanos "Ricardo Flores Mag?n"; Federico Garc?a Estrada, subprocurador; Rosa Arregu?n, Manuel Guill?n, visitadores, Procuradur?a de Derechos Humanos y Protecci?n Ciudadana de Baja California; (Gruppe Internationale Berlin / Germany); Paul Morse (Lowell, Massachusetts); Mujer y Medio Ambiente A.C. (Mexico DF, Mexico); Ross Swanston (New Zealand); John Dillon, research co-ordinator, Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice (Canada); Jeanie Keltner, editor, Because People Matter (Sacramento, CA); Erin Randel (Columbus, Ohio); Sharon a. Bonney; Prof. Beatriz Urrea, Dept. Spanish and Portuguese, U. of Arizona (Tucson, AZ); Guatemala Solidarity Committee (London, Ontario, Canada) From theorganizer at Wed Jan 27 11:53:50 1999 From: theorganizer at (theorganizer at Date: 27 Jan 1999 11:53:50 Subject: OWC-YEAR 2000 CONFERENCE APPEAL Message-ID: OWC-YEAR 2000 CONFERENCE APPEAL ********* [Please re-post and distribute widely. Excuse us if this is a duplicate posting. If you wish to be removed from our e-mail list, please let us know.] *********** Dear Sisters and Brothers, Please join with us in building a significant international labor conference for the independence of the trade unions and democratic rights. You will find below the Appeal for this international workers' conference, which will be held January 14-17 of the year 2000 at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in San Francisco. The Appeal was issued by the Western Hemisphere Workers' Conference Continuations Committee in conjunction with the San Francisco Labor Council (AFL-CIO). Following the text of the Open World Conference Appeal is a first list of endorsers. The enormous enthusiasm elicited for this Open World Conference in just a few weeks indicates that this year 2000 workers' conference could represent another important step toward building Global Unionism. But for this to happen, we urgently need your endorsement of the Conference Appeal and your support. Please send us your endorsement of this Appeal as soon as possible, and list exactly how you would like to be identified. Also, we urgently need your financial support to produce and mail the bimonthly conference preparatory bulletins and to build this event as broadly as possible within the international labor movement. Contributions, large or small, should be sent to WHC, c/o San Francisco Labor Council, 1188 Franklin St. #203, San Francisco, CA 94109. Please make checks payable to WHC. You can also reach us by phone at (510) 234-6603 or fax (510) 234-6998. Our e-mail address is . Copies of this Appeal are available in Spanish and French. Please let us know if you wish to be sent a copy in one or both of these languages. Also, if you wish more information about the Western Hemisphere Workers Conference Continuations Committee, please let us know. Thanks for your support, In Solidarity, Ed Rosario Mya Shone Co-coordinator Co-Coordinator +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ APPEAL for an Open World Conference of Workers in Defense of Trade Union Independence and Democratic Rights >From every corner of the globe, we hear the same message from governments and the multinational corporations they serve: It is working people who must relinquish their jobs, social protections and, most important, their independent trade unions to permit global capital's "free trade" agenda to move forward. It is we who, in the name of "modernization" and "globalization," must forfeit all the gains we have won over decades of struggle. The existence of international labor rights -- particularly the right to collective bargaining and the right to strike -- are considered barriers to "free trade." Indeed, the traditional trade union, we are told, is not suitable for the workplace of the new millennium insofar as it said to "hamper" a corporation's ability to compete in the global economy. In our own experience in the United States we have witnessed countless efforts by the employers and the government to restrict, suppress and even bust unions. The assault has taken various forms -- PATCO, Taft-Hartley, Landrum-Griffin, the Hatch Act, state "right-to-work" laws, Congressional back-to-work orders for striking railworkers, "Paycheck Protection" acts, and lawsuits against unions and officers who respect picket lines -- such as in the West Coast Neptune Jade case. The list goes on. But the content is always the same: to shackle the labor movement. When this doesn't work, we have seen the employers and government try to integrate us into their plans. Under the pretense of making us their "associates" and "partners," they deploy all sorts of schemes to undermine collective bargaining and to roll back our rights and working conditions. They also hold out the promise of toothless "side agreements" and other such language to get us to drop our fight against NAFTA and the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), which are so crucial to global capital's "free trade" agenda. What can we do to fight back? On June 7, 1998, close to 200 trade union delegates from 36 countries met in Geneva to counter global capital's assault on working people the world over and to promote a fightback in defense of trade union rights. The meeting, held on the eve of the annual convention of the International Labor Organization (ILO), was called by the heads of 17 national trade union federations in Africa and the International Liaison Committee for a Workers' International (ILC), a coalition of trade unionists and activists in 82 countries fighting the structural adjustment policies of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Ed Rosario, coordinator of the Western Hemisphere Workers' Conference Against NAFTA and Privatizations, was the keynote speaker at the Geneva meeting. Brother Rosario, who represented the San Francisco Labor Council (AFL-CIO), called for an international labor fightback in defense of the ILO conventions (right to collective bargaining, ban on child and forced labor, ban on discrimination in employment, equal wages for work of equal value, etc.) against all the attempts by the WTO and IMF to subvert and ultimately destroy them. He also urged the conference participants to join the struggle for Global Unionism charted by the Western Hemisphere Workers Conference, which was held in November 1997 with the participation of 412 delegates from 20 countries -- including a representative from the national AFL-CIO. A central concern expressed by all the trade union delegates in Geneva was the growing threat to the independence of the trade unions on all continents. They took note of the increasing attempts by the WTO and IMF to break the power of the unions by seeking to incorporate the leaderships of the trade unions into "Social Pacts" and "Roundtable Agreements" with the very governments and bosses that are dismantling our jobs, worsening our working conditions and attacking our very unions. Such pacts are based on the idea that labor, management and governments must come together to find "common solutions," thereby putting aside what WTO head Renato Ruggiero calls the "confrontational relationship and frictions inherent in traditional labor-management relations." The participants in the Geneva meeting called on working people throughout the world to reject the strategy of "Social Pacts," which, they warned, was the road to the integration-cooptation of the unions into the very fabric of globalization -- something the multinationals so desperately need as they seek to avert mass social upheavals that could threaten their anti-worker designs. At the conclusion of the gathering in Geneva, the delegates concluded that there must be a world conference aimed at defending the independence of the unions -- and democracy itself, insofar as an independent labor movement is a cornerstone of a free and democratic society. They proposed a conference in the year 2000 in response to a United Nations Summit, to be convened in June of that year at the behest of the IMF and WTO with the explicit purpose of advancing the integration-cooptation agenda of the multinationals. The UN Summit is designed to bring together all the players in the so-called "civil society" (local employers, multinational corporations, nongovernmental organizations/NGOs, churches, trade unions, charity organizations, lobbying groups, and political parties) into a common framework to promote more "democratic" and "participatory" free trade pacts and other anti-worker policies. The time to act is now! In answer to the June 7 appeal from Geneva, the Western Hemisphere Workers=B9 Conference Continuations Committee -- together with all the undersigned endorsing unions, trade unionists and activists =8B call upon all who seek to defend unions, to protect and advance the gains of the workers' movement and to guarantee that a safe environment exists as we move onto a better future for all people: Join us in organizing a worldwide workers' conference in early 2000 in San Francisco. Following as it will on the successful Western Hemisphere Workers' Conference Against NAFTA and Privatizations, our conference in the year 2000 will afford an opportunity to gather together unionists and activists from around the world to share experiences, to analyze the attacks of the bosses, and =8B most important =8B to chart an international fightback. We need to unite all those who are upholding the defense of independent trade unions and democratic rights, irrespective of country, union or political horizon. We call upon unions and working people to endorse this call. Contribute information to a multilingual bulletin to be published regularly by the conference organizers on the issues confronting the trade union movement. Help us raise the funds necessary to ensure trade union delegations from around the world who will be present at the conference. Please join us in building Global Unionism and an international movement against privatization, against the scourge of "free trade" agreements, against NAFTA and its extension into the FTAA, against the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), against the destruction of jobs and benefits =8B and for the defense of our unions and our democratic rights. A totally unified global response is the very response the bosses and the politicians most fear. This is precisely the response we must forge. We must send out the message: Labor is on the Move =8B No More Boundaries. By working together, WE SHALL OVERCOME! ......... Please send all organizational/individual endorsements and financial sponsorships (payable to Western Hemisphere Conference or WHC) to the San Francisco Labor Council (AFL- CIO), attention: Ed Rosario, 1188 Franklin St., suite 203, San Francisco, CA 94109. You can also fax your endorsement to us at (415) 440-9297, or call us if you have any questions at (415) = 681-5868 or (415) 440-4809. You can also email us at: unite at INITIAL ENDORSERS IN THE UNITED STATES -- San Francisco Labor Council (AFL-CIO); -- Western Hemisphere Workers Conference Continuations Committee; -- Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC/AFL-CIO); -- International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU); -- California Fair Trade Campaign; -- Jack Henning, Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus, California Labor Federation (AFL-CIO); -- Sweatshop Watch; -- Global Exchange; -- San Francisco chapter, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA); -- Northern California Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights; -- Labor/Community Alliance (Central Calif. Jobs with Justice); -- Support Committee for Maquiladora Workers (San Diego); -- GCIU Web Press and Pre-Press Workers Local 4-N; -- WarZone Education Foundation (Decatur, Ill.); -- Baldemar Velasquez, President, Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC/AFL-CIO); -- Jerry Gordon, trade unionist (Ohio); -- Walter Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer, San Francisco Labor Council; -- Frank Martin del Campo, National Executive Board member, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA); -- Ed Rosario, Coordinator, Western Hemisphere Workers Conference; -- Alan Benjamin, Editor, The Organizer newspaper; -- Robert Irminger, former defendant, Neptune Jade Defense Committee; -- Duane Campbell, California Faculty association, SEIU 1983 & Chair, Anti Racism Commission, Democratic Socialists of America; -- Jeff Lustig, Professor of Government, Calif. State Univ., Sacramento; and President CSUS chapter, California Faculty Association; -- Norma Campisi DLC 784 President CSEA; -- Rep. Terry Bouricius, member of the Vermont House of Representatives; -- Hal Sutton, member, UAW Local 1268 (in a personal capacity); -- Larry Duncan Labor Beat TV program co-producer; -- John Witeck, coordinator, Philippine Workers Support Committee, U.S. FIRST ENDORSERS WORLD-WIDE: -- For the International Liaison Committee for a Workers International (ILC): Daniel Gluckstein, national secretary of the Parti des travailleurs (Workers Party - France), in charge -- by decision of the Third Open = World Conference of the ILC, which gathered representatives from 80 = countries -- of coordinating all the ILC activities. -- Germany: Hans Werner Sch=FCster, trade unionist Public Services = (=D6TV) - Karlheinz Gerhold, trade unionist Public Services - Justine Hauptmann, trade unionist Bank, Insurance, Trade (HBV), SPD - Anna Grotjohann, trade unionist Public Services (=D6TV) - Geron Falk, = trade unionist Public Services (=D6TV), SPD - Helmut Gr=F6schl,. trade = unionist Public Services (=D6TV), SPD - Carla Boulboull=E9, trade unionist = Education (GEW) - Manfred Birkhahn, trade unionist Bank, Insurance, Trade (HBV) - Horst Raupp, trade unionist Public Services (=D6TV), SPD - Heiner Becker, trade unionist Education (GEW) - Elke Falke, trade unionist Public Services (=D6TV) - Eckard Swillens, trade unionist = Public Services (=D6TV) -- Azania (South Africa): Lybon S. Mabasa, Socialist Party of Azania = - Makoma Cekalakab, Socialist Party of Azania -- Bangladesh: Tafazzul Hussain, President Jatiya Sramik Federation (Bangladesh National Workers Federation-BJSF), Presidium member Gonotantrik Majdoor Party (Democratic Workers Party) - Iqbal Majumder, Secretary, BJSF & Secretary Gonotantrik Majdoor Party - Fazlul Huq Ripon, International Affairs Secretary, BJSF & Presidium member Gonotantrik Majdoor Party - Abdus Salam, Law Secretary, BJSF and Presidium member Gonotantrik Majdoor Party - Ms. Nargish Akhter, Member, Gonotantrik Majdoor Party and Women Garment Workers Union - Ms. Shamimara, Women Affairs Secretary BJSF, member Democratic Workers Party - Ms. Saleha Sattar, Convenor, Gantantrik Mahila Sanghstha ( Democratic Women Organization) - Abul Basher, President, Jatiya Sramik Federation ( National Workers Federation) & Vice-president Workers Party of Bangladesh - Ismail Hussain, Secretary, Jute Spinning Workers Federation - Delawar Hossain, President Garments Workers Federation - Masud Rana, Revolutionary Youth Forum - Sanjeed Hossain, Revolutionary Youth Forum -- Belgium: Harry Lubben, Dockers FGTB - Ivan Victor, FGTB Transports = - Carlo Alfieri, trade unionist steel industry - Kamal Dhif, trade = unionist Education FGTB - Philippe De Menten, trade unionist Education FGTB - Evelyne Lemaux, trade unionist FGTB Ministries administration. Brazil: Julio Turra, trade unionist, CUT executive commission; Luis Eduardo Greenhalg, former international relations director, Workers Party, former National Deputy, Workers Party; Emanuel Mellato, = President, Auto Workers Union of Campinas (Brazil); -- Burkina Faso: Tol=E9 Sagnon, on the CGT-B capacity -- Chad: Gami Ngarmadjal, General Secretary, Chad Teachers Trade = Union (SET) -- Cote d=B9Ivoire: Fran=E7ois K. Yao, trade unionist Power and Gas = Industry (SYNASEG) -- Czech Republic: Vratislav Votova -- Denmark: Claus Westergreen, trade unionist Building industry - Per S=F8rensen, Trade unionist Building Industry -- France: Achour Nathalie, trade unionist, Health Care Social = Insurance - Arnaudies Dominique, trade unionist, T=E9l=E9coms -Arnold Franck, journalist - Aucouturier Alain, trade unionist, Steelworker- = Bachellerie Georges, trade unionist, Chemical Industry Federation (atom) - Barbarant Yves, trade unionist, Social Pension Fund Administration - Bareau Nicole, trade unionist, Social Security System -Barrois Jean- Pierre, trade unionist, University Teacher -Battais Jean-Pierre, = trade unionist, Steelworker - Bauvert G=E9rard, trade unionist, journalist = - Belleville Isabelle, trade unionist, Hospital -Beltramo Jean-Paul, = trade unionist, Research - Benard Paul, trade unionist, Public services - = Besse Pierre, trade unionist, SNCF (national railways) -Betfort Guy, trade unionist, Education - Biscaye Alain, trade unionist, Education - = Boeuf Christiane, trade unionist, Research - Bouchet Jean-Marc, trade unionist, professionnal formation for adults - Bourges Patrick, trade unionist, Building industry - Boussel Martine, trade unionist, = journalist - Cabrera Genevi=E8ve, trade unionist, Hospital - Carrera Mario, trade unionist, administration of the Equipment ministry - Cercl=E9 = Patrick, trade unionist, Steelworker - Chaintron Line, trade unionist, Hospital - Chevalier Sylvette, trade unionist, Education/Research - Ch=E8ve- Souzais, trade unionist, Pharmaceutic industry - Clause Danielle, = trade unionist, Education - Cl=E9ment Jacques, trade unionist, Finances Administration - Cochin Catherine, trade unionist, Hospital - Collard Alain, trade unionist, Social Action Services - Cot Rita, trade = unionist, Education - Cubertafon Michel, trade unionist, SNCF (national = railways) - Dalino Pierre-Yvon, trade unionist, Finances Administration - = Dantin Carrere Marc, trade unionist, Finances Administration - Dantin Germaine, trade unionist, Finances Administration - Delapierre = G=E9rard, trade unionist, Administration of the Equipment ministry - Delesque Michel, trade unionist, Chemical Industry - Demont Philippe, trade unionist, Higher Education - Denis Catherine, trade unionist, Social Pension Fund administration - Dodge D=E9borah, trade unionist, Social = aid - Doriane Olivier - Dubois Jean-Pierre, trade unionist, Social = Security System - Ducrot Patrick, trade unionist, Education - Dumeunier Jacques, trade unionist, Printing Press - Dupin Thierry, trade = unionist, Post offices - Faure Jacques, trade unionist, Environment Ministry - F=E9ron Josette, trade unionist, Education (pensioner) - Feurtrie E., = trade unionist, Education - Feuvrier Jean-Claude, trade unionist, Chemical industry - Fitoussi Jean-Pierre, trade unionist, Scientific Research = - Fortin Claude, trade unionist, Printing Press - Gady Jean-Paul, trade unionist, Steelworker - Gaudichet Dani=E8le, trade unionist, = Education - Gauquelin Marc, journalist - Gauthier Daniel, trade unionist, Post offices - Gelinotte Jean-Claude, trade unionist, post-offices - = Geoffroy Denis, trade unionist, Hospital - Geslot R. - Gillet Jean-Philippe, = trade unionist, post-offices - Girodolle Jean-Louis, trade unionist, = Education employee - Girondin Christian, trade unionist, Education - Gonin Michel, trade unionist, Education - Groisier Jean-Michel, trade = unionist, Finances Administration - Harroch Gali, trade unionist, Education - Hayon Samy, trade unionist, Administration Equipment Ministry - Hebert Marc, trade unionist, National Defence Ministry - Hutinet = Marc, trade unionist, Steelworker - Jolivet Francis, trade unionist, Local Administration (townhall) - Kermin Jean-Charles, trade unionist, EDF (national power industry) - Kovacs Marika, trade unionist, Higher Education - Labandibar Jean-Pierre, trade unionist, pensioner - Laminette G=E9rard, trade unionist, SNCF (national railways) - = Langlet Denis, trade unionist, Steelworker - Laurent Simon, trade unionist, Steelworker - Lavrut Jean-Luc, trade unionist, Public services - Le Tuhaut Patrick, trade unionist, Education - Legoff Yan, journalist - Loew Jean-Claude, trade unionist, Chemical industry (Atom) - Logereau Josette - Luiggi G=E9rard, trade unionist, Equipment = Ministry Administration - Manent Alain, trade unionist, T=E9l=E9coms - Marchal Jean-Marie, trade unionist, Steelworker - Marous Emile, trade = unionist, Education employee - Marquiset Jean-Charles, trade unionist, Public Services - Martin Claude, trade unionist, Education - Martin Jacqueline, trade unionist, Chemical Industry - Martinez Roger, trade unionist, Archaeologist - Medjkal Hamou, trade unionist, Steelworker = - Mennecier Jean, trade unionist, Higher Education - Mennecier Philippe, trade unionist, Research - Millard Alain, trade unionist, = Post offices - Montagne Martine, trade unionist, Workers Mutual services - Moro Michel, trade unionist, RATP (subway - pensioner) - Moschetti Agathe, trade unionist, Banks - Nicol Jos=E9, trade unionist, = post-offices - Parquier Jean-Christophe, trade unionist, actor - Perrossier Guy, = trade unionist, Social security system - Pichon Marie - Pillet Didier, = trade unionist, T=E9l=E9coms - Pinet Jean-Marie, trade unionist, = Steelworker - Pommery Thierry, trade unionist, Social security system - Raffi Jean- Pierre, journalist - Ray Bernard, trade unionist, Education - Robert Sylviane, trade unionist, State Administration - Roques Alain, trade unionist, Research - Saget Jo=EBl, trade unionist, Hospital - = Salamero Joachim, trade unionist - Samouth Pascal, trade unionist, Education = - Sat, trade unionist, Transports - Sauge Jean-Michel, trade unionist, Banks - Schidlower Marie-Claude - Sicre Jean-Luc, trade unionist, T=E9l=E9coms - Smagghe Patrick, trade unionist, T=E9l=E9coms - = Souleymane Soumarou, trade unionist, Cleaner industry - Sourdeval Claude, trade unionist, Air Transports - Shapira Daniel, journalist - Sroussi Marie- France, trade unionist, Education - Stefanini Jean-Claude, trade unionist, Insurances - Tanguy Jean-Claude, trade unionist, Education = - Thuilot Rose-Marie, trade unionist, Local Administration - Travers Fr=E9d=E9ric, trade unionist, Higher Education - Tribouillard Pierre, = trade unionist, Hospital - Trombetta Philippe, trade unionist, Banks - = Vallot Fran=E7ois, trade unionist, National Defence Ministry - Vincent = Patrick, trade unionist, Education. -- Great Britain: John Hillon, trade unionist Bakers trade union = (BFAWU) - Geoff Ellis, trade unionist Firemen (FBU) - Henri Mott, trade = unionist Transports (TGWU) - Nick Philipps, trade unionist Public Services (UNISON) - Marc Billaudel, Committee against Child Labour - M. Hindley, European M.P. - J. Hendy, Barrister - J. Marino, General secretary, Bakers trade union (BFAWU) - G. Martin, trade unionist, Public Services, London region (UNISON) - J. Nolan, Liverpool Dockers = - Steve Donnelli, Secretary Shop Steward Committee, Delco Electronics Kirby, Liverpool. -- Greece: Miltos Papaioakim, trade unionist Health care (member of = the General council of the Greece Hospital Physicians Confederation) - Christos Roubanis, trade unionist, Education (leader of the secundary school teachers trade union in Athens) -- Haiti: Cajuste Lexiuste, honorary president of the Workers General Confederation of Haiti (CGT) - G=E9rard Pierre, general secretary of = the Workers General Confederation of Haiti (CGT) (CGT) - Nathan Delassaint, organisation secretary of the Workers General = Confederation of Haiti (CGT) - Ronald Saint-Jean, international relations secretary = of the Workers General Confederation of Haiti (CGT) - Yves Josepa, conflicts secretary of the Workers General Confederation of Haiti = (CGT) -- Hongkong: Chan Kai Wei, Christian Industrial Committee - Apo = Leong, Centre Asian Monitor Ressource - Bong G. Angeles, APEC Labour Right Monitor -- Hungary: Zoltan Soos, Miners trade union - Janos Feher, " Liga " = trade union - Laszlo Miklosi, " Liga " trade union -- India: Nambiath Vasudevan, General secretary national = confederation Blue Star Union - L M Sawe, General Secretary, Nicholas Employees Union (pharmaceutical sector) - Harish Pujari, General Secretary, = Otis Elevators Employees Union - Arant G. More, General Secretary, Mukand Kasngor Union (steel industry sector) - Nilesh Parman, General Secretary, Gujarat Working Class Union (general engineering sector). -- Indonesia: Rekson Silaban, director, international department of = the Indonesia Prosperity Trade unions Central Board -- Italy: Guido Montanari, Researcher trade union - Lorenzo Varaldo, = trade unionist, Education --Lituania: Evaldas Balciunas, trade unionist --Mexico: Enrique Hernandez, General Secretary, National Workers = Union, UNT, of Baja California state and General Secretary of the October 6th Workers Union (Han Young) -- Norway: Asbj=F8rn Andersen, trade unionist, Education Pakistan: Gulzar Hahmad Chudhary, General Secretary, All Pakistan Trade Union Federation - Rubina Jamil, Working Women Organisation - Fazel Waid, Organiser, Pakistan Railways Trade union -- Peru: Erwin Salazar, secretary of the CGTP Union of Lambayeque town -- Portugal: Henriques Santana, trade unionist, Trade employees CGTP = - Manuel Baptista, trade unionist, Education FENPROF -- Romania: Ion Ruset, trade unionist, Miners - Florin Orban, = Journalist trade union -- Russia: Dimitri Lobok, trade unionist, National Education - Victor Tchernychov, Railways trade unionist -- Slovakia: Jan Tesar -- Spain: Jesus Bejar Sanchez, Steel industry- Raimundo Tena Romero, Steel industry- Luis Gonzalez Sanz, Health care - Araceli Ortiz Arteaga, Health care - Eugeni Blas Anglada, Finances - Javier Vidal Gutierrez, Topography - Montserrat Perez Esteban, Local Administration - Jos=E9 Sanchez Alvarez, Local Administration - Jesus Maria Perez Martinez, UGT Euskadi - Alicia Floranes, CCOO Health care -- Sweden: Markus Carlstedt, trade unionist, Education -- Sri Lanka: Anton Marcus, trade unionist, General Trade union of = Industry and Transports Workers -- Switzerland: Luc Deley, trade unionist, Public Services SSP - = Simone Girodo, trade unionist, Public Services SSP - Michel Zimmermann - Christine Stoop, trade unionist Poste Offices -- Taiwan: Jeng Tsuen Chy, Centre of Information for Education = through work. -- Thailand: Abdus Sabur, Foundation Asian Ressource -- Venezuela: Froilan Barrios, deputy the national Parliament -- Yugoslavia: Pavlucko Imsirovic, trade unionist - Jacim Milunovic, = trade unionist, Hostels and food products. From ozgurluk at Fri Jan 29 13:42:59 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 29 Jan 1999 13:42:59 Subject: Turkish policemen acquitted in re-trial of human rights case Message-ID: Update! ANKARA, Jan 27 (AFP) - A Turkish court on Wednesday acquitted 10 policemen on charges of having tortured twelve adolescents in what has become known as the case of the "Children of Manisa", a court spokesman said. The court in the western town of Manisa handed down a first acquittal last March, but was ordered by the Court of Appeals in October to retry the case. "It emerges clearly from the medical evidence that the suspects were tortured during police interrogation in Manisa," the Appeals Court said at the time. But the Manisa court repeated its verdict of not guilty and ordered the policemen released, the spokesman in Manisa said. The prosecution had asked for prison terms of up to twelve years. The case now goes back to the Court of Appeals, the spokesman said. "This is a faulty verdict," Sabri Ergul, a parliamentary deputy who represented the Manisa youths as a lawyer, told AFP. "It is not lawful for a local court to pass over an Appeals Court ruling and insist on its original decision," Ergul said. "We are certain that the Court of Appeals will overturn this verdict too," he added. "If Turkey wants to win respect in the world, it must punish torture," Ergul said. "This is all we want." The policemen were accused of having tortured the adolescents, aged 15 to 18 at the time, in January 1996 to extract confessions of membership in an outlawed left-wing group. According to medical evidence presented in court, the youths suffered electric shocks, sexual abuse and other forms of torture. Several of the adolescents were sentenced to prison terms of up to twelve years on the basis of their confessions and spent more than two years in jail, before the Court of Appeals last year ordered them released and retried. They are currently on trial in Izmir, where the prosecution has asked for prison terms of two years each. The case has become one of the most notorious human rights cases in Turkey. -- Press Agency Ozgurluk For justice, democracy and human rights in Turkey and Kurdistan! Website: mailto:ozgurluk at / mailinglists: petidomo at List info: english-request at From ozgurluk at Sun Jan 31 05:59:03 1999 From: ozgurluk at (ozgurluk at Date: 31 Jan 1999 05:59:03 Subject: Statement from DHKP-C prisoners in the Canakkale prison (Turkey) Message-ID: Canakkale Prison January 1999 WE DO NOT LET FASCISTS EXIST WHEREVER WE ARE Like all in other areas, the oligarchy is trying to use their civic fascist forces against revolutionaries in the prisons, too. The most recent examples of this were the developments in the Bergama and Sakarya prisons. The enemy opened fire on our comrades in the Bergama prison. These comrades were taking part in an action in response to the attack on our comrades in the Ceyhan prison. When our comrades beat off this attack, they rsponded by sending the fascist criminals in with iron bars and sticks in their hands. This attack was also beaten off by our comrades with the same determination. Again the developments in the Sakarya prison show that the enemy will use their civic fascist forces in the prisons for many purposes. They have tried to attack the revolutionary prisoners once they had created an opportunity through provocation by using the fascists. But the response they got was resistance, the solidarity actions of the revolutionary prisoners in the other prisons and their determination for revenge. Of course, their attempts are not limited to this couple of examples. Similar provocations and attacks have been continuously tried in the prisons where revolutionaries and the non-political prisoners share the same location. This has happened. The developments during the last month in the Canakkale prison, give an indication of the continuity of this policy of fascist attacks and murders. A while ago, during the Death Fast Resistance, the efforts of the fascist chief prosecutor, Cemal Sahir Gurcay who is also the general director of prisons, to incite the non-political prisoners against the revolutionary inmates were abandoned without success because of the vigilance and early intervention of the revolutionary prisoners. During the same period, the representatives of the Susurluk state in Canakkale were working on different ways of carrying out murders and provocation. They tried to get two non- political prisoners to kill the DHKP-C representative and at the same time, they began the efforts with organised and institutionalised fascists. A group of fascist mobsters who were institutionalised in the isolation section, began with a typical method of organising; the distribution of drugs and hashish. At the same time, by using the opportunities created by the enemy, they had tried to establish their hegemony in four wards of the non-political prisoners. Of course, this attempt to establish their hegemony was firstly by making these prisoners dependent on them through drug addiction and then, they through residing in these wards. All these developments have been taking place before the eyes of the administration of the prison. These fascists had permission to do what they wanted. We have uncovered that the fascist mobsters Tekin Yilmaz, Ramazan Yasar, Oktay Koca and former turncoat-policeman Ibrahim? who were staying in the isolation section of the prison, led this organisation and drug trafficking. While we were establishing our programme to smash this rotten fascist core, a delegation representing all the non-political prisoners requested a meeting with the DHKP-C representation. Their demands were: "If we can live in the prison with dignity without being subjected to oppression and torture, this is because of the DHKP-C. This is because of your martyr, IDIL. With your permission, we would like to intervene on this occasion and talk to both the administration and fascists. Let us tell the fascists that we don't want them here and kick them out". We accepted their demands. We said that it is very positive to act collectively and to have the responsibility to act in the right way. When the prison administration insisted that we met only once. During this meeting we said: "Those who even think of harming any of the DHKP- C captives will face the consequences and be punished. Under these circumstances we have nothing to talk about, in this place, where the body of our martyr of revolution, IDIL, had stayed with us for one day, none of fascists will even be allowed to breathe. Not only will we prevent the fascists from organising themselves, but in addition we will smash them just to teach a lesson to the others. We will hang those fascists from the windows of this area and their dead bodies will remain there until the every last one of the fascist mobsters in the prisons have found out that the rotten bodies of their colleagues were displayed in the place where IDIL rested. We will tell you our last words after the meeting of non-political prisoners. The same day (8/1/99) the delegation began their meeting. Just before they had a meeting with the administration, we informed them about our meeting with enemy and warned them that the enemy will most probably tell lies, try to split your unity and tell you stories as if they have come out of our mouths. When the developments took place as we had foreseen, the delegation of non- political prisoners terminated the meeting and left them by saying "You want to spill blood, this is obvious now. Everything the DHKP-C representative said has came true". They also said that they take our side on the ejection of fascists. As soon as the delegation left the isolation section and came to let us know their decisions, we noticed that the enemy would intervene, attack, expell?the non-political prisoners because of their attitude against them. Straight away, the necessary initiative was taken and we announced that unless they evict the fascists within 10 minutes, we would punish them. They asked for 20 minutes. We replied, either they would be evicted in ten minutes or we will punish them. And as we demanded, the fascists were evicted straight away. They stayed in the administration building for two days and were then sent to another prison. We are revolutionaries. We are from the Party-Front. Wherever we are, fascists cannot even exist. Those who spill the blood of our people, our dear comrades and who murder them, cannot breathe the same air we do, andnor can their collaborators. Fascists have no rights. They are not human. They are the enemies of humanity. Murder, massacres, torture, drugs, prostitution,? all kind of indignity and immorality are their business. Fascist have no right to exist wherever we are. It is the duty of everyone who considers themselves human to punish them and not to let them survive on earth. The policies of the Susurluk state of organising fascists and launching offensives in all the prisons (including Canakkale) are not the first, nor will they be the last. We are aware of this. We will crush their new attempts at fascist organisation and murderss through our revolutionary determination and desire for revenge. We will not let any fascist exist in the Canakkale prison where the memories and vision of our IDIL continue to give us power. DHKP-C Prisoners -- Press Agency Ozgurluk For justice, democracy and human rights in Turkey and Kurdistan! Website: mailto:ozgurluk at / mailinglists: petidomo at List info: english-request at