[Telecentres] introducing the new Digital Divide Network

ehewitt ehewitt at cwjamaica.com
Tue Dec 14 03:41:47 GMT 2004

I agree-- well done!!
At 12:25 13/12/2004 -0500, Derrick L. Cogburn wrote:
>Bravo Andy!  The new site looks great.
>Derrick L. Cogburn, Ph.D.
>Assistant Professor
>School of Information Studies
>Syracuse University
>232 Hinds Hall
>Syracuse, NY 13244-4100
>Phone: +1.315.443.5441
>Fax: +1.315.443.6886
>On Dec 13, 2004, at 11:30 AM, Andy Carvin wrote:
>>Hi everyone,
>>A couple of months ago, you may recall that I posted a message about the 
>>creation of an online workspace for the telecentres group, to be hosted 
>>on our new Digital Divide Network website. The website was launched this 
>>morning, and you are all invited to join.
>>I've set up a workspace for our group here:
>>As you'll see, the workspace allows us to share documents, participate in 
>>bulletin board discussions, post articles, news and events listings, even 
>>host our own blogs. The site also uses RSS feeds, which allow Internet 
>>users to receive content from the website through their own sites or 
>>through news reading software.
>>Our list has been very quiet for the last month, and I apologize for not 
>>doing more to facilitate a more active discussion, largely due to all the 
>>work on the new website. But now that the site is live, I'm hoping to 
>>pick up where we left off in October.
>>Below is an announcement about the new website, including instructions 
>>for signing up. I'd encourage all of you to create a user account so we 
>>can actively use the online workspace in our caucus work.
>>Andy Carvin
>>It is our great pleasure to announce that the Digital Divide Network has 
>>just launched its new website:
>>Five years ago this week, we created the first Digital Divide Network 
>>website and email discussion group. Since then, DDN has grown into a 
>>network of over 3,000 people in more than 75 countries.
>>We invite you to visit the site and try out all the new features we've 
>>created for you and other DDN members. As a DDN member, you now have 
>>access to a variety of powerful tools that will allow you to:
>>- create your own blog
>>- host your own online community workspace featuring document sharing, 
>>online publishing and bulletin board discussions
>>- access DDN content through RSS feeds
>>- publish your own news headlines, event announcements and articles
>>- participate in live webcasts hosted by DDN staff
>>To get started, please visit http://www.digitaldivide.net and click on 
>>the link that says "join DDN now!" near the top left corner of the page. 
>>Or simply go to this page: http://www.digitaldivide.net/members/add.php
>>After you've filled out the form, you'll receive an email asking you to 
>>confirm your membership. Click on the link provided in the email and your 
>>membership will be activated. Then return to the DDN homepage and log in.
>>Once you've logged in, click the button that says "Edit My Profile" 
>>(http://www.digitaldivide.net/members/edit.php), also in the top left 
>>corner. Be sure to update your name and your password, since the ones 
>>we've set up for you are temporary. You can then customize your personal 
>>profile so other DDN members can learn more about you.
>>DDN Highlights
>>Once you've logged into DDN, you can take advantage of the website's many 
>>features, including blogs, bulletin boards and other tools. Here are some 
>>great places to start.
>>Browse our articles and headlines:
>>On the homepage, you'll see some of the many feature articles and news 
>>stories published on DDN. As a member of DDN, you are encouraged to post 
>>your own articles on the website.
>>Create a blog:
>>Web logs, or "blogs," are online journals. Post your own thoughts and 
>>announcements on issues related to the digital divide. Think of it as a 
>>public diary or your own personal newsletter!
>>Join a discussion:
>>We've set up bulletin boards for DDN members to discuss a range of issues 
>>related to the digital divide. In fact, every community within DDN has 
>>its own discussion board. Feel free to introduce yourself on our Welcome 
>>Wagon discussion board - it's a great place to break the ice!
>>Join a community:
>>DDN is more than just a website; it's a collection of online communities 
>>in which you can discuss the digital divide, Internet literacy, economic 
>>development and other interesting topics. Each community is like an 
>>online workspace: you can post news, articles and event announcements, 
>>upload documents, share favorite Web resources and chat in a bulletin 
>>board room. You can start by browsing the communities hosted on DDN. When 
>>you see one that's interesting, go to the community's homepage and click 
>>the link at the top that says, "Join this community." This will allow you 
>>to participate in that group.
>>On behalf of DDN and the Center for Media & Community, we hope you enjoy 
>>the new website. Please consider it a place where you can share your best 
>>ideas with colleagues from around the world, so we may work together to 
>>develop new real-world strategies for bridging the digital divide.
>>Andy Carvin
>>Director, DDN
>>(acarvin @ edc . org)
>>Cedar Pruitt
>>Editor, DDN
>>(cpruitt @ edc . org)
>>Andy Carvin
>>Program Director
>>EDC Center for Media & Community
>>acarvin @ edc . org
>>Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com
>>telecentres mailing list
>>telecentres at wsis-cs.org
>>To unsubscribe, send a message to telecentres-request at wsis-cs.org with 
>>the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the body of the message.
>telecentres mailing list
>telecentres at wsis-cs.org
>To unsubscribe, send a message to telecentres-request at wsis-cs.org with the 
>word UNSUBSCRIBE in the body of the message.

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