[Telecentres] Introduction - Don Cameron

Don Cameron donc at internode.on.net
Thu Sep 16 08:10:12 BST 2004

Hello everyone,
Thanks Andy for bringing this group together. My name is Don Cameron and I
am a former Telecentre Manager and nowadays (time permitting) volunteer
consultant for several CTC's operating in Australia. I'm also part of the
Compumentor team providing free technical and management support to NPO
Telecentre's through TechSoup (www.techsoup.org).
My primary focus area is the development of skills, projects and
diversification so necessary for project sustainability - not all early
Telecentre's are nowadays recogniseable as such as community needs
(including the need to finance the project) drive evolution in the basic
structure and model. One of the Telecentre's I work with evolved into a
Youth Cafe to meet this specific community need; others have consolidated to
provide low-cost ISP services to the broader communities, yet others have
developed as community business incubation and/or training centre's  - there
are so many opportunities! I have a short paper outlining the challenges and
successes of one such Telecentre at:

I certainly look forward to these discussions and gaining input and insight
from such a diverse group.
Don Cameron
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