[diggers350] re threats

Alan Lodge tash at gn.apc.org
Thu Apr 8 12:22:17 BST 1999

Where the hell is this from.  Let me at them.  Worthless lives, lazy, 
naive, stupid, understanding,  warning etc...!  Is this gezzer related to 
Parson Platt?

Policemen are sometimes interested in threats.

Perhaps you would be kind enough to identify yourself.



-----Original Message-----
From:	trustnowun n [SMTP:trustnowun at yahoo.com]
Sent:	Thursday, April 08, 1999 9:22 AM
To:	diggers350 at egroups.com
Subject:	[diggers350] St. George's Hill

For a lazy bunch of academic (well some of you at least) left-wing
radicals - you are really quite stupid or naive (or maybe both). One
would have thought that if you had read your history and UNDERSTOOD it
- what happened 350 years ago stands as a warning to you. Now 350 years
after a mad Jew led another band of morons (and yes, William Everard
was the person solely responsible for the original occupation), your
leaders have decided that this would be a "good" thing to re-enact.

What they have done is to lead you into encroaching upon the enclave of
a very small minority of powerful individuals (and the word "powerful"
- is used in the sense that most of you are clearly incapable of even
imagining). These people have only got where they have in life and
society by NEVER doing anything within the law. Aren't you wondering
yet about the residents who APPEAR to have NO INTEREST in you
whatsoever ??? - you should be. Some of these people do things for a
living (and sometimes just for the sheer hell of it) that you only see
on a Hollywood movie, or occasionally read about in the newspapers.
These people are neither worried or intimidated by your kind - but they
ARE pissed!

For the first time in your stupid  worthless lives you may of bitten
off here a little more than you can chew. They know who ALL of you are
- Tony, Annie, Jon, Eric, Steve and even you Dave (who clearly ate one
too many big-macs when he worked there !) - and you all  should NOT be
sleeping very soundly at the moment. The only hole you "diggers" are
digging at the moment is the one that you are digging yourselves into.

This note to you all is not a joke - you REALLY do need to be seriously
concerned - especially those of you with families on site. Never mind
about your "negotiations" with Mr. Newberry - once you leave here, you
will NEVER be allowed to assemble en-mass on this estate again. Those
of you who are "in charge" of affairs in this "camp" need to have a
long hard think about your responsibility to those you have led into
this act of insurgence. This is your ONLY warning.
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tash at gn.apc.org

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