
david quaver aslightas at hotmail.com
Thu May 18 15:24:27 BST 2000

   Following up from the aftereffects of the enclosure act bought in a while 
back(centuries at least). Still today, the right to enclose land is 
permitted without planning permission. Sure there are restrictions in 
height, especially next to a road(one metre high), else where you can get 
away with two metres. For an accurate description of the law see under 
'minor operations' in 'town and country planning(general permitted 
development order 1995), available through hmso for a cost(i'll be writing 
it up to web shortly)
  To Enclose land!!!!...outrageous!!!, the symbology of it all would no 
doubt make many quake. I'm sure a fruiting hedge or even a long mound of 
rich compost, if it just happened to be an enclosure or part of an enclosure 
would be a bit more friendly, and the place could be riddled with dedicated 
But why bother if you can't live on the land and enjoy the fruits of work. 
The same section of planning law mentions 'temporarary buildings'. For work 
that has been allowed by our friends the planners, temporary buildings are 
are allowed by law if they are dismantled upon completion of the job in 
hand. If that job is making compost for an earth mound enclosure(following 
any contour lines to the degree that allows slow drainage), or carrying on 
with hedge planting, dry stone walling, etc.; then I see no reason, legally 
or ecologically, why temporary accomodation should not be allowed for all 
workers involved in such work for at least sixteen hours per week. A workers 
would help justify income aid for the low waged.
     Ther are some quetions. How long does, say an acre of land take to 
enclose, or how long can can a composter reasonably expect to justify 
accomodation. If land is bought as a square and not Trusted the boundry will 
remain the same, enclosure will be bought about relatively quickly compared 
to land which has a boundry resembling the whirls and eddys in a river. 
Yeah, but who sells land with weird boundries? Who needs to? All land 
holders have the right to sell on any part of their land to a trust. Anyone 
has the right to create a Trust. All who wish to sell land(give,lease), may 
retain certain rights(fruit picking, wooding, covenants protecting trees 
etc. etc) upon the transfer of land.
  If any one knows of any precedents that would interfere with this method 
of ruralisation, please reply when convenient.
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