Fwd: Urban Forum Annual Conference

The Land Is Ours office at tlio.demon.co.uk
Thu Nov 9 20:42:47 GMT 2000

>From: Alistair <Alistair at urbanforum.org.uk>
>Subject: Urban Forum Annual Conference
>Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 11:23:57 -0000
>Importance: high
>X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.0.1459.74)
>Sheffield 5th December 2000
>Communities Taking the Lead
>Conference Programme
>09.00           Registration
>09.30           Introductions           Shahid Malik            Urban
>Forum Chair
>09.35                                   Bob Kerslake    Chief Executive,
>Sheffield City Council JR
>09.45           Keynote Speaker Moira Wallace   Head of the Social
>Exclusion Unit JR
>10.15           Panel Discussion
>                                 Peter Hetherington The Guardian AS
>                                 RVSN JR
>                                 Paul Spooner Hull DOC AS
>                                 Bob Clark BTEG JR
>                                 Peter Lloyd Liverpool University JR
>11.15           BREAK
>11.45           MINI CONFERENCES
>         (A) Urban White Paper           Bryan Robson Mancherster
>University  AS
>                                 Genie Turton DETR AS
>                                 Peter Hetherington The Guardian (C) AS
>                 (B) New Deal for Communities    Jon Bright DETR  AS
>                                 Huma Farooqui Sitara AS
>                                 Paul Spooner Hull DOC (C) AS
>                 (C) Neighbourhood Renewal       Amanda Inverarity SCCD
>                                         Moira Wallace SEU JR
>                                 RVSN (C) JR
>                 (D) LSP/Community Strategies    Helen Goody LGA JR
>                                 Graham Partridge JR
>                                 Bob Clark BTEG (C) JR
>                 (E) RDAs and Regions            Judy Robinson GMCVO JR
>                                 Geoff Needham Yorkshire Forward JR
>                                 Peter Lloyd Liverpool University (C) JR
>13.00           LUNCH
>14.00           Workshops
>                 (1) Addressing the Gender Dimension in Regeneration -
>Sue Smith Oxfam AS
>                 (2) Benchmarking Community Participation in
>Regeneration- Pete Wilde COGS AS
>                         Pete Wilde of COGS will facilitate this workshop
>based on 'Active Partners' the framework developed by COGS for Yorkshire
>Forward, the RDA for Yorkshire and Humber.  The framework presents a
>series of benchmarks for good practice to enable effective community
>participation. While the benchmarks were specifically developed for
>implementation by SRB schemes they can also be adapted and applied in
>other community participation contexts. Following a short presentation
>to introduce the benchmarks there will be an opportunity for
>participants to consider ways in which the benchmarks might be used in
>their own areas of work.
>                                 (3) Conflict Resolution in Regeneration
>- Nik Trivedi Leicester Mediation AS
>                                 (4) Effective Partnership Working for
>Community and Voluntary Sector - Steve Smith NIF AS
>                 (5) Black Regional Voluntary Sector Networks - Michael
>Brown MEL Research AS
>                 (6) Health and Regeneration - Edna Robinson Stretford
>Health Action Zone JR
>                 (7) Local Compacts - Lis Pritchard NACVS JR
>                 (8) Neighbourhood Management - Liz Bisset Bristol City
>Council JR
>                 (9) Residents and Renewal - Phil Morgan TPAS JR
>                 (10) Funding and Policy from Europe - Mark Crowe VONEF
>                 (11) Business in the Neighbourhood Andrew Robinson
>NatWest JR
>15.00           BREAK
>15.30   Plenary Urban Policy Priorities for the Future
>                                 Shahid Malik, Urban Forum Chair
>                                 Georgina Fletcher-Cooke Home Office ACU
>Unit JR
>16.00           Keynote Beverley Hughes DETR SM
>16.30           FINISH
>Conference Targets
>*       200 to 300 delegates
>*       Main community and voluntary sector regeneration event of the
>*       Addressing social exclusion and equal opportunity issues
>*       Involving black and ethnic minority communities
>*       Exploring visions and possible futures
>*       Cross sector and cross local/regional/national networking
>Wider Context
>SEU National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal
>Comprehensive Spending Review
>Local Government Bill
>Urban White Paper
>RDA Regional Strategies
>European Funding latest
>New Deal for Communities, SRB and New Commitment to Regeneration latest
>Sheffield CC
>Sheffield TEC
>Delegate Rates                          Members
>Community & Voluntary Groups            £50
>Others                                          £75
>20% discount for two or more bookings from each organisations
>Alistair Brown
>Senior Administrator
>Urban Forum
>E-Mail: alistair at urbanforum.org.uk      Web: www.urbanforum.org.uk
>Tel: 020 7248 3111                      Fax: 020 7248 3222
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