Fwd: Rural Sustainability Web Page Launch
The Land Is Ours
office at tlio.demon.co.uk
Mon Oct 23 21:12:21 BST 2000
>X-Sender: ucftbec at pop-server.ucl.ac.uk
>Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 16:20:31 +0100
>To: b.campkin at ucl.ac.uk
>From: Ben Campkin <b.campkin at ucl.ac.uk>
>Subject: Rural Sustainability Web Page Launch
>Dear Sir or Madam
>Rural Sustainability Web Page Launch
>University College London has been working in partnership with local
>authorities, transport and planning consultants, the House Builders
>Federation and Central Government to complete a project which investigated
>methods for increasing sustainability in rural areas (especially in terms
>of increasing access and reducing the need to travel) using new housing
>targets. The project was sponsored by the EPSRC in the Sustainable Cities
>programme and ran from February 1997 - June 2000. The research covers a
>variety of interesting topics including:
>® The impact of urban form (especially settlement size and provision of
>services and facilities) on travel behaviour and access.
>® Techniques for assessing the sustainability of development strategies -
>in line with the revised PPG3 and PPG13.
>® Methods for ensuring adequate provision of services and facilities in new
>housing developments - design, phasing, partnerships, etc.
>® The planning gain debate.
>We wish to disseminate the findings of the project as widely as possible,
>in a sustainable manner. Thus, we chose to deliver the information through
>a website. There is absolutely NO COST for accessing the website, we just
>ask that you complete the questionnaire provided. The website comprises the
>® An Executive Summary of findings
>® A bibliography - linked to relevant publications produced by the project.
>® A useful links page
>® A questionnaire survey
>Please visit the web site at:
>and let us know what you think of our findings and the techniques we have
>developed to determine more sustainable development strategies. Your
>comments are essential if we are to improve upon the research. If you have
>any queries regarding the website, research findings or techniques
>developed please do not hesitate to contact the project co-ordinator Joanna
>Williams at the following address:
>email: Joanna.Williams at ucl.ac.uk.
>We look forward to receiving your comments,
>Yours faithfully
>Jo Williams BSc MPhil RTPI
>Project Co-ordinator - Research Fellow UCL
>The Bartlett School of Planning,
>University College London
>Wates House
>22 Gordon Street
>London WC1H 0QB
>Tel. 020 7679 7501
>Fax. 020 7679 7502
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>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
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