Rural futures
The Land Is Ours
office at
Tue Oct 31 18:32:56 GMT 2000
>Rural Futures Launch
An alternative voice for the Countryside
>Rural Futures launched on Monday. There are nine stakeholder organisations
>(including TLIO) who have agreed a 7 point agenda. Rural Futures aims to
>generate debate around some of the deeper questions affecting the
>countryside - please see attached agenda and questions.
>The website <> will be our
>public face and where the debate takes place. To help launch the debate RF
>commissioned Neil Ward to write a short report on the key issues. This,
>together with stakeholder responses to his report will be available on the
Simon Fairlie is the TLIO spokesperson for Rural Futures. TO contact him:
ring ): 01460 249 204 (thurs) 01935 881 975 (rest of week)
The TLIO Networking Office
The Land Is Ours
... A Landrights movement for All
The Land Is Ours campaigns peacefully for access to the land, its resources
and the decision making processes affecting them, for everyone -
irrespecitive of race, age, or gender.
+44 (0)1865 722016
16B Cherwell St, OXFORD, OX4 1BG
check out our website at: <>
or contact us at: <office at>
TLIO are currently short on funds. For a year's subscription for the
newsletter (3 times a year), we are asking for £3 per annum. Please make
cheques payable to "The Land Is Ours".
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