Review of the Urban/Rural White Papers
The Land Is Ours
office at
Mon Jan 15 19:16:40 GMT 2001
Review of the Urban/Rural White Papers :
(see also latest issue of Chapter-7 newsletter, available for £5 year's
subscription from : Chapter-7, The Potato Store, Flaxdrayton Farm, South
Petherton, Somerset TA13. Make cheque/PO out to "Chapter-7").
Both the Urban & Rural White papers were published in November 2000, and
while each received a generally positive response, criticisms of a
perceived lack of some vital detail in both were raised.
The Urban White Paper included a variety of ambitious goals armed with a
clear vision of strategic partnership between central government, community
groups, local government & Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) making it
all happen. Unsurprisingly, the main focus was on development to be
targeted to brownfield (already government policy, of course). There maybe
concern that the White Paper has earmarked an overly bureaucratic duplicity
of strategic partnerships, whose work will hinge on a narrow set of
objectives - the central one being economic growth. Particular notice
should be given to the fact that RDAs business-led quangos - will have 'a
strengthened role as strategic leaders of economic development, promoting
innovation and enterprise in the regions. A key criticism from The Green
Party is that there is nothing in the paper about keeping wealth in local
areas, and methods to strengthen the local economy in ways which provide
real benefits for the socially excluded. There also remain real concerns
about how these partnerships will fit in with the many existing area-based
partnerships (for e.g. in London, the role of the GLA and the LDA), as well
as the extent to which these partnerships can also be genuinely
representative of communities they represent.
There was some notable policy omissions in the paper. These included: not
introducing VAT charges on new greenfield housing development while
allowing VAT to be cut on housing conversions, VAT to be charged on
renovations of empty homes, no compulsion on private owners - including
utility companies - to release landholdings, no tax on vacant land, and
allowing councils not to be required (only "encouraged") to produce
strategies for dealing with empty homes.
Meanwhile, the Rural White Paper, published the week after, seems to fail
to address the fundamental structural problems of the countryside. At
best, it at-least moves towards a recognition that in removing the veto on
the presumption against development on agricultural land on what is
officially called 'the best and most versatile land', agricultural
productive value is no longer the most relevant criterion for land
protection, and that factors such as biodiversity and landscape are more
important. However, at worst, the change in policy is only designed to
allow farmers to develop alternative job-creating businesses on farms, and
is little more than a tinkering exercise. The White paper refuses to take
a strategic approach to long-term fragmentation in agriculture, and embrace
land-based regeneration (although the new ERDP initiative featured below is
a step in the right direction). None of this is surprising considering
MAFFs intepretation of the EUs modulation CAP reforms (their refusal to
gear subsidy reductions to large farms).
Many aspects of the Rural White paper are to be welcomed (& well overdue
..for instance: 50% council rebate on second homes to end, receipts from
this for affordable housing, £192m on rural public transport, & £270m to
help post-offices diversify into one-stop shops). However, new relaxation
of planning laws in the RWPaper to enable farmers to diversify their
businesses begs the question: diversification to what? With the removal of
this veto, the presumption that this land should not be used is weakened.
Housing developers might then seek to use this type of land on a more
regular basis. Despite the newly revised PPG3 Greenfield Housing Direction
meaning that major greenfield developments will be considered by the
Secretary of State to assess whether or not they are in line with the new
PPG3 guidance, to get round the rule of automatic referral to the DETR for
developments over 5ha, there's nothing to stop authorities designating much
larger areas for development in their structure plans, which developers
would then be at liberty to develop piecemeal by putting in applications
for 149 dwellings at a time.
The Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) pointed out that the
government's own Performance and Innovation Unit report, Rural Economies,
said the special protection of best and most versatile land should not be
abolished before the introduction of a national policy recognising the
land's environmental value. What appears to be lacking is the balancing
commitment to better protection of rural land generally, or land of
wildlife & landscape importance.
The loss of veto without specific policy underpinning, although giving more
encouragement to on-the-farm value-adding processing which is good, will
nevertheless encourage commuter-industry to develop on Greenfield (&
rural out-housing), as well as urban flows of traffic. However, money (£7m)
to set up more local decision-making to improve community representation on
town & parish councils can keep this in check, and so, must be welcomed
(though this is not
universal at present). [M.B. 14/01/01]
*New * The England Rural Development Programme
The England Rural Development Programme (ERDP) aims to: help develop
thriving, economically viable and attractive rural communities, through
schemes which promote a productive, sustainable rural economy; protect and
enhance the rural environment to safeguard its integrity and value for
future generations; and support a thriving rural economy, in which farmers
may continue to produce high quality agricultural products, within an
environmentally sustainable, attractive landscape.
There are a range of schemes of which some are not just for farmers and
will be of interest to community groups who are interested in: renovation
and development of villages and conservation of rural heritage; support for
tourist and craft activities; forestry and landscape conservation; and
sustainability and renewable energy.
Scheme includes: Rural Enterprise Scheme (a project based scheme which
includes 9 measures to support the development of a more sustainable,
diversified economies and communities and open to some rural businesses and
community groups); Energy Crops Scheme (a scheme which could aid farmers
growing crops for a suitable local community energy use); and Countryside
Stewardship Scheme (open to farmers and non-farming landowners including
voluntary bodies, local authorities and community groups. As it is a
discretionary scheme not all applications are accepted). For details of the
Rural Enterprise or Countryside Stewardship Schemes, contact your MAFF
Regional Service Centre (these will be aligned with Government Office
regions in 2001): Anglia 01223 462 727; East Midlands 0115 929 1191;
Northern 01228 523 400; North East 01609 773 751; North Mercia 01270 754
000; South East 0118 939 2256; South Mercia 01905 763 355; South West 01392
447 400; Wessex 0117 959 1000. For details of the Energy Crops Scheme
support for production, contact: MAFF Energy Crops Section Tel: 01270 754 000
Marion Shoard on Newsnight (28/11/00). Alongside Pete Allen a hill farmer
belonging to the Country Landowners Association Ms. Shoard asserted that
tourism is an increasingly more prominent land-use in the countryside while
she questioned the privileged status of farmers in their perceived role as
being solely food producers. However, in failing to add to this analysis,
it was left to Pete Allen to more successfully argue that farmers role in
the countryside should be more seen as that of being
landmanagers. Shoard contradicted herself having already referred to the
growth of tourism when she mentioned how development in farm out-housing
was a change for the worse [e.g. more traffic tourism], saying that
this was already happening and now the white paper will further encourage this.
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The Land Is Ours
... A Landrights movement for All
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