latest issue of ECOS
The Land Is Ours
office at
Sun Mar 18 23:48:48 GMT 2001
Check out the latest issue of ECOS (A review of Conservation - the
quarterly journal of the British Association of Nature Conservationists
[BANC]), issue no.3, Volume 21. This issue includes articles: "The End of
Agriculture" (Simon Fairlie) & "Time to campaign against Rural England"
(Chris Rose).
This quarter's title is "Sticky money in the countryside", referring to the
need for regeneration of communities via local economic activity generated
by producers selling to the immediate area (e.g. farmers markets) coupled
with the purchase of locally-sourced goods by the same producers, so that
money is kept in the local economy(this applies to urban as well as rural
Main featured articles in full: "The End of Agriculture"(by Simon from
"Time to campaign against Rural England" (Chris Rose), "Bringing the land
back home" (Sophie Poklewski Koziell), "Sustaining local food" (Charles
Couzens), "Woods
that work: job creation in wood product businesses" (Andy Nisbet, "Green
Gateway - connecting wildlife with real life", and "Managing the right to
roam" (Charlotte Mansley).
Of additional interest to activists, there features an article entitled
"Between a rock and hard science: exploring the environment through
performance", written by Bronislaw Szerszynski & Sue Weldon, on the
conference 'Between Nature: Explorations in Ecology & Performance' - a
collaboration between the Centre for the Study of Environment Change and
the Department of Theatre Studies held at Lancaster University in July 2000.
To obtain a Copy of ECOS, you have to subscribe to BANC. 1-year's
subscription (4 issues) costs £19, unwaged/student £12.50. Send a
cheque/postal order to: BANC membership services, Lings House, Billing
Lings, Northampton NN3-8BE.
To order any individual back-issues (send a cheque for £7 each). Last
Issues include Vol. 21 (Issue 2) - "Biodiversity: Spin & Substance", and
Vol.21 (Issue 1) "The Theatre of Protest", including 2 articles by Graeme
Chesters, the first being a critique of MayDay 2000 & it's media reaction,
and the 2nd focusing on the concept of carnival protest first tried by
Reclaim the Streets as a means to maintain a collective identity for
radical environmentalism. Also featured are articles on the more long-term
form of consiousness-raising such as low-impact living in the piece by Lucy
Nichol on 'Green livelihoods in the countryside and the planning system'.
The Land Is Ours
... A Landrights Movement for All
The Land Is Ours campaigns peacefully for access to the land, its resources
and the decision making processes affecting them, for everyone -
irrespecitive of race, age, or gender.
Postal address :
16B Cherwell St, OXFORD, OX4 1BG, England.
or contact us at: office at
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For a year's subscription for the TLIO newsletter (3 times a year), we are
asking for £3 per annum. Please make cheques payable to "The Land Is Ours".
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