Mark.S.Brown msbrown at cwcom.net
Sun May 20 11:21:03 BST 2001

Original message sent by: Farmtalking at aol.com
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 14:19:10 EDT

URGENT Information required

A dossier of cases involving CRUELTY TO ANIMALS as a result of the
Policy and Movement Restriction orders is being collated.
It is to be brought as evidence in LEGAL ACTION!.

PLEASE ! - If you know of a case of cruelty to animals, either in the
in which they have been slaughtered or as a result of movement
(i.e.: lambs being born into mud and drowning or animals starving due
lack of
feed/grazing etc.)

Please send as much detail as possible to: -
JohnGouriet (Chairman)          or          Mrs. Jane Barribal
Freedom in Action                              Farmtalking
32, Addison Grove,                             2, Howpark Farm Cottages,

London,                                             Grantshouse, Duns,
W41ER                                              Berwickshire.TD11 3RP

If possible,  please include the Date - Place - Time,
The Name of owner of the animals,
Type of animal and the Location of the incident.
Include the details of personal distress or trauma suffered as a result,
yourself or another person you know.
Include a description of what happened and your name, address and if
a contact telephone number.

This information is needed very urgently as Legal Action against
Government, is to be taken soon.

If you would rather fill in a form to help you collate the information.
Please send me an e-mail with 'Incident Report' in the subject line.

Thank you very much.

Jane Barribal - Farmtalking.com

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