Sainsbury's fail to prove that selling GM fed animal produce is legal

The Land Is Ours office at
Wed Oct 10 09:29:58 BST 2001

>From: gen at
>Sainsbury's fail to prove that selling GM fed animal produce is legal
>On Friday 28th at Hemel Hempstead magistrates court, 11 people were found 
>not guilty of aggravated trespass at the Sainsbury's distribution centre 
>in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire.
>The prosecution failed to prove that distributing animal produce fed on 
>genetically modified feed is legal. The group blockaded the distribution 
>centre in February by locking on to lorries and gates and by climbing on 
>top of lorries dressed in cow costumes. The blockade lasted for 10 hours 
>in total.
>The group revealed in court that despite massive public opposition, 
>Sainsbury's were selling animal and dairy produce fed on GM feed, and that 
>the products weren't even labelled.
>More court cases are due.
>For more information please contact the Genetic Engineering Network on 
>0207 272 1586
>Genetic Engineering Network
>1a Waterlow Road, Archway,
>London, N19 5NJ
>0207 2721586
>gen at
>To subscirbe to gen lists e-mail genetics at
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... A Landrights Movement for All

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