Tilehurst allotments in Reading
The Land Is Ours
office at tlio.demon.co.uk
Sat Sep 22 11:36:29 BST 2001
Tilehurst allotments in Reading:
Here we go again! Britain's biggest builder, Wimpey, has just put in a
planning application to build 61 houses and flats on Tilehurst allotments
in Reading. This land is green open space, (previously Tilehurst
Common). It has never been built on, and has been held in trust for the
people of Tilehurst since 1817. In 1998 similar proposals to build were
rejected out of hand by the public and supported by all political parties
and Reading's planners. Since then no-one has been allowed to use the
land. People waiting to take up allotments, requests from other Charities
have all been turned down. Reading Council has repeatedly pledged its
opposition to development. The final decision, however, is likely to rest
with the Secretary of State in London. The campaign "Save Our Open Space"
has now started up to make up the SoS's mind.
E-mail Contact: saveouropenspace at hotmail.com
also see the Save Our Open Space website on www.reading-city.net/soos
Remember even though locals won three years ago, we now have a bigger,
stronger enemy, and we can win again.
Save Our Open Space is an action committee of local residents; we welcome
support from all who want to protect the open space at Tilehurst Allotments
(between Kentwood, Armour Hills and Polsted Rd) from any building or
'development'. Our support comes from all political parties, plot-holders
and non-plot-holders, anyone who wants to preserve the precious green lung,
and the views across to the Chilterns.
The Land Is Ours
... A Landrights Movement for All
The Land Is Ours campaigns peacefully for access to the land, its resources
and the decision making processes affecting them, for everyone -
irrespecitive of race, age, or gender.
Postal address :
16B Cherwell St, OXFORD, OX4 1BG, England.
or contact us at: office at tlio.demon.co.uk
Press enquiries : 07961 460171
website : http://www.oneworld.org/tlio/
For a year's subscription for the TLIO newsletter (3 times a year), we are
asking for £3 per annum. Please make cheques payable to "The Land Is Ours".
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