Fwd: [dicenews] Rainbow Circle Flaxley camps August are fun for all and improvingisationall

george dicegeorge.com george at dicenews.com
Mon Aug 5 15:29:01 BST 2002

>From: "dicegeorge" <george at dicenews.freeserve.co.uk>
>Reply-To: dicenews-owner at yahoogroups.com
>To: dicenews at yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [dicenews] Rainbow Circle Flaxley camps August are fun for all and 
>Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2002 14:22:29 -0000
>im at rainbow circle camps at flaxley all august,
>do come,
>its magic hat so bring lots of money, icecream, energy and
>know what i mean!
>31July - 08 August 2002 Rainbow Circle Psyche Circle
>August 10-18 2002 Rainbow Circle Detox Renewal + Healing, Severn
>22 August - 01 September 2002 Rainbow Circle Phoenix Performance
>Camp, Severn Valley
>     From: "george dicegeorge.com" <dicegeorge at hotmail.com>
>Reply-To: rainbow-circle at yahoogroups.com
>To: rainbow-circle at yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [rainbow-circle] flaxley RC camp  is great fun
>Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2002 14:07:28 +0000
>flaxley rainbow camp is fun
>wind and rain but mostly sun
>last bus from gloucester at 19.10
>number 31 hourly before then..
>down the welsh side of the Severn
>just passed the rail bridge is our haven,
>first right is flaxley road
>a few hundred yards to our abode
>my modems broke, so i've been silent
>and anonymous spammers get no comment
>the views in this email are (probably) of the author
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>~~ I gotta mobile phone ~~~~(UK orange)  ~~ 07970-378572 ~~
>~~~~ phone after 7pm and I'll phone you back cheaprate ~~~~
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>(from george - phone 07970-378-572)
>(I wont send more than one a week,
>     sorry for any mistokes)
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~~~~  http://www.phreak.co.uk/stonehenge/psb/george.htm  ~~~~~
~~ Stonehenge Campaign + Tribal Voices + hotlinks + + + ~~
~~     http://www.dicenews.com ~  george at dicenews.com~~~
~~ I gotta mobile phone ~~~~(UK orange)  ~~ 07970-378572 ~~
~~~~ phone after 7pm and I'll phone you back cheaprate ~~~~

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