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Wed Jun 12 15:28:41 BST 2002
Rural and Urban Futures:
Distinctions and Dependencies
A one-day conference jointly organised by:
The Countryside Agency,
Sustainable Development Commission,
Rural Futures and Urban Forum.
Wednesday 26 June, 2002 at 10.30am
Bedford Corn Exchange, Bedford
(hosted by Bedfordshire County Council and Bedford Borough Council)
Conference Aims:
Issues of sustainability and quality of life unite us all. Wherever we live we
all consume food, need housing and services, use transport and are ultimately
affected by global issues such as climate change. But rural areas still supply
most of our food, comprise a valuable landscape and wildlife resource and host
many visitors and tourists. Meanwhile urban areas are often hubs for the
provision of employment and services to commuters, local communities and the
surrounding areas. In many ways urban, rural and suburban areas face common
challenges. Common themes and dependencies need to be identified and tackled by
those operating at the national, regional and sub-regional level. Regional
Development Agencies and Local Authorities for example, are increasingly
looking at ways of addressing regional needs and bringing town and country
Uniting themes such as environmental quality, health, and social exclusion
demand a more joined up approach.
This conference takes 4 key policy sectors as a focus for discussion:
-sustainable food and farming
-access to transport and services
-housing provision
-sustainable energy
Leading academics and practitioners will present papers to stimulate
debate. Through participatory working groups the conference will open up
discussion that aims to:
- Look at current rural/urban inter-dependencies and influences
- Assess future rural/urban/suburban trends
- Consider current and future policy needs in the context of sustainable
- Assess current policy gaps for example via the Rural and Urban White
- Consider whether and where greater integration and joined up policy
and practice are needed.
9.45-10.30 Registration
10.30-10.35 Welcome
Hosts Bedfordshire County Council/ Bedford Borough Council
10.35- 10.45 Setting the scene Conference Chair
Professor Mark Shucksmith, Co-Director, Arkleton Centre for Rural
Development Research and Scottish Centre for Research in Social Justice
10.45 Food and Farming
Terry Marsden, Professor of Environmental Policy and Planning, Cardiff
Michael Hart, Chair, Small and Family Farms Alliance
11.20 Energy
Pat Devine Wright, Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, De
Montfort University
Richard Davies, Director, Marches Energy Agency
11.55-12.30 Housing
Craig Watkins, Department of Land Economy, Aberdeen University
Ed Barnes, East of England Regional Officer, National Housing Federation
12.30-1.05 Transport and Services
James Shorten, School of Planning, University of the West of England
Catherine Chater, Co-ordinator, Faringdon Market Towns Health Check
After each sector participants will have the opportunity to discuss and
reflect on the speakers presentations in preparation for the afternoon
working groups.
1.05-1.15 Identification of key themes and introduction to afternoon
1.15-2.15 BUFFET LUNCH
2.15-3.15 Working Groups
3.15-3.35 Afternoon tea
3.354.10 Distinctions and Dependencies: key messages
Richard Wakeford, Sustainable Development Commissioner
Professor Mark Shucksmith
4.10 4.25 Minister tbc
4.25-4.30 Closing Remarks
Postal Registration Form: Rural and Urban Futures 26 June 2002
How to register:
Post this completed registration form with cheque to Rural Futures, PO
Conference fees (Tick box)
? £85 (including lunch)
? £55 concessionary voluntary sector/unwaged (including lunch)
I enclose registration fees of £
Please make cheques payable to Rural Futures.
Receipt Required yes ? no ?
(Receipts to be collected on the day)
Your details:
Organisation (if any)
E-mail address
Full programme, academic papers and travel details will be sent nearer the
Travel information:
The Corn Exchange is a 10minute walk from Bedford Railway Station
Please note:
Trains from Kings Cross Thameslink, London : 8.46am 9.00am 9.04am
Bedford: 9.48 10.01 10.06
Airports: Luton airport (direct train link from Luton Parkway to
Gatwick (direct train link to Bedford)
Programme subject to change. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure the
above programme, the organisers reserve the right to alter the programme
subject to unavoidable circumstances.
Judith Whateley
judithwhateley at
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