Capturing Value for Rural Communities - Workshop 16th November 2004 OSG Co-op Oxford
Jock Coats
jock.coats at
Thu Nov 11 17:57:12 GMT 2004
I'm not going to apologise, as is the custom, for "cross posting"
because that would imply I'm sorry, which would be untrue. But I am
sorry for not having thought of inviting members of these various
groups (PLRG, LLC, Diggers, Land Cafe and some Oxfordshire LVT
campaigners) before now.
I appreciate this is extremely short notice, but we invited mainly
housing related people and it has turned out that we're only going to
be a dozen or so at the moment, and I have been asked to contact any
other networks I'm involved with to see if anyone would be interested
in the following day-workshop in Oxford next Tuesday, 16th November,
Pat Conaty, Steve Bendle and Bob Paterson will be leading the day and
there will be updates from various projects in Oxfordshire. At this
short notice of course it may not be possible for you to come for the
whole day, so I've been told it's okay to come for just part of the day
- we suspect the morning will be the better part for updates, the
afternoon for getting involved. The only real stipulation we have is
that if you intend to be around at lunch time, could you let us know so
we can arrange the right amount of food.
Hope some of you might feel able to come along and network a bit in the
Co-operative Commonwealth of Oxfordshire...:-)
All the best,
Jock Coats
(And pass this on to anyone you think would be interested)
Community Finance Solutions an initiative of the University of Salford
Invitation to a Workshop Event
Capturing Value for Rural Communities ~ National Best Practice Project
Workshop 16th November 2004 OSG Co-op Oxford
As someone with an interest in, or experience of, local community
development I have pleasure in inviting you to participate in a
workshop to discover more about how community finance initiatives are
being used, around the UK, to secure or retain affordable property in
perpetuity for a variety of uses from housing and workspace to
community use. As well as providing input on several case studies
across the UK and in Oxfordshire, we also aim to discuss and identify
the main barriers and opportunities for further development along these
lines across the county. See below for further details and how to
"Capturing Value for Rural Communities" is a national project which is
aiming to identify how people all over the country have tried to put
their community more in control over its future.
The project hopes to learn from people who have been actively engaged
in a process to secure or retain affordable property assets in
perpetuity for housing, workspace or community use; realise added
value; set up community-owned enterprises or social enterprises; bring
vacant property back into use; or undertake other projects which will
have long term benefit for their community.
The day will be facilitated by Bob Paterson (University of Salford,
Project Director, Community Finance Solutions) and will have input from
Steve Bendle (Wessex Reinvestment Trust) and Pat Conaty (New Economics
Foundation and author of the recent report 'Common Ground for Mutual
Home Ownership', download it from CDS Cooperatives website:
section=public&ID=119). For an example of Bob and Steve's work check
out the High Bickington Community Land Trust at
Please find the agenda for this workshop on page two. RSVP on the
attached document to Jennifer Powell – contact details on the RSVP
If you know of anyone else who would have a serious interest in this
subject for Oxfordshire, please forward contact details to Fran Ryan as
we may be able to accommodate as few more people and thus make the most
of this opportunity.
Fran Ryan
+ 44 (0)7889 209448
+ 44 (0)1865 396592
Oxfordshire Community Land Trusts
Bob Paterson, Project Director
Community Finance Solutions
School of ESPaCH University of Salford
Room 214 Crescent House
M5 4WT
Tel 0161 295 4454; fax 0161 295 2835
Capturing Value for Rural Communities
National Best Practice Project
Outline Agenda for Workshop
Tuesday 16th November 2004
Venue: - Oxford, Swindon and Gloucester Co-op, New Barclay House, 234
Botley Road, Oxford, OX2 0HP
09.30 Arrivals and coffee
10.00 Opening and welcome: Jock Coats/Fran Ryan Oxfordshire Community
Land Trusts
Introduction: Bob Paterson, Community Finance Solutions, University of
Chair: Edie Szép, Chief Executive Cherwell Housing Association
10.30 Local experience: aims; successes; problems; lessons for the
future; suggestions for others (including break for coffee)
Stonesfield Community Trust
Housing Association Representative
Rural Housing Enabler – bringing land and property into housing use.
Other initiatives e.g. Andrew Wood, East Oxfordshire Housing
Initiative. Sonja Lutticken, Credit Union Development
11.30 Experience from elsewhere
US approaches – Pat Conaty NEF
Regeneration Trusts – Steve Bendle
High Bickington – Bob Paterson
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Small groups examine three topics:
Affordable Housing (Bob Paterson)
Property assets: housing, community and workspace (Steve Bendle)
Legal and financial issues (Pat Conaty)
15.00 Feedback
15.30 Discussion: How can this approach be taken forward in Oxfordshire
and what tools and methods would be most effective?
16.00 Summing up
16.15 Close
Capturing Value for Rural Communities a National Best Practice Project
Funded by the Housing Corporation, Countryside Agency and New Economics
Jock Coats, Oxfordshire Community Land Trusts
c/o Wardens' Lodgings, J1e Morrell Hall, OXFORD OX3 0TU
h: +44 1865 485019 w: +44 1865 483353 m: +44 7769 695767
e: jock.coats at
J1e Morrell Hall, OXFORD, OX3 0BP, United Kingdom
T: +44 1865 485019 F: +44 845 1275714 M: +44 7769 695767
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