Making serfs of us all. Bailouts = financial feudalism

Gerrard Winstanley office at
Thu Apr 16 00:08:42 BST 2009

45 Minute internet radio interview with Professor Michael Hudson (University of Missouri, Kansas City) about the global financial criminal catastrophy with a close look at Iceland. 
Right click and 'Save Target As' to download.

Michael is author of 
1. Global Fracture: The New International Economic order (2005)
2. Super Imperialism - New Edition: The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance (2003)
3. Merchants of Misery: How Corporate America Profits From Poverty (2002)


GUEST: Michael Hudson has had a long, varied, and distinguished career as a Wall Street insider, leading economist, expert on financial history, and Research Professor at the University of Missouri. He's also an author, consultant, head of a Harvard-based economic and financial history group, and president of the Institute for the Study of Long Term Economic Trends (INSLET).

Hudson is a fierce critic of Washington's banker bailouts and the criminal element in charge. His latest Global article is titled: The Financial War Against Iceland - Being defeated by debt is as deadly as outright military warfare."

Enriching finance capitalism through debt bondage is discussed, including the horrific fallout.

Related: Bill Moyers interview
William K. Black suspects that it was more than greed and incompetence that brought down the U.S. financial sector and plunged the economy in recession — it was fraud. And he would know. When it comes to financial shenanigans, William K. Black, the former senior regulator who cracked down on banks during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s, has seen pretty much everything.
Now an Associate Professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri, William K. Black tells Bill Moyers on the JOURNAL that the tool at the very center of mortgage collapse, creating triple-A rated bonds out of "liars' loans" — loans issued without verifying income, assets or employment — was a fraud, and the banks knew it.

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