housing disaster and salvation

james armstrong james36army at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 8 17:00:42 GMT 2009

3million by 2020 ?   Does that ring a bell? 
It’s the planned output of houses to meet the demand that Kate Barker ‘s exhaustive report determined. It represents 214,285 new houses every year for 14 years.
Now the National House Builders Council post the shocking news that applications in 2008  for certification for new construction of houses , registered the lowest
total on record  at 106,984,  47 per cent lower than in 2007 (200,697) 
If that is not bad enough NHBC  reveal that completions in 2008 fell to 149,234 compared with  186,505 the previous year.
You may conclude, like me, that the  housing market is broken, and was so even before the current  recession devastated  the construction industry..
The good news which I am telling the Housing Minister loud and clear is that self build is largely recession proof, since people in need of housing who have discovered the affordability of self build will start just  as soon as ever they can. Unlike the giant housebuilding corporations like Taylor Wimpey, Persimmon  et al., self builders  have an all too eager occupier ‘signed up’ before they start work.
Isn’t it strange that government ministers have recently been very quiet and stopped repeating the 3 by 2020 mantra? 
There is a new way forward for those needing houses. Following the example of the successful St Minver team self build project in North Devon, form a local self build team with the appropriate organisation. 
JUames 8Mar09
For teh stats see www.nhbc.co.uk

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