landbanks restrain self-build, sign up

james armstrong james36army at
Sat Mar 21 10:24:55 GMT 2009

The strategic land banks, (those held in reserve as surplus to immediate operational needs) , of just seven giant  national corporate house-builders ( the well known names) are sufficient to build all UK’s current housing output  for over three years. (Barker IR p 81)  It is reasonable to assume that the tens of thousands of other corporate housebuilders hoard another three and a half years’supply, equivalent to total annual UK housing needs for years to come
(They make more profit on increases in land values than they do on selling houses). 
In contrast , Self builders hold no land banks and have the greatest difficulty in finding sites.  There is an obvious connection but OFT pretend they don’t see it.
The short summary  of the detailed case I have made to the Office of Fair Trading , to convince them to prosecute anti-competitive land banking is- 
 “ Corporate builders’ land banks are the bottleneck holding back a tsunami of affordable self build housing. Please investigate.this restraint .as against the public interest.“
If you have difficulty finding a building site or  are willing to consider self building, to  provide evidence to the case I am making you should e mail me that you agree to this statement  and I will forward as supporting evidence.. James , Dorchester

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