Re: 69p to £1.29 flour price hike

Sat Dec 18 16:53:48 GMT 2010

Dear Malcolm, 

You made some very good points on this post, most of which I agree with but, I think there are some other concepts and ideas that are worth taking into consideration also. 

When you discuss 'the law', I would suggest that, yes the legal system need to be overhauled [along with the political and economic systems] but we also need to develop and re-enforce public peer pressure. The ability to manipulate public opinion by using 'public figures' to endorse government and corporate ideas has become an art in itself. The book "PROPAGANDA" by Edward Bernays [1928] can be found in pdf on the internet, and describes very clearly how they 'manage' public opinion to achieve and realize their long-term goals. 

On the subject of property ownership, I read a very interesting piece: 

  Douglas Credit Simply Explained

  A 1935 pamphlet by Australian Social Crediter "J.H." -- with additional passages from two transcribed talks by C. H. Douglas

  Here is a very good short summary of the social credit idea, sent to me a few years ago by Jim Innes. Also see my exposition here: 


To my understanding, C. H. Douglas was suggesting that everyone is born equal, and that the earth, sciences and human culture are our shared inheritance. With corrupt capitalism, only a small, privileged minority enjoy the fruits of the earth and our labour. Many of these privileged few, inherit vast estates, properties and corporate interests. These privileged few, seem able to influence the political and financial institutions to their own benefit, while the majority have been excluded from the decision making process almost completely. All we inherit are the debts and wage slavery, the privileged minority feed off of our labour and intellect. 

Much of the 'middle-class' are caught in a trap, many realize they are being used, but are constantly under pressure to comply with government policies that benefit banks and private corporations in order to survive. Professionals, like civil servants, police officers, members of the armed forces, doctors and medical staff are being used to create a society designed by the social engineers on behalf of the privileged few. 

One thing that gives me great hope and pleasure, is that there does seem to be a mass conscious awakening. This is also a time for caution, because the privileged minority are not going to surrender such a comfortable position without fighting tooth and nail, fair means and foul. 

This world belongs to everyone. We all arrived in this world naked and when we die, we can take nothing with us. Life in this world is a temporary condition, a "majical mystery tour" and everyone deserves and little peace and happiness. 

Hoping for a better world for everyone. 

Best wishes,


P.S. This is just my two cents worth on this subject, which I'm pretty sure you all know more about than me, but I felt compelled to add my voice to this very important subject and my take on it. Increasingly, it seems clear that the British, American and other governments have been hijacked by criminal elites who think it is okay to exploit and oppress other people, making thier lives a misery. 

I'm still upset by the brain injury inflicted on Alfie Meadows and the humiliation of a disabled man, dragged from his wheelchair. People are being publicly beaten up for having the audacity to protest and complain about having their lives shredded by city slickers in their expensive suits. 

I have to go a lay down now to calm my nerves.

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