[Diggers350] National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU). and ACPO

Alison Banville alisonbanville at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jan 18 23:59:55 GMT 2011

More info here:

and I wrote about this for the New Statesman:

From: Tony Gosling <tony at cultureshop.org.uk>
To: Massimo <diggers350 at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sun, 16 January, 2011 21:47:37
Subject: [Diggers350] National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU). and ACPO

The Mail on Sunday today (page 8, feature on Mark Kennedy, undercover policeman 
who has been exposed as such) refers to the National Public Order Intelligence 
Unit (NPOIU).
The paper states that the unit runs a nationwide intelligence data base of 
political activists.
It goes on: 'The unit comes under the Association of Chief Police Officers 
(ACPO). I have always regarded ACPO as a chief police officers trade union, so 
why are they keeping a data base on political activists? In any case what is so 
wrong with being a political activist that a data base has to be kept on them. 
Being a political activist is not a crime, or is it? 

The way politics is controlled by the corporate (Fascist) cloud, as Robert 
Francis likes to put it, has essentially consigned democracy and real politics 
to the dustbin.
Worse still, the feature goes on: '..... the Mail on Sunday has previously 
reported [NPIOU], is a limited company that sells information from the Police 
National Computer, among other concerns'.
I would like to know:
1. What is the legal basis for NPOIU?
2. What is the democratic basis for NPOIU?
3. Who can buy data from the Police National Computer and what range of data is 
available for purchase?
4. Does the data on the Police National Computer come under the Data Protection 
5. What is ACPO's status and is it a trade union?
6. Who receives the proceeds from sale of this data?
7. Doesn't the idea of a police unit being a limited company that can sell data 
obtained at taxpayer expense (presumably) come under the definition of fascism?
Any answers or comments welcome.
Dave   Davebarnby at aol.com 
PS: I have been reading the book (600 plus pages): 'Inside the Brotherhood', 
it's about Freemasonry. There is a chapter on the police (and judiciary) and 
although the book is some 20 years old, there is enough on police masonry for 
concern (I presume nothing much has changed).
When you consider this murky (as MonS puts it) unit and Freemasonry in the 
police, then the public may have serious reason to be worried, if not terrified.
I wonder what David Cameron knows or thinks about it?

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