fwd: [Diggers350] Monbiot's conversion, now 'loves' glowing example of Fukushima

Tony Gosling tony at cultureshop.org.uk
Sat Mar 26 11:37:43 GMT 2011

George Monbiot is getting slagged off by greens for doing the maths!
The only longterm solution is reduction of human 
population to less than 1% of what it is now - will people vote for that?
Or, Tony, what's your solution to our addiction to power and population growth?

dicegeorge (member in charge of comms in 'new TLIO' core group)
~  [g]  ~  [george]  ~  george at dicenews.com   ~
~       07970 378 572    ~ ~       ~
~                    www.dicegeorge.com   (c) 2011.  ~

[Worrying misuse of the word 'only' in line 2 
george. Population growth happens in traumatised 
unequal societies under attack by the power elite.]
[Solution: work locally, move to self-sufficient 
post industrial society, renationalise railways & 
utilities, redistribute land, use clean coal and way less energy generally]
[- surely a better move than exterminating 99% of 
the world's population (useless eaters) which the power elite want? - Tony]

From: "Zardoz" <tony at cultureshop.org.uk>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 9:41 AM
To: <Diggers350 at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [Diggers350] Monbiot's conversion, now 
'loves' glowing example of Fukushima

>Our founder turned one trick climate pony - 
>George scribbles like a Zombie for the war and 
>money control Western power elite in the 
>Guardian today. These fascists require positive 
>press from fake environ-mentalists to put their 
>evil plans back on track since the developing Fukushima disaster.
>No mention does Monbiot make of the need for 
>crippling public subsidy - motivation of entire 
>industry being for plutonium for weapons - 
>deadly legacy for hundreds of thousands of years 
>- nor of last week's accident at Oldbury nuke station in Gloucestershire.
>Neither will you find in the Guardian today 
>anything that Jeremy Corbyn, John MacDonald or 
>dennis Skinner said in yesterday's commons 'debate' on Libya.
>Oldbury reactor failure leads to 'mildly' radioactive steam release
>Reactor 2 was automatically and safely shut down 
>following an electrical problem on conventional 
>plant in the site's turbine hall.
>"Post trip cooling on Reactor 2 has commenced 
>successfully. Investigations into the cause of this event are ongoing."
>Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power
>Japan's disaster would weigh more heavily if 
>there were less harmful alternatives. Atomic 
>power is part of the mix up in my brain
>Want some real news and not this City of London 
>financed hypnotic pseudo-left tripe?
>--- In Diggers350 at yahoogroups.com, Tony Gosling <tony at ...> wrote:
>>A cloud of nuclear mistrust spreads around the world
>>March 16, 2011
>>After decades of lies, nuclear reassurances now fall on deaf ears
>>Special report by Michael McCarthy
>>It is unprecedented: four atomic reactors in dire
>>trouble at once, three threatening meltdown from
>>overheating, and a fourth hit by a fire in its
>>storage pond for radioactive spent fuel.
>>All day yesterday, dire reports continued to
>>circulate about the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
>>plant, faced with disaster after Japan's tsunami
>>knocked out its cooling systems. Some turned out
>>to be false: for example, a rumour, disseminated
>>by text message, that radiation from the plant
>>had been spreading across Asia. Others were true:
>>that radiation at about 20 times normal levels
>>had been detected in Tokyo; that Chinese airlines
>>had cancelled flights to the Japanese capital;
>>that Austria had moved it embassy from Tokyo to
>>Osaka; that a 24-hour general store in Tokyo's
>>Roppongi district had sold out of radios, torches, candles and sleeping bags.
>>But perhaps the most alarming thing was that
>>although Naoto Kan, Japan's Prime Minister, once
>>again appealed for calm, there are many - in
>>Japan and beyond - who are no longer prepared to be reassured.
>>The scale of the alarm is the remarkable thing:
>>how it has gone round the world (Angela Merkel
>>has imposed a moratorium on nuclear energy; in
>>France, there are calls for a referendum); how
>>it's even displaced the terrible story of Japan's
>>tsunami itself from the front-page headlines. But
>>then, public alarm about nuclear safety, as the
>>Fukushima emergency proves, is very easy to raise
>>- and, as the Japanese authorities are now discovering, very hard to calm.
>>The reason is an industry which from its
>>inception, more than half a century ago, has
>>taken secrecy to be its watchword; and once that
>>happens, cover-ups and downright lies often
>>follow close behind. The sense of crisis
>>surrounding Japan's stricken nuclear reactors is
>>exacerbated a hundredfold by the fact that, in an
>>emergency, public trust in the promoters of
>>atomic power is virtually non-existent. On too
>>many occasions in Britain, in America, in Russia,
>>in Japan - pick your country - people have not
>>been told the truth (and have frequently been
>>told nothing at all) about nuclear misadventures.
>>To understand the mania for secrecy, we have to
>>go back to nuclear power's origins. This was not
>>a technology dreamt up as a replacement for
>>coal-fired power stations; this is a military
>>technology, conceived in a life-or-death
>>struggle, which has been modified for civilian
>>purposes. At its heart is the nuclear chain
>>reaction, the self-sustaining atom-splitting
>>process ("fission") which occurs when enough
>>highly radioactive material is brought together,
>>and which produces other radioactive elements
>>("fission products"), and a release of energy.
>>When it was first achieved by the physicists
>>Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard, in an atomic "pile"
>>built in a squash court of the University of
>>Chicago in December 1942, it merely produced
>>heat; but all those involved understood that if
>>it could be speeded up, it would produce the
>>biggest explosive power ever known. And so was
>>born the Manhattan Project, the US undertaking to
>>build the atom bomb which was, while it lasted, history's biggest secret.
>>Secrecy came with nuclear energy, like a
>>birthmark, and, indeed, for 10 years after the
>>first A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in August
>>1945, it remained a covert military technology,
>>although first the Russians, and then the
>>British, followed the Americans in developing it.
>>Britain built a pair of atomic reactors at
>>Windscale on the Cumbrian coast, which produced
>>(as a fission product) plutonium, the material
>>used in the first British nuclear weapon. That
>>was exploded off the coast of Australia in 1952.
>>And it was in one of these reactors that the
>>world's first really serious nuclear accident
>>occurred: the Windscale fire of October 1957. The
>>reactor's core, made of graphite, caught light,
>>melted and burned substantial amounts of the
>>uranium fuel, and released large amounts of
>>radioactivity. It was the most serious nuclear
>>calamity until Chernobyl nearly 30 years later,
>>but the British government did all it could to
>>minimise its significance, trying at first to
>>keep it a complete secret (the local fire brigade
>>was not notified for 24 hours) and keeping the
>>official report confidential until 1988.
>>It was to be the first of many such nuclear
>>alarms and cover-ups at Windscale. In 1976, for
>>example, the secrecy surrounding a major leak of
>>radioactive water infuriated the then Technology
>>Minister, Tony Benn, who supported nuclear power,
>>when he learnt of it. But similar cover-ups were
>>happening all around the world.
>>At the US atomic weapons plant at Rocky Flats,
>>Colorado, there were numerous mishaps involving
>>radioactive material which were kept secret over
>>four decades, from the 1950s to the 1980s. In
>>Russia, the province of Chelyabinsk, just east of
>>the Urals, housed a major atomic weapons complex,
>>which was the site of three major nuclear
>>disasters: radioactive waste dumping and the
>>explosion of a waste containment unit in the
>>1950s, and a vast escape of radioactive dust in
>>1967. It is estimated that about half a million
>>people in the region were irradiated in one or
>>more of the incidents, exposing them to as much
>>as 20 times the radiation suffered by the
>>Chernobyl victims. None of which, of course, was
>>disclosed at the time. Chelyabinsk is sometimes
>>referred to now as "the most polluted place on the planet".
>>When we turn to Japan, we find an identical
>>culture of nuclear cover-up and lies. Of
>>particular concern has been the Tokyo Electric
>>Power Company (Tepco), Asia's biggest utility,
>>which just happens to be the owner and operator
>>of the stricken reactors at Fukushima.
>>Tepco has a truly rotten record in telling the
>>truth. In 2002, its chairman and a group of
>>senior executives had to resign after the
>>Japanese government disclosed they had covered up
>>a large series of cracks and other damage to
>>reactors, and in 2006 the company admitted it had
>>been falsifying data about coolant materials in 
>>its plants over a long period.
>>Last night it was reported that the International
>>Atomic Energy Agency warned Japan more than two
>>years ago that strong earthquakes would pose
>>"serious problems", according to a Wikileaks US
>>embassy cable published by The Daily Telegraph.
>>Even Chernobyl, the world's most publicised
>>nuclear accident, was at first hidden from the
>>world by what was then the Soviet Union, and
>>might have remained hidden had its plume of
>>escaping radioactivity not been detected by scientists in Sweden.
>>So why do they do it? Why does the instinct to
>>hide everything persist, even now, when the major
>>role of nuclear energy has decisively shifted
>>from the military to the civil sector? Perhaps it
>>is because there is an instinctive and indeed
>>understandable fear among the public about
>>nuclear energy itself, about this technology
>>which, once its splits its atoms, releases deadly forces.
>>The nuclear industry is terrified of losing
>>public support, for the simple reason that it has
>>always needed public money to fund it. It is not,
>>even now, a sector which can stand on its own two
>>feet economically. So when it finds it has a
>>problem, its first reaction is to hide it, and
>>its second reaction is to tell lies about it. But
>>the truth comes out in the end, and then the
>>public trusts the industry even less than it
>>might have done, had it admitted the problem.
>>It doesn't have to be like this. A quarter of a
>>century ago, Britain's nuclear industry acquired
>>a leader who for a few years transformed its
>>public image: Christopher Harding. He was an open
>>and honest man who thought that the paranoia and
>>secrecy surrounding nuclear power should be swept away.
>>When he became chairman of British Nuclear Fuels,
>>which ran the Windscale plant, he decided on a
>>new order of things. He renamed it Sellafield,
>>and, to general astonishment, decreed that
>>instead of sullenly turning its back to the
>>public, it should welcome them with open arms. He
>>did the unthinkable: he opened a visitor centre!
>>Harding died young in 1999, but he was, in his
>>lifetime an exceptional man: not only for his
>>charm and his personal kindness - he was revered
>>by Sellafield employees - but for his vision of a
>>nuclear industry which would be better off
>>dealing with its problems through transparency
>>and honesty, rather than through obfuscation and
>>deceit. But he was, unfortunately, the exception who proved the rule.
>>The rest of the nuclear industry has been
>>dissembling for so long, and caught out in its
>>lies so often, that the chance for trust may have
>>passed. Even if, as I suspect, the Japanese
>>government is trying to be reasonably up front
>>about the problems at Fukushima, it is by no
>>means certain that anything it says about the
>>nuclear part of their nation's catastrophe will be believed.
>>+44 (0)7786 952037
>>"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."
>>"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic
>>poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
>Diggers350 - an e-mail 
>discussion/information-share list for 
>campaigners and members of THE LAND IS OURS 
>landrights network based in the UK http://www.tlio.org.uk
>The list was originally concerned with the 350th 
>anniversary of The Diggers (& still is concerned 
>with their history). The Diggers appeared at the 
>end of the English Civil war with a noble 
>mission to make the earth 'a common treasury for 
>all'. In the spring of 1999 there were 
>celebrations to remember the Diggers vision and their contribution.
>Simon Fairlie still produces The Land magazine every 6 months or so.
>Subsription is £18 (£15 unwaged) or £4 for a single edition
>Contributions are welcome http://www.thelandmagazine.org.uk/
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>You can find out more about the Diggers and see 
>illustrations at: http://www.bilderberg.org/land/
>Brendan Boal from the Climate Camp would like me 
>to point out that Bilderberg.org is my private 
>web site and as such is not officially part of The Land Is Ours.
>Neither is this web site: 
>http://www.downingstreetmemo.com/memos.htmlYahoo! Groups Links

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