Tue17Apr - Appeal of the Peasants ProtectTheWilderness
tony at cultureshop.org.uk
tony at cultureshop.org.uk
Fri Apr 13 01:30:29 BST 2012
SUPPORT NEEDED: Come to the Appeal of the Peasants, April 17th
April Appeal of the Peasants ProtectTheWilderness
April 17th, 11AM @ Bristol County Court, Redcliff Street, Bristol, BS1 6GR
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ProtectTheWilderness and for people trying to
living in harmony with the land the world over-
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Appeal of the peasants
Appeal of the peasants protecting the
wilderness to ensure that environmental education
is based around a social and cultural ecology
that understands the root cause of economic
exploitation is the misappropriation of land.
Through a deliberate policy of enclosure and
privatisation that seeks to prevent economic self determination.
This April 17th, International Peasants Struggle
day, Protect the Wilderness are joining in
solidarity with the struggle for economic self
determination of peasants around the world.
On the 17th of April Protect The Wilderness will
have their appeal hearing with regard to the
lawful occupation of The Wilderness Centre, in
the Forest of Dean. On the 6th January Protect
the Wilderness reopened the centre with the
intention of disclosing a process of learning the
skills and techniques required to move towards a
home founded upon the principles of economic
autonomy and ecological resilience.
Re-appropriating the term sustainability in its
full ecological sense to refer to an attitude
that seeks harmony between the relation of forces upon which we depend.
This current cabinet of Gloucestershire county
council believes it has the right to sell
education resources that have been built upon
over 40 years of investment. The council have
forgotten that they are Trustees of the public
purse. The Beneficiaries of property and capital
held in trust by a county council are the people.
They have no right of sale without fair and
proper consultation with the Beneficiaries. This
they have not done. By coming here to secure the
Centre, we have continually offered them the
chance to open an honest and respectful dialogue
concerning these matters. They have failed to
take this opportunity with the proper solicitude
and humility we should expect from a public body.
They have wilfully and belligerently refused all offers of mediation.
However through our honourable intention to
protect the wilderness much has been revealed.
Although the county council is an elected body it
is also registered as a corporation- a harmless
legal technicality, some would assume. Not so. We
now have grave reasons to doubt such an assumption.
Gloucestershire County Councils CEO and other
unelected agents within the council have active
(and undeclared) interests in property development.
Should we not have a democratic process that
formulates a policy of development that benefits
the whole of society? How can we expect a small
minority of individuals to truly know what the
best course of action is for a social ecology as diverse as ours?
We identify our struggle with that of peasants around the world
Equity and The Peasants
The argument is quite simple; the county council
had a legal obligation to make an equality impact
assessment before making any decision to evict us
from the wilderness centre. Their attempt to
follow this requirement exposes their negligence,
carelessness and complete misunderstanding of the
situation. We are going to argue that the county
council has not shown due regard to take into
account our statutory needs as part of the
decision making process. In doing so they have
discriminated against us and our beliefs as a
socio-economically deprived group.
Under the public sector equality duty contained
in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 the
county council is legally obliged to make an
Equality Impact Assessment. Section 149 refers to
the statutory needs that public bodies must
regard when exercising their functions. The
equality duty ensures that an authority must have due regard to the need to:
Eliminate discrimination, harassment,
victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Act.
Advance equality of opportunity between persons
who share a relevant protected characteristic
and others who do not share it; and
Foster good relations between people who share a
protected characteristic and those who do not share it.
The public sector equality duty is intended to
advance equality of opportunity to the extent
that disadvantages suffered by persons with a
relevant protected characteristic should be
minimised or removed and encourage persons who
share a relevant protected characteristic to
participate in public life or in any other
activity in which participation by such person is
disproportionately low. Having due regard to the
need to foster good relations involves having due
regard (in particular) to the need to tackle
prejudice and to promote understanding.
The protected characteristics to which the duty
applies are age, disability, gender reassignment,
pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or
belief, sex and sexual orientation, also marriage
and civil partnership. In respect of their
requirement to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination.
Having due regard to means consciously thinking
about the statutory needs as part of the process
of decision making, when the proposals are still
at a formative stage, and before a decision is
reached. This means that consideration of those
equality issues must influence the decisions
reached by public bodies. The equality Duty must
be exercised in substance, with rigour and with an open mind.
Indirect discrimination occurs where a condition
criterion or practice is applied which would put
people with one of the protected characteristics
at a disadvantage, and the imposition of that
condition, criterion or practice is not a
proportionate means of achieving a legitimate
aim, i.e. it cannot be objectively justified.
So where did the county council go wrong.
They said that they have to secure vacant
possession of the site to enable the planned sale
of the property in accordance with a decision
taken by the council to sell it in order to
generate capital receipts to support its meeting
the challenge programme. The challenge of
course being how to privatise everything without anyone noticing.
Unfortunately for them on the 6th of January we
came along with the intention of disclosing a
process of learning the skills and techniques
required to move towards a home founded upon the
principles of economic autonomy and ecological
resilience. These are our signifies. Basically
we believe that environment education has to
inform action and right now it is action that is
most urgently required. We dont want to use
labels and identities that would make further
distinctions and discriminations. We want to
create a style of political discourse that is
inclusive, based in substance, rigorous and open
minded. We believe that the concept of the Home
can be used to enlighten such a discourse draw
from intentions and affectations of a lived
experience we all share namely being at home.
But the council needs labels. It needs to make
distinctions and discriminations, direct or
indirect. So for them we are squatters and
trespassers local and non local environmental
activists. They state in the assessment that,
none of the activists are homeless or from any
vulnerable groups. How did the council come to
this conclusion? Well, all their actions so far
have been managed in accordance with the
Unauthorised Encampment protocol. The protocol as
supplied in appendix 1 of their case bundle does
not actually define an encampment. One would
assume it would refer to temporary or mobile
structures like tents or caravans- but we are
living in buildings. Anyway they have their
protocol and their rubber stamps at the ready.
Gloucestershire County Council had a meeting on
the 20th January to which we were not invited but
the outcome of the meeting apparently focused on
the welfare of the squatters before pursuing any other form of action.
So on the 24th January a group of council
officers came to visit us. One of them was a man
in tracksuit who wanted to make individual
welfare assessments with a form he had brought
with him. He wanted to do this immediately but we
were concerned that this would take up too much
time so we suggested that we would complete the
forms for collection the following day. When one
of the council agents returned the next day we
hadnt filled in the forms because we thought
they were inappropriate and demeaning why did we
think this? This was a question the council never
asked, but in the equality impact assessment they
refer to this as such; the detailed assessments
have been refused. Why were they refused? Well
the form was of such poor quality we couldnt be
sure as to whether or not it was some kind of
joke. Of the 10 questions there were two blatant
errors one of which referred to education they
corrected this error in the copy they later gave
to the judge, in the court bundle it reads...
Do you need any help with education?
The forms the guy in the tracksuit gave us read:
Do you need help any education?
Not the most severe error but enough for us to
question the professionalism of this so called public body.
Ill spare you the details of the rest of
meeting, they were mostly concerned with the
adventure playground and the compost toilet. No
the officer didnt want to use them they were
concern that the use of such facilities would
engender gross health and safety violations. We
tried to calm them down and get them to talk
sense. At one point we tried to change the
subject by suggested that these situation
presented an opportunity to challenge this
compensation culture that caused them so much
concern. The lead officer took this very
seriously and expressed his doubts as to whether
reopening the wilderness centre was the best way
to approach this issue. He even noted it down and
presented it in their case against us. We did
eventually explain to them the reasons we were
here. However this was not noted down and it is
this failure to listen that constitutes their
neglect of duty and subsequent indirect discrimination against us.
The following week the council and other
interested parties had a final welfare
meeting to decide how to get rid of us. We came
along and managed to sit down before they
realised who we were and asked us to leave the
building. We promised them we would be available
to answer any questions with regard to our
welfare and the going concern of the wilderness
centre. Needless to say they yet again ignored
us. Satisfied with their protocol and impact
assessment they made there decision and began their barrage of paper.
The impact assessments has to identify where any
particular group is affected differently by a
policy (namely the Meeting the Challenge
programme) in either a negative or positive way.
It lists each of the protected characteristics,
other groups e.g. rural isolation, long term
unemployed, health inequality, carers;
socio-economically deprived groups; and finally
any issues concerning community cohesion.
So here goes, the authorities need a label then a label we shall give them.
We are peasants.
Protect the wilderness (Peasants) vs Gloucester
County Council (Evill councillors (as referred to in the Bill of Rights 1688))
Gloucester County council made no attempt to
assess our beliefs and socio economic rights as
defined in the equality act 2006 of which they have a duty to do so.
We have a right to pursue a livelihood that does not contradict our beliefs.
We refuse to participate in a system that is exploitative and unsustainable.
As homeless peasants we re opened the wilderness
centre to initiate a movement towards the
foundation of home that ensures the conditions of
a livelihood in accordance with the principles of
economic autonomy and ecological sustainability.
We share the struggle for economic autonomy with peasants around the world.
We believe that environmental education is a
necessary condition of a society built upon the
principle of ecological sustainability.
Our beliefs can be articulated through these
principles and the values which inform them. The
principle of economic autonomy is that a home
should be able to support and maintain all of the
relations of production on which that home
depends. The value which informs this principle
is freedom albeit in its negative sense as a
freedom from. The principle of ecological
sustainability is that a home should be able to
maintain a balance with the resources and
relations of forces on which it depends. The
value which informs this principle is that of harmony or balance.
The Peasant struggle is fully applicable to the
framework of international human rights which
includes instruments, and thematic mechanisms of
the Human Rights Council, that address the right
to food, housing rights, access to water, right
to health, human rights defenders, indigenous
peoples, racism and racial discrimination,
womens rights. However these international
instruments of the UN do not completely cover nor
prevent human rights violations, especially the
rights of the peasants. We see some limitations
in the International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) as an instrument to
protect peasants' right. Also, the Charter of the
Peasant produced by the UN in 1978, was not able
to protect peasants from international
liberalization policies. The other international
conventions, which also deal with peasants'
rights, can not be implemented either. These
conventions include: ILO Convention 169, Clause
8âJ Convention on Biodiversity, Point 14.60
Agenda 21, and Cartagena Protocol.
In articulating our rights with reference to and
in solidarity with the Peasant struggle we refer
to the Declaration of Rights of peasant women
and men proposed by La Via Campesina. the
Declaration of the Rights of Peasants was
formulated through the process of a series of
activities, including the Workshop on Peasants'
Rights in Medan North Sumatra in 2000, the
Conference of Agrarian Reform in Jakarta April
2001, the Regional conference on Peasants' Rights
held in Jakarta in April 2002 and the
International Conference of Via Campesina also
held in Jakarta, in June 2008. La Via Campesina
are calling for this document to form the basis
of an International Convention of Peasants
Rights, to be elaborated by the United Nations,
with the full participation of La Via Campesina
and other representatives of civil society.
The full text of the declaration is attached to
this document. The following are specific
articles that are relevant to our case;
Article I
Definition of peasants: rights holders
A peasant is a man or woman of the land, who has
a direct and special relationship with the land
and nature through the production of food and/or
other agricultural products. Peasants work the
land themselves, rely above all on family labour
and other smallâscale forms of organizing
labour. Peasants are traditionally embedded in
their local communities and they take care of
local landscapes and of agroâecological systems.
The term peasant can apply to any person engaged
in agriculture, cattleâraising, pastoralism,
handicraftsârelated to agriculture or a related
occupation in a rural area. This includes
Indigenous people working on the land.
Declaration of Rights of Peasants â Women and Men
The term peasant also applies to landless.
According to the UN Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO 1984) definition[1], the
following categories of people are considered to
be landless and are likely to face difficulties in ensuring their livelihood:
1. Agricultural labour households with little or no land;
2. 2. Nonâagricultural households in rural
areas, with little or no land, whose members are
engaged in various activities such as fishing,
making crafts for the local market, or providing services;
3. 3. Other rural households of pastoralists,
nomads, peasants practicing shifting cultivation,
hunters and gatherers, and people with similar livelihoods.
Article II Rights of peasants
3. Peasants (women and men) are free and equal to
all other people and individuals and have the
right to be free from any kind of discrimination,
in the exercise of their rights, in particular to
be free from discriminations based on their
economic, social and cultural status.
4. Peasants (women and men) have the right to
actively participate in policy design, decision
making, implementation, and monitoring of any
project, program or policy affecting their territories.
Art. III Right to life and to an adequate standard of living
1. Peasants (women and men) have the right to
physical integrity, to not be harassed, evicted,
persecuted, arbitrarily arrested, and killed for defending their rights.
Article IV
Right to land and territory
3. Peasants (women and men) have the right to
toil and own the nonâproductive state land on
which they depend for their livelihood.
8. Peasants (women and men) have the right to
manage, conserve, and benefit from the forests.
9. Peasants (women and men) have the right to
reject all kinds of land acquisition and conversion for economic purpose.
11. Peasants (women and men) have the right to
agricultural land that can be irrigated to ensure
food sovereignty for growing population.
Declaration of Rights of Peasants â W
13. Peasants (women and men) have the right to
maintain and strengthen their distinct political,
legal, economic, social and cultural
institutions, while retaining their right to
participate fully, if they so choose, in the
political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.
Article V Right to seeds and traditional agricultural knowledge and practice
4. Peasants (women and men) have the right to conserve and develop their local
knowledge in agriculture, fishing, livestock rearing.
Article VI Right to means of agricultural production
1. Peasants (women and men) have the right to
obtain funds from the State to develop Agriculture
6. Peasants (women and men) have the right to be actively involved in planning,
formulating, and deciding on the budget for national and local agriculture.
Article VII
Right to information and agriculture technology
1. Peasants (women and men) have the right to obtain impartial and balanced
information about capital, market, policies,
prices, technology, etc, related to
peasants needs.
Article IX
Right to the protection of agriculture values
2. Peasants (women and men) have the right to
develop and preserve local knowledge in agriculture.
Article X
Right to biological diversity
1. Peasants (women and men) have the right to the
protection and preservation of
biological diversity.
Article XI
Right to preserve the environment
1. Peasants (women and men) have the right to a clean and healthy environment.
2. Peasants (women and men) have the right to
preserve the environment according to their knowledge.
3. Peasants (women and men) have the right to
reject all forms of exploitation which
cause environmental damage.
Article XII Freedoms of association, opinion and expression
4. Peasants (women and men) have the right not to
be criminalized for their claims and struggles.
5. Peasants (women and men) have to right to resist oppression and to resort to
peaceful direct action in order to protect their rights
Article XIII
Right to have access to justice
1. Peasants (women and men) have the right to
effective remedies in case of violations of their
rights. They have the right to a fair justice
system, to have effective and nondiscriminatory
access to courts and to have legal aid.
2. Peasants (women and men) have the right not to
be criminalized for their claims and struggles.
3. Peasants (women and men) have the right to be
informed and to legal assistance.
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