Reclaiming the Commons as a social theory of collective action

mail at mail at
Wed Feb 15 12:36:33 GMT 2012

> From: The Future of Occupy <team at>
> Date: 15 February 2012 8:11:07 AM AEDT
> To: OpenKollab <openkollab at>
> Subject: [OK] Reclaiming the Commons as a social theory of collective
> Reply-To: openkollab at
> Hi guys
> I wanted to let you know about this very cool event happening at
> Occupy Wall Street... The “Occupy Commons strategy workshop:
> reclaiming the Commons as a social theory of collective action” will
> be held at Making Worlds: an OWS Forum on the Commons in NYC and
> online, in New York, Feb 18, 2012 AND online at The Future of Occupy
> site Feb 14-23. Here is the link...
> The “Making Worlds: an OWS Forum on the Commons” will reflect on the
> direction and aims of the Occupy movement and to articulate strategies
> for the future. Information:
> George Por is a director of the London-based School of Commoning, who
> were an early proponent of the alliance between the democratization
> and commons movements, which was the focus the School’s first public
> workshop in June 2011.
> The title of our session on reclaiming the Commons as a social theory
> of collective action, at the OWS Forum will be a hybrid (online-
> onsite) workshop using an innovative educational design. George will
> address the OWS Forum in New York from London via Skype.
> The Occupy movement is redefining many aspects of social life,
> including what a workshop is. For us, gone are the days when a
> workshop simply meant a space with tools, workbenches and supplies, or
> a time to spend on listening to a sage on the stage.
> This event will reconnect with and renew what a “workshop” was in the
> pre-industrial era: a supportive environment, where people assemble to
> invent, prototype and produce useful objects. In the digital era, it
> also means developing useful ideas together, making connections, and
> co-creating something of value to the community.
> For more information and to join this free online workshop, please
> visit its home page. If you like what you see, please help us get the
> word out about it.
> --
> This is a message from the OpenKollab Google Group located at
> To post to this group, send email to openkollab at

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