2nd Wigan Diggers Festival 8th September 2012

Claire Riley claireriley5 at rocketmail.com
Mon Jul 30 11:52:47 BST 2012

Hi All,

Just wanting to alert you to our 2nd Wigan Diggers Festival on Saturday 8th September 2012 on The Wiend in central Wigan.  

After the success of last years 1st Festival, celebrating the words and actions of the Diggers and  Wigan born Gerrard Winstanley we have now planned a more ambitious outdoor FREE festival this year.

Anybody who is interested can find us on Facebook and our website link is    http://wigandiggersfestival.org.

There is a flyer advertising the event on the website and giving details of some of the activities of the day.  At the start of the event there will be a ceremonial 'digging' and tree planting.  The event will begin circa 11.30am until 8pm.

Please circulate this widely.


Wigan Diggers Festival Organising Committee.

E-mail: stevechik at talktalk.net or diggersfestival at groups.facebook.com
or Telephone: 01942 886645 or 07724 139278
Alternatively join us on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/diggersfestival/

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