July 2012 Archives by subject
Starting: Sun Jul 1 01:56:50 BST 2012
Ending: Tue Jul 31 20:59:02 BST 2012
Messages: 59
- 'I quit to prevent bloodbath' - ousted Paraguay president
Tony Gosling
- 04Jul12 Amerikas Last Independence Day?
Tony Gosling
- 2nd Wigan Diggers Festival 8th September 2012
Claire Riley
- [FrackOff] Fracking On Trial: The Verdict
Frack Off
- Activists set precedents resisting land grabs in Wukan, China
Tony Gosling
- After 800 years, the barons are back in control of Britain, by George Monbiot
Marki Brown
- A means to 'The End'
Paul Mobbs
- Barclays Libor Scandal: Prison Will Remedy
Tony Gosling
- BBC London last night's squatter/public housing documentary
Tony Gosling
- BBC London last night's squatter/public housing documentary
chris morton
- Bill Gates should read this...
Paul Mobbs
- Brazil Belo Monte dam - 24,000 to be displaced
Tony Gosling
- Call for architects to work with Bristol Community Land Trust
Anna Maloney
- compass critique
james armstrong
- Connections between bankster elite and environmental movement
Adam Ormes Court
- Democracy activists resist land grabs in Wukan, China
Tony Gosling
- Diggers on BBC 'The Great British Story: A People's History' part 6
mark at tlio.org.uk
- Eco-Village @ Runnymede, Eco-Socialism In Action?
mark at tlio.org.uk
- Ecotopia GERMANY 1st-26th of August 2012
Ecotopia Newsletter
- Europe : What emergency programme for the crisis?
david bangs
- Fw: Affordable Community Housing
Linda Beamish
- Fwd: [biofuelwatch] Land Deal Brief: Lives on Hold
- Fwd: [MumiaNYC] *Lynne Stewart's Sentence Broken Down/Her Autobiographical Statement
Mark Barrett
- Fwd: Forests petition
- [Diggers350] Fwd: Forests petition
- Great Socialist thinkers in Moscow, Russia
Tony Gosling
- Heathrow squatters ruling 'could change housing law'
- Illegal eviction Met assault in Notting Hill share far and wide
- Independent Off-Grid documentary launched on Kickstarter looking for pledges and
- [Diggers350] Independent Off-Grid documentary launched on Kickstarter looking for pledges and
vapid ness
- Irish history ... as Brits were not taught it...!
Tony Gosling
- Israel orders demolition of 8 Palestinian villages, claims IDF training land
Tony Gosling
- Just out: Land Grabbers:The New Fight Over Who Owns the Earth
Tony Gosling
- Kenya: 1,000 Squatters Left in the Cold As Houses Demolished
- land grab from pensioners - !! UK style
Tony Gosling
- Land rights massacre a pretext for Paraguay coup
Tony Gosling
- last min changes - Sat14Jul GLASTONBURY Incredible Edible conference
Nicole Vosper
- Major attack on social housing in London - deadline 31 Jul 2012
mark at tlio.org.uk
- Movie - Iceland, People Building a Revolution
Mark Barrett
- NFU PR alert
james armstrong
- Occupy Bohemian Grove: 1%'s Secret getaway revealed
Tony Gosling
- Peak Minerals: Shortage of Rare Earth Metals Threatens Renewable Energy
Paul Mobbs
- [Diggers350] Peak Minerals: Shortage of Rare Earth Metals Threatens Renewable Energy
Paul Mobbs
- Pig business email
Alison Banville
- Please contibute to new online magazine - The Future of Occupy
mark jagdev
- Protest Against Land-Grabbers' London Summit
Tony Gosling
- QUEBEC - Couple refuse to rip up ILLEGAL vegetable garden
Tony Gosling
- Recent Evictions of Homeless in California (article & photos)
Colin Donoghue
- Reclaim the Fields Summer Gathering
Nicole Vosper
- Response to Monbiot on peak oil vs. climate change
Paul Mobbs
- Runnymede eco-village open day this Saturday.
no body
- Squatters claim victory in Lewisham Council houses occupation
Tony Gosling
- Sunrise: Off-Grid 2012 : Radical History
- Urgent Ideas Request - October Levellers' Event
Mark Barrett
- Wed25Jul LONDON Pig business at the Hornbeam Cafe
Adam Payne
- Welfare for the Super rich: mind boggling EXTENT of CAP subsidies
- Welsh local authorities no longer need to notify plan departures
Paul Mobbs
- Who Owns the World author Kevin Cahill on radio last night
Tony Gosling
Last message date:
Tue Jul 31 20:59:02 BST 2012
Archived on: Wed Sep 2 16:50:28 BST 2020
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