West's Aim: Turn the Entire Global South into a Failed State
Tony Gosling
tony at cultureshop.org.uk
Wed Jun 20 11:04:06 BST 2012
The West Aims to Turn the Entire Global South into a Failed State
by Dan Glazebrook / December 8th, 2011
The economic collapse that began in 2008, that
was duly declared unpredictable and thoroughly
unforeseen across the entire Western media, was,
in fact, anything but. Indeed, the capitalist
cycle of expansion and collapse has repeated
itself so often, over hundreds of years, that its
existence is openly accepted across the whole
spectrum of economic thought, including in the
mainstream which refers to it, in deliberately
understated terms, as the business cycle. Only
those who profit from our ignorance of this
dynamic the billionaire profiteers and their
paid stooges in media and government try to deny it.
A slump occurs when capacity outstrips demand
that is to say, when people can no longer afford
to buy all that is being produced. This is
inevitable in a capitalist system, where
productive capacity is privately owned, because
the global working class as a whole are never
paid enough to purchase all that they
collectively produce. As a result, unsold goods
begin to pile up, and production facilities
factories and the like are closed down. People
are thrown out of work as a result, their incomes
decline, and the problem gets worse. This is
exactly what we are seeing happen today.
In these circumstances, avenues for profitable
investment dry up the holders of capital can
find nowhere safe to invest their money. For
them, this is the crisis not the unemployment,
the famine, the poverty etc (which, after all,
remain an endemic feature of the global
capitalist economy even during the boom times,
albeit on a somewhat reduced scale). The
governments under their control through
ownership of the media, currency manipulation and
control of the economy must then set to work
creating new profitable investment opportunities.
One way they do this is by killing off public
services, and thus creating opportunities for
investment in the private companies that replace
them. In 1980s Britain, Margaret Thatcher
privatised steel, coal, gas, electricity, water,
and much else besides. In the short term, this
plunged millions into unemployment, as factories
and mines were closed down, and in the long term
it resulted in massive price rises for basic
services. But it had its intended effect it
provided valuable investment opportunities (for
those with capital to spare) at a time when such
opportunities were scarce, and created a long
term source of fabulous profits. This summer, for
example, saw the formerly publicly owned gas
company Centrica hiking its prices by another 18%
to bring in a £1.3billion profit. The raised
prices will see many thousands more pensioners
than usual die from the cold this winter as a
result, but gas like all commodities in
capitalist society is not there to provide heat, but to increase capital.
In the global South, privatisation was harsher
still. Bodies like the IMF and the World Bank
used the leverage provided by the debt-extortion
mechanism (whereby interest rates were hiked on
unpayable loans that had rarely benefited the
population, often taken out by corrupt rulers
imposed by Western governments in the first
place) to force governments across Asia, Africa
and Latin America to cut public spending on even
basics such as health and education, along with
agricultural subsidies. This contributed
massively to the staggering rates of infant
mortality and deaths from preventable disease, as
well as to the AIDS epidemic now raging across
Africa. But again the desired end for those
imposing the policies was achieved, as new
markets were created and holders of giant capital
reserves could now invest in private companies to
provide the services no longer available from the
state. The profit system was given a new lease of
life, its collapse staved off once again.
The World Banks closure of the Indian
governments grain rationing and distribution
service, for example, meant that a scheme
providing affordable grain to all Indian citizens
was closed down, allowing private companies to
come in and sell grain at massively increased
prices (sometimes up to ten times higher). Whilst
this has led to huge numbers of Indians being
priced out of the market, and a resulting 200
million people now facing starvation in India, it
has also led to record profits for the giant
private companies now holding the worlds grain
stocks which is the whole point.
This round of global privatisation from the 1980s
onwards, however, was so thorough that when the
2008 crisis hit, there were few state functions
left to privatise. Creating investment
opportunities now is much trickier than it was
thirty years ago, because so much of what is
potentially profitable is already being thoroughly exploited as it is.
In Europe, what is left of public services is
hastily being dismantled, as right wing political
leaders happily privatise what is left of the
public sector, and currency speculators use their
firepower to pick off any country that attempts
to resist. David Cameron, following the path
forced on the global South over recent decades,
for example, is busy opening up Britains
National Health Service to private companies, and
massively cutting back on public service
provision for vulnerable groups such as the elderly and the jobless.
In the global South, however, there is little
left for the West to privatise, as successive IMF
policies have long ago forced those countries in
their grip to strip their public services to the bone (and beyond) already.
But there is one state function which, if fully
privatised across the world, would make the
profits made even from essentials such as health
care and education look like peanuts. That is the
most basic and essential state function of all,
indeed the whole raison detre for the state: security.
Private security companies are one of the few
growth areas during times of global recession, as
growing unemployment and poverty leads to
increased social unrest and chaos, and those with
wealth become more nervous about protecting both
themselves, and their assets. Furthermore, as the
Chinese economy advances at a rate of knots,
military superiority is fast becoming the Wests
only competitive advantage the one area in
which its expertise remains significantly ahead
of its rivals. Turning this advantage, therefore,
into an opportunity for investment and profit on
a large-scale is now one of the chief tasks
facing the rulers of Western economies.
A recent article in the Guardian noted that
British private security firm Group 4 is now
Europes largest private sector employer,
employing 600,000 people 50% more than make up
the total armed forces of Britain and France
combined. With growth last year of 9% in their
new markets division, the company have already
benefited from the unrest in north Africa and the
Middle East. Group 4 are set to make a killing
in Libya, following the total breakdown of
security, likely to last for decades, resulting
from NATOs incineration of the countrys armed
forces and wholesale destruction of its state
apparatus. With the rule of law replaced by
warfare between rival gangs of rebels, and no
realistic prospect of a functioning police force
for the foreseeable future, those Libyans able to
manoeuvre themselves into positions of wealth and
power will likely have to rely on private security for many years to come.
When Philip Hammond, Britains new Defence
Secretary and a multi-millionaire businessman
himself, suggested that British companies pack
their suitcases and head to Libya, it was not
only oil and construction companies he had in
mind, but private security companies.
Private military companies are also becoming huge
business most famously, the US company
Blackwater, renamed Xe Services after its
original name became synonymous with the
massacres committed by its forces in Iraq. In the
USA, Blackwater has already taken over many of
the security functions of the state charging
the Department of Homeland Security $1000 per day
per head in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina,
for example. When you ship overnight, do you use
the postal service or do you use FedEx? asked
Erik Prince, founder and chairman of Blackwater.
Our corporate goal is to do for the national
security apparatus what FedEx did to the postal
service. Another Blackwater official commented
that None of us loves the idea that devastation
became a business opportunity. Its a distasteful
fact. But thats what it is. Doctors, lawyers,
funeral directors, even newspapers they all
make a living off of bad things happening. So do
we, because somebodys got to handle it.
The danger comes when the economic climate is
such that the worlds most powerful governments
feel they must do all they can to create such
business opportunities. During the Cold War, the
US military acted (as indeed it still does) to
keep the global South in a state of poverty by
attacking any government that seriously sought to
challenge this poverty, and imposing governments
that would crush trade unions and keep the
population cowed. This created investment
opportunities because it kept the majority of the
worlds labour force in conditions so desperate
they were willing to work for peanuts. But now
this is not enough. In slump conditions, it
doesnt matter how cheap your workforce is if
nobody is buying your products. To create the
requisite business opportunities today a large
global market for its military expertise
Western governments must impose not only poverty,
but also devastation. Devastation is the quickest
route to converting the Wests military prowess
into a genuine business opportunity that can
create a huge new avenue for investment when all
others are drying up. And this is precisely what
is happening. David Cameron is, for once,
telling the truth, when he says Whatever it
takes to help our businesses take on the world well do it.
As The Times put it recently, In Iraq, the
postwar business boom is not oil. It is
security. In both Iraq and Afghanistan, a
situation of chronic and enduring instability and
civil war has been created by a very precise
method. Firstly, the existing state power is
totally destroyed. Next, the possibility of
utilising the countrys domestic expertise to
rebuild state capacity is undermined against by
barring former officials from working for the new
government (a process known in Iraq as
de-Baathification). Linked to this, the former
ruling party is banned from playing any part in
the political process, effectively ensuring that
the largest and most organised political
formation in each country has no option but to
resort to armed struggle to gain influence, and
thereby condemning the country to civil war.
Next, vicious sectarianism is encouraged along
whatever religious, ethnic and tribal divisions
are available, often goaded by the covert actions
of Western intelligence services. Finally, the
wholesale privatisation of resources ensures
chronically destabilising levels of unemployment
and inequality. The whole process is
self-perpetuating, as the skilled and
professional sections of the workforce those
with the means and connections emigrate,
leaving behind a dire skills shortage and even
less chance of a functioning society emerging from the chaos.
This instability is not confined to the borders
of the state which has been destroyed. In a
masterfully cynical domino effect, for example,
the aggression against Iraq has also helped to
destabilise Syria. Three quarters of the 2
million Iraqi refugees fleeing the war in their
own country have ended up in Syria, thus
contributing to the pressure on the Syrian
economy which is a major factor in the current unrest there.
The destruction of Libya will also have far
reaching destabilising consequences across the
region. As the recent United Nations Support
Mission in Libya stated, Libya had accumulated
the largest known stockpile of Manpads
[surface-to-air missiles] of any
non-Manpad-producing country. Although thousands
were destroyed during the seven-month Nato
operations, there are increasing concerns over
the looting and likely proliferation of these
portable defence systems, as well as munitions
and mines, highlighting the potential risk to
local and regional stability. Furthermore, a
large number of volatile African countries are
currently experiencing a fragile peace secured by
peacekeeping forces in which Libyan troops had
been playing a vital role. The withdrawal of
these troops may well be damaging to the
maintenance of the peace. Similarly, Libya, under
Gaddafis rule, had contributed generously to
African development projects; a policy which will
certainly be ended under the NTC again, with
potentially destabilising consequences.
Clearly, a policy of devastation and
destabilisation fuels not only the market for
private security, but also for arms sales
where, again, the US, Britain and France remain
market leaders. And a policy of devastation
through blitzkrieg fits in clearly with the big
three current long term strategic objectives of Western policy planners:
To corner as large a share as possible of the
worlds diminishing resources, most importantly
oil, gas and water. A government of a devastated
country is at the mercy of the occupying country
when it comes to contracts. Gaddafis Libya, for
example, drove a notoriously hard bargain with
the Western powers over oil contracts acting as
a key force in the 1973 oil price spike, and
still in 2009 being accused by the Financial
Times of resource nationalism. But the new NTC
government in Libya have been hand picked for
their subservience to foreign interests and
know that their continued positions depend on
their willingness to continue in this role.
To prevent the rise of the global South,
primarily through the destruction of any
independent regional powers (such as Iran, Libya,
Syria etc) and the destabilisation, isolation and
encirclement of the rising global powers (in particular China and Russia).
To overcome or limit the impact of economic
collapse by using superior military force to
create and conquer new markets through the
destruction and rebuilding of infrastructure and
the elimination of competition.
This policy of total devastation represents a
departure from the Cold War policies of the
Western powers. During the Cold War, whilst the
major strategic aims remained the same, the
methods were different. Independent regional
powers in the global South were still
destabilised and invaded and regularly but
generally with the aim of installing compliant
dictatorships. Thus, Lumumba was overthrown and
replaced with Mobutu; Sukarno with Suharto;
Allende with Pinochet; etc, etc. But the danger
with this imposed strongmen policy was that
strongmen can become defiant. Saddam Hussein
illustrated this perfectly. After having been
backed for over a decade by the West, he turned
on their stooge monarchy in Kuwait. Governments
that are in control can easily get out of
control. However, for as long as these strongmen
were needed for the services provided by their
armies (protecting investments, repressing
workers struggles, etc), they were supported. The
crisis now underway in the economies of the West,
however, calls for more drastic measures. And the
development of private security and private
mercenary companies mean that the armies provided
by these strongmen are starting to be deemed no longer necessary.
Congo is a case in point. For three decades, the
Western powers had supported Mobutu Sese-Sekos
iron rule of the Congo. But then, in the mid-90s,
they allowed him to be overthrown. However,
rather than allowing the Congolese resistance
forces to take power and establish an effective
government, they then sponsored an invasion of
the country by Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.
Although these countries have now largely
withdrawn their militias, they continue to
sponsor proxy militias which have prevented the
country seeing a moments peace for nearly
fifteen years, resulting in the biggest slaughter
since the end of the Second World War, with over
5 million killed. One result of this total
breakdown of functioning government has been that
the Western companies that loot Congos resources
have been able to do so virtually for free.
Despite being the worlds largest supplier of
both coltan and copper, amongst many other
precious minerals, the total tax revenue on these
products in 2006-7 amounted to a puny £32
million. This is surely far less than what even
the most useless neo-colonial puppet would have demanded.
This completely changes the meaning of the word
government. In the Congo, the governments best
efforts to stabilise and develop the country have
so far proved no match for the destabilisation
strategies of the West and its stooges. In
Afghanistan, it is well known that the
governments writ has no authority outside of
Kabul, if there. But then, that is the point. The
role of the governments imposed on Afghanistan,
Iraq and Libya, like the one they are trying to
impose on Syria, is not to govern or provide for
the population at all even that most basic of
functions, security. It is simply to provide a
fig leaf of legitimacy for the occupation of the
country and to award business contracts to the
colonial powers. They literally have no other
function, as far as their sponsors are concerned.
It goes without saying that this policy of
devastation is turning the victimised countries
into a living hell. After now more than thirty
years of Western destabilisation, and ten years
of outright occupation, Afghanistan is at or very
hear the bottom of nearly every human development
indicator available, with life expectancy at 44
years and an under-five mortality rate of over
one in four. Mathew White, a history professor
who has recently completed a detailed survey of
the humanitys worst atrocities throughout
history, concluded that, without doubt, chaos is
far deadlier than tyranny. It is a truth to which many Iraqis can testify.
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shall not be made known. What I tell you in
darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye
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Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
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