£1,200,000,000 each year

james armstrong tony at cultureshop.org.uk
Thu Jun 21 02:28:36 BST 2012

Press Release :

James Armstrong

Tel 01305 265510

james36armstrong at hotmail.com

NFU farmer members  receive an 
estimated  £1,200,000,000 as CAP payments each year.

CAP payments by  Defra in total  were £3.4bn 
costing a further £0.5billion   to disburse, 2009

:  Defra web site.

Number of farmers in UK  163,800 in 1993     Source: Defra

Number of NFU farmer members  53 thousand in 
1993  Source NFU  Press officer statement  1993

Number of  CAP cheques disbursed each year ,  !75,000  Source Defra web site

This figure and the scale of the payments has 
never  been revealed or discussed on the daily 
‘Farming Today’ programmes on BBC radio 4, 
Compare the almost weekly appearances of NFU 
spokespersons on that publicly funded programme 
including frequent appearances of the NFU 
president Mr Peter Kendall and of the chief NFU economist.

Consider the frequent press and media coverage of 
cuts to public services  and the secrecy 
surrounding the CAP payments and the tacit 
exemption of CAP payments from cuts or  publicity .


  The £1,2billion figure is likely to be a low 
estimate as larger farming enterprises are  more 
heavily represented in the NFU membership.

See Corporate Watch web site

NFU are invited to   provide their own  informed estimate.

BBC complaints have been invited to ask Farmign 
Today to repair this information deficit

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