[Diggers350] Illegal Settlements Bonanza as Zionists plan the end of Palestine

james armstrong james36armstrong at hotmail.com
Sat May 12 20:49:22 BST 2012

I have just written to Oliver Letwin pointing  out Israel has preferred status to import food to EU under the CAP arrangements.
and this should end. for this rogue state. 

A CAP leafleting action is planned somewhere in London.  The leaflet will include the  bad effects such as above and on  Indian farmers.

To: diggers350 at yahoogroups.com; Bristol-PSC at yahoogroups.co.uk
From: tony at cultureshop.org.uk
Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 00:44:34 +0100
Subject: [Diggers350] Illegal Settlements Bonanza as Zionists plan the end of  Palestine



      European Zionists started their invasion/occupation of Palestine in 1917.


Subject: Illegal Settlements Bonanza as Zionists plan the end of Palestine

While the Israeli settlement drive since then has swallowed much of the West

Bank and East Jerusalem, populating them with over half a million 

Israelis, the

international community's response was as moot in 1967 as it is now in 2012.

Responding to the latest sanctioning of illegal outposts, UN Secretary General

Ban Ki-Moon declared that he was "deeply troubled" by the news. Meanwhile,

Russia was 'deeply concerned' and so was the EU's Catherine Ashton. As for the

US, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland insisted that the Israeli

measure is not "helpful to the process." What process?

While Israel has now showed all of its cards, and the international community

declared its complacency or impotence, the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah

continues to plan some kind of UN censure of the settlements. Even if a

watered-down version of some UN draft managed to survive the US veto, what are

the chances of Israel heeding the call of international community?

There is no doubt that Israel is plotting its version of the endgame in

Palestine, which sees Palestinians continuing to subsist in physical

fragmentation and permanent occupation


Israel Plots an Endgame


by Ramzy Baroud

May 03, 2012

Israel's colonization policies are entering an alarming new phase, 

comparable in

historic magnitude to the original plans to colonize Gaza, the West Bank and

East Jerusalem following the war of 1967.

On April 24, an Israeli ministerial committee approved three 

settlement outposts

- Bruchin and Rechelim in the northern part of the West Bank, and 

Sansana in the

south. Although all settlement activities in the occupied West Bank and East

Jerusalem are considered illegal by international law, Israeli law

differentiates between sanctioned settlements and 'illegal' ones. This

distinction has actually proved to be no more than a disingenuous attempt at

conflating international law, which is applicable to occupied lands, 

and Israeli

law, which is in no way relevant.

Since 1967, Israel placed occupied Palestinian land, privately owned or

otherwise, into various categories. One of these categories is 

'state-owned', as

in obtained by virtue of military occupation. For many years, the 


occupied land was allotted to various purposes. Since 1990, however, 

the Israeli

government refrained from establishing settlements, at lease formally. Now,

according to the Israeli anti-settlement group, Peace Now, "instead 

of going to

peace the government is announcing the establishment of three new

settlements.this announcement is against the Israeli interest of 

achieving peace

and a two states solution"

Although the group argues that the four-man committee did not have 

the authority

to make such a decision, it actually matters little. Every physical 

space in the

occupied territories - whether privately owned or 'state owned', 'legally'

obtained or 'illegally' obtained - is free game. The extremist Jewish 


whose tentacles are reaching far and wide, chasing out Palestinians at every

corner, haven't received such empowering news since the heyday of 

Israeli Prime

Minister Ariel Sharon.

The move regarding settlements is not an isolated one. The Israeli 

government is

now challenging the very decisions made by the Israeli Supreme Court, 

which has

been used as a legitimization platform for many illegal settlements that drove

Palestinians from their land.

On April 27, the Israeli government reportedly asked the high court 

to delay the

demolition of an 'unauthorized' West Bank outpost in the Beit El settlement

which was scheduled to take place on May 1st. The land, even by Israeli legal

standards, is considered private Palestinian land, and the Israeli government

had committed to the court to take down the illegal outposts - again, per

Israeli definition - on the specified date.

Now the rightwing Netanyahu government is having another change of 

heart. In its

request to the court, the government argued: "The evacuation of the buildings

could carry social, political and operational ramifications for 

construction in

Beit El and other settlements." Such an argument, if applied in the larger

context of the occupied territories, could easily justify why no 

outposts should

be taken down. It could eradicate, once and for all, such politically

inconvenient terms such as 'legal' and 'illegal'.

"Previous Israeli governments have pledged to demolish the 

unauthorized settler

outposts in the West Bank, but only a handful have been removed," according to

CNN online. In fact, that 'handful' are likely to be rebuilt, amongst 

many more

new outposts, now that the new legal precedence is underway.

Michael Sfard, an attorney with Yesh Din, which reportedly advocates 


rights, described the request as "an announcement of war by the Israeli

government against the rule of law." More specifically, "they said 

clearly that

they have reached a decision not to evacuate illegal construction on private

Palestinian property."

Some analysts suggested that Netanyahu was bowing down to the more rightwing

elements in his cabinet - as if the man had, till now, been a peacemaker. The

bottom line is that Israel has decided embark on a new and dangerous 

phase, one

that violates not only international law, but Israel's own self-tailored laws

that were designed to colonize the occupied territories. It appears that even

those precarious 'laws' are no longer capable of meeting the colonial appetite

of Israeli settlers and the ruling class.

Israeli settlements have been contextualized through Israeli legal 

and political

references, as opposed to references commonly accepted in 

international law. The

emphasis on differences between Israeli governments, political parties and

religious/ultra-nationalist settlement movements is distracting and 


colonizing the rest of historic Palestine has been and remains a national

Israeli project.

An article in the rightwing Israeli Jerusalem Post agrees. "Support for

settlement is not simply a program of right-of-center Likud. Its history has

firm roots in Labor party activity during the periods of its governments, and

activities by predecessors of the Labor party going back before the 

creation of

the Israeli state" (April 27).

The only variable that might be worth examining is the purpose of the

settlement, not the settlement itself. Following the war of 1967, the 

Allon plan

sought to annex more than 30 percent of the West Bank and all of Gaza for

security purposes. It stipulated the establishment of a "security corridor"

along the Jordan River, as well outside the "Green Line", a one-sided Israeli

demarcation of its borders with the West Bank. Then, there was no 

Likud party to

demonize, for that was the Labor party's vision for the newly occupied


While the Israeli settlement drive since then has swallowed much of the West

Bank and East Jerusalem, populating them with over half a million 

Israelis, the

international community's response was as moot in 1967 as it is now in 2012.

Responding to the latest sanctioning of illegal outposts, UN Secretary General

Ban Ki-Moon declared that he was "deeply troubled" by the news. Meanwhile,

Russia was 'deeply concerned' and so was the EU's Catherine Ashton. As for the

US, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland insisted that the Israeli

measure is not "helpful to the process." What process?

While Israel has now showed all of its cards, and the international community

declared its complacency or impotence, the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah

continues to plan some kind of UN censure of the settlements. Even if a

watered-down version of some UN draft managed to survive the US veto, what are

the chances of Israel heeding the call of international community?

There is no doubt that Israel is plotting its version of the endgame in

Palestine, which sees Palestinians continuing to subsist in physical

fragmentation and permanent occupation. Unless a popular Palestinian uprising

takes hold, no one is likely to challenge what is actually an Israeli

declaration of war against the Palestinian people.

Ramzy Baroud is an internationally syndicated columnist and editor of

PalestineChronicle.com. He is the author of "


The Second

Palestinian Intifada: A Chronicle of a People's Struggle" and his most recent

book is " <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0745328814/counterpunchmaga>

My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza's Untold Story" (Pluto Press, London).

This analysis can be found on the Web at


Coyright C 2012 PalestineChronicle.com.


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"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."








"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which 

alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung


Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be 

revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell 

you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the 

ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.

Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.

Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:

Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:

Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;

Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.




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