MoD requisitioned village Imber - Salisbury Plain opening times
Tony Gosling
tony at
Tue Nov 6 22:42:35 GMT 2012
Events at St Giles Church
Public access is granted for up to 50 days in each year, however, as
a rule the number of days granted falls well short of the maximum.
Public notices are posted on the Ministry of Defence website and in
the local press. Access is usually granted during the Easter and
Christmas/New Year periods; also, during August. The military
training programme will dictate dates of public access in any one year.
Saturday 10 November for the Remembrance Service at St Giles Church
at 1100hrs. Access will only be available via an escort from
Warminster. If you are planning to attend the service you must go to
Vedette Post 2 at Warminster to arrive NO LATER than 1030hrs. All
vehicles will be escorted to Imber by the Army. All vehicles will be
escorted back to Warminster immediately after the service. There
will be no opportunity to spend time looking round the churchyard or
village after the service.
Christmas Carol Concert - 22nd December
The fourth annual Carol Concert will be held St Giles Church on
Saturday 22nd December at 1430 hours. We are delighted that once
again the programme of seasonal music will be provided by the Bratton
Silver Band and the St Thomas's, Salisbury Hand Bell Ringers. The
audience will be invited to participate in a number of well-known
traditional carols.
Seating in the church is limited, however, it might be possible to
accommodate a number of small folding chairs for those who wish to
bring them. Warm clothing and footwear are advisable as there is no
heating in the church. Mulled wine will be served on arrival. The
concert is timed to last about one hour.
Admission if free of charge, however, there will be a retiring
collection towards the expenses of the concert and the Churches
Conservation Trust which maintains the church. Programmes will be available.
Christmas Carol Concert - Routemaster Bus Service
A Free Routemaster Double Decker Bus Service (No 23A) will run at
1330hrs from Warminster Railway Station to Imber. The bus will
return to Warminster after the carol concert at approximately
1545hrs. Although the service is Free of Charge, donations to the
service would be appreciated.
SPTA Newsletter November 2012 - The Ministry of Defence (MoD)
publishes a monthly Newsletter about the Salisbury Plain Training
Area (SPTA) The November 2012 SPTA Newsletter is now available. It
lists dates when Imber will be open to the public in 2012.
Larkhill Ranges
No firing is planned for: 3rd, 4th, 17th, 18th, 24th, 25th Nov.
Note: Due to the risk of "cook off" from unexploded ordnance the
range is closed during fires.
Bulford Ranges
No firing is planned for: 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11, 17th, 18th Nov.
Imber Ranges
The public are excluded except when the roads are specifically opened
and access is then limited to three tarmac roads. It is planned to
open roads through Imber as follows:
10 Nov (1000) 10 Nov (1200) Remembrance Church Service.
Note. Only the road from Warminster will be open. 21 Dec (1600) to 7
Jan (0800) Christmas and New Year
Notes. 1. Even when the roads are open the village and buildings
remain out of bounds to the public.
2. Dates may change if operational training needs dictate.
3. Church opening times can be found at
Christmas and New Year 2012
The church will be open during the Christmas and New Year period on
the following days:
Thursday 27th December from 1000hrs to 1500hrs
Friday 28th December from 1000hrs to 1500hrs
Saturday 29th December from 1000hrs to 1500hrs
Sunday 30th December from 1200hrs to 1600hrs
Tuesday 1st January 2013 from 1000hrs to 1500hrs
Wednesday 2nd January from 1000hrs to 1500hrs
Thursday 3rd January from 1000hrs to 1500hrs
Saturday 5th January from 1000hrs to 1500hrs
Sunday 6th January from 1200hrs to 1600hrs
Adverse Weather
In the event of adverse winter weather meaning that travelling to
Imber across the Salisbury Plain Training Area is considered by the
organisers to be too hazardous, St Giles Church may have to be closed
on any of the advertised open days at short notice. The MoD may also
close access to SPTA if weather conditions mean that they consider
public access would be dangerous.
We will attempt to post here any closure as soon as a decision is
made. If, on any of the open days you are planning to visit Imber,
you should check here for the latest available details on the
day. As weather conditions can deteriorate without notice in the
winter, we cannot be held responsible for any nugatory time or
expense in the event of a last minute closure.
When is St Giles Open in 2013 ?
Sign up for our Mailing List to be the first to find out the next
time you can visit Imber and St Giles Church.
Please note that the Ministry of Defence always reserves the right to
close off access to Salisbury Plain and Imber for operational reasons
and without notice.
To Join the Imber Mailing List for Advance Information
+44 (0)7786 952037
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"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which
alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be
revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell
you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the
ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27
Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
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