Final thoughts on Zionisms success and Arab failure
Tony Gosling
tony at
Thu Apr 25 14:43:23 BST 2013
Boston Suspect Arrested Stripped Naked so WHEN was he shot and killed?
MY LAST POST: Final thoughts on Zionisms success and Arab failure
April 25, 2013
by former ITN correspondent and Panorama reporter Alan Hart
Will Masada II be the endgame?
I am withdrawing from the battlefield of the war
for the truth of history as it relates to the
making and sustaining of the conflict in and over
Palestine that became Israel, and the following is an explanation of why.
More than three decades ago when I made my
commitment to this war effort, in the full
knowledge that it would make me persona non grata
in the eyes of the mainstream media I had served
with some distinction, I believed that the single
most amazing thing about the conflict was
Zionisms success in selling its propaganda lies
lies which were told not only to justify
anything and everything the Zionist (not Jewish)
State of Israel did and does, but also to
establish and fix the boundaries of what could
and could not be discussed in public discourse
about Israels policies and actions. (I mean what
could and could not be discussed by non-Jews,
Europeans and Americans especially, if they
didnt want to be terrorized by smears and false
charges of anti-Semitism which could result in
them losing their positions and jobs).
What could be called the Mother and Father of
Zionisms propaganda lies is the assertion that
all the Jews of the world are descended from the
ancient Hebrews and therefore have a common
ethnic origin and national heritage. In other
words, according to Zionisms assertion,
Palestine is by definition the ancestral homeland
of all the Jews of the world; and this, it is
further asserted by Zionism, means that Israel
has the right to sovereignty over all the land it
occupies today and Jews from anywhere have the right to settle on it.
As Israeli historian Shlomo Sand explains in his
book The Invention of the Jewish People, that is
simply not true. And as I noted in my book
Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews (which was
published before Sands work), almost all if not
all the Jews who went to Palestine in answer to
Zionisms call had no biological connection to
the ancient Hebrews. They, like almost all Jews,
were the descendants of peoples from many
homelands (mainly in Eastern and Western Europe)
who converted to Judaism centuries after the
brief rule of the ancient Hebrews ended and who,
after their conversion, had only their religion and its rituals in common.
Though they subsequently converted to Islam and
Christianity, it is possible that when Zionism
declared itself to be in existence 1897 there
were more Palestinian Arabs than Palestinian Jews
who were descended from the ancient Hebrews.
Zionisms claim that the Jews of the world have a
right to the land now occupied by Greater Israel
does not bear honest examination.
One of the most influential of Zionisms
follow-up propaganda lies asserted that Israel
was given its birth certificate and thus its
legitimacy by the United Nations Partition
Resolution of 29 November 1947. As I document in
detail in my book and have indicated over the
years in more than a few articles and
presentations of public platforms of all kinds, that is propaganda nonsense.
In the first place the UN without the consent of
the majority of the people of Palestine did not
have the right to decide to partition Palestine
or assign any part of its territory to a minority
of alien immigrants in order for them to establish a state of their own.
Despite that, by the narrowest of margins, and
only after a rigged vote (rigged by Zionist
pressure amounting to blackmail on the leaders
and governments of some member states), the UN
General Assembly did pass a resolution to
partition Palestine and create two states, one
Arab, one Jewish, with Jerusalem not part of
either. But the General Assembly resolution was
only a proposal meaning that it could have no
effect, would not become policy, unless approved by the Security Council.
The truth is that the General Assemblys
partition proposal never went to the Security
Council for consideration. Why not? Because the
US knew that, if approved, it could only be
implemented by force; and President Truman was
not prepared to use force to partition Palestine.
So the partition plan was vitiated (became
invalid), and the question of what the hell to do
about Palestine after the occupying British had
been driven out it by Zionist terrorism was taken
back to the General Assembly for more discussion.
The option favoured and proposed by the US was
temporary UN Trusteeship. It was while the
General Assembly was debating what to do next
that Israel unilaterally declared itself to be in
existence - actually in defiance of the will of
the organised international community as it then
was, including the Truman administration.
The truth of the time was that Israel had no
right to exist. It came into existence because
Ben-Gurion had done everything necessary to
guarantee that his Jewish forces would be more
than sufficient in numbers and well enough armed
to roll back and defeat any Arab military
response to Israels unilateral declaration of
independence, and that Zionist might would prevail over Palestinian right.
Thereafter Zionism was successful in convincing
the Western world that poor little Israel lived
in constant danger of annihilation, the driving
into the sea of its Jews. The truth is that
Israels existence has never, ever, been in
danger from any combination of Arab military
force. Despite some stupid, face-saving Arab
rhetoric to the contrary, which played into
Zionisms hands, the Arab regimes never, ever,
had any intention of fighting Israel to liberate
Palestine. (When elements of the armies of the
frontline Arab states went to war with Israel in
1948, their objective was not to destroy the
Jewish state but to hold the land that had been
assigned to the Palestinian Arab state by the
vitiated partition plan, and they failed
miserably, as Ben-Gurion was confident they
would, to do that. Also true is that Jordan,
whose king had been in secret dialogue with
Zionisms in-Palestine leaders, would not have
been a serious party to the Arab war effort if
Ben-Gurion had not tried to grab Jerusalem; if,
in other words, he had been content for the Holy
City not to be part of either the Jewish or Arab
state of the vitiated partition plan).
Israel always was the aggressor and oppressor, not and never the victim.
Its assertion, repeated over and over again, that
it didnt have Arab partners for peace was also a
big, fat, propaganda lie (as the documented truth
of history, including de-classified Israeli state
papers, which are ignored by the mainstream media, proves).
When I made my commitment to the war for truth
more than three decades ago, I believed that
calling and holding Israel to account for its
crimes, in order for there to be peace based on
justice for the Palestinians and security for
all, would remain a mission impossible unless the
citizens of the Western nations, enough of them
and Americans especially, were informed about the truth of history.
That seemed obvious to me because it was clear
that, unwilling to confront the Zionist lobby in
all its manifestations, the governments of the
major Western powers were not going to use the
leverage they have to oblige Israel to end its
defiance of international law unless and until
they were pushed to do by informed public opinion
by manifestations of real democracy in action.
THE problem was that most citizens of the Western
nations, Americans especially, were too
mis-informed and uninformed to do the pushing. In
other words, because they had been conditioned by
Zionist propaganda, peddled without question by
the mainstream media, most citizens were too
ignorant to make their democracies work for
justice and peace in the Middle East.
So my starting point was the belief that the real
conflict is an information war between Zionisms
masters of deception on the one side and the truth tellers on the other.
The truth tellers were few in number but among
those who produced major truth-telling works
(books) were Jews of real integrity including,
for example, the Jewish-American Alfred M.
Lilienthal, the first two Israeli revisionist
meaning honest historians Avi Shlaim and Ilan
Pappe, the Jewish-American Norman Finkelstein and
Auschwitz survivor Hajo Meyer. (In such company
the Gentile me felt secure in the frontline
trenches of the war for truth. There was also
comfort in knowing that we were taking on Zionism from the moral high ground).
Over the last 20 years or so, with their books,
articles and public speaking, the truth tellers
have made an impact but not on a big enough scale
to change the outcome of the war.
The truth today is that the situation of the
occupied and oppressed Palestinians is worse than
it has ever been and is worsening as Israel
continues its defiance of international law and
gobbles up more and more Palestinian land and water resources.
Also true today is that there is a rising, global
tide of anti-Israelism, but it has little or
nothing to do with the work of the truth tellers.
It is being provoked by Israels policies and actions.
Some people (including perhaps President Obama)
hope that Israels growing isolation will bring a
majority of Israeli Jews to their senses and
cause them to insist that their government be
serious about peace on terms the Palestinians
could accept. That has to be a possibility, but I
think it is much more likely that the rising,
global tide of anti-Israelism will have an
opposite effect. I mean that it will assist
Zionisms deluded leaders to reinforce the
message that what is happening is proof of what
they have always said that the world hates
Jews, and that Israels leaders must therefore do
whatever is necessary to preserve and protect
their state as an insurance policy, a refuge of
last resort, for all Jews everywhere, even if
that means telling an American president and the whole world to go to hell.
On reflection today I believe that Zionism could
have been contained and defeated by now if the
resources (yes, I do mean money) had been
available to assist the promotion and spread of
the truth of history on the scale necessary to
empower the citizens of the Western nations,
Americans especially, to make their democracies
work for justice and peace, by demanding that
their governments end their unconditional support
for Israel right or wrong. (In my view, which is
based on my own engagements with audiences across
the U.S., Americans in great numbers would have
been open to the truth of history if they had
also been made aware that unconditional support
for Israel right or wrong is not in their own best interests).
Because the resources were not made available,
the war for the truth of history has remained the
most asymmetric of all information wars.
Zionisms masters of deception have, as they
always have had, virtually unlimited funds for
the co-ordinated promotion of their propaganda
lies. The truth-tellers are, as they always have
been, without the resources needed to put
together and implement a co-ordinated, winning campaign strategy.
The main providers of the resources necessary for
winning the information war ought to have been
seriously wealthy Arabs in general and seriously
wealthy diaspora Palestinians in particular. They
ought to have done for Palestine what seriously
wealthy Jews did and still do for Zionism.
There are two main reasons why seriously wealthy
diaspora Palestinians declined to play their
necessary part in funding promotion of the truth of history.
Those who live in Western Europe and America are
frightened that any association with the work of
people who credibly challenge Zionisms version
of history would invite Zionist retribution which
could result in their businesses being damaged and perhaps even destroyed.
Those who live in the Gulf States are frightened
that assisting the truth-tellers could put their
very comfortable positions and relationships with
the rulers of those states at risk because they,
the rulers, would not take kindly to blow back
hassle from Zionism. (Zionist heavyweights in
America do sometimes call Gulf Arab rulers
directly to tell them what they should not do or
allow. One such call was made to tell a ruler
that he should not support Alan Hart and Ilan
Pappe. The call was made after Ilan and I had
made a joint presentation in the particular
state, at its invitation, and had been promised support for our work).
Another possible reason why some seriously
wealthy diaspora Palestinians have not assisted
the promotion of the truth of history could be
that they dont understand (at all or well
enough) that Western governments are not going to
confront the Zionist monster unless the citizens
of nations, the voters, are informed enough to demand that they do.
Its also not impossible that some seriously
wealthy diaspora Palestinians have not
contributed to the information war effort because
they believe but dare not say that Palestine has long been a lost cause.
The brutal truth about seriously wealthy
non-Palestinian Arabs is that most of them dont
care about the occupied and oppressed
Palestinians and the many others, refugees still
living in camps, who were dispossessed of their
homes, their land and their rights. The Arab
masses do care but their elites dont. (That
statement is something of an exaggeration to make
a point but it contains much truth).
Today I can quantify the cost of my own commitment to the war for truth.
If I had written a pro-Zionist book, I would have
had wealthy Jews throwing money at it and me for
global promotion of all kinds. But with Zionism:
The Real Enemy of the Jews, (which is a complete
re-writing of the entire history of the conflict
exposing Zionist propaganda for the nonsense it
is and replacing it with the documented truth of
history), I was on my own. To fund the research
and writing over nearly five years, then the
printing and publication of the original,
two-volume hardback edition, and then some
promotion, I took out a loan against the security
of the home my wife and I owned outright and have
lived in for a quarter of a century.
At the time I decided to do so (with my dear
wifes complete understanding and support), I
didnt think I was being stupid. My previous book
(Arafat, Terrorist or Peacemaker?) had earned me
significant income from the sale of the Arabic
newspaper serialization rights, and I assumed
that my latest book would do the same, enabling
me to clear the re-mortgaged debt on my home.
I was, of course, aware that there were truths in
Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews that would be
more than uncomfortable for the Arab regimes and
which they would not want their newspapers to
publish. (When I was writing the book I had to be
guided by the fact you cant tell the truth about
Zionism with telling the truth about why the Arab
states were never a threat to Israels
existence). But newspaper serialization of a
two-volume book (which became three volumes in
its updated American edition) would have taken
only a relatively small amount of total content.
Arab editors doing the serialization could have
left out everything that offended their political
masters and still had more than enough material
to inform and entertain their readers.
But it was no go. My book was not only
red-flagged by Zionism and therefore all the
major Western publishing houses, this despite the
fact that my extremely well connected and
respected literary agent had on file letters from
the CEOs of some of them with rare praise for my
manuscript. (One of the letters, which I quoted
in the Preface to the original hardback edition,
described my manuscript as awesome
driven my
passion, commitment and profound learning. It
added, There is no question it deserves to be
published.). For their part the Arab regimes
were at one with Zionism in wanting the full
truth of history to be suppressed to the maximum
extent possible. They effectively endorsed
Zionisms strategy for dealing with me and my
work Alan Hart and his book do not exist. (I
think my dear friend Ilan Pappe may well have
been right when he said that Zionism was more
frightened of my book than any other because of
its title, which he described as the truth in seven words.)
Today I have to face the cost consequences of my
commitment to the truth of history. To avoid
being dispossessed of my home and land in the not
too distant future because I dont have the money
to pay the principal sum of the outstanding
re-mortgaged debt (I have been paying only the
interest on it), I now have to sell and downsize.
Preparing to downsize will require, among other
things, months of my fulltime to sort through and
dispose of much of what has been accumulated over
decades and could not be accommodated and stored
in a much smaller property with little or no
land. And that in the proverbial nutshell is why
I am withdrawing from the battlefield of the war
for truth. The days when I could serve causes
beyond self in order to feel that I was doing
something useful with my life are gone. Like
seriously wealthy diaspora Palestinians and other
Arabs, I must now put my own interests, and above
all those of my dear wife, first.
Back in the early 1970's when I was making Five
Minutes To Midnight, my documentary on global
poverty and its implications for all, I had a
verbal boxing match with Mother Teresa in
Calcutta. After a day of filming with her as she
collected some of those dying from poverty on the
pavements to give them a few more days of life
with shelter and loving care, she invited my
camera crew and I to a frugal evening meal with
some of her sisters. The question I posed for
discussion over the meal was this: Which is the
most important word in any language love or justice?
Mother Teresa argued with passion, sometimes
angry passion, for love. I argued, with equal but
not angry passion, for justice. If she was alive
today I would say to her, Mother Teresa, its
justice not love that is required if the
countdown to catastrophe in Palestine that became Israel is to be stopped.
But it was not only my complete identity with the
Palestinians irrefutable claim for justice and
my admiration of the incredible, almost
superhuman steadfastness of the occupied and
oppressed that inspired, drove and sustained my
commitment to the war for the truth of history.
I feared, as I do even more so today, that if the
information war that probably could have been won
by now is lost, the end-game will most likely be
a final Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine,
followed, quite possibly, by another great
turning against the Jews, provoked by Zionisms
insufferable self-righteousness and contempt for international law
For three decades I have done my best to
contribute to the understanding needed to prevent
both obscenities from happening, but I have now
reached and passed the outer limits of what I can
do when theres a lack of will on the part of
seriously wealthy diaspora Palestinian and other
Arabs to assist the promotion and spread of the truth of history.
In the days and weeks to come I will no doubt
find myself wondering if I was naive to believe
that Palestinian right could be assisted to triumph over Zionist might.
To those all over the world who down the years
have expressed appreciation for my books,
articles and presentations on public platforms of
all kinds Thank You, your moral support helped to sustain my commitment.
Final Footnote
A Palestinian friend once asked me if, on matters
to do with Palestine, I was aware of the main
difference between Arabs and Jews. He didnt wait
for me to respond. He said: Arabs almost never
do what they say they will do. Jews often do what they say they will not do.
I said I thought there was an element of truth in that.
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Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered
that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that
shall not be made known. What I tell you in
darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye
hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27
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