Merchant, Soldier, Sage: A New History of Power
Tony Gosling
tony at
Sat Nov 23 01:36:09 GMT 2013
Merchant, Soldier, Sage: A New History of Power by David Priestland review
Richard J Evans on a thoughtful explanation of our current crisis
* <>Richard J Evans
* <>The
Guardian, Thursday 23 August 2012 10.40 BST
Donald Rumsfeld tours Abu Ghraib in 2004
Soldier caste: US defence secretary Donald
Rumsfeld tours the Abu Ghraib prison facility
with military top brass in May 2004. Photograph:
David Hume Kennerly/Getty Images
In this concise but extremely ambitious book, the
Oxford historian David Priestland sets himself
the task of taking the long view of the financial
crisis that afflicts the world today. His
argument is that the year 2008, when the credit
crunch began, is as important as 1917, the year
of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, or 1945,
when the second world war came to an end. Four
years on, the crisis shows no sign of coming to
an end, and political systems, economies and
societies seem in a state of disarray even looming collapse.
* Merchant, Soldier, Sage: A New History of Power
* by David Priestland
* Buy the book
How has all this come to pass? Why have we got to
such a crisis? Such questions, Priestland
suggests, can only be answered with the help of
"the only kind of guide we have to the future".
If the crisis has done one thing, he suggests, it
has been to discredit the simplistic view of
history that recognises in it nothing but
progress towards a liberal, free-market,
capitalist, democratic present and future.
Capitalism comes in many forms, and if the recent
development of China shows anything, it is that
democracy doesn't have to come with it.
Historical change isn't impelled solely or even
principally by the conflict between economically
based classes, as Marx believed, or by the clash
of ideologies, as the last of the great
optimists, the American academic
Fukuyama, assumed. In practice, both play a part.
It makes more sense, says Priestland, to look not
at the interaction of abstract forces but at the
concrete competition for power between three
major groups in
over the ages or, as he calls them, "castes",
each with its identity and purposes rooted in an
ethos closely linked to occupation and social function.
The first of these is the merchant caste, or in
modern parlance, the capitalists, promoting the
values of business competition and the market.
The second is the soldier caste, originating in
the warrior aristocracy of the feudal middle ages
and emphasising heroism, aggression and
discipline. The third is the sagely or
clerical-intellectual caste, dating from the days
of the monks in medieval Christian society and
finding its present-day embodiment in the
bureaucrat, the technocrat and the expert. Over
the centuries, these three castes have struggled
for supremacy over the broad mass of peasants
and, more recently, workers. This struggle, he
boldly declares, has been "the locomotive of history".
When one or other of these castes becomes too
dominant, crisis usually ensues and it is
replaced by another. The dictatorial and
hierarchical rule of the soldier caste is
destroyed by defeat in over-ambitious military
action; the hidebound and ossified rule of the
sage caste leads to revolutionary uprisings
designed to widen participation in the state; the
unconstrained dominance of the merchant caste
leads to economic instability and inequality,
fuelling social conflict and sparking revolution.
Most of Priestland's book is devoted to a
narrative account of recent history seen in terms
of the competition between these three castes.
The focus here is on the inexorable rise of the
merchant, beginning in England and the
Netherlands in the 17th century, gathering pace
and spreading geographically in the early
industrial age, and coming temporarily to grief
in the Great Depression of the early 1930s.
Thoroughly discredited, the merchant caste gave
way in a country like Germany to a modernised
version of the rule of the warrior under the
Nazis, in Soviet Russia to an unstable alliance
of martial bureaucrats and ideologues under
Stalin, in Scandinavia to the rule of Social
Democratic sages keeping the warriors and merchants under their thumb.
If the merchant caste was discredited by the
Depression, the soldier caste lost its legitimacy
after the vast catastrophe of the second world
war, and for a while the Social Democratic model
provided stability and progress. But this sagely
rule got into trouble too, its bureaucratic
dullness and elitism alienating women, youth,
minorities and "1960s creatives", its managerial
claims destroyed by its failure to control the
economic crisis that followed the huge global oil
price hikes of 1973-74. This allowed the merchant
caste to make a comeback, which it did with a
vengeance towards the end of the 20th century.
Today, Priestland says, the merchant caste rules
alone in the west. Wherever you look, you find it
in charge. In the UK, Margaret Thatcher brought
business values into the heart of government and
there they have stayed. In the US, Alan
Greenspan's Federal Reserve unleashed an era of
unbridled financial expansion. In Russia, the
collapse of communism opened the way to a decade
of free-for-all capitalist competition with huge
fortunes being made by a few and a collapse in
living standards suffered by the many.
Everywhere, trade unions were vanquished, the
public sector assaulted and diminished, while
what was left of it was subordinated to commercial values.
The destruction of New York's twin towers by
Islamist terrorists led by Osama bin Laden (a
warrior, according to Priestland, a sagely
fanatic in the eyes of President George Bush)
prompted the resurgence of the warrior ethos,
represented most crudely by the US secretary of
defence Donald Rumsfeld ("We've got to do Iraq,"
he said before the invasion: "There just aren't
enough targets in Afghanistan. We need to bomb
something else to prove that we're, you know, big
and strong and not going to be pushed around by these kind of attacks").
Yet the self-evident pointlessness of the Iraq
war and the huge costs it incurred human,
political, financial shoved the warrior ethos
back into its box. Only in Russia, where the
consequences of merchant rule were spectacularly
awful, did the warrior caste come back to power,
in the shape of Vladimir Putin. In the west,
continued merchant rule brought "economic
insecurity, corrosive inequality and potential
environmental catastrophe", with unbridled and
unregulated financial competition leading from
2008 onwards to unprecedented financial collapse,
government indebtedness and political instability with no foreseeable end.
Priestland's solution, predictably enough in a
book coming from an Oxford don, is more sagely
power. Yet there are few signs of this happening,
and, drawing on the example of the 1930s, he
warns darkly that "the year 2008 has set the
world on a course towards potential conflict, and
the domestic and international forces that
brought us the violence of the 1930s and 1940s
are with us today" not least in a China that
has close similarities with the kaiser's Germany
in its synthesis of nationalism and merchant
power, though it's clearly less militaristic.
If sages are to be reinstated in positions of
power, they need, according to Priestland, to
forge alliances with others, above all with
creative groups and with workers. Yet this is
where his model begins to come apart, for these
two elements in society remain shadowy figures in
the background all the way through his book. He
clearly believes in democracy, but by portraying
history as a struggle between elites he takes it
out of the picture, reducing the vast majority of
people to passive objects of the ongoing fight
for supremacy by their superiors. This is history
from above with a vengeance. Moreover, by forcing
so much into such a simple straitjacket of
historical categories, he lets himself in for a
whole range of dubious generalisations and
obvious oversimplifications. Are we really ruled
by merchants for example? Have the military in
the US really been sidelined? Is China really
like Wilhelmine Germany? At the end of almost
every paragraph readers will surely feel the word "but" coming to their lips.
Priestland is of course aware of the complexities
of political structures, but he leaves himself
too little space to explain how and why alliances
between his castes occur, and how the different
groups modify and intermingle their values and
behaviour with those of the others; if he'd done
that, then the detail would have submerged his
schema out of existence. Nevertheless, it's a
schema well worth pondering and reflecting on.
And among the many contributions to the
dissection of our current predicament, this is
surely one of the most thought-provoking.
Richard J Evans is Regius professor of history at Cambridge.
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