MoD land 'disposal' DIO being privatised

Tony Gosling tony at
Sat Nov 23 14:51:12 GMT 2013

An auction is under way for a £400m contract to 
manage the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, 
which looks after the MoD's estate.

Often described as Britain’s biggest landowner, 
DIO, formed in 2011 from various infrastructure 
bodies, has a budget of just more than £3.3 
billion, controls 2,400 square kilometers of land 
and manages the training estate, military bases, 
troops’ accommodations, building programs, 
cleaning, catering and various other activities.
The biggest challenge for the DIO is to ensure 
the MoD estate fits the reduced military and 
civilian personnel footprint being brought about 
by heavy budget cuts, industry sources said.
The Army and the civil service are taking the 
brunt of the reductions, and the decision to 
speed up the withdrawal of troops from Germany is creating its own pressures.
Industry insiders estimate DIO manages about 200 
major contracts with industry, including large 
private finance initiatives involving housing and other accommodations.

selling off the family Uranium & Plutonium

A deci­sively pow­er­ful net­work of cor­po­rate 
enti­ties run by hard­ened SS vet­er­ans, the 
Bor­mann group con­sti­tutes what one vet­eran 
banker termed “the great­est con­cen­tra­tion of 
money power under a sin­gle con­trol in 
his­tory.” The foun­da­tion of the organization’s 
clout is money­lots and lots of money. 
Con­trol­ling Ger­man big busi­ness and, through 
invest­ments, much of the rest of the world’s 
econ­omy, the orga­ni­za­tion was the 
repos­i­tory for the stolen wealth of Europe, 
esti­mated by British intel­li­gence to have 
totaled more than $180 bil­lion by the end of 
1943 (not includ­ing the money taken from Greece 
and the for­mer Soviet Union, nor that taken 
after 1943.) [For more on the global eco­nomic 
sig­nif­i­cance of the Bor­mann group, see­among 
This orga­ni­za­tion lit­er­ally con­sti­tutes a 
post­war “Under­ground Reich” with (as dis­cussed 
FTR#<>155) a 
gov­ern­ing hier­ar­chy com­posed of the sons and 
daugh­ters of SS men, hold­ing mil­i­tary ranks 
and titles from the Third Reich.
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