Stop Food Speculation - See film and send email to CEO at Credit Suisse

mark at mark at
Thu Oct 17 00:51:21 BST 2013

Yesturday (Wednesday 16th October 2013) was World Food Day.

From: 	landgrabfinance at
Subject: 	[landgrabfinance] ACTION ALERT : Stop Food Speculation - See 
film and send email to CEO at Credit Suisse
Date: 	Wed, 16 Oct 2013 12:18:25 +0200
To: 	"landgrabfinance List Member" <mark at>


  Today is World Food Day. Our Swiss APRODEV member agency, Bread for 
All together with Swiss Lenten Fund  has launched a campaign for an 
online petition on food speculation.  Their research revealed, that 
Swiss banks are involved in speculation on staple food – with an 
amount of 3,6 billion Swiss Francs. Among the Swiss banks, Credit 
Suisse is the largest investor in staple foods. They are calling for 
your support.

It is unacceptable that a few investors get rich at the expense of 
countless poor people. Have a look at the 1 minute explosive video and 
sign the online petition to Brady Dougan, CEO of Credit Suisse, see: . Everybody, whatever your 
nationality or residence can sign this online petition!

  As you know, since the food crisis in 2008-09 and in 2010-11, 
speculation by banks on staple food and their impact on the rise of 
food prices became a global issue. Since then, different NGOs in 
various countries launched campaigns to stop their banks from engaging 
in this unethical business. For example, Oxfam, Weed and foodwatch 
have launched similar campaigns in France, Belgium and Germany. As a 
result, the Deutsche Deka Bank, the DZ Bank, and BNP in France have 
already pulled out of making business with food speculation.

At the EU level, negotiations between the European Parliament and the 
Council are ongoing on a co-legislative text on the Markets in 
Financial Instruments Directive(MiFID II) which is due for adoption in 
March 2014. The MiFID II will set new regulations for financial 
markets. According to a broad coalition of environmental and 
developmental NGOs, the current loopholes in the legislation will 
render the regulation ineffective to prevent food speculation. The 
resulting food price spikes will hit the poorest the hardest. For more 
information on loopholes and ongoing campaigns see


For more information on the Swiss campaign, see below contact details 
of Bread for All.


With kind regards,

Karin Ulmer


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