Fwd: Kill the Housing Bill - Sun 13 March rally, and what's next

Tony Gosling tony at cultureshop.org.uk
Sun Mar 6 21:21:48 GMT 2016

>From: "Defend Council Housing" <info at defendcouncilhousing.org.uk>
>Subject: Kill the Housing Bill - 13 March, and what's next
>Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2016 10:12:41 -0700
>Kill the Housing Bill - secure homes for all - control rents
>Opposition and campaigning is spreading, with more media coverage - 
>watch out for Channel 4 Dispatches on extending Right to Buy, and 
>Victoria Derbyshire show on Pay to Stay.    Campaigners are lobbying 
>Lords, demanding they throw out the Bill.  The Lords have put down 
>c400 amendments and may reject at least some of the Bill.
>So it's a good time to demonstrate  'people power'.   It's now a 
>week to the  national march on 13 March - see 
>Please send these out far and wide.  Get in touch if you need more 
>printed leaflets or posters.
>For the 13 March:
>* Can you email to say why you and your group are coming on the 
>march (for Facebook and press release)?
>* We need volunteers to steward the march - please send names and 
>contact details to adam.lambert at unitetheunion.org
>* Is someone from your group/area ready to speak about why you 
>oppose the Bill and how your campaign is going?
>* Email if you can help give out our leaflet to link up with new 
>groups on the 13 March
>And what's next after the march?
>- Keep up campaigning, spreading the word, and lobbying of Lords, 
>MPs and councils -  here's a model Tenants 
>here ;  get in touch if you can email 20 Lords with our model letter.
>- Make the Housing Bill an issue in every local election in May, 
>including London Mayor hustings
>- National sleep-out protest against the Housing Bill at town halls 
>and housing/homeless offices - proposed date 15 April
>- Housing block on the Peoples Assembly march 16 April
>What's happening this week
>Sun 6    1pm Brixton 
><https://www.facebook.com/events/1035037933205679/> Youth Shout for Housing
>Mon 7    6pm London Mayor election hustings 
>tickets here
>Tue 8     6.30pm Islington Town Hall - 
>Fri 11     4pm Distribute spoof newspaper across London and 
>publicise the march: Facebook: 
><https://www.facebook.com/events/743520599082509/>Our House: A 
>Pop-Up Community Centre
>Sat 12   Leeds/Yorks summit against the Housing Bill - see 
>Sun 13  12 noon  Kill the Housing Bill national demo Lincoln's Inn 
>Fields WC2A 3TL - see 
>Keep in touch - and see you on 13 March!
>Eileen Short
>for Kill the Housing Bill campaign

+44 (0)7786 952037
Twitter: @TonyGosling http://twitter.com/tonygosling
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"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."


"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which 
alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be 
revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell 
you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the 
ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
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