80 yr old sectioned! in Lambeth - glimpse of the market created housing crisis

Ram Selva seeds at snail.org.uk
Mon Mar 7 15:54:19 GMT 2016

An 80 year old, edged on to protest eviction by even local parliamentary 
candidates [1], in the run up to the last general elections, sickeningly 
got forcibly sectioned, early morning Friday!

Read details and Sign petition here:


Campaigners in Lambeth posted this today:


Campaigners in Lambeth are also still challenging the disastrous
policies that have made the housing situation in London reach this
crisis point  - such as the sale of Housing Co-op homes by Lambeth
Council over the last few years.

We were able to temporarily stop the eviction of an 80 year old housing
co-op member last Friday but the fight continues to let him return to
his home after Lambeth Council chose to have him 'sectioned' rather than
cancel the eviction. Please sign and share the petition.

This is the indignity and human suffering behind the policies that treat
every home simply as an asset to be cashed in. We need to fight for Tony
and all the future vulnerable people who will be hit so hard if social
housing is destroyed by the Housing Bill "



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