Brexit, Corbyn Labour and citizens' direct democracy: our collected comments

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Wed Sep 28 14:47:10 BST 2016

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            2. *Our comments, latest are below – scroll down to read, or
            search for headers.*

              * Ways to better democracy after UK "brexit" referendum
              * Our comment on a (later) 4 million strong petition for a
                second referendum on EU membership
              * People's political rights and sovereignty after the
                Brexit ballot. Easy but effective ways to improve our
              * UK Parliament must take back control: brexit


              * The Labour Party could win supporters and mobilise
                non-voters by proposing genuine citizen-led direct
                democracy. Sept 2016


            *Ways to better democracy after UK "brexit" referendum*

            June 2016

            Statement by Campaign for direct democracy in Britain

            After the Brexit result many are now asking, should we have
            more referenda or do they do more harm than good? This
            invites the question, can we improve the quality of our
            democracy and the ways in which we conduct our public affairs?

            Our democracy is way out of date and badly designed so that
            elected politicians often fail to represent the majority of us.

            In recent years Government and Parliament have carried out
            ballots, referenda about: Scottish independence; the House
            of Commons electoral system (alternative vote); the European
            Union. As ruling politicians see it, with these ballots they
            were asking the people for their opinion about an important
            public issue. The results of these votes are *not* legally
            binding but are only advisory and may be ignored by the
            government of the day. This is weak democracy of poor quality.

            In our opinion our state needs more and better democracy,
            not less. The right to initiate a referendum should belong
            to the people (acting through the electorate) and not lie
            only, as now in effect, with the government.

            What is meant by "more and better democracy"?

            For instance,  a large number of voters should be able to
            start a veto referendum of government policy or make a
            formal proposal for electoral decision (ballot) on new law.
            See more detail at

            Campaign for direct democracy in Britain
            Citizens' Initiative and Referendum I&R ~ GB


            *Our comment on a (later) 4 million strong petition for a
            second referendum on EU membership*

            Dear (Correspondent),

            Thank you for reminding us about the e-petition for a second
            referendum about the EU. Now (20:45 on June 26th 2016) there
            are 3.3 million endorsements.

            Parliament may debate this proposal but, as we, the
            electorate, have no formal right to demand a referendum, the
            House would not be obliged to comply with the request.

            Because the "Brexit" referendum process – instigation,
            campaigns, level of participants' information and public
            debate – were all deeply flawed, there is a case for
            another, early, referendum on this matter. To do this well
            we should rapidly introduce well-designed democratic
            procedures such as the citizens' proposition ("initiative")
            and voter-instigated, legally binding  referendum. A
            constitutional basis for this innovation in UK is already in
            place: in the Convention of Civil and Political Rights which
            says that citizens have the right to take part in their
            government both directly (on public issues) and indirectly
            at elections. This Convention has been ratified by
            Parliament and so the new regulations could reasonably be
            introduced, at least for emergency use, by a government
            order (then no need to wait for H o L and Queen ;-))

            Our campaign group Citizens' Initiative and Referendum I&R ~
            GB / would be happy to advise MPs and other
            people or groups on how to proceed with the introduction of
            a more citizen-led democracy : We can refer to a panel of
            experts in design of modern democracy.

            Campaign for direct democracy in Britain
            Citizens' Initiative and Referendum I&R ~ GB


            Power2People: Campaign for DD in GB

            People's political rights and sovereignty after the Brexit
            ballot. Easy but effective ways to improve our democracy*

            Many voted for Brexit in order to "take back control" of our
            country from faceless bureaucrats in Brussels. But did we
            ever stop to think about what control WE  46 million plus
            voters, citizens have over parliament and the politicians we
            elect to "work for us"?

            It is accepted that the elected parliament can supervise and
            over-rule all bodies, companies, plus all other entities and
            persons in the state.

            This is the meaning of "parliamentary sovereignty".

            With "parliamentary sovereignty" the parliament can apply
            the power of the people to control and manage public affairs.

            However if the people wish to select and decide on any
            public issue, exercising their "direct" political rights,
            then they are entitled to do so.

            Methods which enable an electorate to apply these direct
            political rights include the people's law proposition which
            can lead to a law-making referendum and the citizen-launched
            veto-referendum which can be used to block bad or unwanted
            government or parliamentary actions or laws.

            For the future of our democracy, for constitution building
            and also as a way to resolve some uncertainties in the
            Brexit drama, we should urgently consider introducing best
            possible, modern democracy (see e.g. Swiss and other
            regulations and Constitutions about political rights).

            Regarding Brexit: Serious commentators have suggested that a
            second EU referendum should be held, to allow the people of
            the UK, this time having knowledge of terms and conditions
            negotiated with the EU and better informed about the whole
            issue, to consider whether we should leave or decide to
            remain in the European Union.

            A referendum desired and launched by a large part of the
            electorate would have more weight and democratic legitimacy
            than a "plebiscite" like the Brexit ballot which was in
            effect imposed by the Conservative government, as a way to
            solve its own internal feud and to fend off the election
            threat posed by UKIP.

            Campaign for direct democracy in Britain
            Citizens' Initiative and Referendum I&R ~ GB


            I&Rgb logo <>

            *UK Parliament must take back control: brexit*

            Now in early autumn 2016 our elected members of parliament
            should exercise the power which they hold for us by
            responding clearly and decisively to the EU referendum which
            they called!

            The UK parliament enacted the EU referendum. Legally it
            seemed to be a consultation of the people. In June the
            result arrived. We propose that Parliament should respond to
            the referendum which it called, to the people, in order to
            determine what will happen now. A parliamentary resolution
            about this could be issued, further, law could be passed to
            govern how things shall proceed. Matters to be addressed

            The government and political circumstances have
            substantially changed so should there be an early general

            Parliament must show how we will proceed, for instance:
                 Who will determine if or when and under which
            circumstances the EU exit article can be triggered?
                 Will there be a referendum to decide if negotiated or
            prospective conditions for leaving the EU are acceptable to
            the electorate or not?
                 If there is to be another ballot about this then surely
            it could be organised and structured better than the one
            which we have seen in 2016.

            Statement by:
            Citizens' Initiative and Referendum I&R ~ GB

            The Labour Party could win supporters and mobilise
            non-voters by proposing genuine citizen-led direct democracy*

            Our comment to The Independent newspaper 25 Sept. 2016

            Win votes for LP by promising the citizen-launched
            referendum, law-proposal and veto-ballot.

            Labour is way behind in the polls and Corbyn's chances of
            winning the next general election look slim. Opposing
            Theresa May's grammar school idea may win a few votes but
            not enough. Labour will need some good and convincing policy
            proposals. In the "brexit" ballot the "leavers" voted to
            take back control of our government. So, why not promise as
            a political party to give more control of (our own) public
            affairs back to the people?

            Around 75 percent of eligible voters at the last general
            election did NOT vote Tory. According to repeated surveys
            around the same proportion of British adults support the
            introduction of direct democracy, for instance that a large
            agreed number of voters can make a public proposal and so
            trigger a binding ballot to decide the matter. Probably
            there is considerable overlap of these two "populations". 
            So, please lobby to place the introduction of elements of
            local and central direct democracy, to complement
            "representative" and party democracy, centrally in future
            Labour Party policy :-)


            KH replied to the above, referring to the just re-confirmed
            leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn: "He's also spoken
            briefly about direct democracy (some kind of digital
            referendum system)."

            INIREF replies:

            The last Labour gov. published ideas about empowering
            citizens through direct democracy (e.g. Hazel Blears,
            Communities minister). The Power Inquiry (2004-6) came up
            with some good suggestions (e.g. Recommendation 24. Power
            Report) but after the report Gordon Brown did not get
            further than the idea of gov. managed citizens' juries – a
            form of consultation of "the public" by a ruling government:
            not very empowering :-(

            The Con/Libdem coalition (2010) promised to introduce some
            elements of citizen governance (e.g. 5 percent of electorate
            could obtain a local referendum on any issue of local
            government) (David Cameron had promised in 2009 to introduce
            "citizen-instigated" ballots at *national* level too) but
            the coalition did not keep the promises.

            So here is a field where Labour could show how things can be
            done better.

            The idea of having "political rights" (*between* elections)
            as a citizen is close to the heart of many people. The
            "tools" of direct democracy enable people in all walks of
            life to put forward proposals to their peers and to say "no"
            to unacceptable policies.

            He's also spoken briefly about direct democracy (some kind
            of digital referendum system).

            He's also spoken briefly about direct democracy (some kind
            of digital referendum system).



*Act of  Parliament to enable the introduction and effective operation
of **citizen-led **direct democracy across Britain and N. Ireland at all 
of government. With the "tools" of direct democracy we can begin to 
build community and to regain supervision of our public affairs, guiding 
and correcting the political parties, councils and parliaments, when 
need be.

This reform of our constitution and democracy, which would benefit many, 
demands a strong movement of people and society. Please look at our plan 
(Strategies ...) sketched below in the colour spectrum and consider how 
you might be able to contribute.  What do you think about this plan?
	gb+i map

                *Working title of the proposed law:*

                *THE DIRECT DEMOCRACY ACT 2016/17/18 ....*

                Strategies, locations. foreseen actors for the Direct
                Democracy GB campaign are sketched below. Where can you
                fit in? See Contact below.

/Space/spheres:/local/ country-wide/*focus: parliamentary 
constituencies/*international **/Actors: /citizens/ members in 
organisations, unions, NGOs/ staff in public services/ students/ 
academics. THIS MEANS YOU :-) and me. We invite co-operation and also if 
you wish to set up a new direct democracy initiative, project, campaign 
or action group then please go ahead .... let us know how you fare*, 
*ask us for help if you need it.

approach, discuss with
/Spheres: /Mainly constituency-based organising and contact-seeking. 
Lobbying via acquaintance, professional or business contact etc. 
/Actors//: /Mainly//MPs' own potential voters, constituents and supporters.

contact, persuade, cajole
/Sphere: /Mainly parliamentary constituencies during run-up to 
elections. /Actors:/  As above. Request candidates to promise support 
(if elected) for the Direct Democracy Bill. Invite them to sign our 
"pledge" (ask us for detail).

discuss, inform
/Tactic: /Suggest that local councils can introduce methods of direct 
democracy. They could publicly announce readiness to accept citizens' 
proposals e.g. policy or planning, which if supported by many residents' 
endorsement could trigger a referendum. Councils can agree in advance to 
abide by the people's ballot decision.

During debates about the Localism Bill these organisations outed 
themselves as bastions of opposition to local direct democracy. 
/Tactic:/Write to ask why they opposed the citizens' referendum and 
publish their reply. Try reasoned argument ;-)

call to action
Members of trade unions and officials are requested to promote a union 
policy favouring the introduction of direct democracy for local and 
national government. We are keen to discuss if trade unions could 
formally adopt a DD proposal. Reform to our system of democracy is a 
matter of state constitution and so may not fall under any legal ban on 
union political activity.

seek co-operation, discourse, support
We ask groups and organisations to include direct democracy among their 
reform demands and to make own initiatives such as press releases, 
meetings which thematise DD, videos, broadcasts, internet actions and 
other forms of presentation and promotion.

                *e-mail <mailto:info at> info at**

                *twitter <>

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