Report from Summit and Campaign Dates
Axe The Housing Act
tony at
Wed Dec 19 01:20:07 GMT 2018
-- Report from "Safe, Secure Homes for All" summit 8th December 2018
The 2018 summit was an important landmark in our
on-going campaign to win safe, secure Homes for
All. About 180 people attended during the day,
from a wide-range of places, campaigns and
backgrounds. We want to develop this broad-based
alliance in the coming year. 2019 is bound to be
one of political uncertainty. But whatever
happens, we won't allow the housing crisis and
the millions of people who are suffering because
of it - to be forgotten. If there's an election,
we need to make sure housing is high on the agenda.
Key Campaign Points
The day included workshops, each of which agreed
key campaign points which will form the basis of our demands next year.
Resisting Estate Demolitions
1. The Right to Stay Put
2. Fair Ballots
3. Link up campaigns on different estates
4. End two-tier tenancies
5. No social or ethnic cleansing
Housing Associations (HAs)
1. Accountability to residents
2. Democratise HAs
3. Direct government funding for new and existing homes
4. More campaigning and protests
1. No combustible or toxic cladding, internal or
external, on homes of all heights,
with guaranteed protection from cold while cladding and insulation are off
2. Sprinklers on all blocks above four storeys
3. Government to pay for all essential safety works, as promised
Private Renters
1. Charter of Rights to include:
2. End Section 21 evictions
3. Secure tenancies
4. Stop overcrowding
5. Rent controls
Universal Credit (UC)
1. No evictions by councils due to rent arrears caused by UC
2. Councils to call for same commitment from HAs
3. Build a national network of support
Investing in Council Housing
1. Government must adopt a national investment plan
2. Tenants must make demands on council landlords
through independent organisations
Campaign Dates
This Tuesday, 18th December, 12.30 at City Hall
The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA Islington
Homes for All invite you to join them in a
special Christmas Card delivery to the Mayor to
remind the Mayor that, two years on, the Holloway
Prison site remains empty while the housing
crisis continues and street homelessness rises again.
3pm outside Pears Global, 33 Cavendish Square W1G
0PW Berlin anti-gentrification campaigners
protest against evictions and are asking for our
support: 'tenants of the world unite!'
Saturday 12th January, 10am to 12pm, open Homes
for All organising meeting, Unite offices Moreland Street, London, EC1V 8BB
12.30pm BBC Portland Place London, National
demonstration: Britain is Broken - General
Election Now! We will meet with banners opposite
new BBC entrance in Langham Place W1B 2QS
Tuesday 29th January, 6.30pm to 8pm, SHAC open
meeting, Unite offices, 128 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8TN
Saturday 30th March, Health and Housing
conference (details to follow), Unite office, Moreland Street, London, EC1V 8BB
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