Britain's agriculture needs a more ambitious plan than is yet on offer
Tony Gosling
tony at
Fri Sep 7 15:27:45 BST 2018
Britain's agriculture needs a more ambitious plan than is yet on offer
LABOUR is right that Sajid Javids pilot plan for
recruiting migrant fruit and vegetable pickers
will not be enough to plug anticipated labour shortages on British farms.
However, shadow food, environment and rural
affairs secretary Sue Haymans pledge to
reinstate the agricultural workers scheme merely
addresses one symptom of a much deeper-rooted problem.
To be fair to Hayman, she fleshes out that vision
the decision to bring back the Agricultural
Wages Board, announced by Jeremy Corbyn at this
years Tolpuddle festival, will do far more for
the sustainability of British agriculture by pushing up wages.
And the promise to prevent British food being
undercut in reckless trade deals is also spot on,
although a little late given Parliament has now
ratified the Comprehensive Economic and Trade
Agreement (Ceta) that the EU cooked up with Canada.
Canadas food safety standards are lower than
those in the EU having been lowered in turn by
Canadas enrolment in the North American Free
Trade Agreement (Nafta), driving standards down
to the lowest common denominator with United States agribusiness.
As a report by Greenpeace, the Canadian Centre
for Policy Alternatives and the Institute for
Agriculture and Trade Policy
last year: Canadian agribusiness is already
objecting to the continued existence of stricter
EU food safety standards, saying they are
inconsistent with Ceta and a problem that must be resolved.
Haymans promise to restore the agricultural
workers scheme will not solve any of the underlying problems on our farms.
The reason the David Cameron government scrapped
the scheme in 2013 was that it seemed to be moot.
It allowed Romanian and Bulgarian workers to get
fruit-picking jobs in Britain at a time when they
did not have the right to work here otherwise.
From 2013 both countries had transitional labour
market curbs removed, so workers from them could
come here anyway and had no need of special visas.
Was the National Farmers Union satisfied? No, it
denounced the Cameron governments decision and
called for the scheme to be extended beyond the
EU, to countries such as Ukraine.
The bosses organisations fear was that if
Romanians and Bulgarians were allowed to do
anything else, they would certainly not opt to
pick fruit so a new group of workers who didnt
have other options was needed. Which suggests the
pay and conditions in the sector were not terribly attractive.
Restoring the Agricultural Wages Board is a
better solution, since it tackles a reason for
the shortage of labour low pay without
resorting to the super-exploitation of poorly paid migrants.
On its own, though, it will not be enough. The
decline of rural communities across Britain is linked to other factors.
Privatised transport networks are not interested
in serving communities, but turning a profit, and
the result has been the decimation of Britains
rural transport infrastructure. Many villages are
now served by one bus service a week, if that.
A failure to regulate house prices has allowed
second-home owners living in cities to drive the
cost of village housing beyond the reach of people employed in agriculture.
If people cant afford to live near farms, have
no means of transport to get to farms and earn a
pittance if they do somehow manage it, they are
unlikely to consider farm work a practical option.
Corbyns Labour has the ambition to address these
issues by controlling rents, clamping down on
second-home ownership, raising wages and nationalising the bus network.
But it will require a systematic
cross-departmental effort and a strategic
approach directed through the planned regional investment bank.
Haymans fear that a no deal Brexit would leave
British farms in the lurch is not wrong in the
short term, but a sustainable revival of our
agriculture depends on a government free of EU
restrictions on state aid and publicly owned
services that operate on a non-commercial basis
to meet the needs of communities.
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'From South America, where payment must be made
with subtlety, the Bormann organization has made
a substantial contribution. It has drawn many of
the brightest Jewish businessmen into a
participatory role in the development of many of
its corporations, and many of these Jews share
their prosperity most generously with Israel. If
their proposals are sound, they are even provided
with a specially dispensed venture capital fund.
I spoke with one Jewish businessmen in Hartford,
Connecticut. He had arrived there quite unknown
several years before our conversation, but with
Bormann money as his leverage. Today he is more
than a millionaire, a quiet leader in the
community with a certain share of his profits
earmarked as always for his venture capital
benefactors. This has taken place in many other
instances across America and demonstrates how
Bormanns people operate in the contemporary
commercial world, in contrast to the fanciful
nonsense with which Nazis are described in so much literature.
So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish
participation in Bormann companies that when
Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv
to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the
Jewish and German communities of Buenos Aires.
Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities
in no uncertain terms that this must never happen
again because a repetition would permanently
rupture relations with the Germans of Latin
America, as well as with the Bormann
organization, and cut off the flow of Jewish
money to Israel. It never happened again, and the
pursuit of Bormann quieted down at the request of
these Jewish leaders. He is residing in an
Argentinian safe haven, protected by the most
efficient German infrastructure in history as
well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being.'
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