Messrs. Fairlie, Cahill & Armstrong TLIO summer camp discussions
Tony Gosling
tony at
Mon Sep 10 21:55:47 BST 2018
The Land Is Theirs? How they got it and how we get it back.
'The Land' magazine editor Simon Fairlie & 'Who
Owns Britain' author Kevin Cahill
Editor of 'The Land' magazine Simon Fairlie and
journalist Kevin Cahill present their
explanations of the present-day lack of access to
land in the UK.
Whether it's farm subsidies, or investors seeing
land as a safer bet than the stock market, the
value of land has become immensely distorted and
inaccessible to those wishing to start out in
farming. In the urban setting matters have become
arguably even more distorted, with house prices
almost entirely dependent on the massively
inflated price of the land upon which they are built.
It just so happens that the IPPR think tank has
only this week published its report: The
Invisible Land: The hidden force driving the UKs
unequal economy and broken housing market. It
states that: The reform of the dysfunctional land
market is essential if the UK is to be a more
equal, more productive and stable economy. It is
also vital to creating a better-functioning
housing market that delivers the affordable and
quality homes the country needs.
Breaking Into Unlawful Landbanks To Recover Our Stolen £228bn - James Armstrong
STOLEN £228bn By James Armstrong - Explaining the
macroeconomic causes of the housing crisis. -
Unlawful monopoly against the public interest on
a £billion scale and unpunished - Regulatory
failure evidenced by 'coziness' (Barker) of
housebuilders to regulators - Setting out novel
and radical solutions to unlock unlawful land
banks - Identifying a new mass supplier of houses
at accessible prices and rents - Providing Bank
of England with a macro-economic tool to
stabilise house prices and reduce the continuing
risk of this volatile sector to the wider economy
The evidence below is widely available to
legislators, to financial regulators and anti
monopoly regulators. The failure to act to end
the endemic housing crisis in Britain of
inadequate supply and out of reach prices and
rents, is evidence of consistent and persistent
government / corporate policy of putting
corporate profit-seeking and a defective ethic
free economic policy of 'growth' before promotion
of human and national well being. This is
evidence of both moral failure, political
malpractice and of a misguided economical
philosophy, one which fails to prioritise
universal human well-being favouring instead
corporate success and increasing prosperity for a
select group of mature and giant corporate
builders, banks and private property owners. Adam
Smith, professor of Moral Philosophy at Glasgow
University wrote 'Theory of Moral Sentiments'
which sets out his understanding that the drive
for national and human well-being- an ethical
goal, underpins the economic and political
arrangements which he advances in his later,
better known work, Wealth of Nations. Obtaining
building land for new houses is key to
implementing the proposed National Team Self
Build initiative (J Armstrong) and 'Group self
build' as recommended by OFT* in 2008 but, as
yet, not implemented. * OFT was wound up in 2014
One source of building land is the establishment
of a national land bank where in the tradition of
Owen, Rowntree, Peabody, etc, motivated to
promote the general well-being, land owners may
contribute a portion of development land as part
of their development plan free or at below market
price, to the new NTS-B initiative. A second
proposed source is to free up the strategic land
held as speculation by housebuilders etc., we
contend unlawfully as a monopoly against the
public interest.. Major housebuilders, insurance
companies and land developers control a vitally
significant area of scarce land for housing
(Barker Review, Guardian , etc.) in excess of
their imminent requirements. Their motive is the
increasing value of housing land as an
investment. Ryan Collins, etc '
are primarily rewarded for obtaining valuable
' Barker CONCLUSION The housing crisis
causes widespread stress and misery among
millions of house- needy people in Britain. Major
countries Germany- provide housing at lower
cost and stable prices and rents. Failure to act
in Britain, if necessary on a war time scale, to
end this crisis is a failure of executive
government and a democratic lapse. If this
analysis and the proposed changes set out here
are thought to be inadequate or too radical, it
is suggested that critics are morally bound to
come up with alternative proposals, promptly to
bring the crisis to an end. James Armstrong July
2018 james36armstrong at 22, Harveys
Terrace, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1LE contributed -
to the Barker Review 2003. 2004 also to the OFT
Home-building Study , 2008 self builder of two
houses in London see also 'National Team Self
Build'... JA Ellen Scrimgeour Kate Barker
Macfarlane Bureau of investigative Journalists
Prof Muellbauer David Cowan Magna Housing
Assiation Prof Dorling Mark Davys National
Housing Federation Shelter Martin Wolf FT Self
Build magazine Rowntree (JRF) Ryan Collins Build
It magazine Financial Conduct Authority Planning
magazine Lloyd Competition and Markets Authority
RTPI Private Eye Fabian Society Graham Duncan,
Consultant Planner New Statesman Local Government
Association Minister of Housing Andy Haldane Mark
Carney B of E Treasury Select Committee
. T.U.C.
Labour Party, Green Party, Conservative Party,
Lib Dem Party Fabian Society Lord Alfred Dubbs
Oliver Letwin, M..P. Posted by: james36armstrong at
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