[Diggers350] Debt From Above: The Carbon Credit Coup, building a “green” power monopoly

Tony Gosling tony at cultureshop.org.uk
Mon Aug 12 00:00:40 BST 2024

Investigative Journalism 
& Media 

Debt From Above: The Carbon Credit Coup



The Chain of Issuance: The People and Patents 
That Built The Financial Surveillance Network

Latin America is quietly being forced into a 
carbon market scheme through regional contractual 
obligations – enforced by the satellites of a US 
intelligence-linked firm – which seeks to create 
an inter-continental “smart grid,” erode national 
and local sovereignty, and link carbon-based life 
to the debt-based monetary system via a Bitcoin sidechain.
Goodwin and and <https://unlimitedhangout.com/author/whitney-webb/>Whitney Webb
48 minute read


Sweeping across the shores of Latin America comes 
a scheme from some of the most predatory figures 
in the venture capital ecosystem of the United 
States. It is a brazen attempt to assert foreign 
influence across Latin America and threatens to 
reshape the very fabric of the region and the day 
to day lives of its people. At its core is a 
serpentine set of contractual obligations, held 
at the municipal level, cast throughout Central 
and South America, upheld by an 
intelligence-linked satellite company, and 
controlled by a private se­ctor consortium of 
green-washed financiers aiming to turn the 
region’s forests into equity and carbon credits. 
At the same time, it obliges local governments to 
spend “conservation” funds on projects that 
further financialize nature and aid the 
construction of an inter-continental “smart” 
grid. One of its key ambitions appears to be 
further entrenching the debt load of the region 
through the multi-lateral development banks and 
the dollarization of the continent from the 
subnational level up through carbon markets 
upheld by a digital ledger. What seems like a 
technological marvel aimed at progress and 
connectivity harbors a darker agenda ­ one that 
intertwines planetary surveillance, financial 
predation, geopolitical maneuvering, and the 
domination of a resource-rich continent buried in debt.

This grand design, known by the acronym GREEN+ 
and conceived by stalwarts of the digital dollar 
and debt schemes of the private sector, has 
quietly taken root through a web of political 
entanglements at the local level. Even a key 
figure in the Drexel Burnham Lambert junk bond 
scandal plays a role. Astonishingly, every 
capital city of Latin America has eagerly signed 
on, apparently unaware of the strings attached to 
these seemingly benign partnerships, while a 
majority of municipalities in the region have 
also made commitments with these same groups that 
will push them to join GREEN+, potentially in a 
matter of weeks. The (hopefully) well-meaning 
regional governments have unwittingly paved the 
way for a sweeping surveillance apparatus tied to 
American intelligence that threatens to erode 
privacy and civil liberties under the guise of 
progress and combating the climate crisis.

Upon further observation, GREEN+’s connections 
reveal a disturbing narrative of financial 
interests melding with geopolitical ambitions. 
The backers of the satellite company share ties 
with former members of the highest offices of US 
financial policy and regulation alongside the key 
architects and profiteers of private capital 
creation, aiming to consolidate control over 
monetary flows in Latin America within the 
redistribution of distressed government debt from 
the public to the private sector. As this 
two-part series will show, this concerted effort 
is not merely about surveillance – it’s a 
calculated move towards further dollarization, 
tightening the grip of corporate and 
technological monopolies over the economic landscape of the Americas.

The scheme’s proponents also speak of how it will 
significantly advance the “economic” and 
“regional” integration of the Americas, invoking 
visions of unity while obscuring the true nature 
of their agenda for economic domination and 
stronger regional governance. Their model, eerily 
reminiscent of the EU’s transition from a free 
trade union to a bureaucratic behemoth yoked to 
the US through the Eurodollar, sets the stage for 
unelected entities to enforce policies through 
programmable money, enabled by smart contracts on 
blockchains and designed to benefit the few at 
the expense of the many. What materializes before 
us is not just a technological evolution but a 
quiet banker coup ­ one that lays the groundwork 
for land grabs and invasive surveillance under 
the guise of progress and conservation. It’s a 
narrative that echoes throughout history, where 
intelligence-linked figures and predatory 
financial interests converge to prey upon the 
Global South, leaving a trail of economic 
exploitation and geopolitical manipulation in 
their wake. What masquerades as progress for 
individuals and the environment at large may very 
well be the harbinger of a new era of subjugation and control.


In 2022, several groups came together 
<https://programme.green/index.html>to launch the 
GREEN+ (Government Reduction of Emissions for 
Environmental Net + Gain) Jurisdictional 
Programme, the “first program that will monitor 
by satellite all subnational protected areas of 
the planet” and – through contracts with numerous 
local and state governments – propel and deepen 
the economic integration of the Americas through 
the quiet imposition of a continent-wide, 
carbon market.

GREEN+ <https://carbonparks.cc35.city/>has been 
piloted in a handful of Latin American cities 
since its founding and is due to launch globally 
in just a few weeks time. Most of the GREEN+ 
agreements with “subnational” governments have 
remained focused on Latin America. 
<https://carbonparks.cc35.city/>Per the program, 
the subnational agreements have established the 
“rules and requirements to enable accounting and 
crediting with GREEN+ policies and measures 
and/or nested projects, implemented as GHG 
mitigation activities,” with GREEN+ being 
described as “the planet’s new subnational government advisory mechanism.”

Key to the program are the services provided by 
GREEN+ founding member 
an Argentina-founded company 
aligned with Peter Thiel’s Palantir and 
Musk’s SpaceX that specializes in sub-meter 
resolution satellite surveillance. Satellogic, 
contractor to the US government and whose 
founders were also 
contactors for the US’ DHS, NSA and DARPA, will 
provide surveillance data of the entire world’s 
“protected areas” to GREEN+’s governing 
coalition, composed of the NGOs CC35, the Global 
Footprint Network, The Energy Coalition and other “respected stakeholders.”

According to 
press release that details Satellogic’s alliance 
with GREEN+, the satellite surveillance data 
“will enable individuals, organizations, and 
global markets to accurately monitor the 
compliance of signatory jurisdictions to avoid 
deforestation.” However, other information in the 
press release reveals that forests will actually 
be monitored for the purpose of generating 
“credible” carbon credits to be traded on 
exchanges by GREEN+ on behalf of subnational 
governments. The press release also states that 
the GREEN+ alliance with Satellogic will “advance 
the future measurement of energy emissions in the 
most populated areas of the planet,” i.e. the 
surveillance of carbon emissions from space. 
Satellogic launched some GREEN+-affiliated 
satellites in 2022 as part of its pilot and is 
due to launch the remainder this April during 
Miami Climate Week. Satellogic’s past and 
upcoming launches of GREEN+ satellites were/will 
be conducted 
collaboration with Elon Musk’s SpaceX, also a 
contractor to 
US military and US intelligence agencies.

Though framed as a way to develop economic 
incentives to mitigate climate change, the 
program is based on California’s 
cap and trade program and has been created (and 
is being implemented by) individuals and 
companies that are seeking to covertly dollarize 
Latin America and/or have deep ties to US 
intelligence. Its ultimate ambitions go far 
beyond carbon markets and seek to use satellite 
surveillance to enforce carbon emission levels in 
both urban and rural areas. It also seeks to 
impose a new financial system centered around 
energy, commodity, and natural resource “credits” 
that are underpinned by extensive and invasive 
surveillance, underscored by the motto: 
observation is preservation.”

The alliance that created GREEN+ 
the NGOs CC35, the Global Footprint Network 
(GFN), Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Catalytic Finance 
Foundation (CFF, formerly R20) and The Energy 
Coalition (TEC); the Gibraltar-based law firm 
Isolas; the global insurance giant Lockton; the 
satellite company Satellogic; the “green” 
blockchain company EcoRegistry; the dominant 
carbon credit certifier in Latin America, 
Cercarbono; and Rootstock (RSK), the bitcoin 
side-chain protocol responsible for “smart BTC.” 
Several members of the alliance, though how many 
is unclear, 
as part of a consortium linked to a company 
called Global Carbon Parks, which is discussed in 
greater detail later in this article and now 
manages <https://carbonparks.cc35.city/>major 
aspects of GREEN+. The NGOs (i.e. CC35, GFN, CFF 
and TEC) involved in founding GREEN+ are those 
who actually govern the GREEN+ program from California.

As previously mentioned, the program takes carbon 
in “effectively conserved protected areas of a 
sub-national jurisdiction”, i.e. a city, county, 
province, or state/region, and converts them into 
carbon credits. 
the program, “these credits are traded on the 
[carbon] offset market, and income is deposited 
in a trust fund” that is controlled by GREEN+ and 
is known as the GREEN+ Trust. That trust is 
by unspecified individuals who work for Lockton, 
Isolas and Rootstock. 
Guerrero, head of Lockton’s Argentina & Uruguay 
branch, is the only publicly acknowledged member of the trust.

<https://carbonparks.cc35.city/>Another website 
tied to the GREEN+ initiative describes the initial process as follows:
    * Public and private agreements between [a 
subnational] government and custodians are signed with zero upfront cost.
    * Custodians trade the carbon units that are 
produced by the subnational governments (the 
public sector) signing contracts with the private 
sector in voluntary carbon markets.
    * Those contracts signed by the subnational 
governments become smart contracts and carbon 
credits are then tokenized for traceability.
    * The GREEN+ Trust holds government funds in escrow.

partial release of trust funds is made 
periodically during the crediting period of the 
jurisdictional initiative.” From this “partial 
release,” “a percentage operational fee” is 
deducted (the percentage is undisclosed in the 
program’s documents) and paid to the GREEN+ 
program while a separate (and also undisclosed) 
fee is also deducted “for the operation of the 
GREEN+ Trust.” Disbursements of what remains are 
made annually over a ten year period and, 
graphs produced by GREEN+, those payments remain 
the same, fixed value even if the value of the 
carbon credits of the protected areas grows.

Between 40% and 60% of the funds actually 
received by subnational governments 
be used to “design and execute projects” aimed at 
conservation, while the rest “is allocated for 
new jurisdictional decarbonisation initiatives” 
that can produce additional or “consequential” 
carbon credits. These “consequential” credits are 
then “offered as a preferred option to the 
investors who initially purchased the 
conservation credits at a 50% discounted price 
calculated at the current market price.” However, 
later in the 
document, the program says that “the amount 
required for the initial implementation” of 
conservation projects “may not exceed 20% of the 
funds allocated [from the GREEN+ Trust] to the 
jurisdictional initiative.” Clearly, the amount 
of funds actually being generated for 
conservation-related projects is minimal and, 
even in the best case scenario, is less than half 
of the capital generated by the carbon credits 
themselves. However, as we shall see, these 
“conservation” projects must be done in 
conjunction with approved partners of Global 
Carbon Parks, which – like the organization 
itself – are tied to predatory financial 
interests and oligarchs with questionable motives.

Of the funds that governments actually receive as 
part of GREEN+, half are officially meant to go 
toward conservation-related projects while the 
other half are meant to go toward 
decarbonization-related projects. However, on 
<https://carbonparks.cc35.city/>the Global Carbon 
website, it notes that the decarbonization 
projects must be conducted alongside Community 
Electricity, which forms part of Global Carbon 
Parks and is closely connected to the GREEN+ 
alliance member The Energy Coalition (TEC). As 
will be discussed later, TEC and Community 
Electricity are together attempting to build an 
inter-continental “smart” grid in the Americas 
and are also involved in efforts to develop “smart” cities and suburbs.

As for GREEN+’s conservation projects, the 
website states that “50% of the resources 
received by the capital [city as part of GREEN+] 
must be used for social and environmental impact 
in protected urban areas with partners such as 
Cities4Forests.” Cities4Forests was founded by 
the World Resources Institute (WRI), a World 
Economic Forum affiliate and 
<https://www.wri.org/about/history>contractor to 
CIA front USAID that is focused on resource 
“sustainability.” WRI is 
by the US and several European governments, 
billionaires Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Mike 
Bloomberg as well as Google, Meta/Facebook, the 
Soros family’s Open Societies Foundations, the 
UN, Walmart, the World Bank and the World 
Economic Forum, among others. WRI’s 
Cities4Forests shares many of 
such as the governments of the UK, Germany, 
Denmark and the US as well as the World Bank and 
the Caterpillar Foundation. Other funders include 
the Wall Street giant Citi Group, the Rockefeller 
Foundation and the Inter-American Development 
Bank (IDB). Notably, the Rockefeller Foundation 
and the IDB recently 
up to create the Intrinsic Exchange Group, which 
has spearheaded the financialization of nature 
via the creation of Natural Asset Corporations 
(NACs). As Unlimited Hangout 
reported, NACs create corporations that take 
control of natural assets that were previously 
part of the “commons,” such as forests, rivers 
and lakes, and then sell shares of those assets 
to Wall Street asset managers, sovereign wealth 
funds and other financial institutions in order 
to generate profit under the guise of “conserving” the asset they target.

Unsurprisingly, most of Cities4Forests’ projects, 
such as those that would be built with GREEN+ 
funds, are similar to NACs in that they focus on 
using natural assets and “natural capital” to 
produce new financial and insurance products. 
Examples of Cities4Forests “conservation” 
projects include the development of a 
Resilience Bond and 
<https://www.nbs4india.org/partners/>the India 
Forum for Nature-based Solutions. One of the 
India-based forum’s “core partners” is the Nature 
Conservancy, which has been run by Wall Street 
bankers for years and 
pioneered the modern iteration of the 
controversial “debt for conservation” swap among 
other “nature-based solutions.” The funders of 
Cities4Forest and its creator the WRI are also 
deeply affiliated with groups like 
Glasgow Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) and 
UN-backed climate finance initiatives that 
to use debt imperialism to herd the global 
economy, with a focus on emerging markets, into 
new system of global financial governance.

Thus, the “conservation” and “decarbonization” 
efforts that subnational governments must enact 
as part of their contractual agreements with 
GREEN+ will go towards projects tied to either 
the smart grid/smart city developer Community 
Electricity or a “conservation” organization 
backed by Western oligarchs, multi-national 
corporations and banks that seeks to financialize 
and monetize nature under the guise of conserving it.


CC35, or Ciudades Capitales de las Americas 
frente al Cambio Climático (American Capital 
Cities Facing Climate Change), is the most 
visible organization behind the GREEN+ program 
and one of the members of its governance 
committee. CC35’s goal is the economic 
integration of the Americas (North, South and 
Central) through coordinated climate change 
policies, specifically the creation of an 
Inter-American carbon market, with GREEN+ being 
the means of implementing that market. The group 
focuses on “subnational” governments, namely 
capital cities of the Americas, thereby 
circumventing national governments with respect 
to Climate Change-related policy.

Regarding GREEN+, Sebastián Navarro, the 
secretary general of CC35, 
of the program that: “We will be relentless from 
the governance of the GREEN+ program with those 
who want to continue playing with the future of 
humanity,” adding that their “relentless” 
approach would be greatly aided by Satellogic’s 
satellite surveillance capabilities, which would 
also “generate unprecedented credibility among 
investors of the carbon credits produced by 
conservation.” Navarro’s promise to be 
“relentless” in governing a satellite 
surveillance regime of American forests for the 
purpose of producing “high-credibility” carbon markets.

While framed as an initiative “born out of Latin 
America,” CC35 is 
in Miami; Florida (Coral Gables, specifically) 
and has long been funded and partnered with 
US-based interests. For instance, CC35’s 
partners were R20 (Regions of Climate Action, now 
the Catalytic Finance Foundation), a group 
created by former California governor Arnold 
Schwarzenegger in partnership with the UN, and 
the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. From there, 
with UN and UN-linked organizations as well as 
Pegasus Capital Advisors, which also 
<https://www.pcalp.com/about/>finances CC35 and 
Schwarzenegger’s R20/Catalytic Finance 
Foundation. R20/Catalytic Finance, like CC35, 
focuses its attention on “subnational” governments.

Pegasus Capital is the firm 
<https://www.pcalp.com/about/>created by Craig 
key figure in the “junk bond” financial scandal 
at the now defunct Drexel Burnham Lambert. 
Drexel’s junk bond department, led by Michael 
Milken, engaged in blatantly illegal activity and 
used junk bonds to help fuel the takeovers of 
major corporations by the era’s infamous 
“corporate raiders” before the bank’s collapse. 
Specifically, Cogut was the lawyer 
advised the 
and scandal-ridden junk bond department on the 
legality of transactions, including those that 
saw Milken become a convicted felon. Following 
Drexel’s collapse, Cogut teamed up with a group 
of Drexel alumni led by Leon Black – now 
known for 
deceased sex trafficker and “financial adviser” 
Epstein – to co-found Apollo Advisers (now Apollo 
Global Management) in 1990. Cogut left Apollo to 
found Pegasus in 1996 and Pegasus has since 
became <https://www.pcalp.com/about/>a key player 
in several UN-supported “green” finance 
initiatives. Cogut is also financially entangled 
with Satellogic’s co-founder, Emiliano Kargieman, as will be discussed later.

Cogut subsequently became a board member of 
Arizona State University’s Global Institute of 
Sustainability, which was created by Michael Crow 
(and who served on the board alongside Cogut). 
Crow is chairman of the board of trustees of 
In-Q-tel, the CIA’s venture capital arm. Cogut 
also served on the board of ASU’S McCain 
Institute, named for the late Senator John 
McCain, which has links to Ashton Kutcher’s 
CIA-linked charity Thorn. Current board members 
of the McCain Institute include both Crow and 
former CIA director David Petraeus, as well as 
Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who co-created the 
Council for Inclusive Capital with the Vatican. 
Cogut was also on the board of the Clinton Health 
Access Initiative (CHAI), part of the Clinton 
family philanthropies, and CHAI was largely 
shaped and influenced by notorious sex trafficker 
and “financial advisor for billionaires” Jeffrey 
Epstein, having been the chief reason for former 
president Bill Clinton’s flights on Epstein’s plane in the early 2000s.

Notably, Cogut is not the only Drexel alum to be 
involved in “green finance.” The field of “green 
finance” itself was 
invented by Richard Sandor, who made millions at 
Drexel during the 1980s, pioneering “innovative” 
products like the collateralized mortgage 
obligation (CMO), which would later contribute to 
the 2008 financial crisis. Sandor had previously 
been deemed the “father of financial futures” and 
is also credited with helping create derivatives. 
After Drexel’s collapse, Sandor 
on to pioneering carbon emissions trading and 
carbon markets with the vision of creating “an 
all-electronic exchange for carbon trading,” a 
vision that has since taken shape.

CC35 has long been led by Sebastián Navarro. 
Under his leadership, CC35 helped broker the 
creation of the Subnational Climate Fund, which 
by Cogut’s Pegasus Capital along with BNP 
Paribas, the Rockefeller Foundation, the 
Bloomberg Philanthropies and the governments of 
Germany, the UK, Australia and the Netherlands. 
That fund focuses on financing infrastructure 
projects in the Global South at the subnational 
(e.g. city, state) level, again bypassing 
national governments. Indeed, the main modus 
operandi of CC35 is brokering contracts between 
small, subnational governments and “green” 
finance entities that are tied to centers of 
US/European political or financial power.

Navarro is listed as 
director of CC35 as are two prominent, 
right-leaning Latin American politicians: Felipe 
Alessandri Vergara, mayor of the Chilean capital 
Santiago from 2016 to 2021, and Nasry Asfura 
Zablah, former mayor of the Honduran capital 
Tegucigalpa and former Honduran presidential 
candidate. Alessandri is a well-known figure in 
Chilean center-right politics and an ally of the 
recently deceased former Chilean president 
Sebastián Piñera. Alessandri is controversial 
within the Chilean right for his covert support 
of initiatives generally favored by the left and 
publicly shunned by his party while serving as 
Santiago’s mayor, such as climate 
finance/regional economic integration 
CC35) and his 
and supposed 
nemesis, Irací Hassler of Chile’s Communist 
Party, has since taken over for Alessandri as 
CC35’s Vice President for South America. As for 
Nasry Asfura, he was the subject of a Honduran 
political scandal due to his appearance in the 
Pandora Papers and his alleged involvement in 
finance activities. He was also indicted on money 
laundering and fund embezzlement, but charges 
were dropped under Asfura’s successor Jorge 
Aldana, who is now president of CC35.

The current vice president of CC35 for Central 
America is Mario Durán, the mayor of San Salvador 
and a close ally of El Salvador’s president 
Bukele as well as a member of Bukele’s Nuevas 
Ideas party. Durán is poised to take over the 
leadership of CC35 per 
recent announcement from the group. In 2021, 
a contract with CC35 regarding education about 
the use of Bitcoin in all metropolitan region 
municipalities in El Salvador, and is the only 
mention of CC35 promoting the use of Bitcoin. As 
will be noted again later on, the CC35-led GREEN+ 
initiative is partnered with Rootstock, which 
created and develops a Bitcoin sidechain that 
enables smart contracts on the Bitcoin 
blockchain. Presumably, the goal is to run 
GREEN+’s digital carbon market on the same blockchain.

While it may seem odd to an American audience 
that “regional integration” efforts under the 
guise of climate change would be led largely by 
right-leaning politicians, it is important to 
point out that such integration efforts have 
historically been led by both left and right 
factions in Latin America, who compete for 
dominance over the region. For instance, 
right-leaning efforts at economically and/or 
politically integrating the Americas include 
Mercosur (the Southern Common Market, now 
by the “anti-globalist” Javier Milei) and Prosur 
(Forum for the Progress and Integration of South 
America, launched by Chile’s center-right 
Piñera). Left-leaning efforts include ALADI 
(Latin American Integration Association) and 
UNASUR (Union of South American Nations). All of 
these efforts have failed due to geopolitical 
disagreements mainly centered around whether to 
grant membership to countries like Venezuela, 
Cuba and others with governments estranged from 
the so-called “Washington consensus” or, more 
recently, efforts to forge closer ties to Russia 
and/or China. Given that several important Latin 
American countries can suddenly change what side 
of the “consensus” they are on depending on 
presidential election results, such as recently 
happened in 
these regional integration efforts have failed to 
gain significant traction over the last several 
decades. Nevertheless, the end goal of economic 
integration begetting political integration 
the same. Thus, as CC35 shows, the push to 
regionally integrate Latin America has now, very 
quietly, pivoted away from engagement at the 
national level to the subnational level.


While CC35 is the most visible face of GREEN+’s 
governing body, it is actually chaired by a group 
called the Global Footprint Network (GFN). The 
GFN exists to promote 
Ecological Footprint, which tracks how much 
nature we use and how much we have, as an 
accounting tool” for green finance initiatives 
and originated the concept of “ecological debt” 
based on that metric. Elsewhere, the GFN calls 
for “one-planet prosperity” and emphasizes 
climate finance, a field dominated by predatory 
Wall Street banks and billionaires, as an 
economic imperative. They work with governments 
at both the national and subnational level and 
establish the carbon emissions limits for 
localities, states and countries that programs 
like GREEN+ seek to enforce with satellite 
surveillance and binding contractual obligations.

The GFN is intimately connected to the Club of 
Rome. For instance, GFN’s founder and a member of 
its board, Mathis Wackernagel, who also 
co-created the Ecological Footprint concept, is 
member of the Club of Rome. Wackernagel’s former 
mentor and the 
developer of the Ecological Footprint, William 
Rees, was 
member of the Club of Rome until 2018. Heiko 
Specking, a GFN 
member, is also 
with the Club of Rome as is another GFN board 
member, <http://akenji/>Lewis Akenji.

The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 by the 
Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Scottish 
chemist Alexander King. Its earliest success was 
the 1972 report and later book 
to Growth,” which was based on an MIT study and 
claimed that “if the world’s consumption patterns 
and population growth continued at the same high 
rates of the time, the earth would strike its 
limits within a century.” The book was heavily 
promoted by the earliest annual meetings of the 
World Economic Forum, particularly in 1973.

Peccei, who spent a large part of his life living 
in Argentina, had previously been a member of 
ADELA, the Atlantic Community Development Group 
for Latin America. ADELA was composed of powerful 
Western companies that pooled money to invest in 
Latin American companies of their choosing, 
essentially “king-making” the titans of the Latin 
American corporate 
ADELA’s backers 
Bank of America, IBM, Fiat (where Peccei was an 
executive), and the Rockefeller family’s Standard 
Oil. The group was part of 
Rockefeller-dominated network in Latin America, 
which also included the 
Basic Economy Corporation (IBEC), which 
been linked to the 1973 CIA-backed military coup 
in Chile through the Chilean Rockefeller 
associate Agustín Edwards, and Deltec, best known 
today as 
main bank for the failed crypto exchange FTX and 
relationship with the stablecoin Tether. Modern 
iterations of this network include Endeavor and 
the Council of the Americas (CoA), which will be 
discussed in the second part of this series. 
Notably, it was Peccei’s speech at an ADELA 
conference that 
his partnership with Alexander King and led to the Club of Rome’s formation.

At the time he got involved with Peccei and made 
the Club of Rome, King was head of the 
Organization for Economic Co-operation and 
Development (OECD). The OECD was originally 
established as the OEEC to help administer the 
post-WWII, US-developed Marshall Plan and was 
later expanded to become a global organization in 
1961. The US remains the OECD’s 
funder by a significant margin. The group has 
claimed to promote “sustainable economic growth” 
and “consistently improving standard of living in 
its member countries,” but – in practice – it 
routinely favors neoliberal policies that enrich 
Western-based multi-national corporations. It is 
partnered with entities like the IMF, the World 
Bank and the broader multi-lateral development 
banking system that 
used debt slavery sold as “economic development” 
to privatize state-owned assets and sell them off 
to privileged corporate interests. That system 
has also been considered by the US military to be 
part of its arsenal of 
weapons” used to protect US interests abroad.

The Club of Rome was criticized for many decades 
for embracing 
thought (i.e. eugenics and specifically 
population control measures in the developing 
world) as well as for promoting 
governance. Some of its members have championed 
the imposition of 
“benevolent” global dictatorship. Criticisms of 
the Club of Rome have been voiced by 
<https://www.jstor.org/stable/3985399>academia as 
well as 
media. The group’s attempt to rebrand as an 
environmental group in order to gain popular 
support for those same policies was discussed in 
their 1991 book 
First Global Revolution,” which states:

“In searching for a common enemy against whom we 
can unite, we came up with the idea that 
pollution, the threat of global warming, water 
shortages, famine and the like, would fit the 
bill. In their totality and their interactions 
these phenomena do constitute a common threat 
which must be confronted by everyone together. 
But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we 
fall into the trap, which we have already warned 
readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for 
causes. All these dangers are caused by human 
intervention in natural processes, and it is only 
through changed attitudes and behaviour that they 
can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

The Global Footprint Network’s methods, products 
and ideology are very much aligned with the 
neo-Malthusian “Limits to Growth” view of the 
Club of Rome as well as the efforts to 
incorporate nature into financial markets via 
so-called “nature-based solutions.” Indeed, the 
GFN’s ecological footprint metric is promoted by 
groups like the World Economic Forum and the 
World Wildlife Fund (where Peccei served on the 
board and which has long been tied to 
oligarch and 
interests). GFN also provides the statistical 
means of imposing Limits to Growth-style models 
that control both population levels and 
industrialization levels on governments by 
developing “ecological budgets” that, as 
evidenced by GREEN+, are now interfacing directly with carbon markets.


The other member of the GREEN+ governing 
committee that will control the program as well 
as Satellogic’s surveillance data is The Energy 
Coalition (TEC). Notably, it was TEC’s executive 
director Craig Perkins who said that GREEN+ would 
also enable the surveillance of carbon emissions 
of populated areas, presumably via satellite. TEC 
was founded by John Phillips, who ran 
Energy – an oil and gas company, in 1975. Since 
1979, it has been closely partnered with local 
California governments via its Community Energy 
Partnership program. Currently, TEC is 
with, and some of its key initiatives are 
financed by, major California gas companies, 
referred to by TEC as California’s 
“investor-owned utilities.” These include Pacific 
Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison, SDGE and SoCalGas.

With the backing of these major oil and gas 
companies, TEC assures us it is “creating the 
building blocks for a new energy economy.” One of 
its main partners in doing so is Community 
Electricity, which claims to be “building the 
NASDAQ of the clean energy field.” TEC and 
Community Electricity, which is 
<https://www.communityelectricity.io/>backed by 
Google, have co-designed “a master plan” financed 
by the California Energy Commission “to implement 
the largest and first-of-its-kind decarbonization 
by electrification protocols using DERs 
energy resources], carbon emissions management, 
blockchain, AI and IoT [internet of things] all 
connected under one plug-and-play platform.” 
Community Electric designs, funds and develops 
this technology for GluHomes (formerly 
GluEnergy), its parent company which shares the 
same founder as Community Electricity – Felipe 
Cano. The program is 
piloted in the poorest neighborhoods of Los 
Angeles as well as in disadvantaged communities 
in Colombia. The goal, 
Cano, is to “bring the Americas together” through 
an inter-continental, “clean” smart grid.

The blockchain 
in these efforts is RSK, the smart 
contract-oriented sidechain that runs on top of 
the Bitcoin network. As previously mentioned, RSK 
is a founding member of GREEN+. The initiative 
involving TEC, Community Electricity, 
California’s government, and RSK 
“to digitize carbon credit reporting” and to 
“create opportunities for businesses to redeem 
credits.” The Community Electricity/TEC program 
also uses the RSK blockchain to record a person’s 
energy usage “with the help of RIF, an identity 
product [i.e. digital identity] developed by RSK 
Labs.” The Community Electricity system requires 
a digital ID tied to 
digital wallet that “is embedded to store daily 
profits derived from surplus energy sales” that 
allow electricity consumers to trade energy 
credits and become what the company calls 
“prosumers,” with the goal of creating “an energy 
social network.” The Community Electricity 
with GluHomes also “utilize[s] AI and machine 
learning to transform any home intro a smart 
micro electricity generation utility.”

The group is partnering with real estate 
developers to develop smart homes connected to 
their energy-related technology, with a focus on 
social housing and affordable housing, i.e. 
housing for lower income families. The goal is to 
connect together retro-fitted existing homes, new 
smart homes, a neighborhood co-op of electric 
vehicles and a reward-payment system called 
which is partnered with Mastercard and 
<https://www.contigo-global.com/>Contigo, which 
designs products “for the unbanked, immigrants, 
homeless and disadvantaged population,” with a 
focus on remittance payments. Contigo is 
<https://www.contigo-global.com/>currently in 
talks with El Salvador’s government to have the 
company’s “Payments Wallet tied into the 
Salvadoran financial inclusion products.” Contigo 
is run by 
Hinojosa, an academic at UCLA who wrote a book 
entitled “Convergence and Divergence between 
NAFTA, Chile, and MERCOSUR: Overcoming Dilemmas 
of North and South American Economic 
Integration,” which focuses on “the impact of a 
potential Free Trade of the Americas Agreement.”

The creator of Community Electricity and 
GluHomes, Felipe Cano has also spent most of his 
career attempting to economically integrate large 
swathes of the world. For instance, in 1998, 
vision was “to unify both European and US stock 
exchanges under one platform and protocol, the 
create the smart grid of the equity market and 
stock trading in a bilateral, single network.” 
This vision led him to create ECN Access, which 
“was the first tech hub in Europe to route the 
first block of institutional order flows from a 
European Bank directly to the NASDAQ electronic 
exchange without intermediaries,” creating what 
calls “the first smart grid every built.” He then 
sought to “create a digital market for the energy 
sector,” which has since culminated in his 
creation of Community Electricity and GluHomes. 
Cano is an adviser to TEC and is also a senior 
partner at 
Capital, where he focuses on investments related 
to smart cities. According to 
bio at Silverbear, Cano is also CEO of “Olidata 
Smart Cities LLC, a market-maker platform which 
uses nano-grids and microgrids as the underlying 
strategy to deploy the Internet of Things Protocol of the future.”

Cano was also, until recently, 
president of 
<https://carbonparks.cc35.city/>Global Carbon 
Parks, which is a consortium of companies, the 
only known members of which all happen to be 
<https://carbonparks.cc35.city/>companies that 
founded GREEN+, with the one exception being 
Cano’s Community Electricity. Global Carbon 
Parks, unsurprisingly, is now 
of the main implementers of the GREEN+ program. 
Global Carbon Parks is also partnered with 
<https://www.aclima.io/about>Aclima, a start-up 
backed by Microsoft and the foundation of former 
Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Global Carbon Park’s 
stated mission is to “transform protected areas 
into natural equity” via public-private 
partnerships, essentially admitting that the 
GREEN+ program it now helps manage is about 
financializing protected natural assets and resources.

Global Carbon Parks “transforms” these forests 
into “natural equity” by measuring, certifying 
and trading carbon credits in conjunction with 
the carbon credit certification Cercarbono 
(discussed later in this article). Their 
with Satellogic, which goes beyond but also 
includes the GREEN+ program, uses satellite 
surveillance “to ensure the integrity of the 
preserved area” which contains the carbon 
represented by the carbon credits. The company 
promotes their integration with The Energy 
Coalition and Community Electricity to develop 
“advanced electricity communities” that develop 
“renewable energy credits,” which the company 
claims will “contribute to local wealth 
creation.” The company is partnered with a 
financial firm, which does the actual trading of 
carbon credits for both Global Carbon Parks and 
presumably GREEN+. However, Global Carbon Parks 
declines to reveal their identity, merely stating 
that “They are a financial firm that integrates 
technical, economic, and environmental solutions.”

In summary, the governance of the GREEN+ program 
and the group with control over its satellite 
surveillance data; are tied to or funded by 
groups that have long used debt as a form of 
control over the Global South in particular; seek 
to control the population size and the degree of 
industrialization in countries; are tied to 
globalist efforts to economically and politically 
integrate the Americas; are building a Bitcoin 
blockchain-based smart grid that surveils and 
limits energy usage and links energy usage to 
currency; and are integrating and tokenizing the 
natural world, including endangered or protected 
areas, into the financial system under the guise 
of conservation. Through CC35’s Alcades por el 
Clima (Mayors for the Climate) initiative, over 
15,000 local governments in Latin America 
<https://www.alcaldesporelclima.org/>have signed 
agreements with CC35 related to carbon emission 
trading schemes and limits, led by Brazil (5,564 
local governments), Argentina (2,457 local 
governments), and Mexico (2,481 local 
governments). Presumably, those carbon 
neutrality/trading agreements will allow CC35 to 
push those municipalities into the GREEN+ 
program, if they aren’t already planning to participate directly (many are).

In other words, the vast majority of Latin 
America, unbeknownst to the vast majority of its 
populace, is already contractually yoked to one 
of the main organizations behind the GREEN+ 
program – run by interests tied to foreign banks, 
corporations and even intelligence services. The 
program is set to launch continent-wide in a 
matter of weeks. As this article and subsequent 
article will show, what has transpired is a 
brazen attempt to conduct a silent coup of the 
continent’s natural resources, energy production, 
local governments and economy.


The GREEN+ Trust, which is to hold and handle the 
profits from the carbon credits produced and then 
disburse them to governments if certain 
conditions are met, is to be 
by individuals “selected from the members 
institutions of the [GREEN+] Executive Board” as 
well as from Isolas, Lockton and Rootstock (RSK). 
According to GREEN+, the Trust is not only 
responsible for fund custody, but also “the 
regulation of smart contracts, in coordination 
with the certification standard [Cercarbono] and 
the monitoring of mitigation initiatives 
[conducted by Satellogic].” The only known member 
of the Trust, as previously mentioned, is 
Alejandro Guerrero, the head of Lockton’s branch in Argentina and Uruguay.

Lockton, a founding member of GREEN+ and also of 
Global Carbon Parks, is the world’s largest, 
privately held insurance brokerage firm that also 
provides risk management services, employee 
benefits and retirement services. They are owned 
by the Lockton family and the company – and the 
family behind it – are rather secretive. However, 
the company has been overt about the 
opportunities they see in the type of carbon 
market that initiatives like GREEN+ will create.

In a 2023 article, Lockton’s head of Digital 
Integration and Special Projects, David Briscoe, 
that making carbon credits “a stable and trusted 
currency” would “require the support of the 
insurance market.” This is because, as Briscoe 
notes, “voluntary” carbon markets come with 
risks, particularly because “of the financial 
values involved.” Per Briscoe, these risks 
include “non- or under-delivery of forward 
purchased carbon removal credits,” “start-ups 
involved in the voluntary carbon market may face 
insolvency risks,” and “fraud and negligence.” 
and fraud has been 
major driver of why carbon markets have failed to 
catch on despite relentless promotion and the 
adoption of ESG and climate change plans by many 
of the most powerful names in finance and 
industry. Instead of addressing the rampant fraud 
in carbon credits directly, it appears that the 
high probability of fraud and insolvency has been 
seen as an opportunity to create a new market for 
the insurance industry, with carbon credit 
insurance being framed as the only “feasible” 
means of de-risking the 
world of carbon markets, which 
been criticized by environmental groups and 
been shown to have a negligible impact on climate.

Lockton offers a variety of products related to 
carbon credits and so do its competitors, with 
the first such insurance having been issued by 
the UK-based insurance company Howden in 2022. 
That product was 
to “increase confidence in the Voluntary Carbon 
Market” and was “incubated” in collaboration with 
“the Insurance Task Force of the Sustainable 
Markets Initiative; an initiative led by His 
Royal Highness The Prince of Wales [now King 
Charles].” Industry publications have 
posited that carbon credits are likely to be “the 
next $1 billion insurance market.” Some 
companies, like <https://www.kita.earth/>Kita and 
were created specifically to insure carbon 
credits. Presumably, Lockton’s involvement with 
GREEN+ means that Lockton will be insuring the 
mass of carbon credits to be produced by the 
program, which plans to harvest carbon credits 
from all of the world’s “subnational protected 
areas.” In addition, Lockton’s role as the carbon 
credits insurer means it will be involved in 
ensuring that those cities/regions that are to 
become part of GREEN+ comply with the program’s 
stipulations in order to receive funds from the trust.

Another member of the GREEN+ Trust is RSK, or 
Rootstock. RSK is a 
sidechain built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain 
that allows smart contract functionality akin to 
the Ethereum blockchain, leveraging the same 
programming language known as Solidity. In 
effect, this means that any smart contract that 
can be designed and authored on Ethereum, such as 
identity systems, dollar-pegged stablecoins, or 
tokenized carbon credits, can be “trivially” 
ported to Bitcoin. The concept of Bitcoin 
sidechains was first introduced in 
2014 by a group of Bitcoin developers mainly 
employed by Blockstream, whose 
2014 seed round was led by Reid Hoffman, that 
gives “bitcoins and other ledger assets” the 
ability to be “transferred between multiple 
blockchains” giving new functionality to “assets 
they already own” without compromising any of the 
security innate to Bitcoin’s blockchain. RSK 
works by allowing 
to deposit funds sent using traditional bitcoin 
transactions into a wallet controlled by a 
federation (in this case, a known group of 
Rootstock-selected key signers) that issues a 1:1 
token called Smart Bitcoin, represented by RBTC, 
which fuels the RVM (Rootstock Virtual Machine), 
a forked version of the EVM (Ethereum Virtual 
Machine). RBTC is “the native currency” of 
Rootstock, and is used to pay for the fees 
required to complete and settle the smart 
contracts or transactions that take place on the RSK sidechain.

RSK was launched in 2015 by RSK Labs, which was 
by RIF Labs before becoming IOV (“internet of 
value”) Labs. IOV labs, as of last week, has 
rebranded once again to become 
<https://www.rootstocklabs.com/>RootstockLabs. It 
was co-founded by Sergio Lerner, who 
the Bitcoin Foundation’s bitcoin core security 
auditor the same year he conceived of RSK, and 
Diego Gutierrez Zaldivar. Gutierrez is the 
chairman of RootstockLabs, while Lerner is its 
chief scientist and they are the president and 
vice president, respectively, of the 
<https://www.iovf.org/about-us/>IOV Foundation, 
which enables “interventions that contribute to 
sustainable development,” specifically the UN 
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a 
focus on emerging markets and territories. A 
major goal of the SDGs is 
create a new global financial governance system. 
That system 
been described in recent years by top UN climate 
finance official, central banker, and ex-Goldman 
Sachs executive Mark Carney, as relying largely 
on programmable, surveillable digital currencies 
(namely central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs) and a global carbon market.

According to RootstockLabs and its affiliated 
foundation, the group’s 
<https://www.iovf.org/about-us/>mission is to 
harness “the power of digital technology, 
blockchain, and collaboration” to “break down 
barriers and create a more equitable society.” 
They also state that Rootstock Labs 
<https://www.iovf.org/about-us/>was created with 
the intent of creating “a new open financial 
ecosystem,” while 
<https://rif.technology/about/>RIF Labs states it 
(along with RootstockLabs) is “creating a global 
financial system that works for everyone.”

Diego Gutierrez is a long-time associate of 
Wenceslao (Wences) Casares, an Argentine tech 
entrepreneur sometimes referred to as the 
Thiel of Latin America.” Gutierrez 
Casares at Argentina’s first Internet service 
provider, which Casares had launched, and then 
helped create the Casares-founded Argentinian 
online brokerage firm Patagon that was later sold 
to Spanish banking giant Santander. Casares, like 
Gutierrez, is a long-time promoter and early 
adopter of Bitcoin and is allegedly responsible 
for pitching the promise of Bitcoin to elites, 
like Bill Gates and LinkedIn/PayPal’s Reid 
Hoffman. Hoffman 
referred to Casares as Bitcoin’s “patient zero” 
in terms of 
Valley’s interest in Bitcoin. Forbes 
<https://archive.md/Bvtfe>referred to Casares as 
“crypto royalty who ran with the original gang of 
Bitcoin OGs.” Casares subsequently became 
board member of PayPal and also part of 
Facebook’s failed stablecoin project Libra/Diem. 
He is also a World Economic Forum 
Global Leader.

Casares was formerly a partner at NXTP Ventures, 
one of the oldest venture capital firms in Latin 
America, and he is credited with introducing the 
firm’s founders to crypto. NXTP subsequently 
became a major investor in Gutierrez’s RSK as 
well as another Gutierrez-founded company, 
Koibanx, a Latin America-focused asset 
tokenization company that – 
its CEO – is at the “forefront of redefining 
Latin America’s financial system.” Gutierrez’s 
Koibanx has been instrumental in developing 
Bitcoin products and services 
by El Salvador’s government as well as enabling 
the role of Algorand as 
intermediary in El Salvador’s Bitcoin ecosystem. 
Algorand is also a 
investor in Koibanx and is currently run by 
Warden, who aided the cronyist privatization of 
Russia while at Harvard, oversaw J.P. Morgan’s 
division of emerging market government debt and 
led crypto-related initiatives and “global market 
development” for the Institute of the mastermind 
of the Drexel Burnham Lambert junk bond scandal, Michael Milken.

Gutierrez’s Koibanx 
also launched a blockchain-based digital ID in 
Colombia with over 12 million users and is 
partnered with Nigeria’s government on a crypto 
initiative where Nigerians can exchange their 
intellectual property (IP) for a “stable token” 
considered “equivalent to the Naira,” Nigeria’s 
currency that has been completely taken over by 
the government’s central bank digital currency 
(CBDC) project. Both of those projects have also 
been conducted jointly with Algorand. Algorand is 
member alongside PayPal and Amazon of the Digital 
Monetary Institute, which 
with central banks, major commercial banks, and 
Big Tech firms to “examine the distribution and 
use cases of both retail and wholesale central 
bank digital currencies, tokenised assets, 
deposits and capital markets, cross-border 
payments and domestic interoperability.” The DMI 
focuses on “crypto assets and stablecoins.”

NXTP is also an investor in Ripio, an 
Argentina-based crypto firm 
with the World Economic Forum. Rootstock 
co-founder Sergio Lerner 
on the board of Ripio’s P2P lending subsidiary, 
the Ripio Credit Network (RCN). Ripio is 
Draper, who is 
the board of the 
family-founded crypto company Bancor, 
Silbert’s Digital Currency Group, and Argentina’s 
richest man Marcos Galperín. Galperín also sits 
on the board of GREEN+ partner and 
intelligence-linked satellite surveillance firm 
Satellogic (discussed in greater detail later in 
this article). Galperín is intimately connected 
to the “emerging market” entrepreneurial network 
known as Endeavor, the board of which is 
by Edgar Bronfman Jr. and includes Reid Hoffman. 
Bronfman family and 
have considerable ties to sex trafficker and 
financial criminal Jeffrey Epstein. Wences 
Casares was 
on Endeavor’s board and still maintains ties with 
the group. Ripio is also 
Endeavor-backed company.

Galperín’s company, Mercado Libre, is considered 
Endeavor success story, and Galperín sits 
<https://www.endeavor.org.ar/equipo/>on the board 
of Endeavor’s Argentina branch alongside 
controversial Argentinian oligarchs, like former 
George Soros protégé 
Elzstain. Galperín’s Mercado Libre is 
PayPal as well as 
stablecoin issuer creating PayPal’s stablecoin, 
PYUSD. Mercado Libre’s Mercado Pago subsidiary, 
Ripio and Brazil’s Mercado Bitcoin (another 
Libre-connected company) collectively dominate 
crypto use in South America, especially its 
biggest markets – Argentina and Brazil.

Diego Gutierrez’s RSK and Wences Casares’ Xapo, a 
crypto-focused bank founded in 2014 with a 
long-standing interest in Bitcoin and stablecoin 
providers, share a common tie in Joey Garcia, who 
is on the board of both companies. Garcia is 
<https://www.xapobank.com/about-us>also listed as 
being Xapo’s Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer. 
Garcia is 
and head of the fintech team at the 
Gibraltar-based law firm Isolas, which is also 
part of the GREEN+ group and manages the GREEN+ 
Trust alongside RSK and Lockton. Both Xapo and 
RSK’s parent, Rootstock Labs, are based in 
Gibraltar – a UK overseas territory, where Garcia 
develop and lobby for crypto regulations with 
hopes of having that regulatory regime influence 
coming regulations in the US and Europe. Garcia 
is also 
to UN initiatives on digital currencies, with a 
focus on regulation and law enforcement.

The involvement of this network in GREEN+ speaks 
to an effort to utilize the Bitcoin blockchain in 
the creation of a new global financial system 
centered around digital currencies and carbon 
markets. As carbon markets have developed, it 
become clear that the carbon market which central 
and commercial bankers wish to build (with UN 
backing) will be blockchain-based and that carbon 
credits will be tokenized and traded on digital 
exchanges, such as the Goldman Sachs and 
Xpansiv, which is 
<https://xpansiv.com/partnerships/>partnered with 
GREEN+ members Cercarbono and EcoRegistry.

There are efforts to make Bitcoin the blockchain 
on which these markets (or at least key parts of 
them) will run, hence the relatively recent 
effort to create a more “sustainable” and “net 
zero” Bitcoin. RSK is clearly part of this 
effort, as evidenced by their involvement in 
GREEN+, where they are managing the smart 
contracts of GREEN+ carbon credits, as well as 
partnership with the California Energy Commission 
and GREEN+ member The Energy Coalition on 
creating “an experimental market for carbon credit trading” on top of Bitcoin.

The importance of RSK within the maturation of 
the carbon credit market in the blockchain era is 
two-fold; the direct and immediate 
interoperability between tokenized assets 
representing green finance instruments and 
bitcoin, and the leveraging of the most 
distributed and most secure blockchain in the 
world, Bitcoin, as a universal ledger for the 
execution and settlement of otherwise impossible 
smart contracts. Rootstock allows Bitcoin the 
protocol to become the enabling and enforcing 
environment for all aspects of climate capitalism 
– green bond authoring and settlement, parametric 
insurance clauses, the tokenization of carbon 
emission offsets, and the 
of dollar stablecoins that denominate the entire 
system and globalize the US Treasury market.

As recently mentioned, Diego Gutierrez of RSK was 
a very early adopter and promoter of Bitcoin and 
today runs Bitcoin Argentina while also being a 
co-founder of Latin America’s largest and oldest 
Bitcoin conference. In 
interview with Argentinian outlet La Voz early 
last year, Gutierrez stated that, in order for 
Bitcoin to become part of the global financial 
system that is emerging, there would have to be a 
“trade off” that would mean stripping Bitcoin of 
its “ethos” and “part of its disruptive 
potential.” In other words, in Gutierrez’s view, 
Bitcoin must cease to be a threat to central and 
commercial banks as it integrates into the system 
those banks have designed and uphold and will 
become their tool. There is perhaps no greater 
evidence of this than the recent pivot of 
Larry Fink on Bitcoin and its promise as a 
“technology for asset storage” and the wild 
success of BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF. Gutierrez 
also tellingly stated in the same interview that 
there would soon be a move away from fiat and 
fiat-backed stablecoins to commodity-backed 
stablecoins that would make the companies and 
entities that control those commodities (which 
would include carbon in this emerging financial 
paradigm) more powerful than central banks and 
eliminate the need for central banks entirely.

Wences Casares, Gutierrez’s close associate, 
created his bank Xapo 
help “solve the disjointed nature of our world 
economy” and to act as “the bridge between 
bitcoin, US dollars and stablecoins.” As a 
consequence, Xapo has been a key player in 
efforts to dollarize bitcoin and has developed 
close relationships with 
(USDT) and 
whose founder David Marcus 
in Xapo while head of PayPal. Marcus 
previously worked for Facebook and co-created 
Facebook’s Libra/Diem stablecoin project, where 
Casares was on the board and which was allied 
with Xapo. Xapo’s 
<https://archive.is/xxuLt>initial advisory board 
was composed of former longtime head of Citibank 
John Reed, Visa founder Dee Hock and former 
Treasury Secretary and Harvard president Larry 
Summers. Summers is best known for 
close association with Jeffrey Epstein and his 
role in 
key provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act at 
behest, which is widely believed to have provoked 
the 2008 financial crisis. While on Xapo’s board, 
Summers became a leading voice behind the effort 
a price on carbon” and implement 
taxes and carbon markets. In 2015, together with 
these men, <https://archive.is/xxuLt>Xapo 
claimed, they would build “the global bitcoin ecosystem.”


Working closely with the GREEN+ Trust is the 
carbon credit certification standard chosen by 
GREEN+, Cercarbono. In addition to certifying the 
carbon credits produced by the program, 
Cercarbono also has a role in choosing which 
initiatives participating jurisdictions can 
implement with funds received and are also 
involved in fund custody alongside the GREEN+ 
Trust. Cercarbono 
launched in 2016, shortly after Colombia – where 
Cercarbono was formed – passed a law establishing 
a carbon tax. Cercarbono’s founders created the 
company because the law created a “need for a 
national certifying entity that would provide 
solutions to the climate problem.” Further 
Colombian legislation in 2017 spurred the company 
to expand into carbon markets. It has since 
become a leading voluntary carbon credit certifier in Latin America.

In 2018, Cercarbono 
a partnership with 
<https://www.ecoregistry.io/>EcoRegistry, a 
blockchain registry that is also part of GREEN+ 
and “develops services and platforms for 
reporting, monitoring and registering 
environmental assets and carbon units.” The 
program says the company also “addresses the 
issuance, monitoring and cancellation of the 
carbon credits generated by the jurisdictions in 
close coordination with the certification 
standard and the Trust Fund.” EcoRegistry 
a unique serial number to each carbon credit 
issued and allows for close monitoring of that 
credit on-chain. As a consequence, it works 
closely with the lead of GREEN+’s monitoring 
unit, the intelligence-linked satellite 
surveillance firm Satellogic. EcoRegistry is also 
a part of the 
<https://climateactiondata.org/>Climate Action 
Data Trust, or CAD Trust. The CAD Trust was 
discussed in 
reporting from Bitcoin Magazine and Unlimited 
Hangout and is an effort led by the World Bank 
and funded by Google (among others) in an effort 
to construct what they refer to as “climate 
wallets.” IETA, discussed below, is 
a member of the CAD Trust.

The World Bank has been exploring tokenization 
and digital ledger technology in order to create 
“a modular and interoperable end-to-end digital 
ecosystem for the carbon market.” Through the 
Digital for Climate (D4C) working group, the 
World Bank aims to build “the next generation of 
climate markets” by directing governments to 
create National Carbon Registries reliant on 
blockchain technology. The 
produced by these registries will be “link[ed], 
aggregat[ed] and harmoniz[ed]” by the CAD Trust. 
D4C itself leverages the Chia blockchain, 
developed by BitTorrent inventor Bram Cohen. Part 
of the D4C’s “Climate Tokenization Suite” 
includes the aforementioned Climate Wallet to 
facilitate the exchange of carbon credit tokens, 
requiring an active connection to a Climate Action Data Trust node to function.

EcoRegistry is also part of the Climate Chain 
Coalition, whose other members include disgraced 
WeWork CEO Adam Neumann’s new venture Flowcarbon, 
the Cardano Foundation, the Google-backed oracle 
service Chainlink, and 
<https://www.sustainablebtc.org/>the Sustainable 
Bitcoin Protocol (SBP), which seeks to “encourage 
[bitcoin] miners to utilize environmentally 
friendly energy sources using tokenization.” The 
SBP aims to turn “sustainability into an 
investable asset” when they create what they 
refer to as 
Sustainable Bitcoin Certificate (SBC), a verified 
“on-chain environmental asset” representing “bitcoin mined using clean energy.”

The SBP website further specifies the 
incentivized opportunity for additional revenue 
streams for Bitcoin miners, stating that “unlike 
carbon credits or RECs which are retired,” each 
individual SBC is a tokenized asset which 
“permanently represents the sustainability of one 
bitcoin.” Due to an upcoming 50% reduction in the 
rate of bitcoin issued per block – referred to as 
a “halving” – alternative sources of income for 
miners can be the difference between thriving and 
barely surviving in such an unforgiving market. 
While initially issued alongside the mining of 
every new bitcoin, the SBC itself can later be 
sold to other investors. Depending on future 
regulations of energy in relation to Bitcoin 
mining operations in the United States, 
non-mining businesses might look to purchase 
these certificates from miners as a means to 
offset the carbon footprint of their bitcoin holdings.

In effect, the SBP aims to incentivize carbon 
neutrality for Bitcoin miners while 
simultaneously allowing investors to meet ESG 
goals while holding bitcoin on their balance 
sheet, the latter exemplified in 
partnership with Bitcoin custodian BitGo. Their 
website explains that they “believe Bitcoin has a 
unique potential to expedite the clean energy 
transition” and due to being “the world’s first 
commodity derived from a network,” every bitcoin 
mined is “fully fungible in both price and also 
carbon footprint” – culminating in a 
“sustainability opportunity unlike any other 
industry.” If a large company with a large carbon 
output ­due in large part to the sheer energy 
demands of being a multi-national company – 
traveling employees, large scale data centers, 
and simply offices that require electricity – was 
holding bitcoin on their balance sheet, they 
could purchase large amounts of SBCs to source 
yield on the appreciating certificate token while 
also generating accounting opportunities to reach 
metric-based ESG goals faster.

The co-founder of SBP, 
Twomey, previously worked at Goldman Sachs, OSL 
and Deutsche Bank, while Head of Climate Strategy 
David previously held positions at the US 
Department of Energy, as well as worked with the 
Clinton Foundation within their Clinton Climate 
Initiative on their Island Energy Program. Listed 
among the 
Advisors are Natasha Barrientos (S&P Global and 
the United Nations), Dr. Julia Nesheiwat (the 
Atlantic Council), Emma Todd (World Economic 
Forum) and Kelvin Chang (Coinbase and Microsoft).

Cercarbono and EcoRegistry share several 
noteworthy partners and affiliations. For 
example, both are members of 
an alliance of different companies and actors 
running or supporting Colombian carbon markets, 
that has written about the issue of 
rights” within voluntary carbon markets. 
the UN, “carbon rights” “comprises two 
fundamental concepts: 1) the property rights to 
sequester and store carbon, contained in land, 
trees, soil, etc. and 2) the right to benefits 
that arise from the transfer of these property 
rights (i.e. through emissions trading schemes).” 
The issue itself portends the possibility that 
those who purchase carbon credits will obtain the 
“property rights” of the carbon sequestered in 
trees and other natural elements found in the 
area tied to those carbon credits, opening the 
door to land grabs through carbon markets. 
Notably, there is no clear definition of carbon 
rights and it is unclear, due to the fact that 
their contracts with jurisdictions/governments 
are not publicly available, how GREEN+ views the 
issue of carbon rights in relation to property rights.

EcoRegistry and Cercarbono are also both 
with AirCarbon Exchange (ACX), “the world’s first 
fully digital carbon exchange,” established in 
2019 with the Singapore Sustainable Energy 
Association – subsidized by the Singapore 
government’s Enterprise Singapore ­– and 
by the UN. ACX was founded by 
Thomas McMahon, an over 30 year veteran of the 
commodities and derivatives industry, having 
spent over 20 years at the New York Mercantile 
Exchange before establishing himself in 
Singapore, where ACX is based. ACX is Singapore’s 
first international carbon credit exchange, 
by McMahon “due to demand for carbon credits from 
the airline industry.” The exchange uses 
distributed ledger technology, specifically the 
Ethereum blockchain, to trade six different 
tokenized carbon credits, boasting settlement for 
“as low as $3 per 1,000 CO2 tonnes.” While ACX 
began mainly by focusing on the airline industry, 
the exchange now has over 160 clients ranging 
from financial institutions to project 
developers. Between January and August 2021, over 
5.7 million CO2 tonnes were traded on the 
exchange. Mubadala, the Abu Dhabi sovereign 
wealth fund, 
a 20% stake in the company, with the intent to 
build a carbon exchange in the UAE. ACX is 
<https://acx.net/about-us/>also partnered with 
IETA (more on them below), as well as the Carbon 
Business Council, and the International 
Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC). It 
can be assumed that ACX will be the exchange on 
which GREEN+ carbon credits will be traded due to 
its partnerships with GREEN+’s credit certifier and registry.

Both Cercarbono and EcoRegistry were also 
recently integrated into Xpansiv, which “operates 
the leading multi-registry, multi-asset 
environmental portfolio management system and 
market data service” as well as 
the “largest spot exchange for environmental 
commodities, including carbon credits and 
renewable energy certificates.” Xpansiv is backed 
by Blackstone, which poured 
million into the company, with other investors 
including British Petroleum (BP) Ventures, Bank 
of America and Goldman Sachs. Xpansiv’s CBL 
<https://xpansiv.com/geo/>has partnered 
<https://xpansiv.com/n-geo/>extensively with CME 
(Chicago Mercantile Exchange) Group, which is one 
of the world’s main derivatives exchanges, and 
together they have produced several futures contracts on carbon markets.

Cercarbono and EcoRegistry also both share an 
affiliation with the International Emissions 
Trading Association, or IETA. Founded in 1999 
the auspices of the UN, IETA “is dedicated to the 
establishment of linked trading systems to ensure 
efficient and competitive GHG [greenhouse gas] 
markets.” Its inaugural members included the 
titans of the oil and manufacturing industries. 
members include AngloAmerican mining, Saudi 
Aramco, Bank of America, Bayer/Monsanto, Cargill, 
Chevron, Citi Group, Dow Chemical, ExxonMobil, 
Goldman Sachs, Koch Industries, PetroChina and 
commodities company Glencore. Another company 
that is a member of IETA is StoneX, which is 
partnered with the aforementioned exchange ACX 
and is sponsoring the launch of GREEN+ satellites 
in Miami later this month. IETA is also 
of the aforementioned Climate Action Data Trust, 
along with EcoRegistry, the World Bank and others.

IETA is also 
behind the ICROA accreditation program, which 
Cercarbono and most other carbon credit 
certification standards of note have received. 
These include the world’s leading carbon credit 
certifier Verra, which was recently embroiled in 
major scandal when it was revealed that 90% of 
their most common category of carbon credits were 
“worthless” despite being ICROA (and IETA) approved.


As the digital carbon credit industry grows into 
a multi-trillion dollar market upheld by smart 
contracts on a distributed ledger, so too does 
the need for participants to access 
metric-specific data to insure the eventual pay 
outs of green bonds. For example, the company 
Atos, best known for its 
Games IT partnership since 1989, raised $916 
million in sustainability-linked bonds at the end 
of 2021. According to 
press release in November 2021, the bonds were 
issued with “an eight-year maturity and one 
percent coupon,” with a clause that the annual 
interest rate paid during the “last three years 
will be unchanged if the company reduces its 
annual GreenHouse Gas CO2 emissions (Scopes 1, 2 
& 3) by 50 percent in 2025 compared to 2019.” 
While these particular bonds were not authored 
using a blockchain, there remains the now-sudden 
economic incentive – a one percent coupon on 
nearly $1 billion – to deliver 
real world data to the participants, the state of 
which determines the eventual payout. These bonds 
were issued with BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, and 
J.P. Morgan acting as Global Coordinators and 
with Joint Bookrunners such as HSBC, Morgan 
Stanley, Banco Santander, Bank of America 
Securities, and Wells Fargo Securities, among 
others, with Rothschild & Co “acting as financial 
advisor to Atos SE.” An 
from Data Center Dynamics on the raise makes note 
of the common trend of “sustainability-linked 
financing” among data center and communication 
firms, referencing how 
all raised “funds or converted existing debt to 
include interest rates tied to sustainability and 
ESG goals” within the last year.

When the eventual payout of billions of dollars 
in cleverly-authored green bonds comes down to 
accurate measurements of carbon molecule density 
over a vast land mass, such as a South American 
rainforest, the market for reliable data service 
providers has quite literally left the 
atmosphere. As the debt instruments of the 
private sector evolve alongside the proliferation 
of blockchain technology, the data that makes 
these smart contracts execute to eventually 
settle the issued bond no longer goes to a human 
arbitrator, but rather a consciousness-free 
protocol that reduces a pair of potential 
outcomes to a single output. In the case of a 
sustainability-linked green bond, if the carbon 
emissions of a business are not empirically 
reduced beyond a relative metric at a certain 
time – both data points of which are determined 
at the issuance of the smart contract and thus 
willingly agreed-upon by both parties – the 
coupon on the bond is not paid out. With the 
carbon credit market presenting itself as one of 
the preferred debt instruments of the modern era, 
the aforementioned Satellogic – an 
intelligence-linked company focused on 
privatizing the data from satellite surveillance 
with an advisory board full of key players in the 
digital debt system – finds itself ready to act 
as a crucial pillar of the encroaching new financial system.

Satellogic was co-founded in 2010 by 
Kargieman, its current CEO, and 
Richarte, its current CTO, after spending “some 
time” at the NASA Ames Campus in Mountain View, 
CA. According to press releases on 
website, Satellogic is “the first vertically 
integrated geospatial company” that is building 
“the first scalable, fully automated EO [Earth 
Observation] platform” with capabilities to 
“remap the entire planet at both high-frequency 
and high-resolution” in order to generate 
“accessible and affordable solutions for 
customers.” Their listed mission is “to 
democratize access to geospatial data through its 
information platform of high-resolution images 
and analytics” to help solve the world’s most 
pressing problems” of which they list “climate 
change, energy supply, and food security.” Other 
Satellogic documentation reveals that by 
“democratize,” they mean expand satellite 
surveillance from the public sector (i.e. 
governments and security agencies) into the 
private sector. Due to their “patented Earth 
imaging technology,” Satellogic “unlocks the 
power of EO” to deliver “high-quality, planetary 
insights” at “the lowest cost in the industry.”

Both Kargieman and Richarte previously worked for 
Security Technologies, which Kargieman 
co-founded, with clients such as Apple, Cisco, 
Homeland Security, NSA, NASA, Lockheed Martin, 
and DARPA. In 1998, Core Security was recognized 
as an “Endeavor Entrepreneur” by the Endeavor 
Foundation and in 2002, Morgan Stanley invested 
$1.5 million into Core Security, with the bank 
gaining a seat on the board. The company was also 
funded by Bank of America in its 
A. Kargieman later founded Aconcagua Ventures in 
a joint venture with Craig Cogut’s Pegasus 
Capital, and served as a Member of the Special 
Projects Group at the World Bank. As previously 
noted, Cogut’s Pegasus Capital is also a main 
funder of CC35. Another Core Security 
Technologies employee that migrated to Satellogic 
with Kargeiman and Richarte is 
Cohen, a former Israeli intelligence officer who 
is now Satellogic’s head of “special projects.”

round raise was funded by Ariel Arrieta and NXTP 
Ventures, Starlight Ventures – which Kargieman 
advises – and Santiago Pinto Escalier of 
Endeavor. As stated earlier in this article, NXTP 
is a funder of GREEN+ member Rootstock as well as 
the tokenization firm created by Rootstock’s 
co-founder, Koibanx. Chinese tech giant Tencent, 
which owns a significant stake in Elon Musk’s 
Tesla, invested in Satellogic’s 
A as did Endeavor Catalyst, which is run by 
LinkedIn/PayPal’s Reid Hoffman, and Valor 
Capital. Valor Capital, whose partners include 
tied to US military and intelligence activities 
in Latin America as well as 
development on the continent, invested in 
Satellogic’s Series B, again joined by Tencent, 
with the Inter-American Development Bank 
(mentioned more than once in this article) 
joining in the company’s Series C funding round.

In July 2021, Satellogic 
public with a $1.1 billion valuation through a 
“merger with Cantor Fitzgerald’s CF Acquisition 
Corp. V,” with J.P. Morgan serving as the 
“exclusive financial advisor to Satellogic,” with 
a “concurrent PIPE offering of $100 million led 
by SoftBank’s SBLA Advisers Corp” alongside 
Cantor Fitzgerald and “other top-tier 
institutional investors,” including former US 
Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin’s 
Liberty Strategic Capital. Mnuchin’s recently 
created venture capital firm, along with 
Softbank, are 
investors in Cybereason, a controversial company 
tied to Israeli intelligence that 
simulated the hacking of US critical 
infrastructure in order to cancel a US 
presidential election and spur the declaration of 
martial law. Mnuchin’s firm also includes 
ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, and 
to recruit former Mossad director Yossi Cohen, 
who instead went on to join Softbank. Joseph 
Dunford, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of 
Staff under Trump who is now senior managing 
director of Mnuchin’s firm, is on the 
board of Cybereason while Mnuchin is on its board 
of directors. Both Mnuchin and Dunford 
simultaneously sit on the board of Satellogic and 
Mnuchin is Satellogic’s chairman.

Satellogic’s board also includes Howard Lutnick, 
longtime head of Cantor Fitzgerald (as well as 
Jeffrey Epstein’s 
and a major 
Galperin, the founder and CEO of MercadoLibre who 
is closely associated with Endeavor, a Satellogic 
funder; Former Facebook and Twitter lawyer turned 
venture capitalist 
Killalea, former Chief Information Security 
Officer and Vice President of Security for Amazon 
who is also on the board of Capital One; and 
Gutiérrez, a Partner and a Co Chief Investment 
Officer at The Rohatyn Group. Gutiérrez 
worked with Nicholas Rohatyn at J.P. Morgan, 
where Rohatyn positioned the bank to become a 
leader in taking ownership of distressed 
government debt in the 1980s and 1990s, with a 
focus on Latin America. Gutiérrez was involved 
with J.P. Morgan’s debt markets in Argentina, 
before becoming its head of Latin America 
Emerging Markets and later head of Global Emerging Market Sales.

release about Satellogic’s SPAC paints a clear 
picture of the hefty value proposition behind the 
public offering, which boasts that Satellogic is 
the “proven leader in Earth Observation” with “17 
commercial satellites” currently in orbit, more 
than “the next four Earth Observation companies 
combined.” The satellite company’s vertical 
product stack offers “enhanced analytics 
capabilities” with “commercial, sustainability, 
and government applications” by providing a “live 
catalog” daily of “every square meter of Earth,” 
providing “vital information to power the 
conversation around global challenges” such as 
“climate change, water and energy use, and food supply.”

In the SPAC press release, Cantor’s Howard 
Lutnick stated that “Satellogic is uniquely 
positioned to dominate the Earth Observation 
industry. Its technology, data, and analytics 
have vast use cases across countless industries.” 
Kargieman echoed these remarks: “We think this is 
a winner takes most or winner takes all market. 
This is a supply limited market – governments 
just can’t get enough data today; there’s not enough satellites out there.”

This is also true for the private sector. 
Satellogic showed CNBC a then-current investor 
deck which exemplified the true economic 
potential of dominating “the Earth Observation 
industry.” Kargieman noted that the company had 
completed “a pilot program” with “a major oil and 
gas corporation,” in which the company required 
surveillance data for “about 1,800 miles of 
pipeline every other week.” Doing this visual 
audit with airplanes “cost about $750 per mile,” 
whereas Satellogic “demonstrated similar 
detection capabilities” for less than $60 per 
mile. While Satellogic failed to clear $0 of 
revenue in 2020, the company was expecting to see 
that “tick up” due to new contracts that began 
generating revenue in the spring of 2021. 
According to an investor slide deck, the company 
had a backlog of about $38 million in signed 
contracts around when they went public, but was 
predicting “$800 million in opportunities over the next two years.”

In their 
year 2022 financial results update, Satellogic 
CEO Kargieman tallied “34 satellites in orbit” 
making “the largest commercial fleet of sub-meter 
resolution satellites” and thus “well positioned 
to capitalize on the growing demand for Earth 
Observation data and satellites.” Kargieman 
claimed their revenue grew “42% year-over-year” 
due in large part to their “Asset Monitoring” and 
“Constellation-as-a-Service” businesses. 
Satellogic’s new Space Systems, or satellite 
sales business, “creates a satellite purchase 
program that aims to lower the financial barrier 
to Earth Observation spacecraft ownership” 
according to CFO Rick Dunn. “Space Systems is 
designed to offer governments asset ownership to 
enhance national geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) 
with global tasking autonomy
 Going forward, 
revenue will be driven by our continued growth in Asset Monitoring.”

Luciano Giesso, Sales Director for Satellogic has 
stated that Latin America is “an area of focus 
for us.” He explained a current trend of Latin 
America being “increasingly focused on space 
technologies” in order to “create new 
infrastructures” that “unlock the benefits of 
satellite data” throughout multiple industries. 
The press release states Satellogic’s position is 
informed by their view that “countries unequipped 
with their own satellites” are thus “limited in 
their ability” to meaningfully “capture data 
about their policy implementation and 
infrastructure.” Satellogic’s Dedicated Satellite 
Constellation Program is specifically marketed as 
a product for “strategic national interests” 
allowing “governments of all sizes” to create 
“unique earth-observation programs” to “support 
key decisions and manage policy impact, measure 
investment and socio-economic progress, and 
foster collaboration, data and information sharing, and innovation.”

The stated mission of Satellogic is to privatize 
and monopolize Earth Observation in the form of 
satellite surveillance sold as a service to both 
the public and private sectors. Palantir, 
private sector intelligence firm led by PayPal 
founder Peter Thiel and created with 
funds to replace a controversial 
mass surveillance and data-mining program, 
committed to a 
year strategic partnership wth Satellogic. 
Satellogic’s partnership with Palantir enables 
its “government and commercial customers”, which 
CIA and 
Morgan, access to Satellogic’s Aleph platform 
APIs to feed raw satellite imagery to Palantir’s 
MetaConstellation and Edge AI. This partnership 
builds on a previous collaboration between 
Satellogic and Palantir to “field unique AI 
capabilities to the orbital edge,” including 
“live upgrades to the satellite’s onboard AI” 
that enables “an ultra-low-latency maritime 
use-case.” Palantir and Satellogic customers, 
which include the 
Space Systems Command, 
the government of 
and others, will soon have access to the Edge AI 
platform running on Satellogic satellites “to 
offer customers tailored AI insights” which is 
expected to increase Satellogic’s business of 
“data products, streamline pipeline management, 
and further scale customer delivery required for 
weekly and daily world remaps.”

“The holistic capabilities of Palantir’s Foundry 
will be instrumental in helping Satellogic 
realize our mission to improve life on Earth 
through geospatial data,” commented Matthew 
Tirman, President of Satellogic North America. 
Tirman later made note that within this 
agreement, Satellogic will provide “Palantir’s US 
government customers” with access to 
“high-resolution satellite imagery” which will 
“drive analytical insights across a range of 
mission-oriented use cases.” Other notable 
private-public sector partnerships of Satellogic 
include the 
which in late 2021 
with Honeywell to “produce laser crosslinks” for 
both commercial and military satellites, 
including for the Pentagon’s Space Development 
Agency, as well as with 
Web Services, to facilitate the “50 gigabytes of 
data per day” per satellite, which “beams to 
Earth with the help of the Amazon.com Inc. unit’s AWS Ground Station service.”

While it is surely a profitable venture, what 
Satellogic truly enables is venture capital 
access to high resolution data of every single 
square meter on Earth. Space surveillance as a 
service allows the operators themselves to fill 
up on up-to-date information of the world’s 
industry, energy use, transportation, commodity 
storage, and asset consumption – information that 
could influence a firm’s decision while playing 
in the private markets. It could also be used by 
the public-private partnership engineering global 
technocratic policies that seek to limit 
consumption, industrialization and energy use by 
the public and enforce them via space.

Outside of this metric-driven advantage, the 
aforementioned transition to a universal ledger 
upholding and settling the majority of financial 
(including purely speculative) activity will 
require obscene amounts of data. If the private 
sector’s so-called commodity-backed, Real World 
Asset tokens are to take off in any meaningful 
way, highly reliable satellite imagery will be 
needed to uphold billions of dollars of value. 
Any push towards smart contract-derived money 
representing tangible objects will demand exactly 
the data Satellogic intends to not only supply 
but sell as a service – to any firm, or government.


The idea of green finance, in which private firms 
utilize data and physical elements from the real 
world to create novel economic instruments such 
as bonds based on carbon emissions, necessitates 
government-upheld agreements and eventual 
court-based litigation as the ability to find 
consensus, thus acting as the enabling 
environment, for the settlement of large values 
of securities between the public and private 
sector. Regulation and contractual agreements 
between governments and their commercial sector 
partners require not just the literal letter of 
the law, but vetted insurance brokers, data 
firms, legislative bureaucrats, and various other 
accredited lawyers to dictate the grounds in 
which business can be legally conducted. The 
private-public partnership has become continually 
blurred by the relaxing of regulation restricting 
how corporations can influence current and 
aspiring politicians via campaign fundraising. In 
turn, this group of purchased public sector 
employees must repay the corporations responsible 
for their successful attempts at gaining office, 
leading to the push for further dissolution of 
certain laws that prevented their donors from 
gaining footholds within a once-regulated market. 
No longer is the public sector primarily beholden 
to their constituents, but rather their corporate donors.

This ongoing dynamic has led to a runaway 
feedback of legal corruption and conspiracy 
between these ostensibly delineated sectors. The 
net result of the public-private partnerships 
that upholds the CC35, Green+ and Satellogic 
collaborations is due to the calculated focus on 
regional governments, thus finding their enabling 
environment through pacts and treaties at the subnational level.

Once larger regulatory “fish are fried,” the 
fight for further interoperability of digital 
assets (such as dollar instruments) moves down to 
the regional governments of the Global South. For 
regulation allowing US banks to custody digital 
assets and stablecoins was put forth by former 
OneWest official and Coinbase VP Brian Brooks 
while he served as comptroller of the currency 
under Mnuchin in the Trump administration. Once 
world governments, local and national, are forced 
onboard the universal ledger, the enabling 
environment will trend towards the ledger itself 
– a product of the private sector – and further 
out of the hands of the public sector.

This capturing of the commons by the private 
sector via a revolving door of 
public-then-private operators has been done 
before, such as during the Plaza Accord, the 
creation of Brady Bonds, the dissolution of 
Glass-Steagall, the demolition of Enron, the 2008 
financial crisis, and the COVID-19 fiscal 
response. The intended future of blockchain – now 
that US regulators have embraced Bitcoin as an 
asset and universal ledger – is to serve as the 
new enabling environment, complete with its very 
own digital dollar instruments, most likely backed by US government debt.

There are very few people in the world more 
responsible for the digitization of the dollar 
than Steve Mnuchin and Howie Lutnick – the 
former’s VC firm now consists of 
members from his stint at the Treasury, while the 
latter’s firm Cantor Fitzgerald holds the 
securities for Tether, the world’s largest 
dollar-denominated stablecoin that recently 
crossed $100 billion issued – and here they are 
partnering with the richest man in Argentina and 
the founder of the largest online marketplace (as 
well as crypto marketplace) in Latin America, Marcos Galperin.

The network of firms associated with Galperin’s 
MercadoLibre – Xapo, Paxos, Circle, Visa, among 
others – is rife with board members and venture 
capital from the “PayPal Mafia,” as well as the 
Argentine advisor group Endeavor. These powerful 
organizations, successors to groups like ADELA 
that spurred the creation of the Club of Rome and 
chose the winners of Latin America’s corporate 
landscape, have made it clear that they foresee 
this fundamental market transition. They have 
quietly positioned themselves to dominate the 
main pillars of the new financial system in Latin 
America and the world at large: regulated banking 
services, global marketplaces, payment 
processing, digital asset infrastructure, and 
capital creation monopolies. As we will see, this 
financial system is not about “inclusion” or 
“sustainability” as professed, but about using 
and deepening Latin America’s debt burden to 
force policy changes while enforcing foreign 
control over the region’s economic activity and 
governance, all under the watchful “eyes” of US intelligence-linked satellites.

To Be Continued.


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