[Lac] [Fwd: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Report on CSB meeting from Media Caucus rep.]

Beatriz Busaniche busaniche at caminandoutopias.org.ar
Fri Feb 27 16:40:36 GMT 2004

Aquí hay más material sobre la reunión de buro celebrada ayer en Ginebra
y dela que lamentablemente no ha participado ningún latinoamericano
(hasta donde se).

Erick, es cierto lo que decís que " a ver cuándo pasan algo en español o
portugués".. imagino que habrás visto la discusión que hubo en estos
días sobre las traducciones al francés!

creo que la situación está empeorando sistemáticamente y seguirá
empeorando con el correr de los meses hacia tunez.

Pero la cuestión del idioma nos incumbe a nosotros mucho y por eso hago
este llamado. A veces siento que sólo dos o tres de nosotros estamos
activos en la plenaria de la sociedad civil de la cmsi, el ámbito último
de decisiones  ydiscusiones de nuestra estructura organizativa
(cuestionable o no, pero vigente!).

si bien es obvio que el idioma es una limitación, que haya o no
circulación de mensajes en español en esas listas es también
responsabilidad nuestra. 

hagamos un mea culpa, y pongamos a nuestra región como prioridad. Yo se
que podemos discutir cantidades de cosas y nunca llegar a un consenso en
esta lista, pero si hay algo que no dudo que todos vamos a consensuar de
inmediato es en que debemos levantar a nuestra región en este proceso.
Si nosotros mismos no lo hacemos, nadie lo hará por nosotros.


-----Mensaje reenviado-----
From: Tracey Naughton <t.naughton at iafrica.com>
To: plenary at wsis-cs.org
Subject: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Report on CSB meeting from Media Caucus rep.
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 11:28:44 +0200

Hello Everyone,

I am pasting below a short report on yesterdays CSB meeting, from the media
Caucus representative.

Best regards


About 15 people attended, including Louise Lassonde and Alain Clerc,
who chaired the meeting.
    From Alain's lengthy introduction, the outlook for the Tunis Summit
looks bleak.
    The ITU has no money or desire to continue, and has basically
abandoned the driving seat. Kofi Annan has not responded to a request from
Mr Utsumi that other organizations should be brought in to take the wheel.
Mr Gagné is no longer in charge. The executive secretariat is now in the
hands of one Swiss and one Japanese under Mr Utsumi, but they have provided
no guidance or orientation for the intergovernmental side.  Tunis was
expecting the executive secretariat to take a leading role. It hasn't. No
date has been fixed for a first Prepcom.  No papers have been submitted by
Utsumi to a high-level meeting, to be chaired by Kofi Annan on 1 April,
whose agenda will include the WSIS. Etc etc.
    A relevant ITU document on the situation is WG/WSIS/5/6.
    Alain and Louise will work until end-March, but withdraw at that
point if things do not become clear, and/or if no adequate funding for civil
society participation has been identified.  According to Alain, the Civil
Society bureau is the only entity looking actively towards Part II.  He
hopes its work will be helpful for the Tunis meeting next week.
    Clere saw three possible approaches for the second part of the
    1.    concentration on a "charter", a proposal welcomed by some
governments, with development of targets to be developed from the existing
declaration and action plan.
    2.    a more "thematic" approach, which would mean civil society
becoming active in a whole series of working groups.
    3.    view Tunis as an implementation summit "Geneva Plus Two" -
but two years is too short a time.
    It was agreed that civil society representatives attending the Tunis
meeting should sound loud alarm bells. Full civil society partnership in a
Summit should not be an excuse for intergovernmental organizations to shrug
off their responsibility for organizing it.
    As you see, we did not get round to questions of content ...
    I hope this is useful.
    Best regards,

Nyaka - Communication & Development
Tracey Naughton
201 Somerset Hall
239 Oxford Road
Illovo  2196
South Africa

Phone/fax:    +27 (0) 11 880 5030
cell:               +27 (0) 82 821 1771
Email:              t.naughton at iafrica.com

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