Fwd: Greenpepper coordinator

The Land Is Ours office at tlio.demon.co.uk
Mon Sep 25 14:53:43 BST 2000

>From: "Green Pepper" <greenpep at eyfa.org>
>Organization: European Youth For(est) Action
>To: donaldpols at hotmail.com, fiorenzo at telenia.it, fixe at libero.it,
>         cecam at EUnet.yu, MiraD at EUnet.yu, mirjana_d at iname.com,
>         kujza at cci.glasnet.ru, cyberun at mail.ru, christi4n at netscape.net,
>         sezi at bigfoot.com, kom at pma.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua, dianaordonez at hotmail.com,
>         ellanrg at hotmail.com, jdunlea at tni.org, dimax at seznam.cz,
>         hristo_simeonov at hotmail.com, dragan at bichat.inserm.fr,
>         karishmabudhdev at hotmail.com, kbudhev at yahoo.com, kireev at glasnet.ru,
>         almloc at hotmail.com, Ayngelina at hotmail.com, kleber at mixer.toppoint.de,
>         geocer at mmc.net.ge, jo at xs4all.nl, isalive at aol.com, paranoia at clix.pt,
>         medplat at -l@eyfa.org, ekotopia-l at eyfa.org, gp-l at eyfa.org,
>         cia-l at eyfa.org, greenpep at eyfa.org, corpwatch at igc.org,
>         FIC at OLN.comlink.apc.org, freepress at cpbf.demon.co.uk, 
> underc at gn.apc.org,
>         jo at xs4all.nl, a-infos at tao.ca, acf at tierra.UCSD.Edu,
>         www at tlio.demon.co.uk, franktanja at hotmail.com, brian at nerve.com,
>         counterfeet at excite.com, carbusters at wanadoo.fr, doordtp at yahoo.co.uk,
>         "/www.medialibre.org at http":, praxis at gonebad.net,
>         donaldpols at hotmail.com, fiorenzo at telenia.it, fixe at libero.it,
>         cecam at EUnet.yu, MiraD at EUnet.yu, mirjana_d at iname.com,
>         kujza at cci.glasnet.ru, cyberun at mail.ru, christi4n at netscape.net,
>         sezi at bigfoot.com, kom at pma.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua, dianaordonez at hotmail.com,
>         ellanrg at hotmail.com, jdunlea at tni.org, dimax at seznam.cz,
>         hristo_simeonov at hotmail.com, dragan at bichat.inserm.fr,
>         karishmabudhdev at hotmail.com, kbudhev at yahoo.com, kireev at glasnet.ru,
>         almloc at hotmail.com, Ayngelina at hotmail.com, kleber at mixer.toppoint.de,
>         geocer at mmc.net.ge, jo at xs4all.nl, isalive at aol.com, arfo at cdl.com.br,
>         subcom.marcos at t0.or.at, adam at aseed.antenna.nl, afisch at hotmail.com,
>         baep at telbank.pl, attac at rosa.bok.net, ctech at alcor.concordia.ca,
>         libertarios at zipmail.com.br, sysop at alcor.concordia.ca,
>         diopeste at mail.telepac.pt, anarquismo_hoje at egroups.com,
>         matoscabo at hotmail.com, dale.coleman at cibc.com,
>         info-diplo at london.monde-diplomatique.fr, markus at eyfa.org,
>         elena at eyfa.org, tjuv at mail.telepac.pt, george at eyfa.org, gp-l at eyfa.org,
>         paxaran at antenna.nl, klubo at correionet.com.br, 
> adamj at interchange.ubc.ca,
>         kya at iname.com, m31 at azul.net, malcolmx73 at hotmail.com,
>         jnicolau at bigfoot.com, kata at eyfa.org, rpereira at fc.ul.pt,
>         manuel.portugal at rtp.pt, lucarecupero at usa.net, journal at attac.org,
>         pim at eyfa.org, sheehanigans at yahoo.com, ecotopia at banat.ro,
>         n_vaz at yahoo.com, sikes23 at yahoo.com, palbuquerque at yahoo.com,
>         comunazarabatana at hotmail.com, dian at digicom.bg, greenpep at eyfa.org,
>         cks at eyfa.org, joseph at levego.zpok.hu, kata at eyfa.org, pim at eyfa.org,
>         ecotopia at banat.ro, chayes at antenna.nl, nsingidunum at yahoo.com,
>         akul at webber.kiev.ua, keculiak at hotmail.com, rafalpan at zigzag.pl,
>         markus at eyfa.org, gareth at eyfa.org, office at eyfa.org, paula at eyfa.org,
>         carcavelos at netscape.net, dlmloc at hotmail.com, 
> 1003021616 at compuserve.com,
>         100343.107 at compuserve.com, a.froggatt at btinternet.com,
>         a.schmidt at gryps.comlink.apc.org, a-spire at geocities.com,
>         a9702634 at unet.univie.ac.at, ableton at club-internet.fr, ac at xs4all.nl,
>         ace at snore.org, acfenv at peg.apc.org, acme-tat at iname.com,
>         actionupdate at gn.apc.org, actnow at gn.apc.org, adam at kud-fp.si,
>         adela at ecn.cz, aduta at pcnet.pcnet.ro, advice at squat.freeserve.co.uk,
>         aep at aber.ac.uk, afu01b at bangor.ac.uk, agoston at goncol.zpok.hu,
>         aikopczr at artemida.amu.edu.pl, akossid at mail.ariadne-t.gr, akra at dds.nl,
>         akul at gu.kiev.ua, alban.marino at mail.cnc.fr, alef at post.tau.ac.il,
>         aleksejscira at yahoo.com, alexanderc at iname.com,
>         alexeyp at diala.greenpeace.org, an74570 at anon.penet.fi, ana.t at verat.net,
>         ana_candea at yahoo.com, anatbi at post.tau.ac.il, anavin at master.gradri.hr,
>         andereu at andereuropa.xs4all.nl, andrearz at eden.rutgers.edu,
>         andreas at eyfa.org, ann at kheta.ge, anna.jonsson at mp.se,
>         anne-sophie at merot.freeserve.co.uk, anne_orenstein at yahoo.com,
>         AnnHolton at careers.cam.ac.uk, annv at ove.org, antje.rothemund at eycb.hu,
>         anvar at glasnet.ru, aprils at igc.org, arcturos at the.forthnet.gr,
>         arkadash at info-ist.comlink.apc.org, arpad at ftk.zpok.hu,
>         arunef!@radicalfluff.demon.co.uk, aseedeur at aseed.antenna.nl,
>         astancic at wwonline.com, asyajai at yahoo.com, atgaja at kaunas.omnitel.net,
>         attack at zamir.net, aubertj at obs.ujf-grenoble.fr, ausve at sc.ktu.lt,
>         avizet at club-internet.fr, ayg950 at cj.aubg.bg,
>         b.eschenbrenner at ac-nancy-metz.fr, b.j.h.matthews at uea.ac.uk,
>         babe_zg at zamir-zg.ztn.apc.org, bac at balkanaction.org,
>         ballycastle at corrymeela.org.uk, bart at bundersbos.demon.nl,
>         barbyg at zamir.net, bio at mdearn.cri.md, boicenco at alpha.rmri.ro,
>         bbpdx at aol.com, bbsr at vitebsk.unibel.by, bcaf at mail.erix.net,
>         bdzp_pd at plovdiv.techno-link.com, beanfluff at hotmail.com,
>         beeretz at stud-mailer.uni-marburg.de, begeest at antenna.nl, 
> bemf at unacs.bg,
>         ben.macconnell at ecn.cz, ben at tlio.demon.co.uk, benjosborn at hotmail.com,
>         beric at sprint.ca, bethan at hotmail.com, bgeve at hotmail.com, 
> biblio at iht.com,
>         bimadem at lotus.mpt.com.mk, bimadem at mpt.com.mk, bluelist at bluelink.net,
>         bobdj at djurdjevic.com, bothends at antenna.nl, bourgain at idf.inserm.fr,
>         bryony.whiting at university-college.ox.ac.uk, bspb_hq at main.infotel.bg,
>         bulk at omslag.antenna.nl, bvs at rsdc.riga.lv, c_ciardelli at infores.be,
>         caat at gn.apc.org, cara at eyfa.org, carbusters at wanadoo.fr, cat at zamir.net,
>         cath.lemiere at charline.be, catherine.candelier at environnement.gouv.fr,
>         cea at iol.ie, ceie at bulnet.bg, cgyr at ezinfo.ethz.ch, 
> charlot at inforamp.net,
>         chiche_littoral at innocent.com, chicheav at caramail.com, chilikov at nat.bg,
>         chr at cserv.mgu.bg, christophe.pochic at wanadoo.fr, 
> christy at fs2.bp.rec.hu,
>         citizensmithuk at hotmail.com, cks at eyfa.org, claraweiss at hotmail.com,
>         cmingus at hotmail.com, cnn.feedback at cnn.com, computeraid at cit.org.uk,
>         cornerstone at gn.apc.org, cronauer at cs.ubc.ca, cs41bk at mcs.surrey.ac.uk,
>         csdf at cserv.mgu.bg, d.germino at pi.net, danacher at hotmail.com,
>         danchev at bgearn.acad.bg, daniel.sokolov at blackbox.at, danijeld at usa.net,
>         dany at mbox.digsys.bg, davidlm at club-internet.fr, 
> dbuzar at lotus.mpt.com.mk,
>         ddraper at groundwork.org.uk, debjon at gn.apc.org, dian at digicom.bg,
>         diana_arango at hotmail.com, diko at isternet.sk, dimitrov at refer.bg,
>         diskreva at mbox.digsys.bg, divezic at alu.hr, dkolarov at hotmail.com,
>         doris_fuller at sunshine.net, dositej at stockholm.mail.telia.com,
>         doucet7513 at aol.com, dragan at bichat.inserm.fr, drmarsh at bigfoot.com,
>         dt8 at leicester.ac.uk, dwarsglj at worldaccess.nl, dweyermann at sorosny.org,
>         e98set01 at student.ceu.hu, e98yav01 at student.ceu.hu,
>         E98CLV01 at student.ceu.hu, Earl at grey42.freeserve.co.uk,
>         earthrights at gn.apc.org, earthsave at hotmail.com, ecekol at tg.com.pl,
>         eco at soton.ac.uk, ecobel at glas.apc.org, ecoc2000 at usa.net,
>         ecodefense at glas.apc.org, ecodefense at glasnet.ru,
>         ecodemics-l at segate.sunet.se, ecoline at ru.acad.bg,
>         ecologistas.madrid at nodo50.org, ecomail at tin.it,
>         ecosens at szamoca.sbnet.ro, ecotopia at banat.ro, edelweiss at spct.net,
>         edward at inter.rshmi.spb.ru, egillan at mdo.net, eingil at haaretz.co.il,
>         ekogl at bulnet.bg, ekologisten at usa.net, elecoeur at aol.com,
>         elena at dana.mk.ua, elenarueda at hotmail.com, elisa at tao.ca,
>         emil000 at usa.net, emil097 at hotmail.com, emkaym at hotmail.com,
>         emmyb at antenna.nl, erika.komon at eycb.hu, ermionif at hotmail.com,
>         et.letters at telegraph.co.uk, eugene at uyel.freenet.kiev.ua,
>         eurodusnie at dsl.nl, evs at eyfa.org, f.schoene at bonn.comlink.apc.org,
>         ferencj at mkk.zpok.hu, filewis at home.com, fiorenzo at telenia.it,
>         flora at biobel.bas-net.by, fmilan at earthday.net, fredrollet at wanadoo.fr,
>         frodo at hrz.uni-bielefeld.de, fsciemni at vub.ac.be, fuf at algonet.se,
>         gbranko at ca.com.au, genetics at gn.apc.org, gerbina at thrills-unlimited.de,
>         george at eyfa.org, gesinew at hotmail.com, gibrag at kazgu.uni.sci.kz,
>         gimmes at gimmes.antenna.nl, gkuppers at europarl.eu.int,
>         gl.dresden at ipn-b.comlink.apc.org,
>         gljohannishoehe at ipn-b.comlink.apc.org, gmccall at foe-scotland.org.uk,
>         gonderme at boun.edu.tr, govindi at hotmail.com,
>         green.line at gexpress.gn.apc.org, green at sof.cit.net, 
> greenbal at bulnet.bg,
>         greenbal at mbox.digsys.bg, greencity at t-online.de, 
> greengroup at abdn.ac.uk,
>         greenpeace at au.greenpeace.org, greenpep at eyfa.org,
>         greenscreen at gn.apc.org, grodnosch30 at glasnet.ru, groenfr at dds.nl,
>         gronn.ungdom at gronne.no, grunalternative.jugend at blackbox.at,
>         guillaume.hedouin at citoyen.com, gzirishvili at caucasus.net,
>         h.leclerc at cable.a2000.nl, h.schinowsky at jpberlin.de,
>         hannah_mk at hotmail.com, hatl at rnd.runnet.ru, hawina at antenna.nl,
>         hduha at ecn.cz, hduhapr at ecn.cz, helengeo at ut.ee,
>         henrikh at klinger.fysik.lu.se, hepi at izabell.elte.hu,
>         hero at mail.soroscj.ro, hetniem at st.jyu.fi, hogan at waldonet.net.mt,
>         holzer at akii.hu, hq at chelt-ef.freeserve.co.uk, hrvojel at zamir.net,
>         hugobaptista at hotmail.com, huub at antenna.nl, i.a.f.maxey at swansea.ac.uk,
>         i8000027 at ingstud.univ.trieste.it, icc99 at gmx.de, iik_azar at hotmail.com,
>         inese_druviete at hotmail.com, info at agp.org, info at faltbiologerna.se,
>         info at foeint.antenna.nl, info at jma.org, info at mcspotlight.org,
>         info at rastko.org.yu, info at srbica.com, info at urgent.org.uk,
>         internacional at abc.es, international at berliner-morgenpost.de,
>         international at motherearth.org, irenehahn at hotmail.com, irka at ut.ee,
>         isabelleg at bigfoot.com, ise at syfed.ro, isenatore at hotmail.com,
>         ishka at priv4.onet.pl, isoldec at yahoo.com, ivana at eyfa.antenna.nl,
>         j.bonnet at umds.ac.uk, jandreev at baraba.com, janice.bogen at mail.tju.edu,
>         janusz at pnrwi.most.org.pl, jasonk at humboldt1.com, jdoorley at hi-way.ie,
>         jean-paul.bandou at dkb.dk, jedan at rocketmail.com,
>         jeroenk at mkontakt.antenna.nl, jerome at enda.sn, jeunes at emweltzenter.lu,
>         jeunesse&ecologie at charline.be, jeunesse.et.ecologie at charline.be,
>         jeunesseetecologie at charline.be, jfranic at iskon.hr, 
> jldescri at easynet.fr,
>         jmbrule at wanadoo.fr, jmether at viiki.helzinki.fi, johanna.kojola at sll.fi,
>         jonathan at adbusters.org, jong.agalev at agalev.be, joseph at levego.zpok.hu,
>         JPilch7895 at aol.com, judith at mconf.dial.lakesnet.co.uk,
>         juha.ekholm at hamkk.fi, julcesar at usa.net, Julia at Aster.Net,
>         julie at eyfa.org, jvanpraet at nordnet.fr, jwvegte at bio.vu.nl,
>         Karishma Budhdev <kbudhdev at yahoo.com>,
>         karol.wawrzynowski at b.deloitte.com.pl,
>         Karol.Wawrzynowski at b.deloitte.com.pl, kathryn at sliven.uspc.bg,
>         Katri at motherearth.org, Katy Hathaway <katy at stonewall.org.uk>,
>         kebele at mailexcite.com, keko at antenna.nl, kinouye at sorosny.org,
>         kirsha at OLN.comlink.apc.org, kirshacan at canopusfund.org, 
> kirysha at usa.net,
>         klaas.breunissen at wxs.nl, kmandova at cserv.mgu.bg, kmindjov at mbox.cit.bg,
>         knz_malta at yahoo.com, kodjabashev at mbox.cit.bg, 
> kolaecotour at hotmail.com,
>         krugi at aprec.ru, krunchy at mol.com.mk, kuiper at knoware.nl,
>         kuka at swartz.zpok.hu, kwsic at hotmail.com, kyrychuk at alpha.rada.kiev.ual,
>         laka at knjiga.pedos.hr, lana-r at usa.net, landesbuero at janun.link-goe.de,
>         larcom at bcpl.net, laure.guillou at univ-savoie.fr, lenka.maskova at ecn.cz,
>         lentin at datacomm.iue.it, letknown at vcn.bc.ca, letters.editor at ft.com,
>         letters at independent.co.uk, letters at latimes.com, 
> levego at levego.zpok.hu,
>         lhump at antenna.nl, liga at uyel.freenet.kiev.ua, lilintoka at hotmail.com,
>         lirazel at free.fr, lokabaal at dsl.nl, ltnz at hotmail.com,
>         luchik at mail.rv.ukrtel.net, lucia.m at bigfoot.com, 
> lucia_mar at hotmail.com,
>         lukecord23 at hotmail.com, luna-cz at usa.net,
>         m.baerens at ipn-b.comlink.apc.org, m.wege at jpberlin.berlinet.de,
>         m.wege at jpberlin.de, m_leypoldt at hotmail.com, maai at mygale.org,
>         maanyst at kaapeli.fi, maast at nodo50.ix.apc.org, mach7712 at student.uu.se,
>         mail at corporatewatch.uk, malakhov at ecok.freenet.kiev.ua,
>         malley at cats.UCSC.EDU, mancef at nematode.freeserve.co.uk, marco at warp.it,
>         margret at ut.ee, mariannche at hotmail.com, marik at ut.ee,
>         marina at eco.zaporizhzhe.ua, marius2 at ut.ee, 
> martin.rocholl at foeeurope.org,
>         mateja_maraz at hotmail.com, mateodo at yahoo.com, maya at silven.uspc.bg,
>         mbernst at muse.sfusd.k12.ca.us, mbi.fm at wanadoo.fr,
>         mbohler at resulb.ulb.ac.be, mcosta at dracnet.es, medsos at ath.forthnet.gr,
>         members at wilderness.org.au, merlin at envirolink.org, MGogan at aol.com,
>         mian at mol.com.mk, michael.eulaers at agalev.be, milan at globedirect.com,
>         milvus at netsoft.ro, mmester at public.srce.hr, mmr at spherica.demon.co.uk,
>         mobuszewski at afsc.org, mojca at infocentar.hr, mojcaz at hotmail.com,
>         mscherst at uusc.org, mtimes at soros.org.mk, mvg at unacs.bg,
>         nadine.evers at bund.net, namikw at hotmail.com, nata at pdm.vt.rovno.ua,
>         natalia at nws.aubg.bg, natasha at gutta.moldova.su, natung at sn.no,
>         naturskydds.foreningen at karlstad.mail.telia.com, nelia29 at hotmail.com,
>         neravedr at yesic.com, nfaye at hotmail.com, ngocenter at unacs.bg,
>         nieman at harvard.edu, nirsnet at igc.apc.org, noppes at intouch.nl,
>         novine at eyfa.org, o.p.r.vanvliet at students.geog.uu.nl,
>         observer at herts-essex-news.co.uk, ocap at tao.ca, 
> office at ecosens.sbnet.ro,
>         office at eyfa.org, offie at sliven.uspc.bg, office at tlio.demon.co.uk,
>         oki at fesb.hr, oleg at prolog.semicond.kiev.ua, opasyuk at gluck.apc.org,
>         opinion at seatimes.com, opole at fz, osertic at public.srce.hr,
>         ospleven at bgcict.acad.bg, ostassart at met.be, osverdes at mail.telepac.pt,
>         otvoreni-krug at ri.tel.hr, ouzounov at iph.bio.bas.bg, ove at dk-online.dk,
>         owner-uk-press at xs2.greenpeace.org, ozgurozturk at softhome.net,
>         panda at flf.ukim.edu.mk, parnas at qusunt.CAS.McMaster.CA,
>         party at greens.org.ge, pavelan at bluelink.net, peacenews at gn.apc.org,
>         pekot at myself.com, peterkal at ix.netcom.com, petra at mail.dntis.ro,
>         ph.cazalis at lemel.fr, philharm at club-internet.fr, piano at ecn.cz,
>         piirimae at ut.ee, pim at eyfa.antenna.nl, piters at mail.uni-freiburg.de,
>         plenel at lemonde.fr, post3 at pravda.ru, pp3mo at aol.com, 
> ppoole at igc.apc.org,
>         praxis1 at home.com, pronatura.baselland at bluewin.ch, prop1 at prop1.org,
>         psoulignac at imrglobal.fr, publicidad at elpais.es,
>         radicalfluff at hotmail.com, radix at pathfindermail.com,
>         radovano at tusk.icn.bg, ramona.stucki at t-online.de, 
> rampenplan at antenna.nl,
>         ransu at sci.fi, ravage at antenna.nl, rcollins at netlink.com.au, 
> rds at smfa.com,
>         rebekat at hotmail.com, rec at bulnet.bg, receptie at ams.greenpeace.org,
>         redaktion at sueddeutsche.de, redplus at arminco.com, reforest at gn.apc.org,
>         reforscot at gn.apc.org, refrat at rz.hu-berlin.de, renata at oliver.efri.hr,
>         rk at glas.apc.org, rk at glasnet.ru, rmeader at SEAS.GWU.EDU,
>         roadalert at gn.apc.org, roadbusters at clara.net,
>         robert.osterbergh at cemus.uu.se, roberta at indigo.ie,
>         robwhitley at hotmail.com, rodh7 at gn.apc.org, roger_lagasse at sunshine.net,
>         rosouxb at mailhost.rennes.iep.fr, rotezora at zedat.fu-berlin.de,
>         rsilver at cam.org, rssale at flashnet.it, rts at gn.apc.org,
>         s.dresner at surrey.ac.uk, s9306030 at polynet.lviv.ua, SaintSava at aol.com,
>         salcines at ntsime.colombus.cu, sarigulgurdogar at hotmail.com,
>         saskag at usa.net, savage at easynet.co.uk, sbdean at sfu.ca,
>         schek at ecosecur.freenet.kiev.ua, school2 at nsys.minsk.by,
>         sconsult at novanet.com.br, scout at tusk.icn.bg, sdresner at ed.ac.uk,
>         sdukova at st.aubg.bg, seafriends at triada.bg, serbian_branch at voa.gov,
>         serphys at altos.rsu.ru, set at OLN.comlink.apc.org, seupress at glasnet.ru,
>         sheparde at zebra.net, shniad at sfu.ca, sidewayz8 at aol.com,
>         simon.waldman at guardian.co.uk, sirphyl at club-internet.fr,
>         skargas at hotmail.com, skops at math.acad.bg, skrati at hotmail.com,
>         skytoday at sky.co.uk, slai at uaic.ro, slovakia at motherearth.org,
>         slt at gn.apc.org, smfa at smfa.com, snovak at ibm.net, socs203 at york.ac.uk,
>         sofzoo at omega.bg, speakout at foxnews.com, spenleyk at hotmail.com,
>         sroburn at yorku.ca, Srpski.savez at mailbox.swipnet.se,
>         Standard.Online at derstandard.at, stch8006 at bureau.ucc.ie,
>         stefanb at soros.org.mk, steph at eyfa.org, steph44 at caramail.com,
>         stephan at soros.org.mk, stevewc at fs2.bp.rec.hu, stofcry at iname.com,
>         strategy at mail.serve.com, strohalm at intouch.nl, stspinoza at hotmail.com,
>         subs at vernify.i-way.co.uk, support at antenna.nl,
>         susanne.sutten at stud.wkao.wau.nl, susiecrmchs at webtv.net, 
> sustain at tao.ca,
>         svenmetzger at gmx.net, svet at glasnet.ru,
>         sylvain.godinotsylvain.godinot at wanadoo.fr, 
> syra at indexoncensorship.org,
>         szczecin at fz.most.org.pl, t.j.a.champion at sussex.ac.uk,
>         tapp at newcastle54.freeserve.co.uk, tb at tomorrowpub.se,
>         teapot at worthing.eco-action.org, tecs at umfiasi.ro, teh at teh.net,
>         tehnohit at siol.net, tesaja at utu.fi, thebird at usa.net,
>         thirdbattle at hotmail.com, time at tusk.icn.bg, tmarevic at student.math.hr,
>         tobe at innocent.com, todorstanev at hotmail.com,
>         tom.truyts at student.kuleuven.ac.be, tooker at web.net, 
> toro at mail.matav.hu,
>         totochiche at hotmail.com, tpn at banat.ro, trees at igc.apc.org,
>         trombi at okosz.zpok.hu, twf at gn.apc.org, ubf at cserv.mgu.bg,
>         ugnnau at varpas.kvm.lt, umprowe at jpberlin.berlinet.de,
>         umweltwerkstatt at 3landbox.comlink.apc.org, unimundal at hotmail.com,
>         underc at gn.apc.org, union at sheffield.ac.uk, USAlhorriga at jhsph.edu,
>         vadyapiev at usa.net, vanjabrik at hotmail.com, varka70 at hotmail.com,
>         varpunen at hotmail.com, vc at zamir-zg.ztn.apc.org,
>         veera.mustonen at helsinki.fi, veganarchist at yahoo.com,
>         vegte at cto.nioo.knaw.nl, vera at pship3.zpok.hu, vici at math.acad.bg,
>         vici at math.bas.bg, viola at ecos.bryansk.ru, vlatko at vmacedonia.com,
>         vtsaneva at mbox.digsys.bg, vvucic at sfj.opennet.org, wam at mir.org,
>         waterql at ttm.bg, wca at conk.com, webmaster at suc.org, WebMaster at suc.org,
>         webnews at washpost.com, wenuk at gn.apc.org, wide at gn.apc.org,
>         wieski at fish.ar.szczecin.pl, wild_fund at mbox.cit.bg, 
> wildwood at gn.apc.org,
>         william at ecn.cz, wolf at changenet.sk, woydtmalte.woydt at skynet.be,
>         wsu at wsu.org, xarlem at sol.racsa.co.cr, xjonasx at hotmail.com,
>         xmuxi at mx3.redestb.es, yanulis at gis.net, yawa_al at yahoo.com,
>         ycnd at gn.apc.org, yee at antenna.nl, yee at ecn.cz, yourcall at sky.co.uk,
>         yuembau at macquarie.matra.com.au, yugcon at rosebay.matra.com.au,
>         yves.aerts at agalev.be, yves_bonnardel at geocities.com, ywd at antenna.nl,
>         zamfir.ion at lmcv.sfos.ro, zana at baxter.net, zeme at com.latnet.lv,
>         zhaba at antenna.nl, zielbryg at gn.apc.org, ziskie at sgh.waw.pl,
>         zvejone at klaipeda.omnitel.net, Now.or.Never.Mailing.List at eyfa.org
>Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 16:21:49 +0200
>X-Distribution: Bulk
>Subject: Greenpepper coordinator
>Reply-to: greenpep at eyfa.org
>CC: cia-l at eyfa.org
>Priority: normal
>sorry for cross posting
>i am sending these questions to all the people who have replied to
>our job advert or that have already applied in the past and whose
>applications seem of great interest.
>to all of you that have sent your cv's or letters of motivation in
>previous selection processes, please let me know and, if possible
>send them to me again.
>i would also like to make sure it is understood that, even if this
>particular job will not be available for you (if you're older that 25
>years old or living outside of the european union) there are more
>jobs available within our collective in a very short period of time.
>here are the questions.
>the replies to these should be in my mailbox by next weekend
>(24th september).
>if, for some reason you won't be ready with them and cannot meet
>the deadline, please contact us and send us the answers whenever
>you can.
>hope to hear from all of you soon.
>questions for greenpepper coordinator
>what are your expectations regarding your stay with the
>pepperland collective and the eyfa network?
>are you interested in developing a closer look at a
>certain issue and have it published in the greenpepper?
>if so, could you describe it? why?
>do you have any past experience with ngo's or any other
>activist work? if so, please describe.
>what about coordination work? have you ever done it?
>if so, in what way would you be able to contribute to the
>greenpepper, cia office (where the greenpepper is
>produced) and the eyfa network?
>as a project coordinator you should be able to:
>1. identify needs and delegate tasks,
>2. motivate yourself and the others,
>3. organise fundraising,
>4. maintain an overview of pepperland and associated
>5. baby-sit the wide-spread, international editorial
>collective and article writers,
>6. develop (within a team), a vision for the greenpepper
>as an ongoing eyfa project,
>7. maintain a good relationship with the people sharing
>the squat where the pepperland is located.
>can you see yourself in this role?
>what is your experience with team work and consensus
>decision making?
>do you believe you can function properly in a non-
>hierarchical environment?
>how would you describe your ability to carry out tasks
>can you handle not having a boss?
>can you handle others looking for a boss in you (for
>example because they lack confidence or initiative
>have you ever been a full-time office worker before?
>did this working environment create problems for you?
>please let us know both your weak and your strong
>what sources of information do you use? in what way do
>you use them? how do you go about finding information?
>computer skills:
>what computer skills do you have  (eg. word, excel,
>pagemaker, database, design/programs; internet &
>email, etc).
>do you have experience with computer networks and
>their maintenance?
>financial Support:
>all the people in the office receive the same amount of
>financial support.
>everybody receives: 850 NLG per month for living costs;
>400NLG per month rental support; 2 return journeys
>home per year; insurance; and travel to 2 international
>meetings (normally ecotopia and the winter meeting, but
>the choice is also flexible).
>telephone interviews will be held on the 29th and 30th of
>september. please give us a time and telephone number
>where we could reach you. if, for some reason you will
>be totally uncontactable, please suggest another time for
>the interview.
>(we would like to make our final decision between the
>2nd and 6th of october, so we must talk to you before
>when would you be able to start the work? (assuming
>you were given a positive reply on the 6th October and
>that your position is available for training from the
>beginning of november on).
>good luck!
>. . . . . . . . .. G r e e n   P e p p e r . . . . . . . . . .
>alternative lifestyle & direct action tool kit
>            from the eyfa network.
>the pepperland collectif of eyfa
>POBox 94115
>1090 GC Amsterdam
>The Netherlands
>Tel. +31.20.6657743 & Fax. +31.20.6928757
>greenpep at eyfa.org
>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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