[diggers350] allotments in Camden Town? Difficult!

Simon Fairlie chapter7 at tlio.org.uk
Thu Aug 13 21:54:15 BST 2009

The rental  income of £320 per acre  for allotments  is 3 or 4 times   
the rent for decent quality  pasture which is £60 to £100 per acre.

The problem is that an acre or two bought on it s own can cost about  
£15,000 per acre. At this price it would take about 46 years to get  
your money back from allotments, and about 180 years from sheep.

According to Adam Smith, in a heathy rural economy it should take  
about 20  years to recoup the price of land by renting it out (Wealth  
of Nations Book II Chapter 3). But even the normal agricultural price  
of £5000 per acre for land sold in large lots is about 60 times the  
annual agricultural rent. In other words buying land  is unaffordable  
for farmers unless they have savings which they are prepared invest  


On 12 Aug 2009, at 21:34, james armstrong wrote:

> 1London is overpopulated with 25 million in the Thames tv catchment  
> area and the only way to get allotments is to move to  
> Dorchester .   The great wen housing and employment and crime and  
> allotments problems are un solvable  on any other terms.
> 2  After five years' graft, tonight we had runner beans, cabbage  
> and potatoes  followed by rasperries all picked yesterday from our  
> allotment.  Only the ice cream was bought.
>  we have picked kilos of blackberries and bottles of elder flowers   
> for cordial.
> 3 allotment rent is some #20 per annum, at 16 to the acre the  
> income is about the same as
> a farmer renting out a field  to a sheep raiser.
> It is a serious consideration for  a group or individual to buy an  
> acre or two and rent it out as diy 'allotments.'  its a good  
> principle that people can do what governments cant and corporations  
> wont.
> james, Dorchester
> Windows Live Messenger: Thanks for 10 great years-enjoy free winks  
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