Vince Cable on our flawed planning system
Tony Gosling
tony at
Sun Feb 7 20:16:02 GMT 2010
Vince Cable on our flawed planning system
"Planning can be tiresome, bureaucratic and
sometimes painful as for Mr Fidler with his
21st Century castle. But without it our quality of life would be far worse."
Prince Charles and newts - your castles only hope
Daily Mail - 07th February 2010
Our homes are our castles. Or perhaps not after
Surrey farmer Robert Fidler was ordered last week
to demolish his four-bedroom castle built
secretly (behind straw bales) without planning permission.
This case illustrates the different ways we look at planners.
To some, they are bullies who spend taxpayers
money stopping people doing what they want. To
others, they provide valuable protection against
greedy developers, inconsiderate neighbours, ugly
buildings and loss of open space. The truth is somewhere in the middle.
Robert and Linda Fidler stand in front of their pride and joy,
Lavish: Robert and Linda Fidler stand in front of
their pride and joy, Honeycrock Castle, as they
vow they will defend it from the bulldozers
Planning is primarily a matter for local councils
but as an MP I am often approached about planning
disputes. Great passions are aroused by the
approval of a neighbours extension that blocks
out light, overlooks the garden or is just ugly.
People feel equally passionate when their own application is turned down.
Or it could be a developer, who wants to put up a
block of houses creating traffic and parking
problems and reducing green space. The developer
will claim the project provides badly needed
homes. If those are for the homeless, the
mentally ill or ex-prisoners the emotional temperature rises on both sides.
Most difficult of all are big developments a
new town or estate, a motorway, a power station
or an airport expansion. Quality of life is set
against wider economic interests.
These questions arouse deep feelings. While there
is little we can do as individuals to save the
planet, we can exercise some control over our
local environment. That is why public meetings on
big issues even the Iraq War attract dozens
while proposals to allow housing on playing
fields or a police custody suite in a residential area pack in hundreds.
Development also touches on our deep attachment
to home ownership. When people have mortgaged to
the hilt to buy a home and poured their energies
into DIY, they will fight to the last ditch against planning blight.
Most of us are deeply ambivalent about
development. We want to do our own thing with our
own homes; but we live very close together in a
society with rules and want to see people who
cynically break them like Mr Fidler put in their place.
We value our freedom to drive and park; it is
other people who create parking problems and
congestion. We value our own property
improvements; it is other people who overdevelop.
We want new jobs; but not a factory down the road
or a windmill or aircraft noise keeping us awake.
We poke fun at NIMBY Not In My Back Yard
syndrome, but we are all NIMBYs. Planning is
about striking a balance between expansion and
conservation. There will never be a right answer.
Many people are left with a lingering sense of
injustice and a grudge against the council.
Sometimes they suspect officials and councillors
of being corrupt though corruption is worse in
national than local politics. Sometimes party politics muddies the waters too.
One difficult issue is retrospective approval for
those who built without permission. Sometimes
neighbours are anxious to see punishment for an
illegal building and are frustrated that the
system allows retrospective application. Mr
Fidler has discovered, the hard way, that
deliberately breaking the rules has painful consequences.
But I have sympathy for some of my constituents
fighting off a similar fate: houseboat owners who
built multi-storey boats having been initially
told that the rules allowed it; the family who
built a porch only a few inches too wide; a woman
told to remove her new roof because the tiles
were the wrong shade of red. Genuine mistakes
should be treated sympathetically.
The appeals system is also unfair.
A developer can appeal against a rejection of
planning permission leading to a review by a
government inspector. But if an objector loses
there is no right of appeal. So there is a bias towards developers.
Big supermarkets routinely apply, are turned
down, appeal, lose, reapply, are turned down at
appeal and appeal again until they get their way.
That is harassment and bullying. But the small
shopkeepers affected by superstores cannot appeal
once a decision has gone the wrong way.
And in future big projects will be fast-tracked
through a quango to bypass the objectors.
The Government has created an unaccountable
monster. If a big corporation with Government
backing decides your area is right for an
incinerator, an airport or a nuclear power station, you will be powerless.
The system is fiercely protective of conservation
areas, national parks and anywhere hosting
badgers, bats, snakes or newts (or which attracts
the attention of Prince Charles).
The Green Belt is still largely respected. But
for millions of people in pleasant but
unpretentious towns there are fewer safeguards.
Garden grabbing by developers is a particular worry.
Planning can be tiresome, bureaucratic and
sometimes painful as for Mr Fidler with his
21st Century castle. But without it our quality of life would be far worse.
* Vince Cable is the Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman
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