LibCon coalition rounds on Gypsies & Travellers'
Tony Gosling
tony at
Tue Jun 8 12:59:16 BST 2010
So, Gypsies and travellers were prohibited from
stopping by the side of the road as they have
always done by the 1993 CJA... then told to buy
land and live on it... but evicted when they
did... then they were told to go to council
sites.... with 4-5 yr waiting lists.... and now
David Cameron tells councils are told they no
longer have to provide these sites.
Is this about human rights and equality??
Or is it a planned programme of far right
harassment, criminalising law-abiding gypsies and travellers?
What about re-asserting the traditional right of
Gypsies to stay on all roadside sites. This seems
the only sensible way to fight this gradual
harassment of Gypsies and Travellers' fragile but precious way of life.
Threat to Gypsy and Traveller rights
* <>The Guardian, Friday 4 June 2010
The coalition government has arrived with a civil
liberties agenda
28 May). But not for the UK's most deprived and
discriminated-against minority ethnic group
Gypsies and Travellers. Already the government
has reversed progressive policies giving
incentives for local authorities to develop Gypsy
and Traveller sites, by cuts announced in the
and Communities Agency budget, cancelling all
next year's bids for sites. The
announced plans to scrap planning and
circulars which have started to give Gypsies and
Travellers a "level playing field" in planning
disputes with local authorities and planning
inspectors. According to Eric Pickles, they want
to revive the "Gypsy
<>law" of criminal
trespass. This discriminatory law was derided
when Michael Howard campaigned on it in 2005.
Detailed research has identified targets for
sites for Gypsies and Travellers, and yards for
showmen. Many have been agreed with local
authorities and progress was starting to be made.
After years of inaction on sites a cumulative
need has built up. The situation now is worse
than ever and will only get worse without new
provision. We face a future of more roadside and
unauthorised encampments, leading to inevitable
community conflict and enforcement costs to local council tax payers.
Gypsy and Traveller families have just 3,729
caravans on unauthorised sites in the whole of
England, with a further 13,708 caravans on
council and private sites
Count, July 2009) and "It is estimated that the
entire Gypsy and Traveller population could be
legally accommodated if as little as one square
mile of land were allocated for sites in England"
March 2009). We are calling on the government to
think again on its policies and stick to
progressive programmes based on civil liberties and fairness.
John Grayson (AdEd Knowledge Company and Sheffield Hallam University)
Prof Thomas Acton (Greenwich University)
Sarah Cemlyn ( Bristol University)
Marion Horton (Researcher AdEd Knowledge Company)
Sarah Wilson (Research Assistant York University)
Prof. Marjorie Mayo (Goldsmiths, London University)
Dr.Ryan Powell (Research Fellow, Sheffield Hallam University)
Andrew Ryder (Researcher)
Dr.Margaret Greenfields (Researcher)
Andrew Petrie (Researcher)
Prof Gary Craig (Durham University)
Dr Mick Wilkinson (Hull University)
Dr. Stuart Hodkinson (Research Fellow Leeds University)
Jake Bower (Romany Broadcaster)
Dr Chris Derrington ( Researcher)
Charlie Cooper (Hull University)
Dr Will Guy (Bristol University)
Dr Colin Clark (Strathclyde University)
Jon Fox (Bristol University)
Yvonne MacNamara (Director Irish Traveller Movement in Britain)
Robert Vanderbeck (Leeds University)
Dr. Philip Brown (Salford University)
Renny Mulhearn (Planning Rep Yorkshire Showmens Guild)
Quintin Bradley (Leeds Met University)
Daniela Hawryliuk (Sheffield Hallam University)
Dr. Kesia Reeve (Sheffield Hallam University)
Prof.. Margaret Ledwith (Cumbria University)
+44 (0)7786 952037
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